Effects of non-participation.

Effects of non-participation.
(1) If inmates refuse to participate in RDAP, withdraw, or are otherwise removed, they are not eligible for:
(1) If inmates refuse to participate in RDAP, withdraw, or are otherwise removed, they are not eligible for:
(i) A furlough (other than possibly an emergency furlough);
(ii) Performance pay above maintenance pay level, bonus pay, or vacation pay; and/or
(iii) A Federal Prison Industries work program assignment (unless the Warden makes an exception on the basis of work program labor needs).
(2) Refusal, withdrawal, and/or expulsion will be a factor to consider in determining length of community confinement.
(3) Where applicable, staff will notify the United States Parole Commission of inmates' needs for treatment and any failure to participate in the RDAP.


28 CFR § 550.53

Scoping language

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