7 AAC 72.012 - Adoption by reference

(a) For the purposes of AS 47.30.660-47.30.915 and this chapter, the following provisions of 7 AAC 12, as amended through February 13, 2001 are adopted by reference and are applicable to a facility that seeks designation under this chapter as an
(1) evaluation facility:
(A)7 AAC 12.105(a) (Services Required from General Acute Care Hospitals);
(B)7 AAC 12.110 (Medical Staff);
(E)7 AAC 12.670 (Nursing Service);
(F)7 AAC 12.680 (Pharmaceutical Service);
(G)7 AAC 12.700 (Social Work Service);
(H)7 AAC 12.770 (Medical Record Service);
(I)7 AAC 12.790 - 7 AAC 12.850 (Laboratory Service Requirements);
(J)7 AAC 12.860 (Risk Management);
(K)7 AAC 12.890 (Patients' or Residents' Rights);
(2) evaluation and treatment facility:
(A) each provision adopted by reference in (1) of this subsection;
(B)7 AAC 12.160 (Psychiatric Service);
(C)7 AAC 12.215 (Psychiatric Hospitals);
(D)7 AAC 12.710 (Occupational Therapy Service).
(b) This section does not affect a facility's obligation to comply with the licensing requirements of 7 AAC 12.


7 AAC 72.012
Eff. 3/16/2001, Register 157

Authority:AS 47.30.660

AS 47.31.025

AS 47.31.090

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