qualified inventory interruption

(2) Qualified inventory interruption defined (A) In general The term “qualified inventory interruption” means a regulation, request, or interruption described in subparagraph (B) but only to the extent provided in the notice published pursuant to subparagraph (B). (B) Determination by Secretary Whenever the Secretary, after consultation with the appropriate Federal officers, determines— (i) that— (I) any Department of Energy regulation or request with respect to energy supplies, or (II) any embargo, international boycott, or other major foreign trade interruption, has made difficult or impossible the replacement during the liquidation year of any class of goods for any class of taxpayers, and (ii) that the application of this section to that class of goods and taxpayers is necessary to carry out the purposes of this section, he shall publish a notice of such determinations in the Federal Register, together with the period to be affected by such notice.


26 USC § 473(c)(2)

Scoping language

For purposes of this section
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