Step three:

Step three: Pursuant to paragraph (3)(iii) of this section, X's dividend equivalent amount for its 1989 taxable year may not exceed the sum of the transferor's effectively connected earnings and profits and non-previously taxed accumulated effectively connected earnings and profits, determined as of the close of its 1989 taxable year, after taking into account the allocation of the transferor's earnings and profits pursuant to the election under paragraph (d)(4)(i) of this section. Based upon subdivision (ii) of this example, X's dividend equivalent amount for 1989 cannot exceed $423, which is equal to the total amount of X's effectively connected earnings and profits and non-previously taxed accumulated effectively connected earnings and profits, determined as of the close of its 1989 taxable year without regard to the allocation of earnings and profits to Y pursuant to Y's election under paragraph (d)(4)(i) of this section ($530), reduced by the amount of X's effectively connected earnings and profits and non-previously taxed accumulated effectively connected earnings and profits allocated to Y pursuant to Y's election under paragraph (d)(4)(i) of this section ($107). Thus, X's dividend equivalent amount for its 1989 taxable year is limited to $423.


26 CFR § 1.884-2T

Scoping language

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