Allowances transferable from the opt-in source to each replacement unit.

Allowances transferable from the opt-in source to each replacement unit. The number of allowances transferable from the opt-in source to each replacement unit for the replacement of thermal energy is calculated as follows:
(c) Transfer prohibition. The allowances transferred from the opt-in source to each replacement unit shall not be transferred from the compliance account of the source that includes the replacement unit of the replacement unit to any other Allowance Tracking System account.
(d) Compliance—(1) Annual compliance certification report.
(i) As required for all opt-in sources, the designated representative of the opt-in source covered by a thermal energy plan must submit an opt-in utilization report for the calendar year as part of its annual compliance certification report under § 74.44(c)(1).
(ii) The designated representative of an opt-in source must submit a thermal energy compliance report for the calendar year as part of the annual compliance certification report, which must include the following elements in a format prescribed by the Administrator:
(A) The name, authorized account representative identification number, and telephone number of the designated representative of the opt-in source;
(B) The name, authorized account representative identification number, and telephone number of the designated representative of each replacement unit;
(C) The account identification number in the Allowance Tracking System of the source that includes the opt-in source;
(D) The account identification number in the Allowance Tracking System of each source that includes a replacement unit;
(E) The actual amount of total thermal energy reduced at the opt-in source during the calendar year, including all energy flows (steam, gas, or hot water) used for any process or in any heating or cooling application;
(F) The actual amount of thermal energy at each replacement unit, including all energy flows (steam, gas, or hot water) used for any process or in any heating or cooling application, replacing the thermal energy at the opt-in source;
(G) The actual amount of total thermal energy at each replacement unit after replacing thermal energy at the opt-in source, including all energy flows (steam, gas, or hot water) used for any process or in any heating or cooling application;
(H) Actual total fuel input at each replacement unit as determined in accordance with part 75 of this chapter;
(I) Calculations of allowance adjustments to be performed by the Administrator in accordance with paragraph (d)(2) of this section.
(2) Allowance adjustments by Administrator.
(i) The Administrator will adjust the number of allowances in the compliance account for each source that includes the opt-in source or a replacement unit to reflect any changes between the estimated values submitted in the thermal energy plan pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section and the actual values submitted in the thermal energy compliance report pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section. The values to be considered for this adjustment include:
(A) The number of allowances transferable by the opt-in source to each replacement unit, calculated in paragraph (b) of this section using the actual, rather than estimated, thermal energy at the replacement unit replacing thermal energy at the opt-in source.
(B) The number of allowances deducted from the compliance account of the source that includes the opt-in source, calculated under § 74.44(b)(2).
(ii) If the opt-in source includes in the opt-in utilization report under § 74.44 estimates for reductions in heat input, then the Administrator will adjust the number of allowances in the compliance account for each source that includes the opt-in source or a replacement unit to reflect any differences between the estimated values submitted in the opt-in utilization report and the actual values submitted in the confirmation report pursuant to § 74.44(c)(2).
(3) Liability. The owners and operators of an opt-in source or a replacement unit governed by an approved thermal energy plan shall be liable for any violation of the plan or this section at that opt-in source or replacement unit that is governed by the thermal energy plan, including liability for fulfilling the obligations specified in part 77 of this chapter and section 411 of the Act.


40 CFR § 74.47

Scoping language

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