Hazardous cargo, materials, substance or atmosphere

Hazardous cargo, materials, substance or atmosphere means:
(1) Any substance listed in 29 CFR part 1910, subpart Z;
(2) Any material in the Hazardous Materials Table and Hazardous Materials Communications Regulations of the Department of Transportation, 49 CFR part 172;
(3) Any article not properly described by a name in the Hazardous Materials Table and Hazardous Materials Communication Regulations of the Department of Transportation, 49 CFR part 172, but which is properly classified under the definitions of those categories of dangerous articles given in 49 CFR part 173; or
(4) Any atmosphere with an oxygen content of less than 19.5 percent or greater than 23 percent.


29 CFR § 1918.2

Scoping language

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