002.00.07 Ark. Code R. § 002 - 2007 Entire Updated Code Book

Section 01.00 General Information.
01.00-A AMENDMENT NO. 35 Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Arkansas. That the following shall be an amendment to the Constitution:
Section 1. The control, management, restoration, conservation and regulation of birds, fish, game and wildlife resources of the State, including hatcheries, sanctuaries, refuges, reservations, and all property now owned, or used for said purposes and the acquisition and establishment of same, the administration of the laws now and/or hereafter pertaining thereto, shall be vested in a Commission to be known as the Arkansas State Game and Fish Commission, to consist of eight members. Seven of whom shall be active and one an associate member who shall be the Head of the Department of Zoology at the University of Arkansas, without voting power.
Section 2. Commissioners shall have knowledge of and interest in wildlife conservation. All shall be appointed by the Governor. The first members of the Commission shall be appointed by the Governor for terms as follows: One for one year, one for two years, one for three years, one for four years, one for five years, one for six years, and one for seven years. Each Congressional District must be represented on the Commission.
Section 3. Upon the expiration of the foregoing terms of the said Commission, a successor shall be appointed by the Governor for a term of seven years, which term of seven years shall thereafter be for each member of the Commission. No Commissioner can serve more than one term and none can succeed himself.
Section 4. Each Commissioner shall take the regular oath of office provided in the Constitution and serve without compensation other than actual expenses while away from home engaged entirely on the work of the Commission.
Section 5. A Commissioner may be removed by the Governor only for the same causes as apply to other Constitutional Officers, after a hearing which may be reviewed by the Chancery Court for the First District with right of appeal therefrom to the Supreme Court, such review and appeal to be without presumption in favor of any finding by the Governor or the trial court.
Section 6. Vacancies on the Commission due to resignation or death shall be filled by appointment of the Governor for the unexpired term within thirty days from date of such vacancy; upon failure of the Governor to fill the vacancy within thirty days, the remaining Commissioners shall make the appointment for the unexpired term. A Chairman shall be elected annually from the seven members of the Commission to serve one year.
Section 7. The Commission shall elect an Executive Secretary whose salary shall not exceed that of limitations placed on other constitutional departments; and other executive officers, supervisor, personnel, office assistants, wardens, game refuge keepers, and hatchery employees, whose salaries and expenditures must be submitted to the Legislature and approved by an Act covering specific items in the biennial appropriation as covered by Article XVI, Section 4 of the Constitution.
Section 8. No person shall be employed by the Commission who shall be related to any of the Commissioners or any other State officers within the third degree of relationship by blood or marriage. All employed personnel may make arrest for violation of the game and fish laws.

The fees, monies or funds arising from all sources by the operation and transaction of the said Commission and from the application and administration of the laws and regulations pertaining to birds, game, fish and wildlife resources of the State and the sale of property used for said purposes shall be expended by the Commission for the control, management, restoration, conservation and regulation of the birds, fish and wildlife resources of the State, including the purchases of other acquisitions of property for said purposes and for the administration of the laws pertaining thereto and for no other purposes. All monies shall be deposited in the Game Protection Fund with the State Treasurer and such monies as are necessary including an emergency fund shall be appropriated by the Legislature at each legislative session for the use of the Game and Fish Commission as hereto set forth. No monies other than those credited to the Game Protection Fund can be appropriated.

All money to the credit of or that should be credited to the present Game Protection Fund shall be credited to the new Game Protection Fund and any appropriation made by the Legislature out of the Game Protection Fund shall be construed to be for the use of the new Commission and out of the new Game Protection Fund.

The books, accounts and financial affairs of the Commission shall be audited by the State Comptroller as that department deems necessary, but at least once a year.

Resident hunting and fishing licenses, each, shall be One and 50/100 Dollars annually, and shall not exceed this amount unless a higher license fee is authorized by an Act of Legislature.

The Commission shall have the exclusive power and authority to issue licenses and permits, to regulate bag limits and the manner of taking game and fish and furbearing animals, and shall have the authority to divide the State into zones, and regulate seasons and manner of taking game, and fish and furbearing animals therein, and fix penalties for violations. No rules or regulations shall apply to less than a complete zone, except temporarily in case of extreme emergency.

Said Commission shall have the power to acquire by purchase, gifts, eminent domain, or otherwise, all property necessary, useful or convenient for the use of the Commission in the exercise of any of its duties, and in the event the right of eminent domain is exercised, it shall be exercised in the same manner as now or hereafter provided for the exercise of eminent domain by the State Highway Commission. All laws now in effect shall continue in force until changed by the Commission. All contracts and agreements now in effect shall remain in force until the date of their expiration.

This amendment shall not repeal, alter or modify the provisions of any existing special laws under the terms of which a County Game Commission has been created:

The Commission shall be empowered to spend such monies as are necessary to match Federal grants under the Pittman-Robertson or similar acts for the propagation, conservation and restoration of game and fish.

The amendment shall become effective July 1, 1945. (Proposed by Initiated Petition. Voted upon at General Election November 7, 1944. For 115, 214; Against 72,797)

01.00-B DUTIES AND AUTHORITIES OF WILDLIFE OFFICERS. Wildlife officers shall be commissioned by the Commission and shall, concurrently with the sheriffs, constables and other peace officers throughout the State, have the right to apprehend persons detected violating any of the laws of the State enacted for the protection of game, fish, furbearing animals and other wildlife, and to take such offenders before any court having jurisdiction in the county where such offense is committed. Such persons shall also serve all processes issued by a court of competent jurisdiction relating to the enforcement of all laws pertaining to game, fish, furbearing animals and other wildlife of the State; to go upon any property outside of private dwellings, posted or otherwise, in the performance of their duties; to carry firearms while performing duties, and may with or without a warrant according to law, conduct searches.

Special Agents and National Wildlife Refuge and National Park Service Employees who have been authorized to enforce laws and regulations administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, may be commissioned as Wildlife Officers by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, upon proper oath or affirmation and issuance of proper credentials, and shall have authority to make arrests, searches and seizures for violations of State game and fish laws and regulations. They shall serve without compensation in the discharge of these duties. Arkansas Wildlife Officers may be appointed as U.S. Deputy Game Wardens with the U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service and shall have authority as conferred upon them by that agency. They shall serve without compensation in the discharge of these duties.

01.00-C DEFINITION OF TERMS. For the purposes of the Arkansas Game and

Fish Commission Code of Regulations, the following terms shall be construed, respectively, to mean and include:

AQUACULTURE SPECIES - Any species listed on the Approved Aquaculture Species List (available from the Fisheries Division) and species not listed but allowed under Unlisted or Restricted Species Possession Permits.

ADULT GOBBLER - Male turkeys having at least one of the following characteristics: a) tail feathers which are the same length, b) wing feathers that have white barring all the way to the tip or c) a beard more than six (6) inches in length.

ALLIGATOR DEALER - Any person, firm or corporation engaging in the sale, purchase, barter or exchange of an American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) or other crocodilian species, or any part, nest or eggs thereof in the State of Arkansas.

ALLIGATOR FARMER-Any person, firm or corporation possessing an American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) or other crocodilian species, or any part, nest or eggs thereof in the State of Arkansas for the purpose of propagation production or rearing.

ALLIGATOR SNAPPING TURTLE DEALER - Any person, firm or corporation engaged in the sale or purchase of alligator snapping turtles.

ALLIGATOR SNAPPING TURTLE BREEDER - Any person, firm or corporation possessing alligator snapping turtles for the purpose of propagation, production, rearing or sale.

ANIMAL-An organism of the animal kingdom, as distinguished from the plant kingdom, including any part, product, egg or offspring thereof. ANTLERLESS ELK - Any elk (male or female) not meeting requirements to be a legal bull elk.

AQUATIC WILDLIFE -Aquatic Snails, Aquatic Turtles, Crayfish (Crawfish, Crawdads), Fish (including Minnows), Frogs, Mussels and Salamanders.

ARKANSAS RIVER BOUNDARY (Sportfishing Only): The Arkansas Post Canal from Lock and Dam #1 to the Arkansas River and the Arkansas River from Dam #2 upstream to the Oklahoma state line including all lakes, bays and tributary streams accessible by boat from the main channel except that portion of Big Bayou Meto upstream from Hwy 11, Plum Bayou upstream from Hwy 79, Little Maumelle River upstream from Pinnacle State Park, Maumelle River upstream from Lake Maumelle Dam, Fouche LaFave upstream from Hwy 113, Palarm Creek upstream from Interstate 40, Cadron Creek upstream from the weir. Point Remove Creek upstream from Hwy 113, Petit Jean River upstream from Pontoon Boat Ramp at Hwy 154, Illinois Bayou upstream from Russellville Waterworks Dam, Big Piney and Little Piney Creeks upstream from Hwy 359, Horsehead Creek upstream from Interstate 40, Mulberry River upstream from Interstate 40, Frog Bayou upstream from Hwy 162 and Lee Creek upstream from Lee Creek Dam, and from the first non-navigable shoal for streams entering the Arkansas River along the left bank ascending from Lake Dardanelle Dam to the Oklahoma state line. ARTIFICIAL LURE/FLY - Terminal fishing tackle made by the method of fly tying, or made entirely of rubber, wood, metal, glass, feathers, hair, synthetic fibers or plastic, with hook attached.

BAG LIMIT - The number of species allowed to be taken in a time period - 24 hours (12 o'clock midnight to 12 o'clock midnight) unless otherwise specified.

BAITFISH - Minnows (including bluntnose minnows, bullhead minnows,

chubs, crayfish, dace, fatheads, common carp under 6 inches, small goldfish,

shiners and stonerollers), logperch (also called sand pike or zebra minnows),

shad, gar (other than alligator gar), drum, bowfin under 6 inches, skipjack herring, silversides (brook and inland), buffalo (bigmouth, smallmouth and black), river carpsucker, sculpin (banded and Ozark), bream 4 inches and under, and bream over 4 inches that are caught by hook and line.

BAITING - The direct or indirect placing, exposing, depositing, distributing or scattering of salt, grain or other feed that could serve as a lure or attraction for wildlife to, on or over any areas where hunters are attempting to take them.

BIG GAME - Bear, deer, elk and turkey.

BLACK BASS - Largemouth bass, redeye bass, smallmouth bass and spotted bass.

BLOCKING OUT - The removal of the head and/or tail associated with the processing of a commercial fish. The blocked-out carcass (bullet) must be at least the minimum length required for the body of water where the commercial fish was harvested (see Code 41.12 for minimum length limits).

BONUS DEER - A harvested deer that is not included in a hunter's statewide bag limit.

BOX TYPE TURTLE TRAP - A floating trap designed to capture aquatic turtles, but does not permit capture of fish (See Code 39.04 for restrictions).

BREAM - Any species of the genus Lepomis, including bluegill, redear,

warmouth and other sunfish.

BUCK - A male deer (See LEGAL BUCK definition).

BUCK DEER SEASON - Any deer season whereby no deer other than legal buck deer may be taken.

BULL ELK (legal) - Any elk having at least one antler visible above the hair line.

BUY - To purchase, barter, exchange or trade and includes any offer to purchase, barter, exchange or trade.

CAPTIVITY or HOLD CAPTIVE - The holding of living wildlife in a controlled environment that is manipulated by man for the purpose of exercising ownership, possession or control of the wildlife, and that has boundaries designed to prevent selected species from entering or leaving the controlled environment.

CARCASS - The body of a dead animal.

CASE - A container specifically designed for the purpose of housing a gun which completely encloses such gun by being zipped, snapped, buckled, tied or otherwise fastened with no portion of the gun exposed.

CATCH-AND-RELEASE - The requirement that fish of a designated species must be immediately released into the water where caught.

CERVID - A member of the family Cervidae.

CHASE FOR PLEASURE - To search for, pursue or chase game animals or other wildlife with the use of dogs for recreational purposes only, with no intent of taking or attempting to take such game animals or wildlife through the possession or use of any killing device.

CHRONIC WASTING DISEASE (CWD) - Fatal disease affecting the brain of cervids that belongs to a group of diseases called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies.

CHUMMING - To dislodge or deposit any substance not attached to a hook which may attract fish.

CITY, COUNTY, STATE OR FEDERALLY MAINTAINED ROAD - Any road graded or otherwise repaired by any city, county, state or federal agency in the state of Arkansas.

CLEAN - Having no meat matter or tissue attached to the carcass part.

COMMERCIAL FISH - Bowfin (over 6 inches), buffalo, catfish, carp, drum,

gar, paddlefish, sucker family, white amur and sturgeon.

COMMERCIAL FISHERMAN - Any person who fishes with tackle designated as commercial tackle requiring a license and/or tag issued by the Commission.

COMMERCIAL WILDLIFE PERMIT(S) - Shall be a term construed to identify each and/or all of the following permits: Alligator Farmer/Dealer Permit,

Alligator Snapping Turtle Breeder/Dealer Permit, Resident Shell Taker and

Seller Permit, Shell Buyer Permit, Non-Resident Shell Buyer Permit, Resident

Roe Taker/Seller Permit, Resident Roe Buyer/Exporter Permit, Non-Resident

Roe Buyer Permit, Resident Fur Dealer Permit, Non-Resident Fur Dealer

Permit, Special Commercial Quail Permit, Game Bird Shooting Resort Permit,

Wildlife Hunting Resort Permit, Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permit and Wildlife

Translocation Permit.

COMMISSION - The Arkansas State Game and Fish Commission, unless otherwise designated.

DISABLED - Any individual who is 100% permanently and totally disabled as declared by the following federal agencies: the United

States Social Security Administration, the United Department of

Veteran's Affairs or the United States Railroad Retirement Board.

DOE - A female deer.

DOE DEER SEASON - Any deer season whereby a doe may be taken.

DROWNING SET - Any leg hold trap that utilizes one or more of the following techniques to retain the target animal in water of suitable depth for drowning.

These are: (1) a slide wire with lock; (2) tangle stake; or (3) drowning weight.

DUCKS (includes the following species) - All species of Teal, Merganser,

Whistling Duck and Scaup; American Wigeon, American Black Duck,

Bufflehead, Canvasback, Gadwall, Goldeneye, Mallard, Mottled Duck,

Northern Shoveler, Redhead, Ring-necked Duck, Ruddy Duck, Northern

Pintail and Wood Duck.

EITHER-SEX - A male or a female.

EITHER-SEX DEER SEASON - Any deer season whereby a doe or a legal buck may be taken.

ENCLOSE - To surround species of wildlife on all sides using man-made barriers, including but not limited to fencing, walls, structures or other devices,

so that the wildlife are not free to leave a particular environment.

ENCLOSURE - Any area surrounded by a man-made barrier, including but not limited to fencing, walls, structures or other devices that prevent wildlife from leaving a particular environment.

ENDANGERED SPECIES - any wildlife species or subspecies endangered or threatened with extinction listed by the U. S. Department of Interior and the following native species hereby designated in Arkansas: MAMMALS:

Gray bat (Myotis grisescens), Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis), Ozark big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii ingens. BIRDS:

Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), least tern (Sterna antillarum),

Bachman's warbler (Vermivora bachmanii), red-cockaded woodpecker

(Picoides borealis), ivory-billed woodpecker (Campephilus principalis). REPTILES:

American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). FISHES:

Ozark cavefish (Amblyopsis rosae), leopard darter (Percina pantherina), pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhyncus albus); MOLLUSKS:

Scaleshell mussel, Curtis' pearly mussel, (Epioblasma florentina curtisi), fat pocketbook pearly mussel (Potamilus capax), pink mucket mussel (Lampsilis abrupta), turgid blossom mussel (Epioblasma turgidula), speckled pocketbook mussel (Lampsilis streckeri), Arkansas fatmucket mussel (Lampsilis powelli), winged mapleleaf mussel (Quadrula fragosa), Magazine Mountain shagreen land snail (Inflectarius magazinensis); scaleshell mussel (Leptodea leptodon), Ouachita rock pocketbook mussel (Arkansia wheeleri); ARTHROPODS:

Cave crayfish (Cambarus zophonastes) and (Cambarus aculabrum); INSECTS:

American burying beetle (Nicrophorus americanus); PLANTS:

Geocarpon minimum (no common name), pondberry, (Lindera melissifolia), Missouri bladderpod (Lesquerella filiformis), Harperella (Ptilimnium nodosum), Eastern prairie fringed orchid (Platanthera leucophaea), running buffalo clover (Trifolium stoloniferum); FEE LAKE - A lake in which there is a charge for fishing privileges. All persons 16 years of age and older must possess an Arkansas fishing license. Daily limits apply.

FERAL HOG - Any hog (Sus scrofa), including Russian and European wild boar, which is roaming freely upon public lands and is living in a wild or feral state.

FIREARMS, LOADED - Firearms shall be considered to be loaded if shells or cartridges are in either the chamber, magazine or cylinder; percussion cap muzzle-loading firearms are considered loaded if the percussion cap is on the nipple; flintlock muzzle-loading firearms are considered to be loaded if there is powder in the flashpan. FISH or FISHING - To lure, attract, collect or pursue fish species or aquatic wildlife for the purpose of taking or attempting to take such fish species or aquatic wildlife by any method.

FISH FARM - Waters and adjacent premises confined within a pond, tank or lake not connected with public waters, and under management by a fish farmer.

FISH FARMER (AQUACULTURIST) - Any person, firm, partnership or corporation engaged in the propagation or rearing of aquaculture species for sale.

FREEFLOATING FISHING DEVICE - Any floating fishing device unanchored or unattached to a stationary object.

FURBEARERS - Badger, beaver, bobcat, coyote, gray fox, red fox, mink, muskrat, nutria, opossum, raccoon, river otter, spotted skunk (civet cat), striped skunk and weasel.

GAFFING FISH - Taking or attempting to take fish with a hand held or handled hook prior to being caught on hook and line.

GAME ANIMALS - Black bear, bobcat, coyote, deer, elk, fox, mink, opossum, rabbit, raccoon and squirrel.

GAME BIRD SHOOTING RESORT - Any person, firm or corporation engaged, for pay or other consideration, who provides pen-raised birds for harvest by hunters.

GAME BIRDS - Turkey, quail, pheasant, chuckar, and all birds classified by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service as migratory game birds.

GAME FISH - Alligator gar, black bass, white bass, striped bass, striped bass hybrid, crappie, catfish, trout, bream, sunfish, goggle-eye, walleye, northern pike, muskellunge, sauger, paddlefish and pickerel.

GEOCACHE - Items in a container (cache) placed or hidden for individuals to subsequently find using a Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) receiver device.

GEOCACHING - An outdoor sport, similar to "high-tech treasure hunting", involving use of a Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) receiver device to find a cache.

GUIDE - Any person who provides, for monetary or any other compensation, that person's personal services for the purpose of assisting others to locate, pursue, catch or hunt wildlife.

HIGH-FENCE ENCLOSURE - An enclosure that contains an area of at least 500 contiguous acres, with at least sixty percent (60%) of the acreage in forested cover that has been classified as timberland by the local county tax assessor, that has a perimeter fence at least eight (8) feet high, with no cross-fencing that has the effect of reducing the size of the area to less than 500 contiguous acres with at least sixty percent (60%) of the acreage in forested cover as herein provided.

HOGGING - The taking of fish by the use of hands only in or under the water. HUNT or HUNTING - To search for, pursue, chase, track, lure, attract or lie in wait of game animals or other wildlife for the purpose of taking or attempting to take such game animals or wildlife by any method. HUNTING PARTY - Two or more persons hunting together. IMPORT - To land on, bring into or introduce into any place within the jurisdiction of the State of Arkansas.

