5 AAC 40.320 - Chairman of regional planning team

(a) Each regional planning team shall elect a chairman to serve at the pleasure of the team.
(b) The chairman or his delegate shall
(1) conduct regional planning team meetings, including recording of proceedings, and employing agreed-upon rules of order;
(2) set the agenda and meeting time and place for regional planning team meetings; and
(3) coordinate regional planning team staff in the accomplishment of tasks assigned to the chairman by the team, including
(A) providing the commissioner with team communications requiring commissioner review or approval;
(B) contacting members to determine who will be attending the next scheduled meeting; and
(C) preparing minutes of the previous meeting.


5 AAC 40.320
Eff. 3/31/85, Register 93

Authority:AS 16.05.020

AS 16.05.092

AS 16.10.375

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