commercial prerinse spray valve

(33) (A) The term “commercial prerinse spray valve” means a handheld device designed and marketed for use with commercial dishwashing and ware washing equipment that sprays water on dishes, flatware, and other food service items for the purpose of removing food residue before cleaning the items. (B) The Secretary may modify the definition of “commercial prerinse spray valve” by rule— (i) to include products— (I) that are extensively used in conjunction with commercial dishwashing and ware washing equipment; (II) the application of standards to which would result in significant energy savings; and (III) the application of standards to which would meet the criteria specified in section 6295(o)(4) of this title ; and (ii) to exclude products— (I) that are used for special food service applications; (II) that are unlikely to be widely used in conjunction with commercial dishwashing and ware washing equipment; and (III) the application of standards to which would not result in significant energy savings.


42 USC § 6291(33)

Scoping language

For purposes of this part
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