IMPORTATION - To ship, convey, carry or transport wildlife into or through the state by any means.

JAKE - Sub-adult turkeys having all of following characteristics: a) longer central tail feathers, b) outermost 1 or 2 wing feathers lacking white barring all the way to the tip and c) a beard six (6) inches or less in length.

KILLING DEVICE - Any firearm, bow and arrow, crossbow, pellet gun or any other device capable of killing wildlife. LEGAL BUCK - A buck having both antlers under two inches (including button buck) or at least one antler with at least three points including the main beam, each a minimum of one inch long. (Ref. Code 21.03)

LARGE CARNIVORE - Tigers (Panthera tigris), African Lions

(Panthera leo), or any hybrid thereof and all species of bears.

MIGRATORY BIRDS - All birds protected by the federal

Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 and subsequent amendments.

MIGRATORY GAME BIRDS - Coots, crows, doves, ducks,

gallinules or moorhens, geese, rails, snipe and woodcock.

MINIMUM LENGTH LIMIT - The shortest length of a fish, of a designated species, measured from the front of the lower jaw with the mouth closed to the tip of the tail with tail lobes pressed together, that an angler may keep. All fish not meeting the minimum length requirement for a particular water or species must be immediately released into the water where caught.

MINNOWS - small nongame fish commonly used for bait including bluntnose minnows, bullhead minnows, chubs, dace, fatheads, common carp under 6

inches, goldfish, shiners and stonerollers.

MOBILITY IMPAIRED - Individuals who are mobility impaired in accordance with criteria on the Game and Fish application for the mobility impaired card.

NATIVE WILDLIFE - Those species and sub-species of wildlife that have established, naturally reproducing, free-ranging, wild populations within the state of Arkansas.

NIGHT - thirty (30) minutes after sunset to thirty (30) minutes before sunrise.

NOODLING - The taking of fish by the use of a pole mounted breakaway hook that detaches at the time of the strike or catch, or snare type device,

with an attached line manipulated by hand when a person is in or under the water.

NONGAME WILDLIFE - all wildlife other than furbearing or game animals,

birds and fish.

NON-RESIDENT - Any person not defined as resident.

NUISANCE WILDLIFE - Any wild animal creating a problem by committing damage to personal property (Depredation Permit available).

NUISANCE FURBEARING ANIMALS - Beaver, muskrat and nutria.

OPEN SEASON - that season during which protected wildlife may be lawfully taken.

PEN-RAISED QUAIL - Quail that are hatched from eggs of quail raised in captivity in pens or cages.

PERSON - Any individual, firm, corporation, association or partnership in singular or plural as the context requires.

POSSESS OR POSSESSION - Having or holding wildlife, or any property in one's power; the exercise of dominion over property. Possession includes actual possession, which means physical occupancy or control over property, and constructive possession, which means control or dominion over property without actual possession or custody of the property.

PROPAGATE or PROPAGATION - To cause plants or animals to breed or multiply.

PROTECTED SLOT LIMIT - A species/size limit which prohibits anglers from keeping fish within a designated size group, and requires fish of that size and species to be immediately released into the water where caught.

PROTECTED WILDLIFE - all wildlife in the state unless a declared open season has been established by the Commission.

PUT AND TAKE PAY LAKE - Private waters open to public fishing for a fee,

after being licensed by the Commission and where no fishing license or daily limit of fish is imposed.

RAPTOR - Any migratory bird of the Order Falconiformes or the Order

Strigiformes and Ciconiiformes Family Cathartidae.

REAR OR REARING - To maintain plants or animals in order to increase their size or developmental stage.

REHABILITATION - The practice of providing medical treatment or other care to orphaned, sick or injured wild animals that have come into human possession with the goal of returning the animal to the wild.

RESIDENT - Any person who has established a bona fide or actual residence of at least 60 days prior to applying for a license, and who declares intentions of becoming a citizen of Arkansas. Possession of Arkansas real estate by persons living outside the state does not qualify the owner as a resident.


(A) The following students, carrying proof of full-time enrollment in schools, colleges or universities while hunting or fishing in Arkansas, are eligible to purchase a resident license:
(1) Residents of Arkansas enrolled as full-time students in colleges and universities outside of Arkansas.
(2) Non-residents enrolled as full-time students in colleges and universities in Arkansas.
(3) Non-resident foreign exchange students attending school in Arkansas.
(4) Resident foreign exchange students attending school outside of Arkansas.
(B) Servicemen and women stationed (permanently assigned) in Arkansas are granted resident privileges for hunting and fishing. Servicemen and women who were Arkansas residents at the time of entering service are also granted resident privileges for hunting and fishing, regardless where stationed.
(C) Proof of at least one (1) year residency must be provided when applying for the following licenses:

$1,000 Sportsman's permit, Resident Disabled 3-Year Licenses, Special Guide License, Alligator Farmer/Dealer Permit, Alligator Snapping Turtle Breeder/Dealer Permit, Commercial Fisherman's Permit & Sportfishing License, Commercial Fisherman's Helper Permit, Junior/Senior Commercial Fishing Permit, Resident Shell Taker/Seller Permit, Shell Taker Helper Permit, Shell Buyer, Resident Fish Dealer, Resident Roe Taker/Seller Permit, Resident Roe Taker Helper Permit and Resident Roe Buyer/Exporter Permit.

(D) Proof of at least three (3) years residency must be provided when applying for the following licenses: 65 Plus Lifetime License.

The Director or his representative shall make the final determination as to the resident status of any license applicant.

ROUGH FISH - Gars, bowfin, bullhead catfish, common carp, asian carp

(grass carp, bighead carp, silver carp), suckers (including buffalo) and drum.

SELL OR SALE - To exchange or deliver for money or its equivalent; to offer for sale, barter, exchange or trade or the act of selling, bartering, exchanging or trading.

SHELL BUYER - Anyone who buys mussels or mussel parts from a Taker.

An agent purchasing for a licensed buyer is not a buyer.

SIMULATED WING MOVEMENT DECOYS - Electronic, mechanically-operated, wind-powered or manually-powered devices that simulate wing movement, except for kite devices.

SMALL GAME - Furbearers, migratory game birds, quail, rabbit and squirrel. SNAGGING - A method of taking fish using conventional rod and reel tackle where the fish is impaled by the forceful retrieval of one or more hooks. SNAGLINE - Commercial tackle consisting of a horizontal line with hooks or drops less than 24 inches apart. SPORTFISH - See game fish definition above. TACKLE - Any rod, reel, pole, line, net, yo-yo, seine or any other apparatus or device used to take fish.

TAKE - To shoot, kill, injure, trap, net, snare, spear, catch, capture or reduce to possession.

TAXIDERMY - The art of preparing, stuffing and/or mounting of wildlife and parts thereof.

TRANSLOCATION - To ship, convey, carry or transport wildlife from one location to another by any means, including importation, exportation, interstate and intrastate movement.

TRAP or TRAPPING - To use a device, such as a clamp-like apparatus that closes, noose or cable restraint device (snare), for the purpose of catching and holding animals.

TROUT - Any members of the Salmonidae family including rainbow trout, brown trout, brook trout, lake trout and cutthroat trout. WATERFOWL - All species of ducks, geese and swans. WATERS OF THE STATE - All streams, lakes, sloughs, bayous, marshes or any other water wholly or partially within the State. Pay lakes and fish farms are excluded from the above.

WILD - to be living in a state of nature and not domesticated. WILDLIFE - All wild birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians and other wild aquatic forms, and all other wild animals, regardless of classification, whether resident, migratory or imported, protected or unprotected, dead or alive, and shall extend to and include any and every part of any individual species of wildlife, including animals living in a captive state and which lack a genetic distinction from members of the same species living in the wild. WILDLIFE CHECK STATION - An official wildlife check station is a Commission designated (1) county check station, (2) Commission employee, (3) deer camp or (4) Commission on-line checking web site http://www.agfc.com.

WILDLIFE HUNTING RESORT - A Wildlife Hunting Resort is any facility, location, business or operation that is engaged in offering the opportunity to hunt or attempt to hunt captive wildlife other than pen-raised game birds. WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREA (WMA) - Designated areas set aside by the Commission and distinguished by certain markers and considered a separate zone with regard to wildlife regulations. (Referred to as "WMA", "Waterfowl Rest Area "WRA", "Wildlife Demonstration Area" (WDA)", "Field Trail Area" (FTA), "State Park-Conservation Area" (SP-CA), or "National Wildlife Refuge" (NWR).

ZONE - Any area defined or delineated by the Commission where hunting and/or fishing activities are regulated for that specific area.

(A) Any wildlife, including but not limited to game animals, birds and fish, that is taken, transported or sold in violation of any Commission Code regulation is declared to be contraband and may be seized under authority of this Commission Code. Upon conviction of the offender, or sooner if the court having jurisdiction so orders, title to the wildlife shall be forfeited to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and such wildlife released or disposed of in accordance with Commission policy.
(B) Any equipment, including but not limited to guns, archery equipment, traps, tackle, nets, boats, lights, motors, vehicles and other fishing or hunting gear or devices, used in connection with a violation of any of the following Commission Code regulations is declared to be contraband and may be seized under authority of this Commission Code:

02.14 Bear Hunting Season. 02.21 Elk Hunting Season.

03.13 Special Guide License Requirements.

04.03 Hunting Wild Turkey Over Bait Prohibited. 04.06 Wild Turkey Hen Restrictions.

06.04 Taking of Doe Deer Prohibited

07.03 Modern Firearms Prohibited During Muzzleloading Deer Seasons.

08.03 Possession of Firearms While Archery and Crossbow Hunting Prohibited.

11.04 Hunting or Fishing After Revocation of License Prohibited. 11.05A Revocation of Commercial Wildlife Permit Privileges.

15.17 Wildlife Importation Permit Requirement.

15.18 Wildlife Importation Restrictions.

17.03 Legal Bull Elk Requirements

17.04 Taking of Antlerless Elk Prohibited

18.01 Hunting Wildlife in Closed Season Prohibited

18.02 Night Hunting Prohibited.

18.03 Selling Wildlife Restrictions.

18.04 Hunting From Road Prohibited.

18.05 Taking Wildlife at Night From a Boat Prohibited.

18.14 Taking of Alligator Prohibited.

18.20 Taking of Raptors and Bald Eagles Prohibited. 19.12 Endangered Species Protected.

20.06 Cutting Devices Prohibited on Commission Owned WMAs and WDAs.

25.09 Guiding Restrictions on Certain Wildlife Management Areas.

32.01 Taking Fish With Electrical Devices, Firearms, Explosives, Toxic, Stupefying Or Killing Substances Prohibited.

32.02 Trapping Fish Prohibited.

39.01 Aquatic Turtle Harvest Permit Requirements. 39.01(A) Aquatic Turtle Dealer Permit Requirements. 39.01(B) Non-Resident Aquatic Turtle Dealer Permit

Requirements. 39.01(C) Aquatic Turtle Farmer Permit Requirements.

39.02 Commercial Aquatic Turtle Harvest Restrictions.

39.03 Aquatic Turtle Tackle Tagging.

39.04 Aquatic Turtle Tackle Restrictions.

39.07(A) Take or Possession of Alligator Snapping Turtles

Prohibited. 39.07(B) Take of Chicken Turtles Prohibited.

39.08 Importation of Alligator Snapping Turtles and Chicken Turtles Prohibited.

39.09 Alligator Snapping Turtle Breeder/Dealer Permit Requirements.

41.05(A) Resident Roe Taker/Seller Permit Requirements.

41.05(B) Resident Roe Buyer/Exporter and Non-Resident Roe Buyer/Exporter Permit Requirements.

41.05(C) Roe Buyer/Exporter Reporting Requirements.

41.08 llegal Commercial Tackle Prohibited.

41.13 Commercial Fishing by Non-Resident Prohibited.

41.39 Closed Paddlefish, Sturgeon and Bowfin Harvest Season. Upon conviction of the offender, the court having jurisdiction may order title to the equipment forfeited to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and such equipment disposed of in accordance with Commission policy. Equipment confiscated may be advertised and sold at public auction with the proceeds of the sale to be deposited in the Game Protection Fund.

(C) Procedural matters regarding seizure and forfeiture of contraband not otherwise addressed herein shall be governed by the provisions of Rule 15 (Disposition of Seized Things) of the Arkansas Rules of Criminal Procedure, as amended.
01.00-E TRANSPORTING WILDLIFE ACROSS STATE LINES. Wildlife, or parts thereof, taken in violation of State Laws or regulations and transported across state lines is a violation of Federal Laws.
01.00-F PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE. The possession of any tackle or killing device in fields, forests, along streams or in any location known to be game cover, may be considered along with other evidence as prima facie evidence that the possessor is hunting or fishing.
01.00-G RIGHT TO SEEK RESTITUTION. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has the authority and right to seek civil and criminal monetary restitution, by whatever means appropriate, for the purpose of establishing a method by which it can recover the lost value of destroyed wildlife, in addition to those penalties currently in effect.

Upon conviction, courts of competent jurisdiction are autliorized to impose a monetary fine witliin tine stated penalty range for violation of any Arkansas Game and Fish Commission regulation. Further, all such courts shall be authorized to revoke hunting and fishing privileges as a penalty for conviction of any Game and Fish Commission regulation and to order the incarceration of convicted violators for up to one (1) year.

01.00-I MINIMUM PENALTY. A minimum penalty of $100.00 shall be imposed upon all game and fish violations with the following exceptions: 03.02 Fishing License Requirements; 06.07 Hunter Orange Clothing Requirements; 09.01 Hunting Dog Requirements; 31.09 Yo-Yo Fishing Restrictions; and 43.01-43.02 Boating (As prescribed under Title 27).

Upon the accumulation of 12 points for hunting and/or fishing violations within a three year period, the individual will be ineligible to apply for any Commission deer, turkey and elk permit hunts for the following three-years. The accumulation of 18 points for hunting and/or fishing violations within a three-year period may result in the revocation of all hunting and/or fishing licenses and the privileges attached thereto for one year, and the accumulation of 30 points within a five year period may result in the loss of all licenses and privileges for three years. A revocation of hunting and/or fishing licenses and privileges occurring for a third time during an individual's lifetime may result in the lifetime revocation of all hunting and/or fishing licenses and privileges. Any person who forfeits bond, pleads guilty or nolo contendere, or is found guilty of violating any hunting or fishing regulation shall be assigned points as follows:





Deer, Turkey and Bear Tagging Requirements



Big Game Checking Requirements



Bear Hunting Season



Elk Hunting Season



Counterfeiting License



Special Guide License Requirements



Hunting Wild Turkey Over Bait Prohibited



Dogs Prohibited During Deer Season



Hunting or Fishing After Revocation of License Prohibited



Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Releasing Hunting Dogs or Pursuing Wildlife With Dogs Without Landowner/Lessee

Permission Prohibited.



Shooting Bears in Dens Prohibited



Hunting Bear Over Bait



Legal Bull Elk Requirements



Taking of Antlerless Elk Prohibited



Hunting Wildlife in Closed Season



Night Hunting



Selling Game



Road Hunting



Taking of Alligators Prohibited



Taking of Raptors Prohibited



Endangered Species



Guiding Prohibited on all Commission Owned or Controlled WMAs (Guides)



Guiding Prohibited on all Commission Owned or Controlled WMAs Guided Hunters)



Sale of Game Fish



Taking Fish with Electrical Devices, Firearms, Explosives, Toxic or Killing Substances



Sale of Bullfrogs



Mussel Shell Taker, Buyer and Seller License and Reporting Requirements



Aquatic Turtle Harvest Permit Requirements



Aquatic Turtle Dealer Permit Requirements



Aquatic Turtle Farmer Permit Requirements



Commercial Aquatic Turtle Harvest Restrictions



Aquatic Turtle Tackle Restrictions



Aquatic Turtle Harvest and Dealer Reporting Requirements.



Possession of Sportfish by Aquatic Turtle Harvest Permittees Prohibited



Take or Possession of Alligator Snapping Turtles Prohibited.



Take of Chicken Turtles Prohibited



Importation of Alligator Snapping Turtles and Chicken Turtles Prohibited.



Alligator Snapping Turtle Breeder/Dealer Permit Requirements.


41.05 (A)

Resident Roe Taker/Seller Permit Requirements


41.05 (B)

Resident Roe Buyer/Exporter and Non-Resident Roe Buyer/Exporter Permit Requirements


41.05 (C)

Roe Buyer/Exporter Reporting Requirments



Commercial Fishing by NonResident Prohibited



Paddlefish and Sturgeon Possession Restrictions on White River, Arkansas River and Border Waters.



Cutting or Mutilation of Paddlefish and Sturgeon Prohibited



Paddlefish and Sturgeon Harvest Restrictions



Commercial Fishing for Certain Fish Prohibited in Lower Ouachita River


*All Others


*Boating regulations are not included in points toward revocation.

** 18. 03 Selling Wildlife Restrictions. A conviction for violating this regulation may result in the lifetime revocation of all hunting and/or fishing licenses.

The following violations shall result in a double assessment of the respective point value for the violation committed upon final court disposition:

1) Any violation occurring on all Wildlife Management Areas (except boating statutes).
2) Any violation of harvest regulations committed by a Guide License holder.
3) Any violation of trout harvest regulations in a trout catch and release area.
4) Any violation of bass harvest regulations on lakes designated as Trophy Bass Management Areas (Lakes Monticello, Lower White Oak, Columbia, SWEPCO, Pickthorne and Austelle).
5) Adults 21 years or older when accompanying youth under 16.
01.00-K SUSPENSION, REVOCATION OR DENIAL OF LICENSES, PERMITS, TAGS AND STAMPS. The Director of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, through his authorized representative, may suspend or revoke the license, permit, tag or stamp of any holder, and may deny the application of any applicant, without a preliminary hearing, upon a showing through the Commission's records or other sufficient evidence that the holder or applicant has:
(1) Accumulated points for hunting and/or fishing violations in excess of the amounts set forth in Section 01:00-J;
(2) Made a material misrepresentation or practiced fraud or deceit in an attempt to obtain a license, permit, tag or stamp;
(3) Permitted a fraudulent or unlawful use of his license, permit, tag or stamp; or
(4) Under either federal law or another state's law, (a) has received a lifetime revocation of his or her hunting and/or fishing privileges, or (b) been convicted within the past three (3) years of a hunting and/or fishing violation, which, if the conviction had been pursuant to Arkansas law, would have been grounds for suspension or revocation.

Upon suspension or revocation of any license, permit, tag or stamp, or denial of any application, the Director, or his authorized representative, shall notify the holder or applicant in writing. Any holder or applicant desiring a hearing shall notify the Commission in writing within twenty (20) days after receipt of the suspension, revocation or denial notice. Upon receipt of the hearing request, the Commission shall appoint a hearing officer and notify the holder or applicant of the date, time and location of the hearing. The Commission shall cause an official record to be made of the proceedings. Hearings shall be conducted in an informal manner and without necessity of adherence to the rules of evidence required in judicial proceedings. Parties shall have the right to be represented by counsel, to submit evidence in open hearing, compel the attendance of witnesses and to cross-examine any witness at the hearing. Irrelevant, immaterial or unduly repetitious evidence shall be excluded by the hearing officer. Notice may be taken of generally recognized technical or scientific facts within the

Commission's specialized l

01.00-L REWARD SYSTEM. The Director of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, through his authorized representative and according to policy, may pay cash rewards in an amount up to one thousand dollars ($1,000) for information resulting in the issuance of citations for certain violations of Arkansas Game and Fish Commission regulations.
Section 02.00 Game Seasons and Bag Limits
02.01 DEER ARCHERY AND CROSSBOW SEASON (2006-2007). It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take deer with archery tackle other than during the open deer archery and crossbow season as specified herein:

Zones 1,2, 3, 4, 4A, 5, 5A, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 16A and 17: October 1, 2006 - February 28, 2007. (Ref: Sec. 08.00).


