5 AAC 02.027 - Prohibitions for use of subsistence-taken shellfish

(a) An owner, operator, or employee of a lodge, charter vessel, or other enterprise that furnishes food, lodging, or sport fishing guide services may not furnish to a client or guest of that enterprise, shellfish that has been taken under this chapter, unless the
(1) shellfish has been taken with gear deployed and retrieved by the client or guest;
(2) gear has been marked with the client's or guest's name and address, as specified in 5 AAC 02.010(e) (1); and
(3) shellfish is to be consumed by the client or guest or is consumed in the presence of the client or guest.
(b) The captain and crew members of a charter vessel may not deploy, set, or retrieve their own gear in a subsistence fishery when that vessel is being chartered.


5 AAC 02.027
Eff. 7/16/2011, Register 199; am 7/13/ 2012, Register 203

Authority:AS 16.05.251

AS 16.05.258

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.