Political subdivision

Political subdivision includes a municipality; a public agency or other instrumentality of one or more States, or a public corporation, board, or commission established under the laws of one or more States.


49 CFR § 397.201

Scoping language

This subpart prescribes procedures by which:
(1) Any person, including a State, political subdivision thereof, or Indian tribe, directly affected by any highway routing designation for hazardous materials may apply to the Administrator for a determination as to whether that highway routing designation is preempted under 49 U.S.C. 5125, or § 397.69 or § 397.203 of this part; and
(2) A State, political subdivision thereof, or Indian tribe may apply to the Administrator for a waiver of preemption with respect to any highway routing designation that the State, political subdivision thereof, or Indian tribe acknowledges to be preempted by 49 U.S.C. 5125, or § 397.69 or § 397.203 of this part, or that has been determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be so preempted.

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