(1) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations. (Reference Code 21.01 Deer Seasons and Bag Limit Restrictions on WMAs.)

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

02.02 IVIODERN GUN DEER SEASONS (2006-2007). It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take deer with modern firearms other than during the open seasons as specified herein:

Zones 1,2,3, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 11: November 11-19 and November 23

- December 3, 2006.

Zone 4: November 11 -12, 2006.

Zone 5: November 11-12 and November 18 -19, 2006.

Zones 4A, 5A, 13, 14 and 15: November 11 - December 10, 2006.

Zones 9 and 12: November 11 - December 17, 2006.

Zones 16, 16A and 17: November 11 - December 28, 2006.


(1) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations. (Reference Code 21. 01, Deer Seasons and Bag Limit Restrictions on WMAs.)


Zones 1,2, 3, 4, 4A, 5, 5A, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 16A and 17: December 26-28, 2006.


(1) Wildlife Management Areas that are closed during modern gun deer season are excluded from Christmas Holiday Deer Hunt (Ref. Code 21.01, Deer Seasons and Bag Limit Restrictions on WMAs).
(2) Wildlife Management Areas that require a permit for the modern gun or muzzleloader deer season are excluded from Christmas Holiday Deer Hunt (Ref. Code 21.02, Deer Permit Requirements on Certain WMAs).
(3) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations. (Reference Code 21.01, Deer Seasons and Bag Limit Restrictions on WMAs.)


All deer zones: November 4-5, 2006.


(1) In compliance with applicable regulations (Reference Code 06.11, Special Youth Modern Gun Deer Hunt Restrictions).
(2) In compliance with applicable Wildlife Management Area regulations (Reference Code 21.01, Deer Seasons and Bag Limit Restrictions on WMAs).
(3) Wildlife Management Areas requiring a WMA deer permit are closed to the Special Modern Gun Deer Youth Hunt (Ref. Code 21.02, Deer Permit Requirement on Certain WMAs).

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

02.03 MUZZLE-LOADING DEER SEASONS (2006-2007). It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take deer with muzzle-loading firearms other than during the open muzzle-loading deer seasons as specified herein:

Zones 1,2, 3, 4A, 5A, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 15: October 14-22, 2006 and December 16-18, 2006.

Zones 9, 12, 16, 16A 17: October 14-22, 2006 and December 29-31, 2006.

Zones 4 and 5: Closed.


(1) In areas open during regular gun deer seasons.
(2) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations. (Reference Code 21.01, Deer Seasons and Bag Limit Restrictions on WMAs.)

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

02.04 WILD TURKEY SEASONS (2006-2007). It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take wild turkey other than during the open seasons as specified herein:
(A) Spring Wild Turkey Firearms and Archery/Crossbow Seasons:

Zones 1, 2, 3, 4B, 5, 5B, 6, 7, 7A, 8, 9 and 10. April 14-Mav4, 2007.

Zone 1A, 4, 4A, 5A and 9A: April 14-27, 2007. Zone 17: April 7-29, 2007.

(B) Fall Wild Turkey Archery/Crossbow Seasons:

All Zones: October 1, 2006 - February 28, 2007.

(C) Fall Wild Turkey Firearms Season:

Zones 2, 3, 6, 7 and 17; October 23-29, 2006. Zones 1, 1 A, 4, 4A, 4B, 5, 5A, 5B, 7A, 8, 9, 9A and 10: Closed. EXERTIONS:

(1) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations. (Reference Code 23.01, Turkey Seasons and Bag Limit Restrictions on WMAs.)
(2) In compliance with applicable regulations. (Reference Code 04.08, Special Youth Turkey Hunt Restrictions.)

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

02.05 QUAIL SEASON (2006-2007). It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take quail other than during the open season as specified herein: November 1, 2006 - February 11, 2007 statewide. EXCEPTION:
(1) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations. (Reference Code 24.02,

Quail Season Restricted on Certain WMAs.) PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

02.06 RABBIT SEASON (2006-2007). It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take rabbits other than during the open season as specified herein: September 2, 2006 - February 28, 2007 statewide. EXCEPTION:
(1) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations. (Reference Code 24.03,

(Rabbit Season Restricted on Certain WMAs.) PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

02.07 FURBEARER SEASONS (2006-2007). It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take furbearers anytime other than during the open furbearer seasons as specified herein: (Ref: 01.00-C Furbearers).
(A) Gray Fox, Mink, Red Fox and Striped Skunk Hunting: Sunrise, September 1, 2006 - Sunset, February 28, 2007. Day hunting only.
(B) Opossum Hunting: Sunrise, September 1, 2006-Sunset, February 28, 2007. Day or night hunting; dogs are required to hunt at night.
(C) Bobcat and Coyote Hunting: Sunrise, October 1, 2006 - Sunset, February 28, 2007 (Dogs allowed to hunt bobcat and coyote during the day. Coyote may not be hunted at night. Dogs required to hunt bobcat at night). From the first day of Spring Turkey season through the last day of Spring Squirrel Season (Day hunting only. No dogs allowed).
(1) Dogs are not allowed in deer zones where a firearms deer season is in progress that prohibits the use of dogs.
(2) During youth turkey hunts, only youth may take coyotes or bobcats.
(D) River Otter Hunting: Sunrise, November 18, 2006 - Sunset, February 28, 2007. Day hunting only.
(E) Raccoon Hunting: Sunset, July 1 - Sunrise, August 31, 2006 (Night liunting only. Dogs required). Sunrise, September 1, 2006 - Sunset, IVIarcli 31, 2007 (Day or niglit liunting. Dogs are required for liunting at niglit).
(F) IVIuslSunrise, September 1, 2006 -Sunset, IVIarcli 31, 2007. Day hunting only.
(G) Badger, Spotted Skunk (Civet Cat) and Weasel Hunting: Closed.
(H) Furbearer Trapping (Other than Beaver, Coyote, Muskrat and Nutria): Sunrise, November 18, 2006 - Sunset, February 18, 2007.
(I) Coyote Trapping: Sunrise, August 1, 2006 - Sunset, March 31, 2007.
(J) Beaver, Muskrat and Nutria Trapping: Sunrise, November 18, 2006 -Sunset, March 31, 2007.


(1) In compliance with Commission Codes 18.01 (Hunting Wildlife in Closed Season Prohibited), 15.16 (Native Wildlife Pet Restrictions) and 18.09 (Depredation Permit Requirement).
(2) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations. (Reference Code 24.07, Furbearer Seasons and Bag Limits on WMAs.)
(3) Coyotes that are committing damage to domestic animals or personal property may be taken in compliance with Code 18.09, Exception 3 (Depredation Permit Requirement).

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

02.08 SQUIRREL SEASONS (2006-2007). It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take squirrels other than during the squirrel seasons as specified herein: 2006-2007 Fall Squirrel Season:

September 9, 2006 - February 28, 2007, statewide. 2007 Spring Squirrel Season:

May 12 -June 10, 2007 statewide (Dogs allowed).


(1) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations. (Reference Code 24. 04, Squirrel Seasons Restricted on Certain WMAs.) PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.
02.10 CROW HUNTING SEASON. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take crow other than during the open season as specified herein: September 2, 2006 - February 22, 2007, Thursdays through Mondays only (124 days). No limit. EXCEPTION:
(1) While committing damage to domestic animals or personal property.
(2) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations. Reference Code 24.09 (Crow Season on WMAs).

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


CROW, RABBIT AND SQUIRREL. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take, Crow, Rabbit, and Squirrel by use of:

(A) Rifled slugs or shot larger than T shot.
(B) Rifles or pistols larger than .22 caliber rimfire.
(C) Muzzle-loading rifles and pistols larger than .40 caliber.


(1) Rabbit and squirrel may be taken with muzzle-loading rifles and pistols larger than .40 caliber during open muzzleloading deer seasons and bear season.
(2) Crow may be taken during open coyote and gun deer seasons with firearms legal for those seasons and in compliance with Code 02.10, Crow Hunting Season.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take more than the bag limit of any game species set forth by the Commission as specified herein: (Ref: Section 01.00-C Bag Limit).

(A) Deer:

Statewide seasonal limit of four (4) deer per individual using any legal method.

(1) Deer Zones 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 and 10: Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and no more than one doe may be taken with firearms. A zone doe quota permit is required to harvest a doe during the muzzleloader, modern gun and Christmas Holiday firearm deer seasons.
(2) Deer Zones 3 and 11: Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and no more than one doe may be taken with firearms. A zone doe quota permit is required to harvest a doe during the muzzleloader, modern gun and Christmas Holiday firearm deer seasons.
(3) Deer Zones 4 and 5: Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and no more than one doe may be taken with firearms.
(4) Deer zones 4A, 5A, 9, 16 and 16A: Seasonal bag limit, of three (3) deer. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and no more than two doe may be taken with firearms.
(5) Deer zones 12,13,14,15 and 17: Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with achery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and no more than two doe may be taken with firearms.


(1) Deer Camp Doe Tags, Deer Management Assistance Program Management Buck Tags and bonus deer on certain Wildlife Management Areas (Ref. Code 21.01) do not apply toward an individual seasonal bag limit.
(2) Subject to applicable bag limit restrictions on WMAs (Reference Code 21.01).
(B) Quail:

Daily bag limit 6, possession limit 12.

(C) Rabbit:

Daily bag limit 8, possession limit 16.

(D) Furbearers:

Hunting: Limit two per day per species.

Trapping: No limit.


Muskrat, Nutria, Beaver, Coyote and Striped Skunk: No limit.

Raccoon Hunting: July 1 - August 31, 2006 (night only);

Limit one. November 18, 2006 - March 31, 2007: No limit.

(E) Squirrel:

Daily bag limit 8, possession limit 16.

(F) Wild Turkey:

Spring Firearm and Archery/Crossbow:

Individual limit of two (2) gobblers or bearded turkeys for spring season in Turkey Zones 1, 2, 3, 4B, 5, 5B, 6, 7, 7A,

8, 9, 10 and 17; one (1) gobbler or bearded turkey in

Turkey Zones 1A, 4, 4A, 5A and 9A. No more than one legal turkey may be taken per day, no more than one jake

sub-adult male) may be taken per season, and no more than two legal turkeys may be taken during the spring season in any combination of zones.

Fall Archery/Crossbow:

Individual limit of one (1) either-sex wild turkey statewide.

Fall Firearm:

Individual limit of one (1) either-sex wild turkey in Turkey

Zones 2, 3, 6, 7 and 17.

(G) Bear:

Individual annual limit of one (1) bear. (H) Elk:

Individual limit of one (1) elk by permit only.

PENALTY: $150.00 to $1,000.00.


It shall be unlawful to fail to comply with the following provisions:

(A) Immediately after taking a deer or turkey, and before moving the animal, each hunter must remove the appropriate deer or turkey tag from the hunter's license and legibly fill out (in ink) the appropriate tag with true and accurate information. The tag must be securely fastened to the antler or ear for a deer, or to the leg for a turkey. The tag must remain on the deer or turkey until final processing and storage by the hunter.


(1) Resident hunters under sixteen years of age, holders of 65+ lifetime hunting license, disabled license holders and Mississippi license holders hunting under the Reciprocal Hunting License Agreement must legibly fill out (in ink) a game tag provided in the current Arkansas Hunting Guidebook or use a piece of paper to make a tag and legibly print (in ink) the hunter's name, the date, the WMA or zone number and the time of harvest. The tag must be securely fastened to the antler or ear for a deer or to the leg for a turkey.
(2) Non-resident hunters under sixteen years of age must fasten a tag to the deer or turkey using one of the provisions in Exception (1) until a valid Arkansas hunting license has been purchased. (Reference Code 03.03, Hunting License Requirements, Exception 2). After purchasing the appropriate license, the applicable deer or turkey tag must be removed from the license and legibly filled out (in ink). The tag must be securely fastened to the antler or ear for a deer or to the leg for a turkey.
(3) Bonus deer, including does taken with deer camp doe tags and bucks taken with the Deer Management Assistance Program Management Buck tags.
(B) Immediately after taking a bear and before moving the animal, each hunter must legibly fill out (in ink) a game tag provided in the current Arkansas Hunting Guidebook, or use a piece of paper to make a tag, and legibly print (in ink) the hunter's name, the date, the WMA or zone number and the time of harvest. The tag must be securely fastened to the leg or ear of the bear. PENALTY: $250.00 to $1,000.00

It shall be unlawful to fail to comply with the following provisions:

(A) Upon taking each deer, turkey, bear or elk, every hunter must, within 24 hours of harvest, check said game at an Official Wildlife Check Station (see Code 01.00C, Definition of Terms). The hunter shall provide true and accurate information requested by the check station. Game may be field dressed prior to checking, but evidence of sex must remain until checked. No big game animal may be transported across state lines prior to being properly checked, unless normal travel routes require said hunter to cross a state line in direct route to an official wildlife check station. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) Black bears must be checked within 24 hours after harvest by calling the toll free number listed in the Arkansas Hunting Guidebook. Hunters are required to extract a first upper or lower premolar from the carcass and give to the check station operator for age determination.
(2) Elk must be checked within 12 hours in accordance with permit provisions at a designated elk check station or by a designated Commission employee. Elk may be quartered in the field to prevent spoilage due to difficulties resulting from large animals taken in remote areas. Evidence of sex must remain until checked and the animal's head must be presented for checking.
(3) Black bear and deer may be quartered in the field to prevent spoilage due to difficulties resulting from large animals taken in remote areas.
(4) Hunters in the Check Sheet Program must check deer or turkey immediately upon return to the camp and in no case more than four hours after harvest.
(5) Big game animals harvested in Zone 17 may be transported across state lines while en route to an official wildlife check station.

PENALTY: $250.00 to $1,000.00

02.14 BEAR HUNTING SEASON. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take, or possess bear other than during the open season in areas as specified herein:


October 1-November 30, 2006 in Bear Zones 1 and 2.

Closed in Bear Zones 3, 4, 5, 5A, 6 and 7.


October 14-22, 2006 in Bear Zones 1 and 2.

Closed in Bear Zones 3, 4, 5, 5A, 6 and 7.

Modern Gun:

November 6-30, 2006 in Bear Zones 1 and 2.

December 9-17, 2006 in Bear Zone 5. Arkansas lands lying east of the

Mississippi River are closed.

December 2-17, 2006 in Bear Zone 5A. Arkansas lands lying east of the

Mississippi River are closed.

Closed in Bear Zones 3, 4, 6 and 7.


November 4-5, 2006 in Bear Zone 1 and 2.

Closed in Bear Zones 3.4,5.5A,6 and 7.

Zone Quotas: Zone 5 quota is 35 bears. Zone 5A quota is15 bears.

Hunters in Zones 1, 2, 5 and 5A must comply with the terms and conditions outlined in the 2006 and 2007 Arkansas Hunting Guidebook.


(1) Bear carcasses and parts legally harvested outside the state and accompanied by verification.
(2) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations, Reference Code 21.05, Bear Seasons and Bag Limit Restrictions on WMAs.
(3) In compliance with Section 15.00 (Captive Wildlife/Hunting Resorts).
(4) In compliance with applicable regulations (Reference Code 16.08, Special Youth Modern Gun Bear Hunt Restrictions).

PENALTY: $500.00 to $1,000.00. In addition, a jail sentence not to exceed 10 days may be imposed. The Commission may seek restitution provided under Commission Code 01 .OOG.

02.21 ELK HUNTING SEASON. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take,

or possess elk other than during the open seasons as specified herein: September 25-29, 2006. No dogs. One bull permit (valid in elk zone 1), one bull permit (valid in elk zone 2), one bull permit (valid in elk zone 3), and one bull permit (valid in elk zone 4). December 4 -8, 2006. No dogs. One bull permit (valid in elk zone 1), one bull permit (valid in elk zone 2), one either-sex youth permit (valid in elk zone 3), and one bull permit (valid in elk zone 4). Three antlerless permits (valid in elk zone 1), three antlerless permits (valid in elk zone 2), three antlerless permits (valid in elk zone 3) and three antlerless permits (valid in elk zone 4).

September 25-29, 2006 and December 4-8, 2006. No dogs. Either-sex permits valid for elk in elk zone A. Each hunt period will end when the quota of elk has been harvested in zone A. The quota for the September 25-29, 2006 hunt period is 5 elk. The quota for the December 4-8, 2006 hunt period is 5 elk. EXCEPTION:

(1) Elk carcasses and parts legally harvested outside the state and accompanied by verification.
(2) In compliance with Section 15.00 (Captive Wildlife/Hunting Resorts)

PENALTY: Not less than $5,000.00.

Section 03.00 Licenses
03.01 LICENSE AND PERIVIIT REQUIREIVIENTS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take any fish or wildlife when and where a license, permit, tag or stamp is required without first obtaining and having on the person the appropriate license, permit, tag or stamp. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) Hunting (other than Big Game, Ref. Code 01.00-C) or fishing with a valid confirmation or authorization number received from a telephone license order transaction. (Confirmation or authorization numbers are only valid for fourteen days including the day of the telephone transaction.)
(2) Hunting (other than Big Game, Ref. Code 01.00-C) or fishing with a valid temporary license printed from an online license order transaction. (Temporary licenses are only valid for fourteen days including the day of the online transaction.)

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

03.02 FISHING LICENSE REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for any resident or non-resident to fish in any manner or to take or attempt to take frogs, minnows or mussels in Arkansas without having on the person the appropriate Arkansas fishing license as provided herein:
(A) Arkansas Resident (16 years of age and older) - Resident Fislieries Conservation License; Resident 3-Day Trip Fisliing License; Lifetime Resident Hunting and Fisliing Sportsman's Permit; Resident 65 Plus Lifetime Fishing License (or Resident 65 Plus Lifetime Combination License); or Disabled Lifetime Fishing License (or Resident Disabled Lifetime Combination License) or Resident Disabled Fishing 3-Year License (or Resident Disabled Combination 3-Year License).
(B) Non-Residents (16 years of age and older) - Non-Resident Annual Fishing License; Non-Resident 3-Day Trip Fishing License; or Non-Resident 14-Day Trip Fishing License.


(1) Persons fishing in Put and Take Pay Lakes licensed by the Commission.
(2) Persons must possess a valid Commercial Fishing Permit & Sportfishing License to purchase tags for commercial tackle or to operate commercial tackle. Persons holding a CFS may purchase a Helper Permit, which will allow the permit holder to also operate the licensee's tackle. Tackle tags may not be purchased with the Helper Permit. The Helper Permit does not confer sportfishing privileges.
(3) Individuals under age 16, or age 65 or over, are required to purchase a Junior/Senior Commercial Fishing Permit only if they sell commercial species offish or aquatic turtles.
(4) In lieu of an Arkansas non-resident fishing license, Missouri resident fishing license holders, age 16 or older, are required to purchase a White River Border Lakes License in compliance with Code 30.04, White River lakes License Agreement Between Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and Missouri Department of Conservation.

