GHG group

Fluorinated greenhouse gas (GHG) group means one of the following sets of fluorinated GHGs: Fully fluorinated GHGs; saturated hydrofluorocarbons with 2 or fewer carbon-hydrogen bonds; saturated hydrofluorocarbons with 3 or more carbon-hydrogen bonds; saturated hydrofluoroethers and hydrochlorofluoroethers with 1 carbon-hydrogen bond; saturated hydrofluoroethers and hydrochlorofluoroethers with 2 carbon-hydrogen bonds; saturated hydrofluoroethers and hydrochlorofluoroethers with 3 or more carbon-hydrogen bonds; fluorinated formates; fluorinated acetates, carbonofluoridates, and fluorinated alcohols other than fluorotelomer alcohols; unsaturated PFCs, unsaturated HFCs, unsaturated HCFCs, unsaturated halogenated ethers, unsaturated halogenated esters, fluorinated aldehydes, and fluorinated ketones; fluorotelomer alcohols; fluorinated GHGs with carbon-iodine bonds; or other fluorinated GHGs.


40 CFR § 98.6

Scoping language

All terms used in this part shall have the same meaning given in the Clean Air Act and in this section.

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