Third party.

Third party. A person or legal entity with whom a sponsor has executed a written agreement for the person or entity to act on behalf of a sponsor in the conduct of the sponsor's exchange visitor program. All entities that act on behalf of the sponsor in the conduct of the sponsor's exchange visitor program must execute written agreements with the sponsor that outline the full relationship between the entity and the sponsor on all matters involving the administration of the exchange visitor program. A sponsor's use of a third party does not relieve the sponsor of its obligations to comply, and to ensure third party compliance, with the provisions of this part. Failure by any third party to comply with the regulations set forth in this part or with any additional terms and conditions governing administration of the Exchange Visitor Program that the Department of State may from time to time impose will be imputed to the sponsor. Sponsors are required to ensure that third parties know and comply with all applicable provisions of these regulations.


22 CFR § 62.2

Scoping language

The following definitions apply to this part:

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