Intermediate SPV

Intermediate SPV means a special purpose vehicle that:
(1) (i) Is a direct or indirect wholly-owned affiliate of the originator-seller; or
(ii) Has nominal equity owned by a trust or corporate service provider that specializes in providing independent ownership of special purpose vehicles, and such trust or corporate service provider is not affiliated with any other transaction parties;
(2) Is bankruptcy remote or otherwise isolated for insolvency purposes from the eligible ABCP conduit and from each originator-seller and each majority-owned affiliate in each case that, directly or indirectly, sells or transfers assets to such intermediate SPV;
(3) Acquires assets from the originator-seller that are originated by the originator-seller or acquired by the originator-seller in the acquisition of a business that qualifies for business combination accounting under GAAP or acquires ABS interests issued by another intermediate SPV of the originator-seller that are collateralized solely by such assets; and
(4) Issues ABS interests collateralized solely by such assets, as applicable.


24 CFR § 267.6

Scoping language

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