PENALTY: $50.00 to $1,000.00.

03.03A RESIDENT HUNTING LICENSE REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for any resident to take or attempt to take any wild animal or bird by any means in Arkansas without having on the person the appropriate Arkansas Hunting License as provided herein:
(A) To hunt deer, turkey, bear or elk the hunter must have physical possession of an official hunting license. A temporary, internet license is not valid for hunting these species. A confirmation/authorization number from a telephone license order is not valid for hunting these species.
(B) Arkansas Resident (16 years of age and older) - SMALL GAME:

Resident Wildlife Conservation License; Resident Sportsman's License; BIG GAME (deer, bear, elk and turkey): Resident Wildlife Conservation License (permits residents to harvest one legal deer during the modern gun deer season); Resident Sportsman's License; Resident Combination Sportsman's License; FURBEARERS (Hunting and Trapping): Any valid hunting license. Holders of the following licenses are entitled to hunt all game, except if taking waterfowl, an Arkansas Resident Waterfowl Stamp, Federal Waterfowl Stamp and HIP are required. Resident Lifetime Hunting and Fishing Sportsman's Permit; Resident 65 Plus Lifetime Sportsman's Hunting License (or 65 Plus Lifetime Combination

License); Resident Disabled Lifetime Sportsman's Hunting License (or Resident Disabled Lifetime Combination License) Resident Disabled Hunting 3-Year License (or Resident Disabled Combination 3-Year License).


(1) Residents engaging in hunting activities on a licensed Game Bird Shooting Resort in compliance with regulations pertaining to Game Bird Shooting Resorts.
(2) In compliance with the Snow, Blue and Ross' Goose Conservation Order.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

03.03B NON-RESIDENT HUNTING LICENSE REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for any non-resident to take or attempt to take any wild animal or bird by any means in Arkansas without having on the person the appropriate Arkansas Hunting License as provided herein:
(A) To hunt deer, turkey, bear or elk the hunter must have physical possession of an official hunting license. A temporary, internet license is not valid for hunting these species. A confirmation/authorization number from a telephone license order is not valid for hunting these species.
(B) Non-Residents hunting small game only (excluding deer, elk, turkey and bear).

Requirements: Non-Resident Annual Small Game License, or Non-Resident 5-Day Small Game License for a period of said license, and Non-Resident Fur-Takers Permit if hunting furbearers. Small game may also be taken on the Non-Resident All Game Licenses. If hunting waterfowl, an Arkansas Non-Resident Waterfowl Stamp, Federal Waterfowl Stamp and HIP are required.

(C) Non-Residents hunting deer, bear, elk and/or wild turkey. Requirements: Non-Resident Annual All Game License (provides holder all applicable tags for deer, bear and turkey); Non-Resident 3-Day All Game License (provides holder one deer tag and one turkey tag); or a Non-Resident 5-Day All Game License (provides holder two deer tags and two turkey tags) and a Non-Resident Fur-Takers Permit if hunting or trapping furbearers.


(1) Non-Residents engaging in hunting activities on a licensed Game Bird Shooting Resort in compliance with regulations pertaining to Game Bird Shooting Resorts.
(2) Non-Residents under 16 years of age prior to killing a deer, turkey, elk or bear providing said non-resident under 16 years of age obtains a Non-Resident Annual All Game License (provides holder all applicable tags for deer, bear and turkey), or a Non-Resident 3-Day All Game License (provides holder one deer tag and one turkey tag), or a Non-Resident 5-Day All Game License (provides holder two deer tags and two turkey tags after taking a deer, elk, turkey or bear.
(3) In compliance with the Snow, Blue and Ross' Goose Conservation Order.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $1,000.00.


REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take migratory waterfowl without first obtaining and having on the person the appropriate Arkansas Resident or Non-Resident Migratory Waterfowl Hunting Stamp (Duck Stamp) and to fail to validate said stamp by signing (signature) in ink across the face thereof.


(1) Persons under sixteen (16) years of age.
(2) Persons holding a Lifetime Hunting and Fishing Sportsman's License.
(3) Persons possessing a Resident 65 Plus Lifetime Waterfowl Permit.
(4) Persons (Resident or Non-Resident) holding a universal license form issued by the Commission or its representative, coded DSR or DSN within 30 days of purchase.
(5) In compliance with the Snow, Blue and Ross' Goose Conservation Order.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


It shall be unlawful for any non-resident to possess any resident license, permit or tag issued by the Commission. PENALTY: $500.00 to $1,000.00.

Suspension of hunting privileges in accordance with Code 11.05,

Revocation of Privileges.

03.05 HUNTER EDUCATION CERTIFICATE REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for any person with a birth date later than December 31, 1968, to hunt, take, or attempt to take wildlife by use of a killing device prior to successful completion of an approved Hunter Education training course, or fail to have on the person valid proof of Hunter Education certification.


(1) Persons under 16 years of age hunting under direct supervision of an adult at least 21 years of age. PENALTY: $25.00 to $1,000.00.
03.05-A BOATER EDUCATION CERTIFICATE REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for any person with a birth date on or after January 1, 1986 to operate a motorboat of any kind (1) prior to the successful completion of an approved boater education training course, or (2) while operating a motor-boat to fail to have on the person valid proof of boater education certification. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) Any person who has successfully completed a boater education training course approved by the National Association of State Boating Administrators and has in his or her possession valid proof of the boating education certificate issued by another state.
(2) Any person of legal age to operate a motorboat who has been issued a temporary boater education certificate by the Commission and has in his or her possession valid proof of the temporary certificate.

PENALTY: $25.00 to $1,000.00.

03.06 POSSESSION OF IMPROPER LICENSE. It shall be unlawful to possess any license, permit, tag or stamp issued by the Commission to any other person.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

03.07 LENDING LICENSE PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to lend any license, permit, tag or stamp issued by the Commission to any other person. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
03.08 COUNTERFEITING LICENSE PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to counterfeit any license, permit, tag or stamp issued by the Commission; or to collect funds for any license, permit, tag or stamp by an unauthorized person; or to obtain by false application any license, permit, tag, stamp or hunter education or boater education certificate issued by the Commission. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

A jail sentence for a period of up to 90 days may be imposed.

03.09 BACKDATING OR ALTERING LICENSE PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any person (including License Dealers) to backdate or alter any license, permit or tag issued by the Commission or to possess any license, permit, tag or stamp issued by the Commission that has been altered. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
03.10 GUIDE LICENSE REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to guide, aid or assist another person, for pay or other consideration, in the taking of any species of wildlife or fish without obtaining a Commercial Guide License. Any violation offish or wildlife harvest regulations may result in a double assessment of the respective point value for the violations committed upon final court disposition. Hunting Guide Licenses are valid for the year period July 1 to June 30 and Fishing Guide License are valid for 1 year from date of purchase.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

03.11 LICENSE DEALER REQUIREMENT. Authorized license dealers of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission shall be required to make available for inspection by an authorized agent of the Commission, a copy or stub (whichever is appropriate) of all licenses, permits or tags issued by said dealer as required in accordance with remittance policy. A license dealership may be cancelled by the Chief Fiscal Officer of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission for any of the following reasons:
(A) Failure to comply with the above requirement.
(B) Failure to remit on account according to Commission policy.
(C) Failure to cooperate with Commission personnel in the performance of their duties.
(D) Violation of any Commission regulation.

No license dealer so cancelled shall be reinstated until such reinstatement shall have been approved by the Chief Fiscal Officer.

03.12 CHARGING IN EXCESS OF AUTHORIZED LICENSE FEES PROHIBITED. The authority of any authorized dealer, his agent or assignee to sell Arkansas hunting or fishing licenses or permits who shall charge the purchaser thereof any amount in excess of the authorized price thereof, whether such excess be a cash fee, the requirement to rent or purchase goods or services or any other means, as a condition to purchase such license or permit shall be revoked by the Chief Fiscal Officer and such dealer, his agents or assignee, shall be ineligible to apply for reinstatement of such authority for a period of six months thereafter.

In the event such dealer, his agents or assigns, shall be in violation hereof after his authority to sell such license has been revoked for a previous violation and such authority subsequently reinstated, the authority of such dealer, his agent of assigns, to sell Arkansas hunting or fishing license or permits shall be permanently revoked. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

03.13 SPECIAL GUIDE LICENSE REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to guide, aid or assist another person, for pay or other consideration, in the taking of any species of wildlife on Wildlife Management Areas or on Game and Fish leased land areas without obtaining a Special Guide License; or for any nonresident to possess or exercise the privilege of the Special Guide License. Licenses are valid for the year period July 1 to June 30.

PENALTY: $300.00 to $1,000.00.

03.14 NON-RESIDENT COMBINATION LICENSES. It shall be unlawful for an authorized license dealer to sell a quick-issue Non-Resident Trout Permit/Fishing License Combination, or a Non-Resident Duck Stamp/Hunting License Combination without obtaining the customer's signature and identification number on the quick-issue license form, and a completed order form for subsequent entry to the license system.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

03.15 NON-RESIDENT GUIDE LICENSE REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to guide, aid, or assist another person, for pay or other consideration, in the taking of any species of wildlife on land not owned or leased by Game and Fish without obtaining a Non-Resident Guide License; or for any non-resident to possess or exercise the privilege of the Special Guide License. Licenses are valid for the year period July 1 to June 30.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00







Resident Fisheries Conservation License......


$ 10.50


Resident 3-Day Trip License.......................


$ 6.50


Resident Disabled Fisliing 3-Yr License........


$ 10.50


Resident Disabled Combination 3-Yr License


$ 35.50


Non-Resident Annual Fishing License..........


$ 40.00


Non-Resident 14-Day Trip Fishing License..


$ 22.00


Non-Resident 7-Day Trip Fishing License....


$ 17.00


Non-Resident 3-Day Trip Fishing License....


$ 11.00


Arkansas Trout Permit..................................


$ 5.00


Non-Resident Trout Permit...........................


$ 12.00


White River Border Lakes License.............


$ 10.00


Guide License/Fishing.................................


$ 25.00


Non-Resident Guide License/Fishing





Hoop Nets (with orw/o leads), Turtle Nets...


$ 4.00

Dec. 31

Slat Traps & Fiddler Nets............................


$ 12.50

Dec. 31

Commercial Trotlines (inc. snaglines, throw-lines, limb lines, set hooks) per 100 ft.........


$ 5.00

Dec. 31

Box Traps Turtle Trap...........................


$ 2.00

Dec. 31

Commercial Tackle (Seine, Trammel & Gill Ni


100 yds. or fractional part thereof per tag.....


$ 15.00

Dec. 31

Commercial Fisherman's Permit & Sportfishing License...........................


$ 25.00

Dec. 31

Commercial Fisherman's Helper Permit........


$ 25.00

Dec. 31

Junior/Senior Commercial Fishing Permit.....


$ 14.50

Dec. 31

Alligator Farmer/Dealer Permit......................



June 30

Alligator Tags................................................

$ 4.00

June 30

Alligator Snapping Turtle Breeder/ Dealer Perm it...............................................



June 30

Aquatic Turtle Harvest Permit.................



Dec. 31

Aquatic Turtle Harvest Helper Permit........


$ 50.00

Dec. 31

Junior Aquatic Turtle Harvest Permit........


$ 25.00

Dec. 31

Aquatic Turtle Dealer Permit.................



Dec. 31

Non-Resident Aquatic Turtle Dealer Permit...



Dec. 31

Aquatic Turtle Farmer Permit.................



Dec. 31

Resident Shell Taker and Seller...................



Dec. 31

Shell Taker Helper Permit............................



Dec. 31

Shell Buyer...................................................



Dec. 31

Non-Resident Shell Buyer............................



Dec. 31

Shell Buyer's Agent Permit..........................



Dec. 31

Resident Fish Dealer...................................


$ 10.00

Dec. 31

Non-Resident Fish Dealer..........................



Dec. 31

Minnow Dealer Tackle (Minnow

(Seine, Traps or Lifts)..................................


$ 5.00

Dec. 31

Fish Farmer (Aquaculturist) Permit


$ 25.00

Dec. 31++

Bull Frog Permit (Must have valid Fish Farmer Permit)............................................


$ 25.00

Dec. 31

Resident Roe Taker/Seller Permit



Dec. 31

Resident Roe Taker/Helper Permit



Dec. 31

Resident Roe Buyer/Exporter Permit



Dec. 31

Non-Resident Roe Buyer Permit



Dec. 31

Commercial Boat Dock Permit ......................


$ 25.00

Dec. 31

Commercial Boat Dock (User Fee) ................



Dec. 31

Private Boat House (Single) ..........................


$ 5.00

Dec. 31

Private Boat House (Double or Joint) ...........


$ 10.00

Dec. 31

Private Boat Dock (Single) ...........................


$ 5.00

Dec. 31

Private Boat Dock (Double or Joint) .............


$ 10.00

Dec. 31

Put & Take Pay Lake ....................................



Dec. 31


Resident Wildlife Conservation License......


$ 10.50

June 30

Resident Sportsman's Permit.......................


$ 25.00

June 30

Resident Disabled Hunting 3-Yr License...


$ 25.00


Resident Disabled Combination 3-Yr License.


$ 35.50


Non-Resident Annual All Game License ....



June 30

Non-Resident 5-Day All Game License .......




Non-Resident 3-Day All Game License .......




Non-Resident Annual Small Game License.


$ 80.00


Non-Resident 5-Day Small Game License...


$ 55.00


Non-Resident Fur Takers.............................



June 30

Private Lands Elk Permit...........


$ 35.00


Arkansas Resident Waterfowl Stamp ...... ...


$ 7.00

June 30

Arkansas Non-Resident Waterfowl Stamp


$ 20.00

June 30

AG&F Leased Lands Permit (Hunting, Trappi

ng and


Casey Jones WMA................................


$ 20.00


Big Timber WMA...................................


$ 20.00


Cherokee WMA.....................................


$ 20.00


Gum Flats WMA............


$ 20.00


Provo WMA..............


$ 20.00


Lafayette County WMA.........


$ 20.00


Jim Kress WMA ...........




Falconry Permit Apprentice............ ...... .


$ 25.00


Falconry Permit General.........................


$ 25.00


Falconry Permit Master...........................


$ 25.00


Resident Guide License/Hunting............


$ 25.00

June 30

Non-Resident Guide License/Hunting ...



June 30

Resident Special Guide License ....... . .....



June 30

Non-Resident WMA Waterfowl Hunting Permit (5-day trip)............


$ 10.00


Non-Resident WMA Seasonal Waterfowl Hunting Permit ............



June 30

*Good from requested day of issue for period of license. **Good for 1 year of purchase date. ***Falconry Permit will expire on July 31, 1998, then 2001,

etc., in line with the Federal program. ****When 10 elk have been harvested. *****Good for that season only.

+ Good for 3 years from date of purchase ++Fee applies to initial purchase. No fee for annual renewal.


Resident Fur Dealer ......................................


$ 50.00

June 30

Non-Resident Fur Dealer ..............................



June 30

Special Commercial Quail Permit ................


$ 25.00

June 30

Game Bird Shooting Resort Permit ...... ...



June 30

Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resort Permit.


$ 500.00

June 30

Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permit......


$ 50.00

June 30

Wildlife Importation Permit......


$ 25.00

June 30


Resident 65 Plus Lifetime Fishing License ............................................


$ 10.50


Resident 65 Plus Lifetime Sportsman's Hunting License and Permit ..................................................


$ 25.00


Resident 65 Plus Lifetime Combination License ..................................


$ 35.50


Resident 65 Plus Lifetime Waterfowl Permit..........


$ 7.00


Resident 65 Plus Lifetime Trout Permit ...........


$ 5.00


Non-Expiring Lifetime Resident Hunting & Fishing Sportsman's Permit .........................................................


$ l,000.00


Section 04.00 Wild Turkey
04.01 RESIDENT WILD TURKEY LICENSE REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for any resident to take, attempt to take or possess any wild turkey without having obtained a current Resident Sportsman's License; Resident 65 Plus Lifetime Sportsman's Hunting License (or Resident 65 Plus Lifetime Combination License); Resident Disabled Lifetime Sportsman's Hunting License (or Resident Disabled Lifetime Combination License); or Resident Disabled Hunting 3-Year License (or Resident Disabled Combination 3-Year License); or a Lifetime Resident Hunting and Fishing Sportsman's Permit. (Ref: Code 02.13, Arkansas Wildlife Harvest Recording and Checking Requirements, and Code 19.02, Requirements to Possess Another's Wildlife.) EXCEPTION:
(1) Residents under 16 years of age. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
04.02 NON-RESIDENT WILD TURKEY LICENSE REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for any non-resident to take, attempt to take or possess a wild turkey without having obtained a current Non-Resident Annual All Game License; Non-Resident 5-Day All Game License; or a Non-Resident 3-Day All Game License. (Ref. Code 02.13, Arkansas Wildlife Harvest Recording and Checking Requirements, and Code 19.02, Requirements to Possess Another's Wildlife.)


(1) Non-residents under 16 years of age prior to taking a turkey. (Ref: Section 03.03- Exception No. 2).

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

04.03 HUNTING WILD TURKEY OVER BAIT PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take wild turkey by baiting or hunting on or over a baited area. An area is considered baited for 10 days following complete removal of the bait if the person knows or reasonably should know that the area is a baited area. Bait is considered to be shelled, shucked or unshucked corn, chops, wheat or other feed is present so as to constitute a lure, attraction or enticement to any area where hunters are attempting to take wild turkey.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take wild turkey with the use of rifles, muzzle-loading rifles, or pistols, shotguns larger than 10 gauge or shot larger than No. 2 common shot (.15 inch in diameter). PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

04.05 PROHIBITED METHODS FOR TAKING WILD TURKEY. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take wild turkey using any of the following methods:
(1) With the use of traps, snares, nets, hooks, explosives, dogs or live decoys;
(2) While in possession of mechanical or electrical callers; or
(3) From a boat, or other flotation device. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
04.06 WILD TURKEY HEN RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take or possess a wild hen turkey at any time. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) In a zone or area declared open by the Commission to the taking of either-sex turkey.
(2) If said wild turkey hen in possession was legally taken and checked in a zone or area declared open by the Commission to the taking of either-sex turkey.
(3) If said turkey in possession was legally taken in another state and accompanied by verification.
(4) Hens bearing beards in a zone or area declared open by the Commission to the taking of bearded turkeys.

PENALTY: $150.00 to $1,000.00, and hunting privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges.

04.07 DOMESTIC TURKEY STOCKING PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to release any domestic-reared turkey to the wild. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
04.08 SPECIAL YOUTH TURKEY HUNT RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful for anyone other than youths, 15 years of age or younger, to hunt turkeys during the special youth turkey hunt as specified herein:

Zones 1, 1A, 2, 3, 4, 4A, 4B, 5, 5A, 5B, 6, 7, 7A, 8, 9, 9A and 10: April 7-8, 2007. Zone 17: March 31-April 1,2007.

