8 AAC 61.220 - Decisions of the board

(a) The board shall prepare and issue a written decision within a reasonable time after the close of the hearing record in a contested case. In reaching its decision, the board shall consider the whole record and shall include in the written decision findings of fact, conclusions of law, and an appropriate order.
(b) The board shall mail or distribute the decision and order to all parties of record. A decision and order of the board becomes final 30 days after mailing or distribution unless a party files a notice of appeal under AS 18.60.097.


8 AAC 61.220
Eff. 1/10/75, Register 53; am 1/4/78, Register 64; am 12/2/94, Register 132

Authority:AS 18.60.020

AS 18.60.057

AS 18.60.093

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