Prevailing in the locality

As described in subpart B of this partWage Determination Procedures, two types of wage determinations are issued under the Act: Prevailing in the locality or Collective Bargaining Agreement (Successorship) wage determinations. The facts related to a specific solicitation and contract will determine the type of wage determination applicable to that procurement. In addition, different types of prevailing wage determinations may be issued depending upon the nature of the contract. While prevailing wage determinations based upon cross-industry survey data are applicable to most contracts covered by the Act, in some cases the Department of Labor may issue industry specific wage determinations for application to specific types of service contracts. In addition, the geographic scope of contracts is often different and the geographic scope of the underlying survey data for the wage determinations applicable to those contracts may be different.
orCollective Bargaining Agreement (Successorship)wage determinations. The facts related to a specific solicitation and contract will determine the type of wage determination applicable to that procurement. In addition, different types of prevailing wage determinations may be issued depending upon the nature of the contract. While prevailing wage determinations based upon cross-industry survey data are applicable to most contracts covered by the Act, in some cases the Department of Labor may issue industry specific wage determinations for application to specific types of service contracts. In addition, the geographic scope of contracts is often different and the geographic scope of the underlying survey data for the wage determinations applicable to those contracts may be different.


29 CFR § 4.3

Scoping language

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