polymeric backsheet

(3) Solar energy component (A) In general The term “solar energy component” means any of the following: (i) Solar modules. (ii) Photovoltaic cells. (iii) Photovoltaic wafers. (iv) Solar grade polysilicon. (v) Torque tubes or structural fasteners. (vi) Polymeric backsheets. (B) Associated definitions (i) Photovoltaic cell The term “photovoltaic cell” means the smallest semiconductor element of a solar module which performs the immediate conversion of light into electricity. (ii) Photovoltaic wafer The term “photovoltaic wafer” means a thin slice, sheet, or layer of semiconductor material of at least 240 square centimeters— (I) produced by a single manufacturer either— (aa) directly from molten or evaporated solar grade polysilicon or deposition of solar grade thin film semiconductor photon absorber layer, or (bb) through formation of an ingot from molten polysilicon and subsequent slicing, and (II) which comprises the substrate or absorber layer of one or more photovoltaic cells. (iii) Polymeric backsheet The term “polymeric backsheet” means a sheet on the back of a solar module which acts as an electric insulator and protects the inner components of such module from the surrounding environment. (iv) Solar grade polysilicon The term “solar grade polysilicon” means silicon which is— (I) suitable for use in photovoltaic manufacturing, and (II) purified to a minimum purity of 99.999999 percent silicon by mass. (v) Solar module The term “solar module” means the connection and lamination of photovoltaic cells into an environmentally protected final assembly which is— (I) suitable to generate electricity when exposed to sunlight, and (II) ready for installation without an additional manufacturing process. (vi) Solar tracker The term “solar tracker” means a mechanical system that moves solar modules according to the position of the sun and to increase energy output. (vii) Solar tracker components (I) Torque tube The term “torque tube” means a structural steel support element (including longitudinal purlins) which— (aa) is part of a solar tracker, (bb) is of any cross-sectional shape, (cc) may be assembled from individually manufactured segments, (dd) spans longitudinally between foundation posts, (ee) supports solar panels and is connected to a mounting attachment for solar panels (with or without separate module interface rails), and (ff) is rotated by means of a drive system. (II) Structural fastener The term “structural fastener” means a component which is used— (aa) to connect the mechanical and drive system components of a solar tracker to the foundation of such solar tracker, (bb) to connect torque tubes to drive assemblies, or (cc) to connect segments of torque tubes to one another.


26 USC § 45X(c)(3)

Scoping language

For purposes of this section
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