covered topic

(2) Requirements for use for continuing education (A) Definition In this paragraph, the term “covered topic” means a topic covered under the curricula developed or identified under clause (i), (ii), or (iv) of section 10381(n)(1)(A) 1 of this title. (B) Requirement to provide initial training A State or unit of local government shall ensure that all officers who have been employed with the State or unit of local government for at least 2 years have received training as part of a certified training program or course on all covered topics before the State or unit of local government uses amounts received under a grant under paragraph (1) for continuing education with respect to any covered topic. (C) Start date of availability of funding (i) In general Subject to clause (ii), a State or unit of local government may not use amounts received under a grant under paragraph (1) for continuing education with respect to a covered topic until the date that is 2 years after December 27, 2022 . (ii) Exception A State or unit of local government may use amounts received under a grant under paragraph (1) for continuing education with respect to a covered topic during the 2-year period beginning on December 27, 2022 , if the State or unit of local government has complied with subparagraph (B) using amounts available to the State or unit of local government other than amounts received under a grant under paragraph (1).


34 USC § 10159(b)(2)

Scoping language

In this paragraph
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