18 AAC 83.330 - Permit application requirements for new and existing POTWs and other dischargers designated by the department

(a) Permit application.Except as provided in (b) of this section, an applicant that is a POTW and any other discharger designated by the dependent shall provide the information in this section to the department, using the applicable forms specified in 18 AAC 83.305(a). A permit applicant under this section shall submit all information available at the time of permit application; however, an applicant may provide information by referencing information previously submitted to the department.
(b) Waiver.The department may waive any requirement of this section if the department has access to substantially identical information, or if that information is not of material concern for a specific permit, if approved by the regional administrator.
(c) Information requirements.An applicant under this section must provide the following information:
(1) name, mailing address, and location of the facility for which the application is submitted;
(2) name, mailing address, electronic mail address, and telephone number of the applicant, and a statement whether the applicant is the facility's owner, operator, or both;
(3) a list of all environmental permits or construction approvals received or applied for, including dates, under any of the following programs or types of activities:
(A) hazardous waste management program under 42 U.S.C. 6921 - 6939 e (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act);
(B) underground injection control program under 42 U.S.C. 300 f - 300j-26 (Safe Drinking Water Act);
(C) APDES or NPDES program under 33 U.S.C. 1342 (Clean Water Act, sec. 402);
(D) prevention of significant deterioration program under 42 U.S.C. 7470 - 7492 (Clean Air Act);
(E) nonattainment program under 42 U.S.C. 7501 - 7515 (Clean Air Act);
(F) national emission standards for hazardous pollutants preconstruction approval under 42 U.S.C. 7412 (Clean Air Act);
(G) ocean dumping activities under 33 U.S.C. 1412 - 1414(b) (Marine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act);
(H) dredge or fill activities under 33 U.S.C. 1344 (Clean Water Act, sec. 404);
(I) other relevant environmental programs or activities, including those subject to state jurisdiction and approval;
(4) the name and population of each municipal entity served by the facility, including unincorporated connector districts, a statement whether each municipal entity owns or maintains the collection system and, if the information is available, whether the collection system is a separate sanitary sewer or a combined storm and sanitary sewer;
(5) a statement whether the facility is located in Indian country and whether the facility discharges to a receiving stream that flows through Indian country;
(6) the facility's design flow rate, or the wastewater flow rate the plant was built to handle, annual average daily flow rate, and maximum daily flow rate for each of the previous three years;
(7) a statement identifying the types of collection systems, either separate sanitary sewers or combined storm and sanitary sewers, used by the treatment works, and an estimate of the percent of sewer line that each type comprises;
(8) the following information for outfalls to waters of the United States and other discharge or disposal methods:
(A) for effluent discharges to waters of the United States, the total number and types of outfalls including treated effluent, combined sewer overflows, bypasses, constructed emergency overflows;
(B) for wastewater discharged to surface impoundments, the location of each surface impoundment, the average daily volume discharged to each surface impoundment, and a statement whether the discharge is continuous or intermittent;
(C) for wastewater applied to the land, the location of each land application site, the size in acres of each land application site, the average daily volume in gallons per day applied to each land application site, and a statement whether the land application is continuous or intermittent;
(D) for effluent sent to another facility for treatment prior to discharge, the means by which the effluent is transported, the name, mailing address, electronic mail address, contact person, and phone number of the organization transporting the discharge; if the transport is provided by a party other than the applicant, the name, mailing address, electronic mail address, contact person, phone number, and APDES or NPDES permit number, if any, of the receiving facility, and the average daily flow rate from this facility into the receiving facility in million gallons per day;
(E) for wastewater disposed of in a manner not included in (c)(8)(A) through (D) of this section, including underground percolation and underground injection, a description of the disposal method, including the location and size of each disposal site, if applicable, the annual average daily volume in gallons per day disposed of by this method, and a statement whether disposal by this method is continuous or intermittent; and
(9) the name, mailing address, electronic mail address, telephone number, and responsibilities of all contractors responsible for any operational or maintenance aspects of the POTW facility.
(d) Additional information for design flow greater than.1 million gallons per day.In addition to the information described in (c) of this section, an applicant under this section with a design flow greater than or equal to 0.1 million gallons per day must provide the following information:
(1) the current average daily volume in gallons per day of inflow and infiltration, and a statement describing steps the facility is taking to minimize inflow and infiltration;
(2) a topographic map, or other map if a topographic map is unavailable, extending at least one mile beyond property boundaries of the treatment plant including all unit processes, and showing
(A) the treatment plant area and unit processes;
(B) the major pipes or other structures through which wastewater enters the treatment plant and the pipes or other structures through which treated wastewater is discharged from the treatment plant, including outfalls from bypass piping, if applicable;
(C) each well where fluids from the treatment plant are injected underground;
(D) wells, springs, and other surface water bodies listed in public records or otherwise known to the applicant within 1/4 mile of the property boundaries of the treatment works;
(E) sewage sludge management facilities including on-site treatment, storage, and disposal sites; and
(F) each location at which waste classified as hazardous under 42 U.S.C. 6921 - 6939 e (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) enters the treatment plant by truck, rail, or dedicated pipe;
(3) a process flow diagram or schematic as follows:
(A) a diagram showing the processes of the treatment plant, including all bypass piping and all backup power sources or redundancy in the system, including a water balance showing all treatment units, including disinfection, and showing daily average flow rates at influent and discharge points and approximate daily flow rates between treatment units;
(B) a narrative description of the diagram; and