Youths who have completed a hunter education course must be accompanied by an adult mentor who is 18 years of age or older. Youths who have not completed a hunter education course must be under the direct supervision of an adult mentor who is 21 years of age or older.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

Section 05.00 ZONES
05.01 ZONE REGULATION REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take or possess wildlife in the zones described herein without complying with regulations established for said zones.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


Zone 1 - Northwest Arkansas. Start at northwest corner of Arkansas; then south on the Arkansas-Oklahoma State Line to U.S. Hwy 62; east on U.S. Hwy 62 to Hwy 16 at Fayetteville; east on Hwy 16 to Hwy 21; north on Hwy 21 to Hwy 43; north on Hwy 43 to Hwy 103; north on Hwy 103 to U.S. Hwy 412; east on U.S. Hwy 412 to U.S. Hwy 62; east on U.S. Hwy 62 to Long Creek east of Alpena; north on Long Creek to Table Rock Lake; then north along eastern edge of Table Rock Lake to the Arkansas-Missouri State Line; west on the Arkansas-Missouri State Line to the northwest corner of Arkansas.

Zone 2 - Western half of North Central Arkansas. Start at the intersection of the Arkansas-Missouri State Line and the eastern edge of Table Rock Lake; south along the eastern edge of Table Rock Lake to Long Creek; south on Long Creek to U.S. Hwy 62 east of Alpena; west on U.S. Hwy 62 to U.S. Hwy 412; west on U.S. Hwy 412 to Hwy 103; south on Hwy 103 to Hwy 43; south on Hwy 43 to Hwy 21; south on Hwy 21 to Hwy 16 near Swain; east on Hwy 16 to Hwy 27 near Tilly; north on Hwy 27 to Hwy 254; east on Hwy 254 to U.S. Hwy 65 at Dennard; north on Hwy 65 to Hwy 66 at Leslie; east on Hwy 66 to Hwy 58 at Mountain View; east on Hwy 58 to the White River; north on the White River to U.S. Hwy 62; west on U.S. Hwy 62 to Hwy 14 at Yellville; west on Hwy 14 to Hwy 125; north on Hwy 125 to the Arkansas-Missouri state line; west on the Arkansas-Missouri state line to the eastern edge of Table Rock Lake.

Zone 3 - Eastern half of North Central Arkansas. Start at the intersection of the Arkansas-Missouri state line and Hwy 125; south on Hwy 125 to Hwy 14; east on Hwy 14 to U.S. Hwy 62 at Yellville; east on U. S. Hwy 62 to the White River; south on the White River to the Black River; north on the Black River to the Current River; north on the Current River to the Arkansas-Missouri state line; west on the Arkansas-Missouri State Line to the western edge of Bull Shoals Lake.

Zone 4 (section 1) - Western portion of Northeast Arkansas. Start at the intersection of the Current River and the Arkansas-Missouri state line; south along the Current River to the Black River; south on the Black River to the White River; south on the White River to Hwy 14; east on Hwy 14 to Hwy 145; south on Hwy 145 to Hwy 37; south on Hwy 37 to Hwy 42; east on Hwy 42 to U.S. Hwy 49; south on U.S. Hwy 49 to U.S. Interstate 40 near Brinkley; east on U.S. Interstate 40 to Hwy 1 at Forrest City; north on Hwy 1 to U.S. Hwy 63; north on U.S. Hwy 63 to Hwy 228; east on Hwy 228 to U.S. Hwy 412; east on U.S. Hwy 412 to Hwy 141; north on Hwy 141 to U.S. Hwy 62; east on U.S. Hwy 62 to Hwy 139; north on Hwy 139 to the Arkansas-Missouri state line; west along the Arkansas-Missouri state line to the Current River.

Zone 4A (section 1) - Western portion of East Central Arkansas. Start at the intersection of U.S. Interstate 40 and U.S. Hwy 49 near Brinkley; south on U.S. Hwy 49 to the Hwy 39; south on Hwy 39 to Hwy 316; east on Hwy 316 to Hwy 318; east on Hwy 318 to Hwy 20; east on Hwy 20 to Phillips County Road 422 at Modoc; east on Phillips County Road 422 to the Mississippi River Levee; north on the Mississippi River Levee to U.S. Hwy 49; north on U.S. Hwy 49 to Hwy 1 at Walnut Corner; north on Hwy 1 to U. S Interstate 40 at Forrest City; west on U.S Interstate 40 to U.S. Hwy 49 near Brinkley.

Zone 4 (section 2) - Eastern portion of Northeast Arkansas. Start at U.S. Hwy 62 and the St. Francis River at the Arkansas-Missouri state line; west on U.S. Hwy 62 to U.S. Hwy 49; south on U.S. Hwy 49 to Hwy 1 near Jonesboro; south on Hwy 1 to Hwy 163; south on Hwy 163 to U.S. Hwy 64; east on U.S. Hwy 64 to the St. Francis River Levee; south on the St. Francis River Levee to U.S. Interstate 40; east on U.S. Interstate 40 to the Mississippi River Levee; north on the Mississippi River Levee to the Arkansas-Missouri state line; west on the Arkansas-Missouri state line to the St. Francis River; north along the St. Francis River to U.S. Hwy 62.

Zone 4A (section 2) - Eastern portion of East Central Arkansas. Start at the intersection of U.S. Interstate 40 and the Mississippi River Levee at West Memphis; south on the Mississippi River Levee to Hwy 131 at Seyppel; north on Hwy 131 to Hwy 147; south on Hwy 147 to Hwy 38; west on Hwy 38 to St. Francis County Road 619; south on St. Francis

County Road 619 to Crittenden County Road 47; south on Crittenden County Road 47 to Hwy 147; north on Hwy 147 to Crittenden County Road 285; south on Crittenden County Road 285 to the Mississippi River Levee; south on the Mississippi River Levee to its end near the St. Francis River; then on a line due west from this point to the St. Francis River; north on the St. Francis River to U.S. Interstate 40 near Madison; east on U.S. Interstate 40 to the Mississippi River Levee at West Memphis.

Zone 5 - Central portion of Northeast Arkansas. Start at the intersection of Hwy 1 and U.S. Interstate 40 at Forrest City; north on Hwy 1 to U.S. Hwy 49 at Jonesboro; north on U.S. Hwy 49 to U.S. Hwy 62; north on U.S. Hwy 62 to the St. Francis River; north on the St. Francis River to the Arkansas-Missouri state line; west on Arkansas-Missouri state line to Hwy 139; south on U.S. Hwy 139 to Hwy 141; south on Hwy 141 to U.S. Hwy 412; west on U.S. Hwy 412 to Hwy 228; west on Hwy 228 to U.S. Hwy 63; south on U.S. Hwy 63 to Hwy 1 at Jonesboro; south on Hwy 1 to Hwy 163; south on Hwy 163 to U.S. Hwy 64; east on U.S. Hwy 64 to the St. Francis River Levee; south on the St. Francis River Levee to U.S. Interstate 40; west on U.S. Interstate 40 to Hwy 1.

Zone 5A - Central portion of East Central Arkansas. Start at the intersection of U.S Interstate 40 and Hwy 1 at Forrest City; south on Hwy 1 to U.S. Hwy 49 at Walnut Corner; south on U.S. Hwy 49 to the Mississippi River Levee; north on the Mississippi River Levee to FDR 1901 (low road); north on FDR 1901 to the St. Francis National Forest boundary; north and east on the St. Francis National Forest boundary to the Mississippi River; north on the Mississippi River to the St. Francis River; north on the St. Francis River to U.S. Interstate 40 near Madison; west on U.S. Interstate 40 to Hwy 1 at Forrest City.

Zone 6 - Southwestern and South Central portions of Northwestern Arkansas. Start at the Arkansas-Oklahoma state line and U.S. Hwy 62; south on the Arkansas-Oklahoma state line to U.S. Interstate 540; east on U.S. Interstate 540 to U.S. Interstate 40; east on U.S. Interstate 40 to U.S. Hwy 64 near Lamar; west on U.S. Hwy 64 to Hwy 123; north on Hwy 123 to Hwy 164; east on Hwy 164 to Hwy 27; north on Hwy 27 to Hwy 105; south on Hwy 105 to Hwy 124; east on Hwy 124 to Hwy 95 near Cleveland; north on Hwy 95 to Hwy 16 at Clinton; east on Hwy 16 to Hwy 92 at Greers Ferry; east on Hwy 92 to Hwy 25 at Drasco; north on Hwy 25 to Hwy 87 at Concord; south on Hwy 87 to U.S. Hwy 167 near Pleasant Plains; north on U.S. Hwy 167 to the White River at Batesville; north on White River to Hwy 58 near Guion; west on Hwy 58 to Hwy 14; west on Hwy 14 to Hwy 66 at Mountain View; west on Hwy 66 to U.S. Hwy 65 at Leslie; south on U.S. 65 to Hwy 254; west on Hwy 254 to Hwy 27; west on Hwy 27 to Hwy 16. west on Hwy 16 to U.S. Hwy 62 at Fayetteville; west on U.S. Hwy 62 to the Arkansas-Oklahoma state line.

Zone 7 - Western portion of the Arkansas River Valley. Start at the intersection of U.S. Interstate 540 and the Arkansas-Oklahoma state line; north to U.S. Interstate 540 to U.S. Interstate 40; east on U.S. Interstate 40 to Hwy 9 at Morrilton; south on Hwy 9 to Hwy 10 at Perry; west on Hwy 10 to Hwy 23 at Booneville; south on Hwy 23 to U.S. Hwy 71; north on U.S. Hwy 71 to Hwy 96; west on 96 to Arkansas-Oklahoma state line; north on Arkansas-Oklahoma state line to U.S. Interstate 540.

Zone 8 - Northern portion of Central Arkansas. Start at U.S. Hwy 167 and the White River at Batesville; south on the White River to Hwy 14 at Newport; east on Hwy 14 to U.S. Hwy 67; south on U.S. Hwy 67 to Hwy 36; west on Hwy 36 to Hwy 305; south on Hwy 305 to Hwy 31 at Floyd; north on 31 to Hwy 5; south on Hwy 5 to Hwy 310; west on Hwy 310 to Hwy 36; west on Hwy 36 to U.S. Hwy 64; west on U.S. Hwy 64 to U.S. Hwy 65B; south on U.S. Hwy 65B to Hwy 60; west on Hwy 60 to Hwy 9; north on Hwy 9 to U.S. Interstate 40 near Morrilton; west on U.S. Interstate 40 to U.S. Hwy 64 at Lamar; west on U.S. Hwy 64 to Hwy 123; north on Hwy 123 to Hwy 164; east on Hwy 164 to Hwy 27; north on Hwy 27 to Hwy 105; south on Hwy 105 to Hwy 124 at Jerusalem; east on Hwy 124 to Hwy 95 near Cleveland; north on Hwy 95 to Hwy 16 at Clinton; east on Hwy 16 to Hwy 92 at Greers Ferry; east on Hwy 92 to Hwy 25; north on Hwy 25 to Hwy 87 at Concord; south on Hwy 87 to U.S. Hwy 167 near Pleasant Plains; north on U.S. Hwy 167 to the White River at Batesville.

Zone 9 - East Central Arkansas. Start at the intersection of Hwy 14 and U.S. Hwy 67 near Newport; south on U.S. Hwy 67 to U.S.Interstate 40 in North Little Rock; west on U.S. Interstate 40 to U.S. Interstate 30; west on U.S. Interstate 30 to the Arkansas River; south on the Arkansas River to U.S. Hwy 79B; north on U.S. Hwy 79B to U.S. Hwy 79; north on U.S. 79 to Hwy 152; east on Hwy 152 to U.S. Hwy 165; south on U.S. Hwy 165 to the Arkansas River; northeast on the Arkansas River to the confluence with the Arkansas Post Canal; east down the Arkansas Post Canal to the confluence with the White River; southeast on the Arkansas-Desha county line following the White River to the Missouri Pacific railroad tracks; northeast on the Missouri Pacific railroad tracks to the intersection of the western line of Section 9, T8S, R1W; north on the western line of Section 9 to the southwestern corner of Section 4, T8S, R1W; north along the western line of Section 4 to the north line of T8S, R1W; east along the north line of T8S, R1W to the intersection of the Missouri Pacific Railroad; northeast on Missouri Pacific Railroad tracks to intersection of Mississippi River Levee south of Snow Lake; northeast on the Mississippi River Levee to Phillips County Rd. 422; west on CR 422 to the junction of CR 422 and Hwy 20 at the town of Modoc; west on Hwy 20 to Hwy 318; west on Hwy 318 to Hwy 316; west on Hwy 316 to Hwy

Zone 10 - Central Arkansas River Valley. Start at the intersection of Hwy 67 and Hwy 36; west on Hwy 36 to Hwy 305; south on Hwy 305 to Hwy 31 at Floyd; north on Hwy 31 to Hwy 5; south on Hwy 5 to Hwy 310; west on Hwy 310 to Hwy 36; west on Hwy 36 to U.S. Hwy 64; west on U.S. Hwy 64 to U.S. Hwy 65B; south on U.S. Hwy 65B to Hwy 60; west on Hwy 60 to Hwy 9; south on Hwy 9 to Hwy 10 at Williams Junction; east on Hwy 10 to U.S. Interstate 430; west on U.S. Interstate 430 to U.S. Interstate 30; east on U.S. Interstate 30 to U.S. Interstate 40; east on U.S. Interstate 40 to U.S. Hwy 67; north on U.S. Hwy 67 to Hwy 36.

Zone 11 - West Central Arkansas. Start at the intersection of Hwy 9 and Hwy 10 at Perry; west on Hwy 10 to Hwy 23 at Booneville; south on Hwy 23 to U.S. Hwy 71; north on U.S. Hwy 71 to Hwy 96; west on Hwy 96 to the Arkansas-Oklahoma state line; south along the Arkansas-Oklahoma state line to Hwy 8; east on Hwy 8 to the junction of U.S. Hwy 71; south on U.S. Hwy 71 to Hwy 246; east on Hwy 246 to Hwy 84 at Athens; east on Hwy 84 to U.S. Hwy 70 at Salem; east on U.S. Hwy 70 to U.S. Hwy 270 (Bypass); west on U.S. Hwy 270 to Hwy 227; north on Hwy 227 to Hwy 192; east on Hwy 192 to Hwy 7; north on Hwy 7 to U.S. Forest Service Access (FSA) Road 2; east on FSA Road 2 to FSA Road 46; east on FSA Road 46 to Weyerhaeuser Company Road 24330; south on Weyerhaeuser Company Road 24330 to Weyerhaeuser Company Road 24000; east on Weyerhaeuser Company Road 24000 to Hwy 9; north on Hwy 9 to Hwy 10 at Perry.

Zone 12 - Central and South Central Arkansas. Start at the intersection of U.S. Interstate 30 and the Arkansas River; west on U.S. Interstate 30 to Hwy 51; south on Hwy 51 to Hwy 26; west on Hwy 26 to Hwy 27 at Murfreesboro; south on Hwy 27 to Hwy 355 at Mineral Springs; south on Hwy 355 to Hwy 32 at Saratoga; west on Hwy 32 to Millwood Dam/Little River; downstream on Little River to Red River; downstream on Red River to U.S. Interstate 30; east on U.S. Interstate 30 to Hwy 29; south on Hwy 29 to the Arkansas-Louisiana state line; east on the Arkansas-Louisiana state line to Bayou Bartholomew; north on Bayou Bartholomew to the U.S. Hwy 79B; north on U.S. Hwy 79B to the Arkansas River; north on the Arkansas River to U.S. Interstate 30.

Zone 13 - Northwest part of South Central Arkansas. Start at the intersection of U.S. Interstate 30 and U.S. Hwy 70; west on U.S. Interstate 30 to Hwy 51; south on Hwy 51 to Hwy 26; west on 26 to U.S. Hwy 278 at Center Point; west on U.S. Hwy 278 to U.S. Hwy 70 at Dierks; west on U. S. Hwy 70 to the Arkansas-Oklahoma state line; north on the Arkansas-Oklahoma state line to Hwy 246; east on Hwy 246 to U.S. Hwy 71; south on U. S. Hwy 71 to Hwy 8; east on Hwy 8 to Hwy 84 at Athens; east on Hwy 84 to U.S. Hwy 70 at Salem; east on U.S. Hwy 70 to U.S. Hwy 270 (Bypass); west on .S. Hwy 270 to Hwy 227; north on Hwy 227 to Hwy 192; east on Hwy 192 to Hwy 7; north on Hwy 7 to U.S. Forest Service Access (FSA) Road 2; east on FSA Road 2 to FSA Road 46; east on FSA Road 46 to Weyerhaeuser Company Road 24330; south on Weyerhaeuser Company Road 24330 to Weyerhaeuser Company Road 24000; east on Weyhaeuser Company Road 24000 to Hwy 9; north on Hwy 9 to Hwy 10 at Williams' Junction; east on Hwy 10 to U.S. Interstate 430; south on U.S. Interstate 430 to U.S. Interstate 30; southwest on U.S. Interstate 30 to U.S. Hwy 70.

Zone 14 - Southwest Arkansas. Start at the intersection of U.S. Hwy 70 and the Arkansas-Oklahoma state line; east on U.S. Hwy 70 to U.S. Hwy 278 at Dierks; east on U.S. Hwy 278 to Hwy 26; east on Hwy 26 to Hwy 27; south on Hwy 27 to Hwy 355 at Mineral Springs; south on Hwy 355 to Hwy 32 at Saratoga; west on Hwy 32 to Millwood Dam/Little River; downstream on Little River to Red River; downstream on Red River to U.S. Interstate 30; west on U.S. Interstate 30 to the Arkansas-Texas state line at Texarkana; north along the Arkansas-Texas state line to the Red River; west along the river to the Arkansas-Oklahoma state line; north along the Arkansas-Oklahoma state line to U.S. Hwy 70.

Zone 15 - Southwest part of South Central Arkansas. Start at U.S. Interstate 30 and Hwy 29 at Hope; south on Hwy 29 to the Arkansas-Louisiana state line; west on the Arkansas-Louisiana state line to the intersection of the Arkansas-Louisiana-Texas state lines; north on the Arkansas-Texas state line to U.S. Interstate 30 at Texarkana; east on U.S. Interstate 30 to Hwy 29 at Hope.

Zone 16 - Southeast Arkansas. Start at the Arkansas River and U.S. Hwy 79B; north on U.S. Hwy 79B to U.S. Hwy 79; north on U.S. Hwy 79 to Hwy 152; east on Hwy 152 to U.S. Hwy 165; south on U.S Hwy 165 to the Arkansas/Mississippi River Levee; south on the Arkansas/Mississippi River Levee to Gould Road; west on Gould Road to Hwy 1; south on Hwy 1 to Hwy 138; west on Hwy 138 to Bayou Bartholomew; north along Bayou Bartholomew to U.S. Hwy 79B; north on U.S. Hwy 79B to the Arkansas River.

