Manufacture for commercial purposes

Manufacture for commercial purposes means: To produce, with the purpose of obtaining an immediate or eventual commercial advantage for the manufacturer, and includes among other things such manufacture of any amount of a chemical substance or mixture:
(i) For commercial distribution, including for test marketing.
(ii) For use by the manufacturer, including use for product research and development, or as an intermediate.
(2) Manufacture for commercial purposes also applies to substances that are produced coincidentally during the manufacture, processing, use, or disposal of another substance or mixture, including byproducts and impurities. Such byproducts and impurities may, or may not, in themselves have commercial value. They are nonetheless produced for the purpose of obtaining a commercial advantage since they are part of the manufacture of a chemical product for a commercial purpose.


40 CFR § 716.3

Scoping language

The definitions in section 3 of TSCA apply to this subpart. In addition, the following definitions are provided for the purposes of this subpart:

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