Material change

Material change means an event, occurrence, change in conditions or circumstances, or other change that results in, or could reasonably be foreseen to have, a material effect on:
(1) The resolvability of the covered company;
(2) The covered company's resolution strategy; or
(3) How the covered company's resolution strategy is implemented. Such changes include, but are not limited to:
(i) The identification of a new critical operation or core business line;
(ii) The identification of a new material entity or the de-identification of a material entity;
(iii) Significant increases or decreases in the business, operations, or funding or interconnections of a material entity; or
(iv) Changes in the primary regulatory authorities of a material entity or the covered company on a consolidated basis.


12 CFR § 381.2

Scoping language

For purposes of this part:

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