extension disapproval resolution

(5) Extension disapproval resolutions (A) For purposes of paragraph (1), the term “extension disapproval resolution” means a resolution of either House of the Congress, the sole matter after the resolving clause of which is as follows: “That the __ disapproves the request of the President for the extension, under section 2103(c)(1)(B)(i) of the Bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority Act of 2002, of the trade authorities procedures under that Act to any implementing bill submitted with respect to any trade agreement entered into under section 2103(b) of that Act after June 30, 2005 .”, with the blank space being filled with the name of the resolving House of the Congress. (B) Extension disapproval resolutions— (i) may be introduced in either House of the Congress by any member of such House; and (ii) shall be referred, in the House of Representatives, to the Committee on Ways and Means and, in addition, to the Committee on Rules. (C) The provisions of section 2192(d) and (e) of this title (relating to the floor consideration of certain resolutions in the House and Senate) apply to extension disapproval resolutions. (D) It is not in order for— (i) the Senate to consider any extension disapproval resolution not reported by the Committee on Finance; (ii) the House of Representatives to consider any extension disapproval resolution not reported by the Committee on Ways and Means and, in addition, by the Committee on Rules; or (iii) either House of the Congress to consider an extension disapproval resolution after June 30, 2005 .


19 USC § 3803(c)(5)

Scoping language

None identified, default scope is assumed to be the parent (chapter 24) of this section.
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