PTOA: Parallel Table of Authorities and Rules | United States Code | Title 36

This list is taken from the Parallel Table of Authorities and Rules provided by GPO [Government Printing Office] It is not guaranteed to be accurate or up-to-date. More limitations on accuracy are described at the GPO site.

PToA table: uscode
Section, § CFR Title Parts
121 32 536
124 45 2101
138b 32 536
143 14 1204
201 32 842
208 32 842
510 11 104, 110
2103 36 400
2105 36 401
2106 36 401
2107 36 401
2108 36 401
2109 36 401
2110 36 401
2111 36 401
2112 36 401
2113 36 401
2114 36 401
2301 36 401
2302 36 401
2303 36 401
2304 36 401
2305 36 401
2306 36 401
2307 36 401
2308 36 401
2309 36 401
2310 36 401
2501 36 401
2502 36 401
5522 5 870, 890
10101 36 401
10102 36 401
20101 36 401
20102 36 401
20103 36 401
20104 36 401
20105 36 401
20106 36 401
20107 36 401
20108 36 401
20109 36 401
20110 36 401
20111 36 401
20201 36 401
20202 36 401
20203 36 401
20204 36 401
20205 36 401
20206 36 401
20207 36 401
20208 36 401
20209 36 401
20210 36 401
20211 36 401
20212 36 401
20301 36 401
20302 36 401
20303 36 401
20304 36 401
20305 36 401
20306 36 401
20307 36 401
20501 36 401
20502 36 401
20503 36 401
20504 36 401
20505 36 401
20506 36 401
20701 36 401
20702 36 401
20703 36 401
20704 36 401
20705 36 401
20706 36 401
20707 36 401
20708 36 401
20709 36 401
20710 36 401
20711 36 401
20712 36 401
20901 36 401
20902 36 401
20903 36 401
20904 36 401
20905 36 401
20906 36 401
20907 36 401
20908 36 401
20909 36 401
20910 36 401
20911 36 401
20912 36 401
20913 36 401
21001 36 401
21002 36 401
21003 36 401
21004 36 401
21005 36 401
21006 36 401
21007 36 401
21008 36 401
21009 36 401
21010 36 401
21011 36 401
21012 36 401
21101 36 401
21102 36 401
21103 36 401
21104 36 401
21105 36 401
21106 36 401
21107 36 401
21108 36 401
21109 36 401
21110 36 401
21111 36 401
21112 36 401
21301 36 401
21302 36 401
21303 36 401
21304 36 401
21305 36 401
21306 36 401
21307 36 401
21501 36 401
21502 36 401
21503 36 401
21504 36 401
21505 36 401
21506 36 401
21507 36 401
21701 36 401
21702 36 401
21703 36 401
21704 36 401
21705 36 401
21706 36 401
21707 36 401
21708 36 401
21901 36 401
21902 36 401
21903 36 401
21904 36 401
21905 36 401
21906 36 401
21907 36 401
21908 36 401
22101 36 401
22102 36 401
22103 36 401
22104 36 401
22105 36 401
22106 36 401
300110 32 212

The following table lists rulemaking authority (except 5 U.S.C. 301) for regulations codified in the Code of Federal Regulations. Also included are statutory citations which are noted as being interpreted or applied by those regulations.

The table is divided into four segments: United States Code citations, United States Statutes at Large citations, public law citations, and Presidential document citations. Within each segment the citations are arranged in numerical order:

  • For the United States Code, by title and section;
  • For the United States Statutes at Large, by volume and page number;
  • For Public Laws, by number; and
  • For Presidential documents (Proclamations, Executive orders, and Reorganization plans), by document number.

Entries in the table are taken directly from the rulemaking authority citation provided by Federal agencies in their regulations. Federal agencies are responsible for keeping these citations current and accurate. Because Federal agencies sometimes present these citations in an inconsistent manner, the table cannot be considered all-inclusive.

United States Statutes at Large and public law citations are carried in the table only when there are no corresponding United States Code citations given.

This table is revised as of January 1, 2018.