8 AAC 61.180 - Prehearing conferences

(a) Upon a motion by any party, or on its own motion, the board may require the parties to participate in a prehearing conference for the purpose of clarifying and simplifying the issues or procedures in a contested case. At the prehearing conference, the board may require the parties to
(1) state their positions on the issues in dispute;
(2) submit witness and exhibit lists;
(3) address any disputes regarding discovery of information;
(4) discuss scheduling matters that will facilitate the hearing process; and
(5) discuss any other matter that may expedite the proceedings and assure a just conclusion.
(b) After a prehearing conference, the board may issue an order regarding matters discussed at the conference and setting out the procedures to be followed at the hearing. The order controls the subsequent course of the proceedings unless modified by the board.
(c) At any stage of the proceedings in a contested case, the parties may enter into stipulations regarding issues, facts, applicable law, witnesses, exhibits, or any other relevant matters. A stipulation must be submitted in writing to the board unless it is made verbally on the record in a board proceeding.


8 AAC 61.180
Eff. 1/10/75, Register 53; am 1/4/78, Register 64; am 12/2/94, Register 132

Authority:AS 18.60.020

AS 18.60.057

AS 18.60.093

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