Net foreign capitalization amount

Net foreign capitalization amount(i) In general. An insurance company's net foreign capitalization amount equals the sum of the foreign capitalization amounts (netting positive and negative amounts) determined under paragraph (h)(5)(ii) of this section for each category of specified insurance contracts reinsured by agreements described in paragraph (h)(2) of this section. If the amount is less than zero, the company has a net negative foreign capitalization amount. If the amount is greater than zero, the company has a net positive foreign capitalization amount.
(i)In general.An insurance company's net foreign capitalization amount equals the sum of the foreign capitalization amounts (netting positive and negative amounts) determined underparagraph (h)(5)(ii)of this section for each category of specified insurance contracts reinsured by agreements described inparagraph (h)(2)of this section. If the amount is less than zero, the company has a net negative foreign capitalization amount. If the amount is greater than zero, the company has a net positive foreign capitalization amount.


26 CFR § 1.848-2

Scoping language

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