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sex crime


Crimes Act 1961 (Part 7)

The Crimes Act (“the CA”) of New Zealand criminalizes offenses against the person, property and the public order and sets out punishments and defenses for such crimes. The CA applies to all offenses occurring within New Zealand and allows for extraterritorial jurisdiction over New Zealand citizens or residents who have committed certain offenses outside of New Zealand including sexual crimes against children and young persons outside New Zealand. Part 7 of the CA broadly defines sexual violence to include rape or the unlawful sexual connection with another person.

LM v. The Queen

Section 144 of the Crimes Act 1961 “provides for the prosecution of New Zealanders for conduct which, if it had occurred in New Zealand, would be contrary to specified provisions of the Crimes Act involving sexual offending against children and young people.” The appellant, a New Zealander, was found guilty of a sex crime against a child. The crime was committed in Russia and the other offender in the case was a Russian man.

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