PTOA: Parallel Table of Authorities and Rules | United States Code | Title 48

This list is taken from the Parallel Table of Authorities and Rules provided by GPO [Government Printing Office] It is not guaranteed to be accurate or up-to-date. More limitations on accuracy are described at the GPO site.

PToA table: uscode
Section, § CFR Title Parts
1424-1 43 17
357 43 2530
358 25 241
358a 25 241
360 43 2910
361 43 2910
364a 43 2400
364d 43 3820
364e 43 2400, 3820
411 43 17
419 43 17
421 48 213
423 43 5510
462 43 2090
471 43 17
472 43 17
473 43 17
484c 43 17
484e 43 17
485 43 17
487 43 17
488 43 17
644a 50 38
1406i 19 7
1407 43 17
1421 43 17
1421a 43 17
1421b 43 17
1421c 43 17
1421d 43 17
1421e 43 17
1421f 43 17
1421f-1 43 17
1421g 43 17
1421h 43 17
1421i 43 17
1421j 43 17
1421k 43 17
1421k-1 43 17
1421l 43 17
1421m 43 17
1421n 43 17
1421o 43 17
1421p 43 17
1421q 43 17
1421q-1 43 17
1421r 43 17
1422 43 17
1422a 43 17
1422b 43 17
1422c 43 17
1422d 43 17
1423 43 17
1423a 43 17
1423b 43 17
1423c 43 17
1423d 43 17
1423e 43 17
1423f 43 17
1423g 43 17
1423h 43 17
1423i 43 17
1423j 43 17
1423k 43 17
1423l 43 17
1424 43 17
1424-2 43 17
1424-3 43 17
1424-4 43 17
1574-1 43 17
1424a 43 17
1424b 43 17
1424c 43 17
1425 43 17
1469a 45 97, 1437
1541 43 17
1542 43 17
1543 43 17
1544 43 17
1545 43 17
1546 43 17
1561 43 17
1571 43 17
1572 43 17
1573 43 17
1574 43 17
21 preceding 43 17
1574a 43 17
1574b 43 17
1574c 43 17
1574d 43 17
1575 43 17
1576 43 17
1591 43 17
1592 43 17
1593 43 17
1594 43 17
1595 43 17
1596 43 17
1597 43 17
1598 43 17
1599 43 17
1611 43 17
1612 43 17
1613 43 17
1613a 43 17
1614 43 17
1615 43 17
1616 43 17
1617 43 17
1631 43 17
1632 43 17
1641 43 17
1642 43 17
1642a 43 17
1643 43 17
1644 43 17
1681 20 416
1681 34 790
1701 43 17
1704 43 17
1801 20 404
1806 8 106, 206, 214, 235, 274a
1806 20 655
1807 8 235
1808 8 235
1901 8 214, 1214, 1214
1931 8 214, 1214

The following table lists rulemaking authority (except 5 U.S.C. 301) for regulations codified in the Code of Federal Regulations. Also included are statutory citations which are noted as being interpreted or applied by those regulations.

The table is divided into four segments: United States Code citations, United States Statutes at Large citations, public law citations, and Presidential document citations. Within each segment the citations are arranged in numerical order:

  • For the United States Code, by title and section;
  • For the United States Statutes at Large, by volume and page number;
  • For Public Laws, by number; and
  • For Presidential documents (Proclamations, Executive orders, and Reorganization plans), by document number.

Entries in the table are taken directly from the rulemaking authority citation provided by Federal agencies in their regulations. Federal agencies are responsible for keeping these citations current and accurate. Because Federal agencies sometimes present these citations in an inconsistent manner, the table cannot be considered all-inclusive.

United States Statutes at Large and public law citations are carried in the table only when there are no corresponding United States Code citations given.

This table is revised as of January 1, 2018.