Zone 16A - Southern portion of Southeast Arkansas. Start at the Mississippi River Levee and the Arl

Zone 17 - Arkansas lands within the Mississippi River Levees. All Arkansas lands lying between the Arkansas-Tennessee state line, the Arkansas-Mississippi state line and the Mississippi River Levees and other lands described as follows: start at the Mississippi River Levee and the Arkansas-Missouri state line, south on the Mississippi River Levee to Hwy 131 at Seyppel; north on Hwy 131 to Hwy 147; south on Hwy 147 to Hwy 38; west on Hwy 38 to St. Francis County Road 619; south on St. Francis County Road 619 to Crittenden County Road 47; south on Crittenden County Road 47 to Hwy 147; north on Hwy 147 to Crittenden County Road 285; south on Crittenden County Road 285 to Mississippi River Levee; south on the Mississippi River Levee to it's end near the St. Francis River; then on a line due west from this point to the St. Francis River; then along the St. Francis River to the Mississippi River to the southeast boundary of the St. Francis National Forest; west and south along the St. Francis National Forest boundary to the intersection of FDR 1901 (low road); south along FDR 1901 to its intersection of the Mississippi River Levee in Helena; south on the Mississippi River Levee to the Missouri-Pacific Railroad south of Snow Lake; south and west along the Missouri-Pacific railroad to the intersection with the north line of Section 1, T8S, R1W; west along the Township line to the northwest corner of Section 4, T8S, R1W; south along the western line of Section 4, T8S, R1W to the north line of Section 9, T8S, R1W; south along the western line of Section 9, T8S, R1W to its intersection with the Missouri-Pacific Railroad; south and west along the Missouri-Pacific railroad to White River; northwest on the Arkansas-Desha county line following the White River to the confluence with the Arkansas Post Canal; west along the Arkansas Post Canal to the confluence with the Arkansas River; southwest on the Arkansas River to U.S. Hwy 165 at the Pendleton Bridge; south on U.S. Hwy 165 to the Arkansas/Mississippi River Levee; south on the Arkansas-Mississippi River Levee to the Arkansas-Louisiana state line.


TURKEY ZONE 1A: Northwest Arkansas. Start at northwest corner of Arkansas; then south on Arkansas-Oklahoma state line to U.S. Hwy 62; east on U.S. Hwy 62 to 1-540 near Fayetteville; then north on 1-540 to U.S. Hwy 62; then northeast on U.S. Hwy 62 to Hwy 37 at Gateway; then north on Hwy 37 to Arkansas-Missouri line; then west along line to northwest corner of Arkansas.

TURKEY ZONE 1: Western portion of north-central Arkansas. Start at junction of Arkansas-Missouri state line and Hwy 37; then south on Hwy 37 to U.S. Hwy 62 at Gateway; then west on U.S. Hwy 62 to I-540; then south on I-540 to Hwy 16 at Fayetteville; then east on Hwy 16 to Hwy 74; then east on Hwy 74 to U.S. Hwy 412 at Huntsville; then east on U.S. Hwy 412 to Hwy 392 at Little Arkansaw; then south on Hwy 392 to Hwy 397; then south on Hwy 397 to Hwy 43; then southwest on Hwy 43 to Hwy 74 near Ponca; then east on Hwy 74 to Hwy 123 at Piercetown; then north on Hwy 123 to Buffalo River at Carver; then east along Buffalo River to U.S. Hwy 65; then south on U.S. Hwy 65 to Hwy 66 at Leslie; then east on Hwy 66 to Hwy 14 at Mountain View; then east on Hwy 14 to Hwy 58; then north on Hwy 58 to White River near Guion; then northwest along White River to U.S. Hwy 412 at Cotter; then west on U.S. Hwy 412 to Hwy 14 at Yellville; then northwest on Hwy 14 to U.S. Hwy 65 at Omaha; then north on U.S. Hwy 65 to Arkansas-Missouri state line; then west along line to Hwy 37.

TURKEY ZONE 2: Southwestern and south central portions of northwestern Arkansas. Start at U.S. Hwy 62 and Arkansas-Oklahoma state line; then go south along line to I-40 near Van Buren; then east on I-40 to U.S. Hwy 64 at Clarksville; then east on U.S. Hwy 64 to Hwy 164; then east on Hwy 164 to Hwy 7; then south on Hwy 7 to Hwy 27 at Dover; then north on Hwy 27 to Hwy 105 near Hector; then south on Hwy 105 to Hwy 124; then east on Hwy 124 to Hwy 95; then north on Hwy 95 to U.S. Hwy 65 at Clinton; then north on U.S. Hwy 65 to Hwy 16; then east on Hwy 16 to Hwy 92 at Greers Ferry; then east on Hwy 92 to Hwy 25 near Drasco; then northeast on Hwy 25 to Hwy 87 near Concord; then east on Hwy 87 to Hwy 157; then east on Hwy 157 to Hwy 14; east on Hwy 14 to White River at Oil Trough; northwest along White River to Hwy 58 near Guion; then south on Hwy 58 to Hwy 14; then west on Hwy 14 to Hwy 66 at Mountain View; west on Hwy 66 to U.S. Hwy 65 at Leslie; then north on U.S. Hwy 65 to Buffalo River; then west along Buffalo River to Hwy 123 at Carver; then south on Hwy 123 to Hwy 74 at Piercetown; then west on Hwy 74 to Hwy 43 near Ponca; then north on Hwy 43 to Hwy 397; then north on Hwy 397 to Hwy 392; then west on Hwy 392 to U.S. Hwy 412; then west on U.S. Hwy 412 to Hwy 74 at Huntsville; then west on Hwy 74 to Hwy 16; then west on Hwy 16 to I-540 near Fayetteville; then north on I-540 to U.S. Hwy 62; then west on U.S. Hwy 62 to Arkansas-Oklahoma state line; then south along line to I-40.

TURKEY ZONE 3: Eastern half of north central Arkansas. Start at Arkansas-Missouri state line and U.S. Hwy 65; then south on U.S. Hwy 65 to Hwy 14 at Omaha; then east on Hwy 14 to U.S. Hwy 412 at Yellville; then east on U.S. Hwy 412 to White River at Cotter; then southeast along White River to the Black River near Jacksonport; then north along Black River to the Current River near Pocahontas; then north along Current River to Arkansas-Missouri state line; then west along line to U.S. Hwy 65.

TURKEY ZONE 4: Western portion of northeast and east central Arkansas. Start at Arkansas-Missouri state line and Current River; then south along Current River to Black River near Pocahontas; then south along Black River to White River near Jacksonport; then east along White River to Hwy 14 at Newport;

then east on Hwy 14 to U.S. Hwy 67; then south on U.S. Hwy 67 to I-40 near Little Rock; then east on I-40 to I-440; then south on I-440 to U.S. Hwy 165; then south on U.S. Hwy 165 to Hwy 15 at England; then south on Hwy 15 to Hwy 88; then south on Hwy 88 to U.S. Hwy 79; then north on U.S. Hwy 79 to U.S. Hwy 165 at Stuttgart; then south on U.S. Hwy 165 to Hwy 130 at DeWitt; then north on Hwy 130 to Hwy 33; then north on Hwy 33 to I-40; east on I-40 to Hwy 49 at Brinkley; then south on Hwy 49 to U.S. Hwy 70; then west on U.S. Hwy 70 to Hwy 302; then south on Hwy 302 to Hwy 86 near Clarendon; then south on Hwy 86 to Hwy 17 at Holy Grove; then south on Hwy 17 to Hwy 1; then north on Hwy 1 to Hwy 316; then east on Hwy 316 to Hwy 318; then south on Hwy 318 to Hwy 20; then east on Hwy 20 to Mississippi River Levee; then north on Levee to U.S. Hwy 49 at Helena; then west on U.S. Hwy 49 to Hwy 1 at Walnut Corner; then north on Hwy 1 to Hwy 1B at Jonesboro; then north on Hwy 1B to U.S. Hwy 63; then north on U.S. Hwy 63 to Hwy 228 at Sedgwick; then north on Hwy 228 to U.S. Hwy 412; then east on U.S. Hwy 412 to Hwy 141; then north on Hwy 141 to U.S. Hwy 62 at McDougal; then east on U.S. Hwy 62 to Hwy 139 near Pollard; then north on Hwy 139 to Arkansas-Missouri state line; then west along line to Current River.

TURKEY ZONE 4A: Northeast Arkansas. Start at U.S. Hwy 62 and St. Francis River at the Arkansas-Missouri state line; then west on U.S. Hwy 62 to U.S. Hwy 49 at Piggott; then south on U.S. Hwy 49 to Hwy 1 at Jonesboro; then south on Hwy 1 to Hwy 163; then south on Hwy 163 to Hwy 214; then east on Hwy 214 to Hwy 373; then south on Hwy 373 to Hwy 163; then south on Hwy 163 to U.S. Hwy 64; then east on U.S. Hwy 64 to St. Francis River; then south along St. Francis River to U.S. Hwy 79 at Cody; then north on U.S. Hwy 79 to I-40; then east on I-40 to Mississippi River Levee; then north along levee to Arkansas-Missouri state line; then west along line to St. Francis River; then north along St. Francis River to U.S. Hwy 62.

TURKEY ZONE 4B: Southern portion of southeast Arkansas. Start at Bayou Bartholomew and Arkansas-Louisiana state line; then north along Bayou Bartholomew to U.S. Hwy 79 near Pine Bluff; then north on U.S. Hwy 79 to U.S. Hwy 65; then south on U.S. Hwy 65 to U.S. Hwy 165; then east on U.S. Hwy 165 to the Arkansas-Mississippi River Levee just south of the Pendleton Bridge on the Arkansas River; then south along levee to Arkansas-Louisiana state line; then west along line to Bayou Bartholomew.

TURKEY ZONE 5: Central portion of northeast Arkansas. Start at Arkansas-Missouri state line and Hwy 139; then south on Hwy 139 to U.S. Hwy 62; then west on U.S. Hwy 62 to Hwy 141; then south on Hwy 141 to U.S. Hwy 412; then west on U.S. Hwy 412 to Hwy 228; then south on Hwy 228 to U.S. Hwy 63; then south on U.S. Hwy 63 to Hwy 1B; then south on Hwy 1B to Hwy 1; then north on Hwy 1 to U.S. Hwy 49; then north on U.S. Hwy 49 to Hwy 62; then northwest on Hwy 62 to St. Francis River; then north along St. Francis River to Arkansas-Missouri state line; then west along line to Hwy 139.

TURKEY ZONE 5A: Central portion of northeast and east central Arkansas. Start at Hwy 1 and Hwy 163 at Jonesboro; then south on Hwy 1 to U.S. Hwy 79 at Marianna; then east on U.S. Hwy 79 to St. Francis River at Cody; then north along St. Francis River to U.S. Hwy 64 at Parkin; then west on U.S. Hwy 64 to Hwy 163 at Levesque; then north on Hwy 163 to Hwy 373; then north on Hwy 373 to Hwy 214; then west on Hwy 214 to Hwy 163; then north on Hwy 163 to Hwy 1.

TURKEY ZONE 5B: Eastern portion of east central Arkansas. Start at junction of Hwy 1 and U.S. Hwy 79 at Marianna; then north on U.S. Hwy 79 to I-40; then east on I-40 to Mississippi River levee; then south along levee to Hwy 131 at Seyppel; then north on Hwy 131 to Hwy 147; then south to Hwy 38; then east on Hwy 38 to County Line Rd.; then south to Mississippi River levee; then south along levee to its end near St. Francis River; then on a line due west from this point to the St. Francis River; then southeast along St. Francis River to the Mississippi River to the southeast boundary of the St. Francis National Forest; west and south along the St. Francis National Forest boundary to the intersection of FDR 1901 (low road); south along FDR 1901 to its intersection of the Mississippi River Levee in Helena; then west on U.S. Hwy 49 to Hwy 1; then north on Hwy 1 to U.S. Hwy 79.

TURKEY ZONE 6: Arkansas River Valley. Start at I-40 and Arkansas-Oklahoma state line; then south along line to Hwy 96; then east on Hwy 96 to U.S. Hwy 71 at Mansfield; then south on U.S. Hwy 71 to Hwy 23 at Elm Park; then north on Hwy 23 to Hwy 10 at Booneville; then east on Hwy 10 to Hwy 9 at Perry; then south on Hwy 9 to Hwy 60; then east on Hwy 60 to U.S. Hwy 64 at Conway; then east on U.S. Hwy 64 to Hwy 36; then north on Hwy 36 to Hwy 310; then east on Hwy 310 to Hwy 5; then north on Hwy 5 to Hwy 31; then south on Hwy 31 to U.S. Hwy 67 at Beebe; then north on U.S. Hwy 67 to Hwy 14 at Newport; then west on Hwy 14 to White River at Newport; then west along White River to Hwy 14 at Oil Trough; then west on Hwy 14 to Hwy 157; then south on Hwy 157 to Hwy 87; then west on Hwy 87 to Hwy 25 at Concord; then west on Hwy 25 to Hwy 92 at Drasco; then west on Hwy 92 to Hwy 16 at Greers Ferry; then west on Hwy 16 to U.S. Hwy 65; then south on U.S. Hwy 65 to Hwy 95 at Clinton; then west on Hwy 95 to Hwy 124; then west on Hwy 124 to Hwy 105; then north on Hwy 105 to Hwy 27; then west on Hwy 27 to Hwy 7 at Dover; then north on Hwy 7 to Hwy 164; then west on Hwy 164 to U.S. Hwy 64; then west on U.S. Hwy 64 to I-40 at Clarksville; then west on I-40 to Arkansas-Oklahoma state line.

TURKEY ZONE 7: West central Arkansas. Start at Hwy 4 and Arkansas-Oklahoma state line near Cove; then east on Hwy 4 to U.S. Hwy 71; then south on U.S. Hwy 71 to Hwy 246; then east on Hwy 246 to Hwy 84 at Athens; then east on Hwy 84 to U.S. Hwy 70 at Salem; then east on U.S. Hwy 70 to Hwy 8 at Glenwood; then south on Hwy 8 to Hwy 84 at Amity; then east on Hwy 84 to I-30 near Social Hill; then north on I-30 to I-430; then north on I-430 to Hwy 10; then west on Hwy 10 to Hwy 9 at Williams Junction; then north on Hwy 9 to Hwy 10; then west on Hwy 10 to Hwy 23 at Booneville; then south on Hwy 23 to U.S. Hwy 71 at Elm Park; then north on U.S. Hwy 71 to Hwy 96 at Mansfield; then west on Hwy 96 to Arkansas-Oklahoma state line; then south along line to Hwy 4.

TURKEY ZONE 7A: Central Arkansas. Start at I-430 and I-30 near Mabelvale; then north on I-430 to Hwy 10; then west on Hwy 10 to Hwy 9; then north on Hwy 9 to Hwy 60 near Perryville; then east on Hwy 60 to U.S. Hwy 64 at Conway; then east on U.S. Hwy 64 to Hwy 36 at Hamlet; then north on Hwy 36 to Hwy 310 at Mt. Vernon; then east on Hwy 310 to Hwy 5; then north on Hwy 5 to Hwy 31; then south on Hwy 31 to U.S. Hwy 67 near Beebe; then south on U.S. Hwy 67 to I-40; then east on I-40 to I-440; then south on I-440 to I-30; then south on I-30 to I-430.

TURKEY ZONE 8: Northern portion of southwest Arkansas. Start at U.S. Hwy 70 and Arkansas-Oklahoma state line near Ultima Thule; then east on U.S. Hwy 70 to U.S. Hwy 278 at Dierks; then south on U.S. Hwy 278 to Hwy 26 at Center Point; then east on Hwy 26 to Hwy 51; then east on Hwy 51 to I-30 at Arkadelphia; then north on I-30 to Hwy 84 at Social Hill; then west on Hwy 84 to Hwy 8 at Amity; then north on Hwy 8 to U.S. Hwy 70 at Glenwood; then south on U.S. Hwy 70 to Hwy 84 at Salem; then west on Hwy 84 to Hwy 246 at Athens; then west on Hwy 246 to U.S. Hwy 71; then north on U.S. Hwy 71 to Hwy 4 near Cove; then west on Hwy 4 to Arkansas-Oklahoma state line; then south along line to U.S. Hwy 70.

TURKEY ZONE 9: Central and south central Arkansas. Start at Arkansas-Oklahoma state line and the Little River near Dogtown; then southeast along Little River to Red River at Fulton; then south along Red River to U.S. Hwy 82 at Garland; then east on U.S. Hwy 82 to Hwy 29 at Lewisville; then south on Hwy 29 to Arkansas-Louisiana state line; then east along line to Bayou Bartholomew; then north along Bayou

Bartholomew to U.S. Hwy 79 at Pine Bluff; then north on U.S. Hwy 79 to Arkansas River; then northwest along Arkansas River to I-440; then south on I-440 to I-30; then south on I-30 to Hwy 51 at Arkadelphia; then west on Hwy 51 to Hwy 26; then west on Hwy 26 to U.S. Hwy 278 at Center Point; then north on U.S. Hwy 278 to U.S. Hwy 70 at Dierks; then west on U.S. Hwy 70 to Arkansas-Oklahoma state line; then south along line to the Little River near Dogtown.

TURKEY ZONE 9A: Southwest Arkansas. Start at the Arkansas-Oklahoma state line and the Little River; then south and east along state line to Hwy 29 at Arkana; then north on Hwy 29 to U.S. Hwy 82 at Lewisville; then west on U.S. Hwy 82 to Red River; then north along Red River to Little River; then northwest along Little River to Arkansas-Oklahoma state line.

SPRING TURKEY ZONE 10: Southeast portion of east central Arkansas. Start at I-440 and Arkansas River near Little Rock; then southeast along Arkansas River to U.S. Hwy 79 at Pine Bluff; then south along U.S. Hwy 79 to U.S. Hwy 65; then south on U.S. Hwy 65 to U.S. Hwy 165 at Dumas; then north and east on U.S. Hwy 165 to the Pendleton Bridge on the Arkansas River; then northeast on the Arkansas River to the Arkansas River-White River shipping canal; east on the shipping canal to the White River, southeast on the Arkansas-Desha county line following the White River to the Missouri-Pacific Railroad; then northeasterly along railroad to the northwest corner of Section 4, T8S, R1W; then east along Township line to the Missouri-Pacific Railroad with the North line Section 1, T8S, R1W; then northeasterly along Missouri Pacific railroad to Mississippi River levee south of Snow Lake; then north along levee to Hwy 20 near Elaine; then west on Hwy 20 to Hwy 318; then north on Hwy 318 to Hwy 316; then west on Hwy 316 to Hwy 1; then south on Hwy 1 to Hwy 17 at Cross Roads; then north on Hwy 17 to Hwy 86 at Holly Grove; then north on Hwy 86 to Hwy 302 near Clarendon; then north on Hwy 302 to U.S. Hwy 70; then east on U.S. Hwy 70 to U.S. Hwy 49; then north on U.S. Hwy 49 to I-40 at Brinkley; then west on I-40 to Hwy 33; then south on Hwy 33 to Hwy 130; then south on Hwy 130 to U.S. Hwy 165 at Dewitt; then north on U.S. Hwy 165 to U.S. Hwy 79 at Stuttgart; then south on U.S. Hwy 79 to Hwy 88; then north on Hwy 88 to Hwy 15; then north on Hwy 15 to U.S. Hwy 165 at England; then north on U.S. Hwy 165 to I-440; then south on I-440 to Arkansas River.

TURKEY ZONE 17: Arkansas lands within the Mississippi River Levees. All Arkansas lands lying between the Arkansas-Tennessee state line, the Arkansas-Mississippi state line and the Mississippi River Levees and other lands described as follows: from the Mississippi River Levee at the Arkansas-Missouri state line, south to Hwy 131 at Seyppel; north to Hwy 147 then south to Hwy 38; west on Hwy 38 to County Line Road; south to the

Mississippi River Levee to its end near tine St. Francis River; tlien on a line due west from tliis point to tine St. Francis River; tlien along the St. Francis River to the Mississippi River to the southeast boundary of the St. Francis National Forest; west and south along the St. Francis National Forest boundary to the intersection of FDR 1901 (low road); south along FDR 1901 to its intersection of the Mississippi River Levee in Helena; south on the Mississippi River Levee to the Missouri-Pacific Railroad south of Snow Lake; southwesterly along the railroad to the intersection with the North line of Section 1, T8S, R1W; west along the Township line to the Northwest corner of Section 4, T8S.