(4) the following information regarding scheduled improvements:
(A) the outfall number of each affected outfall;
(B) a narrative description of each required improvement;
(C) scheduled dates for commencement and completion of construction, commencement of discharge and attainment of operational level, and actual completion date for any event listed in this sub-paragraph that has been completed;
(D) a description of permits and clearances concerning other federal and state requirements.
(e) Outfall information.An applicant under this section must provide the following information for each outfall, including bypass points, through which effluent is discharged, as applicable:
(1) for each outfall,
(A) the outfall number;
(B) the borough, and city or town in which the outfall is located;
(C) the latitude and longitude, to the nearest second;
(D) the distance from shore and depth below surface;
(E) the average daily flow rate, in million gallons per day;
(F) if the outfall has a seasonal or periodic discharge, the number of times per year the discharge occurs, the duration of each discharge, the flow of each discharge, and the months in which discharge occurs; and
(G) a statement whether the outfall is equipped with a diffuser and the type of diffuser used, such as high-rate;
(2) for each outfall discharging effluent to waters of the United States, the following receiving water information, if the information is available,
(A) the name of each receiving water;
(B) the name of each watershed, river, or stream system and United States Soil Conservation Service or Natural Resource Conservation Service watershed code, if known;
(C) the name of each state management or river basin and United States Geological Survey hydrologic cataloging unit code, if known; and
(D) the critical flow of each receiving stream and total hardness of the receiving stream at critical low flow;
(3) for each outfall discharging to waters of the United States, the following information describing the treatment of the discharges:
(A) the highest level of treatment, including primary, equivalent to secondary, secondary, advanced, or other treatment level provided for
(i) the design biochemical oxygen demand removal percentage;
(ii) the design suspended solids removal percentage;
(iii) the design phosphorus removal percentage;
(iv) the design nitrogen removal percentage; and
(v) any other removals that an advanced treatment system is designed to achieve; and
(B) a description of the type of disinfection used, and a statement whether the treatment plant de-chlorinates if disinfection is accomplished through chlorination.
(f) Testing and effluent monitoring.In addition to 18 AAC 83.335, and except as provided in (h) of this section, an applicant under this section shall undertake sampling and analysis and submit effluent monitoring information for samples taken from each outfall through which effluent is discharged to waters of the United States, except for combined sewer overflows, including the following if applicable:
(1) sampling and analysis for the pollutants listed in Appendix J, Table 1A to 40 C.F.R. Part 122, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 83.010;
(2) for an applicant with a design flow greater than or equal to 0.1 million gallons per day, sampling and analysis for the pollutants listed in Appendix J, Table 1 to 40 C.F.R. Part 122, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 83.010, except that a facility that does not use chlorine for disinfection, does not use chlorine elsewhere in the treatment process, and has no reasonable potential to discharge chlorine in the facility's effluent, is not required to sample or analyze chlorine;
(3) sampling and analysis for the pollutants listed in Appendix J, Table 2 to 40 C.F.R. Part 122, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 83.010, and for any other pollutants for which the state or EPA has established water quality standards applicable to the receiving waters if the facility is
(A) a POTW that has a design flow rate equal to or greater than one million gallons per day;
(B) a POTW that has an approved pretreatment program;
(C) a POTW that is required to develop a pretreatment program; or
(D) any POTW, as required by the department to ensure compliance with this chapter;
(4) sampling and analysis for additional pollutants, as the department may require, on a case-by-case basis;
(5) data from a minimum of three samples taken within four and one-half years before the date of the permit application; to meet this requirement,
(A) samples must be representative of the seasonal variation in the discharge from each outfall;
(B) existing data may be used, if available, in lieu of sampling done solely for the purpose of this application;
(C) additional samples may be required by the department on a case-by-case basis; and
(6) all existing data for pollutants specified in (1) - (4) of this subsection collected within four and one-half years of the application; this data must be included in the pollutant data summary submitted by the applicant, except that if the applicant samples for a specific pollutant on a monthly or more frequent basis, only the data collected for that pollutant within one year of the application must be provided.
(g) Sampling methods.To meet the information requirements of (f) of this section, an applicant must
(1) collect samples of effluent and analyze the samples for pollutants in accordance with analytical methods approved under 40 C.F.R. Part 136, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 83.010, unless an alternative is specified in the existing APDES or NPDES permit;
(2) use the following methods:
(A) grab samples for pH, temperature, cyanide, total phenols, residual chlorine, oil and grease, fecal coliform;
(B) twenty-four hour composite samples for all other pollutants; for a composite sample, only one analysis of the composite of aliquots is required;
(3) provide at least the following information for each parameter:
(A) maximum daily discharge, expressed as concentration or mass, based upon actual sample values;
(B) average daily discharge for all samples, expressed as concentration or mass, and the number of samples used to obtain this value;
(C) the analytical method used;
(D) the threshold level, such as the method detection limit, minimum level, or other designated method endpoint for the analytical method used; and
(4) report metals as total recoverable, unless the department requires otherwise.
(h) Outfall samples.When an applicant under this section has two or more outfalls with substantially identical effluent discharging to the same receiving water segment, the department may, on a case-by-case basis, allow the applicant to submit sampling data for only one outfall. The department may also allow an applicant to composite samples from one or more outfalls that discharge into the same mixing zone.
(i) Signature.An application under this section must be signed by a certifying official in compliance with 18 AAC 83.385.


18 AAC 83.330
Eff. 7/29/2006, Register 179; am 11/10/2007, Register 184

Authority:AS 44.46.020

AS 46.03.010

AS 46.03.020

AS 46.03.050

AS 46.03.100

AS 46.03.110

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