Address of record.

Address of record.GeneralNMFS will establish as the address of record the address used by the applicant in initial correspondence to NMFS concerning the application. Notifications of all actions affecting the applicant after establishing an address of record will be mailed to that address, unless the applicant provides NMFS, in writing, with any changes to that address. NMFS bears no responsibility if a notification is sent to the address of record and is not received because the applicant's actual address has changed without notification to NMFS.
GeneralNMFS will establish as the address of record the address used by the applicant in initial correspondence to NMFS concerning the application. Notifications of all actions affecting the applicant after establishing an address of record will be mailed to that address, unless the applicant provides NMFS, in writing, with any changes to that address. NMFS bears no responsibility if a notification is sent to the address of record and is not received because the applicant's actual address has changed without notification to NMFS.


50 CFR § 679.43

Scoping language

General. This section describes the procedure for appealing initial administrative determinations made in this title under parts 300, 679, 680, and subpart E of part 300 of this chapter.

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