R1W; then south to the Missouri-Pacific Railroad; southwesterly along the railroad to the White River; northwest on the Arkansas-Desha County line following the White River to the intersection of the Arkansas River-White River shipping canal; west on the shipping canal to the Arkansas River; southwest on the Arkansas River to U.S. Hwy 165 at the Pendleton Bridge; south and west on U.S. Hwy 165 to the Arkansas-Mississippi River Levee; south on the levee to the Arkansas state line.


Bear Zone 1: Start at the junction of Interstate 40 and the Oklahoma state line; then east to the junction of Interstate 40 and U.S. 67; north and east on U.S. Hwy 67 to the Missouri state line; west along the Arkansas and Missouri state line to the Oklahoma state line; and south along the Oklahoma state line to the junction of Interstate 40.

Bear Zone 2: Start at the junction of Interstate 40 and the Oklahoma state line; then east on Interstate 40 to Interstate 430; south on Interstate 430 to Interstate 30; south and west on Interstate 30 to State Hwy 8; west on State Hwy 8 to U.S. 70; west and south on U.S. 70 to State Hwy 84; west on State Hwy 84 to State Hwy 246; west on state Hwy 246 to U.S. 71; north on U.S. 71 to State Hwy 4; west on state Hwy 4 to the Oklahoma state line; and north along the Oklahoma state line to Interstate 40.

Bear Zone 3: Start at the junction of Interstate 30 and State Hwy 8 near Arkadelphia; then west on State Hwy 8 to U.S. 70; west and south on U.S. 70 to State Hwy 84; west on State Hwy 84 to State Hwy 246; west on State Hwy 246 to U.S. 71; north on U.S. 71 to State Hwy 4; west on State Hwy 4 to the Oklahoma state line; south along the Oklahoma state line to the Red River; east along the Red River to U.S. 71; south on U.S. 71 to Interstate 30; and north and east on Interstate 30 to State Hwy 8 near Arkadelphia.

Bear Zone 4: Start at Interstate 30 and the Texas state line at Texarkana; then north and east on Interstate 30 to U.S. 65; south on U.S. 65 to Lake Village; east on U.S. 82 to the Mississippi River; south along the Mississippi River to the Louisiana state line; west along the Louisiana state line to the Texas state line; and north to Interstate 30.

Bear Zone 5: Start at the junction of U.S. 165 and the Arkansas River (at Pendleton Bridge); north on U.S. 165 to the junction of State Hwy 1; north and east on State Hwy 1 to U.S. 49; east on U.S. 49 to the IVIississippi River Levee; south on the IVIississippi River Levee to the confluence of the Mississippi and Arkansas Rivers; north and west along the Arkansas River to the junction of the Arkansas River and U.S. 165 (at Pendleton Bridge). Arkansas lands lying east of the Mississippi River are closed.

Bear Zone 5A: Start at the junction of U.S. 165 and the Arkansas River (at Pendleton Bridge); south on U.S. 165 to the junction of U.S. 165 and U.S. 65; south on U.S. 65 to the junction of U.S. 65 and U.S. 82; east on U.S. 82 to the Mississippi River; north on the Mississippi River to the confluence of the Mississippi and the Arkansas Rivers; north and west along the Arkansas River to the junction of the Arkansas River and U.S. 165 (at Pendleton Bridge). Arkansas lands lying east of the Mississippi River are closed.

Bear Zone 6: Start at Interstate 40 at the Tennessee state line; west on Interstate 40 to the junction of interstate 440; south on Interstate 440 to U.S. 65; south on U.S. 65 to the junction of U.S. 165; north on U.S. 165 to State Hwy 1; north and east on State Hwy 1 to U.S. 49; east on U.S. 49 to the Mississippi River; and up the Mississippi River to Interstate 40.

Bear Zone 7: Start at Interstate 40 and the Tennessee state line; then go west on Interstate 40 to U.S. 67; north and east on U.S. 67 to the Missouri state line; follow the Missouri state line around the Missouri boot heel to the Mississippi River; and down the Mississippi River to Interstate 40.


Each Wildlife Management Area (WMA) (Ref. Code 01.00C) shall be considered as a separate zone for the purpose of establishing and applying hunting regulations. All private lands (including any combinations of lands separately owned, and regardless of whether such lands touch a road, creek, stream, river, lake or other waterbody) that are completely surrounded by WMA lands (except National Wildlife Refuge lands) shall be considered as inholdings. Such inholdings shall be included in the same zone as the surrounding WMA lands and subject to the same state regulations pertaining to hunting seasons, hunting hours, bag limits and hunting permits as that WMA.


(1) Private lands that are completely surrounded by National Wildlife Refuge lands shall be subject to the same state regulations pertaining to hunting seasons, hunting hours, bag limits and hunting permits as the surrounding or nearest adjacent state management zone, plus any federal regulations pertaining to NWR inholdings.
05.05A SYLAMORE WMA ZONE BOUNDARY AREA. The Sylamore WMA includes all lands, public and private, within the following boundary: That area north of Hwy 14 from Allison to Big Creek; Big Creek to Buffalo River; Buffalo River to White River; White River to Hwy 14 at Allison. The same hunting seasons, method of take, bag limits, shooting hours and permits for hunting which apply to the Sylamore WMA will apply to the private land as well.


(1) The use of bait to attract black bears from 30 days prior to bear season until the last day of the bear season on the private lands within Sylamore WMA.

FLOOD PRONE REGION A - Beginning at the junction of Hwy 1 and U.S. Hwy 63; south on Hwy 1 to Hwy 64; west on U.S. Hwy 64 to U.S. Hwy 49; north on U.S. Hwy 49 to Hwy 42; west on Hwy 42 to Hwy 37; north on Hwy 37 to Hwy 14; east on Hwy 14 to Hwy 37; north on Hwy 37 Hwy 18; west on Hwy 18 to Hwy 384; east on Hwy 384 to U.S. Hwy 67; north on U.S. Hwy 67 to Hwy 230; east on Hwy 230 to Hwy 91; south on Hwy 91 to Hwy 18; south on Hwy 18 to Hwy 226; east on Hwy 226 to U.S. Hwy 49; north on U.S. Hwy 49 to U.S. Hwy 63; south on U.S. Hwy 63 to Hwy 1.

Conditions for Closing: Flood Prone Region A will be closed to all deer hunting when the Cache River gauge at Patterson reaches 12 feet. This restriction shall be lifted when the Cache River gauge at Patterson falls to or below 11 feet. Current gauge readings and flood prone region closures can be obtained by calling AGFC toll free and by accessing the AGFC website @ www.agfc.com.

FLOOD PRONE REGION B- Beginning at the junction of Hwy 17 and U.S. Hwy 67; south on U.S. Hwy 67 to Hwy 36; east on Hwy 36 to Hwy 323; south on Hwy 323 to Hwy 11; south on Hwy 11 to Hwy 38; east on Hwy 38 to Hwy 33; north on Hwy 33 to Hwy 17; north on Hwy 17 to U.S. Hwy 67.

Conditions for Closing: Flood Prone Region B will be closed to all deer hunting when the White River gauge at Augusta reaches 31 feet. This restriction will be lifted when the White River gauge at Augusta falls below 30 feet and the White River gauge at Georgetown falls to or below 19 feet. BOTH CONDITIONS MUST EXIST AT THE SAME TIME FOR THE REGION TO BE OPENED. Current gauge readings and flood prone region closures can be obtained by calling AGFC toll free and by accessing the AGFC website @ www.agfc.com.

FLOOD PRONE REGION C - Beginning at the junction of U.S. Hwy 49 and Hwy 38; west on Hwy 38 to Hwy 33; north on Hwy 33 to U.S. Hwy 64; west on U.S. Hwy 64 to Hwy 33; north on Hwy 33 to Hwy 17; north on Hwy 17 to U.S. Hwy 67; north on U.S. Hwy 67 to Hwy 384; east on Hwy 384 to Hwy 18: east on Hwy 18 to Hwy 37; south on Hwy 37 to Hwy 14; west of Hwy 14 to Hwy 37; south on Hwy 37 to Hwy 42; east on Hwy 42 to U.S. Hwy 49; south on U.S. Hwy 49 to Hwy 38.

Conditions for Closing: Flood Prone Regions C will be closed to all deer hunting when the Cache River gauge at Patterson reaches 11 feet. This restriction shall be lifted when the Cache River Gauge at Patterson falls to or below 9.5 feet. Current gauge readings and flood prone region closures can be obtained by calling AGFC toll free and by accessing the AGFC website @


FLOOD PRONE REGION D - Beginning at the junction of Hwy 11 and Hwy 38; east on Hwy 38 to U.S. Hwy 49; south on U.S. Hwy 49 to U.S. Hwy 70; west on U.S. Hwy 70 to Hwy 302; west on Hwy 302 to U.S. Hwy 79; south on U.S. Hwy 79 to Hwy 33; north on Hwy 33 to U.S. Hwy 70; west on U.S. Hwy 70 to Hwy 11; north on Hwy 11 to Hwy 38.

Conditions for Closing: Flood Prone Region D will be closed to all deer hunting when the White River gauge at Clarendon reaches 28 feet. This restriction will be lifted when the White River Gauge at Clarendon falls to or below 27 feet. Current gauge readings and flood prone region closures can be obtained by calling AGFC toll free and by accessing the AGFC website @


FLOOD PRONE REGION E - Beginning at the junction of Hwy 1 and Hwy 153; north on Hwy 153 to Hwy 33; north on Hwy 33 to U.S. Hwy 79; north on U. S. Hwy 79 to Hwy 86; south on Hwy 86 to Hwy 17; south on Hwy 17 to Hwy 1; north on Hwy 1 to Hwy 316; east on Hwy 316 to Hwy 318; east on Hwy 318 to Hwy 20; east on Hwy 20 to Hwy 44; south on Hwy 44 to Phillips County Road 533; west on Phillips County Road 533 to Phillips County Road 529; north on Phillips County Road 529 to Phillips County Road 514; west on Phillips County Road 514 to the White River Levee; south on the White River Levee to the pipeline right of way; west on the pipeline right of way to Ethel County Road; west on Ethel County Road to Hwy 17; north on Hwy 17 to Hwy 1; west on Hwy 1 to Hwy 153.

Conditions for Closing: Flood Prone Region E will be closed to all deer hunting when the White River gauge at St. Charles reaches 26 feet. This restriction will be lifted when the White River gauge at St. Charles falls to or below 23.5 feet. Current gauge readings and flood prone region closures can be obtained by calling AGFC toll free and by accessing the AGFC website @


FLOOD PRONE REGION F - Beginning at the junction of Hwy 44 and Tichnor Blacktop County Road at Tichnor; west on Hwy 44 to the right of way on the north/south power line; north then northwest on the power line right of way to Arkansas Hwy 17; north on Hwy 17 to Hwy 152; east on Hwy 152 to the pipeline right of way; northeast on the pipeline right of way to Hwy 17; north on Hwy 17 to Ethel; east on Ethel County Road to the pipeline right of way; east on the pipeline right of way to the White River Levee; north on the White River Levee to Phillips County Road 514; east on Phillips County Road 514 to Phillips County Road 529; south on Phillips County Road 529 to

Phillips County Road 533; east on Phillips County Road 533 to Hwy 44; south on Hwy 44 to Hwy 85 at Crumrod; south on Hwy 85 to County Road 76; northeast on County Road 76 to the Mississippi River levee; southeast on the Mississippi River levee to the west line of Section 31, T7S, R2E; then south on the west line of Section 31, T7S, R2E to the west line of Section 6, T8S, R2E; south on the west line of Section 6, T8S, R2E to the Arkansas-Mississippi State line; south on Arkansas-Mississippi State line to the mouth of the White River; upstream on the main channel of the White River to the White River Cut Off; southwest on the White River Cut Off to the Arkansas River; upstream on the main channel of the Arkansas River to the west line of Section 29, T8S, R2W; north on the west line of Section 29, T8S, R2W to West Medina Lane County Road; southeast on West Medina Lane County Road to Nady County Road; northeast on Nady County Road to Tichnor Blacktop Road;north on Tichnor Blacktop Road to Hwy 44.

Conditions for Closing: Flood Prone Region F will be closed to all deer hunting when the White River gauge at St. Charles reaches 23.5 feet and the gauge at Lock and Dam No. 1 on the Arkansas River has reached 145 feet MSL. BOTH CONDITIONS MUST EXIST AT THE SAME TIME FOR THE REGION TO BE CLOSED. This restriction will be lifted when the White River gauge at St. Charles falls to or below 21.5 feet and the gauge at Lock and Dam #1 on the Arkansas River falls to or below 143 feet MSL. BOTH CONDITIONS MUST EXIST AT THE SAME TIME FOR THE REGION TO BE OPENED. Current gauge readings and flood prone region closures can be obtained by calling AGFC toll free and by accessing the AGFC website @ www.agfc.com.

FLOOD PRONE REGION G - Beginning at the main channel of the Mississippi River at the Helena Bridge and U.S. Hwy 49; north on U.S. Hwy 49 to Hwy 20; west on Hwy 20 to Hwy 44; west on Hwy 44 to Hwy 85; south on Hwy 85 to County Road 76; northeast on County Road 76 to the Mississippi River Levee; southeast on the Mississippi River Levee to the west line of Section 31,T7S, R2E; south on the west line of Section 31, T7S, R2E to the west line of Section 6, T8S, R2E; south on the west line of Section 6, T8S, R2E to the Arkansas-Mississippi State line; north on the Arkansas-Mississippi State line to the Mississippi River bridge at Helena on U.S. Hwy 49.

Conditions for Closing: Flood Prone Region G will close to all deer hunting when the Mississippi River gauge at Helena reaches 44 feet. This restriction shall be lifted when the Mississippi River gauge at Helena falls to or below 42 feet. Current gauge readings and flood prone region closures can be obtained by calling AGFC toll free and by accessing the AGFC website @ agfc.com.

FLOOD PRONE REGION H - Beginning at the junction of Hwy 44 and Tichnor Blacktop Road at Tichnor; south on Tichnor Blacktop Road to Nady County Road; southwest on Nady County Road to west Medina Lane County Road; northwest on west Medina Lane County Road to the west line of Section 29, T8S, R2W; south on the west line of Section 29, T8S, R2W to the main channel of the Arkansas River; downstream (southeast) on the main channel of the Arkansas River to the White River Cut Off; northeast on the White River Cut Off to the main channel of the White River; downstream (southeast) on the main channel of the White River to the Arkansas-Mississippi State line; southwest on the Arkansas-Mississippi State line to the Mississippi Old River Chute on the north end of Ashbrook Island; southwest on the Mississippi Old River Chute to the transfer canal for the Connelly Bayou Pumping Plant; southwest on the transfer canal to the Connelly Bayou Pumping Plant and Connelly Bayou; southwest on Connelly Bayou to the junction of Hwy 144; west on Hwy 144 to Hwy 257; north on Hwy 257 to U.S. Hwy 65; north on U.S. Hwy 65 to Hwy 1 at McGehee; north on Hwy 1 to the junction of U.S. Hwy 165; north on U.S. Hwy 165 to Hwy 44; west on Hwy 44 to the junction of Hwy 44 and Tichnor Blacktop Road.

Conditions for Closing: Flood Prone Region H will close to all deer hunting when the Mississippi River gauge at Arkansas City reaches 37 feet. This restriction shall be lifted when the Mississippi River gauge at Arkansas City falls to or below 35 feet. Current gauge readings and flood prone region closures can be obtained by calling AGFC toll free and by accessing the AGFC website @ agfc.com.

FLOOD PRONE REGION I - Beginning at the Arkansas-Louisiana State line and U.S. Hwy 65; north on U.S. Hwy 65 to Hwy 257; south on Hwy 257 to Hwy 144; east on Hwy 144 to Connelly Bayou; northeast on Connelly Bayou to the Connelly Bayou Pumping Plant and the pumping plant transfer canal; northeast on the transfer canal to the Mississippi Old River Chute; northeast up the Mississippi Old River Chute to the Arkansas-Mississippi State line; southwest along the Arkansas-Mississippi State line to the Arkansas-Louisiana State line; west along the Arkansas-Louisiana State line to its intersection with U.S. Hwy 65 on the Arkansas-Louisiana State line.

Conditions for Closing: Flood Prone Region I will close to all deer hunting when the Mississippi River gauge at Greenville reaches 48 feet. This restriction shall be lifted when the Mississippi River gauge at Greenville falls to or below 46 feet. Current gauge readings and flood prone region closures can be obtained by calling AGFC toll free and by accessing the AGFC website @ agfc.com.

BLACK RIVER FLOOD PRONE REGION - Beginning at the junction of State Hwy 62 and State Hwy 67 at Pocahontas, go south on State Hwy 67 to the junction of State Hwy 304, go east on Hwy 304 to the junction of State Hwy 304 and State Hwy 90 at Delaplaine, go north on State Hwy 90 to the junction of State Hwy 90 and State Hwy 135, go north on State Hwy 135 to the junction of Hwy 135 and State Hwy 162, go west on State Hwy 62 to the junction of State Hwy 62 and State Hwy 67 at Corning, go south on State Hwy 67 to the junction of State Hwy 67 and State Hwy 62 at Pocahontas.

Conditions for Closing: Black River Flood Prone Region will be closed to all deer hunting when the Black River gauge at Corning exceeds 11 feet and will remain closed until the Corning gauge falls below 9.5 feet. Current gauge readings and flood prone region closures can be obtained by calling AGFC toll free and by accessing the AGFC website @ agfc.com.

ST. FRANCIS RIVER FLOOD PRONE REGION - Beginning at Marked Tree and go north on State Hwy 140 to the junction of State Hwy 135 at Lepanto, then north on State Hwy 135 to the junction of State Hwy 18 at Black Oak, then north to the junction of State Hwy 139 at Monette, then north to the Arkansas-Missouri state line, then north along the Arkansas-Missouri State line to the junction of U. S. Hwy 412, then west to State Hwy 135, then south on State Hwy 135 to the junction of State Hwy 18 and State Hwy 158, then south on State Hwy 158 to the junction of State Hwy 69 and U. S. Hwy 63 at Trumann, then south on U. S. Hwy 63 to Payneway, then east to the junction of U. S. Hwy 63 and State Hwy 140 at Marked Tree.

Conditions for Closing: St. Francis River Flood Prone Region will be closed to all deer hunting when the St. Francis River gauge at Oak Donnick reaches 216 MSL and shall remain closed until the Oak Donnick gauge falls below 215 MSL. Current gauge readings and flood prone region closures can be obtained by calling AGFC toll free and by accessing the AGFC www.website @ www.agfc.com.

SHIREY BAY/RAINEY BRAKE FLOOD PRONE ZONE - State Hwy 25 at Powhatan; south on Hwy 25 to Strawberry River then downstream to the confluence of Strawberry River and Black River, then upstream on Black River to the mouth of Big Running Water Creek then upstream on Big Running Water Creek to Clover Bend then north from Clover Bend on hard surface county road to Powhatan.

