8 AAC 61.875 - Withdrawal of training program approval

(a) The department will, in its discretion, withdraw its approval under 8 AAC 61.800 - 8 AAC 61.890 of a training program if the operator of the training program
(1) provides false information to the department;
(2) fails to provide training as specified in the approved training program;
(3) fails to adequately test a trainee as required by 8 AAC 61.850; or
(4) violates any other provision of 8 AAC 61.800 - 8 AAC 61.850.
(b) If the department withdraws approval of a training program, the department will promptly notify the operator of the program, in writing, of the reason for the withdrawal of approval and the procedure under 8 AAC 61.880 for appealing the withdrawal.
(c) A training program for which approval has been withdrawn under this section is ineligible for approval for a period of at least 90 days, but not exceeding one year after the effective date of the withdrawal, as determined by the department.
(d) In determining the period of ineligibility under (c) of this section, the department will consider the severity of the violation upon which the withdrawal of program approval is based.
(e) After the period of ineligibility specified by the department under (c) of this section has expired, the operator of the training program may apply to the department for re-approval. The application must meet the requirements of 8 AAC 61.815 and must provide documentation that the deficiency for which the department withdrew approval has been corrected.


8 AAC 61.875
Eff. 5/14/89, Register 110

Authority:AS 18.63.040

AS 18.63.060

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