
Contents. The terminal report described in paragraph (a) of this section shall contain:
(1) Identification information concerning the qualified termination administrator and the plan being terminated.
(2) The total assets of the plan as of the date the plan was deemed terminated under § 2578.1(c) of this chapter, prior to any reduction for termination expenses and distributions to participants and beneficiaries.
(3) The total termination expenses paid by the plan and a separate schedule identifying each service provider and amount received, itemized by expense.
(4) The total distributions made pursuant to § 2578.1(d)(2)(vii) of this chapter and a statement regarding whether any such distributions were transfers under § 2578.1(d)(2)(vii)(B) of this chapter.
(5) The identification, fair market value and method of valuation of any assets with respect to which there is no readily ascertainable fair market value.


29 CFR § 2520.103-13

Scoping language

General. The terminal report required to be filed by the qualified termination administrator pursuant to 2578.1(d)(2)(viii) of this chapter shall consist of the items set forth in paragraph (b) of this section. Such report shall be filed in accordance with the method of filing set forth in paragraph (c) of this section and at the time set forth in paragraph (d) of this section.

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