at-risk youth recreation grant

(1) At-risk youth recreation grant.— (A) In general .— The term “at-risk youth recreation grant” means a grant in a neighborhood or community with a high prevalence of crime, particularly violent crime or crime committed by youthful offenders. (B) Inclusions .— The term “at-risk youth recreation grant” includes— (i) a rehabilitation grant; (ii) an innovation grant; and (iii) a matching grant for continuing program support for a program of demonstrated value or success in providing constructive alternatives to youth at risk for engaging in criminal behavior, including a grant for operating, or coordinating, a recreation program or service. (C) Additional uses of rehabilitation grant .— In addition to the purposes specified in paragraph (8), a rehabilitation grant that serves as an at-risk youth recreation grant may be used for the provision of lighting, emergency phones, or any other capital improvement that will improve the security of an urban park.


54 USC § 200501(1)

Scoping language

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