Conditions for Closing: Shirey Bay/Rainey Brake Flood Prone Zone will be closed to all deer hunting when the Black River gauge at Black Rock reaches 23.0 and will reopen when the Black River gauge at Black Rock falls below 19.0. Current gauge readings and flood prone region closures can be obtained by calling AGFC toll free and by accessing the AGFC website @



ELK ZONE 1: Intersection State Hwy 74 and State Hwy 43, northeast on State Hwy 43 to Cecil Cove Rd., east on Cecil Cove Rd. to National Park Service boundary, east then south on National Park Service boundary to Newton County Rd. #443, northeast on Newton County Rd. #443 to Newton County Rd. #81, east on Newton County Rd. #81 to Newton County Rd. #126, east on Newton County Rd. #126 to Newton County Rd. #125, east on Newton County Rd. #125 to Newton County Rd. #19, east on Newton County Rd. #19 to State Hwy 7, south on State Hwy 7 to intersection of State Hwy 74 (Jasper), west on State Hwy 74 to intersection of State Hwy 43.

ELK ZONE 2: Intersection State Hwy 7 and County Road #82, #82 south to intersection County Road #50, #50 east to intersection County Rd. #213, #213 southwest to intersection County Road, #51, #51 East to intersection County Rd. #83, #83 south to intersection County Rd. #53, #53 southeast to intersection State Hwy 123 (Hasty), State Hwy 123 southwest to intersection State Hwy 74 (Piercetown), State Hwy 74 northwest to intersection State Hwy 7 (Jasper), State Hwy 7 northeast to intersection County Rd. #82.

ELK ZONE 3: Intersection County Rd. #53 and State Hwy 123 (Hasty), State Hwy 123 northeast to intersection County Rd. #72, #72 east to Newton, Searcy county line, Searcy County Rd. #22 east to intersection Searcy County Rd. #21, #21 south to intersection BNR boundary, boundary line east and south to intersection Searcy County Rd. #231, #231 southeast to intersection State Hwy 374, State Hwy 374 southwest to intersection Buffalo River (Woolum Ford) Buffalo River east to intersection Richland Creek, Richland Creek south to intersection Ozark National Forest boundary (Eula), Ozark National Forest boundary west to intersection State Hwy 74 (Bass), State Hwy 74 northwest to intersection State Hwy 123, State Hwy 123 north to intersection County Rd. #53 (Hasty).

ELK ZONE 4: Intersection Searcy County Rd. #231 and Searcy County Rd. #14, east on Searcy County Rd. #14 to intersection of Searcy County Rd. #18, east on Searcy County Rd. #18 to intersection with State Highway 374, east on State Hwy 374 to intersection with U.S. Hwy 65 at St. Joe, southeast on U.S. Hwy 65 to intersection of Searcy County Rd. #33, southwest on Searcy County Rd. #33 to intersection of Searcy County Rd. #34, west on Searcy County Rd. #34 to intersection of State Hwy 74, west on State Hwy 74 to Snowball, west from Snowball on Searcy County Rd. #12 to intersection of Searcy County Rd. #14, west on Searcy County Rd. #14 to Richland Creek, north on Richland Creek to intersection of Buffalo River, west on Buffalo River to intersection of Searcy County Rd. #14, east on Searcy County Rd. #14 to intersection of Searcy County Rd. #231.

Elk Zone A: Intersection U.S. Hwy 412 and State Hwy 103, State Hwy 103 north to Rudd, north from Rudd on State Hwy 103 to intersection U.S. Hwy 62, U.S. Hwy 62 east to U.S. Hwy 412, east on U.S. Hwy 412 to intersection State Hwy 392, State Hwy 392 south to intersection Boone Co. Rd #9 (Creel Road) at Capps, Boone County Rd #9 south to intersection with State Hwy 43, State Hwy 43 south to intersection with State Hwy 206, State Hwy 206 southeast to intersection with Boone County Rd. #62 (Erbie Cut-Off), south on Boone County Rd. #62 to Newton County Rd. #118, south on Newton County Rd. #118 to Newton County Rd. #19, west on Newton County Rd. #19 to Newton County Rd. #125, west on Newton County Rd. #125 to Newton County Rd. #126, west on Newton County Rd. # 126 to Newton County Rd. #81, west on Newton County Rd. #81 to Newton County Rd. #443, west on Newton County Rd. #443 to National Park Service boundary, north and then west on National Park Service boundary to Cecil Cove Rd., west on Cecil Cove Rd. to State Hwy 43, southwest on State Hwy 43 to State Hwy 103, north on State Hwy 103 to U.S. Hwy 412, west on U.S. Hwy 412 to intersection with State Hwy 103 North.


Any city, town or incorporated area within the state may submit to the Commission a written request to establish an urban bowhunting deer zone. Such request must contain a precise boundary description of the area or areas within the city, town or incorporated area sought to be included in the zone. Upon review and approval of the request by the Commission Chief of Wildlife Management, the Director may order the establishment of the zone for the purpose of issuing urban bowhunting deer permits in accordance with Code 06.08.


Benton, Carroll, Boone, Marion, Baxter, Washington, Madison, Newton, Searcy, Crawford, Franklin, Johnson, Pope, Van Buren, Sebastian, Logan, Conway, Faulkner, Scott, Yell, Perry and Pulaski counties.

05.10 ST. FRANCIS RIVER FLOODWAY WATERFOWL ZONE: All lands within the St. Francis flood control main levees from Hwy 412 east of Paragould south to Hwy 63 South at Marked Tree.
Section 06.00 Deer
06.01 DEER PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take or possess a deer where a special permit and/or special tag is required by the Commission without having said permit and/or tag on the person. It shall also be unlawful to take or attempt to take doe under the special doe permit program, without legally obtaining a doe permit and complying with the terms of said permit. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
06.02 GUNS AND AMMUNITION PROHIBITED DURING MODERN GUN DEER SEASONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take deer during the modern gun deer seasons with:
(A) Any muzzle-loading firearm not in compliance with Commission Code 07.02 (Legal Muzzleloaders);
(B) .410 shotguns using ammunition other than slugs.
(C) Any shotguns using shot smaller than No. 4 buckshot;
(D) Revolvers and pistols having barrels less than four inches in length;
(E) Rifles, revolvers or pistols using rimfire cartridges, military, or full metal jacket ammunition.
(F) Any centerfire rifle, revolver or pistol smaller than .22 caliber.


(1) Zones 4 and 5 are restricted to:
(a) Shotguns (.410 or larger) with slugs only.
(b) Muzzleloading rifles in compliance with Commission Code 07.02.
(c) Revolvers and pistols having barrels that are no less than four inches or longer then 10 inches in length chambered specifically for straight wall centerfire cartridge cases and hunting with lead, lead alloy, soft nose and/or hollow point bullets no less than .30 caliber in diameter.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

06.03 LEGAL BUCK DEER REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take or possess any buck deer other than a legal buck (Ref: 01.00C Definition of Terms).


(1) Deer carcasses and parts legally harvested outside the state and accompanied by verification. (Ref. Code 19.06 Importation of Cervid Carcasses, Parts and Products)
(2) In compliance with Section 15.00 (Captive Wildlife/Hunting Resorts).
(3) Youth under the age of 16 may take any buck as their first buck harvested that year, except on Choctaw Island WMA where youth must comply with antler restrictions. Second buck, excluding youths hunting during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt (Ref. Code 06.11), must comply with the legal buck criteria.
(4) On certain Wildlife Management Areas (Ref. Code 21.03).
(5) Bucks taken with the Deer Management Assistance Program Management Buck tags.

PENALTY: $150.00 to $1,000.00.

06.04 TAKING OF DOE DEER PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take or possess doe deer.


(1) If said doe in possession was legally taken in a zone or area declared open by the Commission to the taking of doe.
(2) Deer carcasses and parts legally harvested outside the state and accompanied by verification. (Ref. Code 19.06 Importation of Cervid Carcasses, Parts and Products)
(3) In compliance with Section 15.00 (Captive Wildlife/Hunting Resorts). PENALTY: $150.00 to $1,000.00, and hunting privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges.
06.05 ANTLER REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful, in zones or areas open to the taking of legal buck only, to possess the carcass of a legal buck deer that does not bear antlers prior to checking at a check station or by a Commission employee.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

06.06 TAKING DEER SWIMMING IN WATER PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take deer swimming in water; or to drive or capture deer from or with aid of a boat.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00, and a jail sentence up to 10 days may be imposed.

06.07 HUNTER ORANGE/GREEN CLOTHING REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to hunt any wildlife, or to accompany or assist anyone in hunting wildlife, during a gun or muzzle-loading deer season without wearing an outer garment, above the waistline, of daylight florescent blaze orange (Hunter Orange) within the color range of 595 nm - 605 nm or florescent chartreuse within the color range of 555 nm - 565 nm (Hunter Safety Green) totaling at least 400 square inches, and a florescent blaze orange or florescent chartreuse head garment must be visibly worn on the head.


(1) While migratory bird hunting.
(2) While hunting in areas in which hunting of deer with guns is prohibited.

PENALTY: $50.00 to $1,000.00.

06.08 URBAN BOWHUNTING DEER PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take deer in the urban bowhunting deer zone (Ref. 05.08) without first obtaining an Urban Bowhunting Permit. This permit is in addition to hunting and/or guide license requirements as stated in Section 03.00 Licenses.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00

06.09 HUNTING DEER FROM A VESSEL PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take deer from any type watercraft on public waters. EXCEPTION:
(1) Commission employees in performance of their duties. PENALTY: $150.00 to $1,000.00.
06.10 HUNTING DEER OVER BAIT PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take deer by the aid of baiting or hunting on or over a baited area from February 1-28 if the person knows or reasonably should know the area is baited. (Ref. Section 01.00-C "Baiting"). The area is considered baited for 10 days following complete removal of the bait. PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

It shall be unlawful for anyone other than youths, 15 years of age or younger, to harvest deer during the special youth modern gun deer hunt. Youths who have completed a hunter education course must be accompanied by an adult mentor who is 18 years of age or older. Youths who have not com pleted a hunter education course must be under the direct supervision of an adult mentor who is 21 years of age or older. Youths must comply with the following: One deer of choice, no antler restrictions, and Zone/WMA doe quota permit not required (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03).


(1) WMAs requiring a WMA deer hunt permit are closed to the Special Youth Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt (Ref. Codes 06.03 and 21.02).
(2) Hunters using archery tackle during archery and crossbow season (Ref. Code 02.01, Deer Archery and Crossbow Season).

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00

Section 07.00 Muzzle-Loading

It shall be unlawful for any resident 16 years of age or older to hunt with a muzzle-loading firearm without having a current Resident Sportsman's License; Resident 65 Plus Lifetime Sportsman's Hunting License (or Resident 65 Plus Lifetime Combination License); Resident Disabled Lifetime Sportsman's Hunting License (or Resident Disabled Lifetime Combination License); or Resident Disabled Hunting 3-Year License (or Resident Disabled Combination 3-Year License); or Lifetime Resident Hunting and Fishing Sportsman's Permit; and a Non-Resident 16 years of age or older is required to obtain a current Arkansas Non-Resident Annual All Game License; Non-Resident 3-Day All Game License; or Non-Resident 5-Day All Game License for a period of said license. EXCEPTION: (1) Non-residents under 16 years of age, upon taking a deer, and complying with Commission Code 03.03 (Exception 2). PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

07.02 CERTAIN MUZZLELOADERS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to hunt during the muzzle-loading deer seasons with:
(A) Firearms capable of being loaded by means other than through the muzzle;
(B) Firearms converted from cartridge type firearms which remain capable of firing a self-contained cartridge or being altered or reconverted back into a firearm capable of firing a conventional cartridge;
(C) Firearms not using flint or percussion igniters (percussion caps or primers) to ignite the gunpowder;
(D) Firearms less than .40 caliber and with barrels less than 18 inches in length;
(E) Firearms firing more than one projectile per barrel or chamber (buckshot prohibited);
(F) Muzzle-loading handguns with barrels less than nine (9) inches in length, of less than .45 caliber, and loaded with a projectile weighing less than 200 grains (.45 caliber or larger conical bullets, or .530 and larger round balls);


(1) Any caliber muzzle-loading pistol or (cap and ball) percussion revolver permitted to be carried when a legal muzzle-loading long gun is in hunter's immediate possession.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


DEER SEASONS. It shall be unlawful to have in immediate possession a centerfire or rimfire weapon while participating in muzzle-loading deer seasons.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

Section 08.00 Archery and Crossbow

It shall be unlawful for any resident 16 years of age or older to hunt with archery tackle or crossbow without first obtaining a current Resident Sportsman's License; Resident 65 Plus Lifetime Sportsman's Hunting License (or Resident 65 Plus Lifetime Combination License); Resident Disabled Lifetime Sportsman's Hunting License (or Resident Disabled Lifetime Combination License; or Resident Disabled Hunting 3-Year License (or Resident Disabled Combination 3-Year License); or Lifetime Resident Hunting and Fishing Sportsman's Permit. EXCEPTIONS:

(1) In Compliance with Regulation 3.02 (Fishing License Requirements) - when using archery tackle or crossbow to legally take fish or frogs. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
08.02 NON-RESIDENT ARCHERY AND CROSSBOW LICENSE REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for any non-resident to hunt with archery tackle or crossbow without first obtaining a current Arkansas Non-Resident Annual All Game License; Non-Resident 5-Day All Game License; or Non-Resident 3-Day All Game License for a period of said license. EXCEPTION:
(1) Non-residents under 16 years of age, upon taking a deer, bear or turkey and complying with Commission Code 03.03 (Exception 2). PENALTY: $150.00 to $1,000.00.
08.03 POSSESSION OF FIREARMS WHILE ARCHERY AND CROSSBOW HUNTING PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to have any firearms in the immediate possession while hunting bear, deer or turkey with archery tackle.
(1) Legal firearms when and where a regular gun or muzzle-loading deer season is open.
(2) Legal firearms when and where bear season is open. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
08.04 ARCHERY TACKLE RESTRICTION. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take wildlife with long bow and arrow or compound bow and arrow other than as specified herein.
(A) Bows having a minimum pull of 40 pounds at some point within the draw length.
(B) Bows without telescopic or magnifying sights.
(C) Bows using arrowheads with a minimum width of 7/8 inch (except any smaller size may be used for other than deer, turkey or bear).
(D) Bows using arrows not containing poisonous chemicals. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
08.05 LEGAL ARCHERY AND CROSSBOW DEER KILL RESTRICTION. It shall be unlawful to take other than legal buck deer with archery tackle or crossbow during a gun deer season open to taking of legal bucks only.


(1) Either sex may be taken during archery/crossbow season on those

Wildlife Management Areas closed to gun deer season. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

08.06 CROSSBOW RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to hunt with a crossbow of less than 125 pounds pull, or with an arrowhead less than 7/8 inch in width (small game hunters exempt), or without said crossbow having a functional mechanical safety device. It shall also be unlawful to possess arrows containing poisonous chemicals.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

Section 09.00 Dogs
09.01 HUNTING DOG REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to use any dog to hunt, chase, pursue or retrieve wildlife or to train said dogs for such purposes without a collar bearing the name, phone number and address of the owner being worn by the hunting dog.


(1) Collars not required to be worn by waterfowl retrievers while in the act of retrieving waterfowl if the owner or person in charge of said retriever has on his person the collar bearing the required name, phone number and address.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $1,000.00.

09.03 DOGS PROHIBITED DURING DEER SEASONS. It shall be unlawful to use dogs for hunting deer during archery, crossbow, muzzle-loading, modern gun, the special youth modern gun and the Christmas Holiday modern gun deer seasons.
(1) After wounding deer, one dog controlled by leash, for trailing wounded deer after permission has been obtained from a wildlife officer.
(2) During modern gun deer season in deer zones 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16Aand 17.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $1,000.00.

09.04 CHASE WILDLIFE FOR PLEASURE/DEER DOG TRAINING RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to use dogs to chase wildlife for pleasure (Ref: -1.00-C Definition of Terms - Chase Wildlife for Pleasure) other than from May 16 through March 31, or to use dogs to chase deer for training purposes other than from 30 minutes before sunrise until 30 minutes after sunset October 1 through December 31 only in those deer zones where dogs can legally be used for the taking of deer during the modern gun deer seasons. Possession of a killing device is prohibited when using dogs to chase wildlife for pleasure or when training/allowing dogs to chase deer.


(1) When chasing wildlife for pleasure, killing devices may only be possessed in compliance with declared open seasons for the taking of game orfurbearing animals.
(2) When training/allowing dogs to chase deer, killing devices may only be possessed during open season in those deer zones where it is lawful to use dogs to hunt deer during the modern gun deer season.
(3) Chase for pleasure is allowed beginning 60 minutes after sunset until 60 minutes before sunrise from April 1 until May 15.
(4) During any Spring Special Youth Turkey Hunt, the use of dogs to chase game animals is prohibited during 60 minutes before sunrise until 60 minutes after sunset.
(5) During any muzzleloader deer season, dogs may only be used for chasing fox or coyote from 30 minutes after sunset until 30 minutes before sunrise.
(6) During any modern gun deer seasons where dogs are unlawful to run deer, dogs may only be used to chase fox or coyote from 30 minutes after sunset until 30 minutes before sunrise.
(7) Chasing fox and/or coyote for pleasure within fox/coyote enclosures permitted day or night year around.
(8) Deer dog training is not allowed during the muzzleloading deer seasons.
(9) In compliance with Code 22.01, Dog Restrictions on WMAs.
(10) In compliance with Code 16.06, Chasing Bear with Dogs Prohibited.
(11) In compliance with Code 17.07, Chasing Elk with Dogs Prohibited. PENALTY: $500.00 to $1,000.00.
09.05 DOGS PROHIBITED ON BEAVER LAKE ISLANDS. It shall be unlawful to use dogs while hunting wildlife on islands in Beaver Lake during open deer seasons.. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
09.07 BIRD DOG TRAINING RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to use firearms other than pistols and shotguns with blank ammunition while training bird dogs.


(1) Pen-raised quail may be taken by first obtaining a Shoot-To-Kill Bird Dog Field Training Permit or a Shoot-To-Kill Bird Dog Field Trial Permit and complying with terms of permit.
(2) Pen-raised pheasant may be taken by first obtaining a Shoot-to-Kill Bird Dog Field Training Permit and complying with terms of permit.
(3) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

In addition, non-compliance with terms of issued permit shall cause revocation of permit privileges for one (1) year.

09.08 WATERFOWL RETRIEVING DOG RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to use live captive-reared mallards for the purpose of certifying or training waterfowl retrievers.


(1) Captive-reared mallards, possessed in compliance with Commission Code Section 15.00, may only be taken by the use of shotgun with live ammunition during sanctioned American Kennel Club (AKC), National Field Retriever Association (NFRA), North American Hunting Retriever Association (NAHRA), or Hunting Retrievers Club (HRC) retrieving dog field trials by first obtaining a Shoot-to-Kill Retrieving Dog Training Permit from the Commission and complying with the terms of the permit.
(2) Captive-reared mallards, possessed in compliance with Commission Code Section 15.00, may only be taken by the use of shotgun with live ammunition while training waterfowl retrievers by first obtaining a Shoot-to-Kill Retrieving Dog Training Permit from the Commission and complying with the terms of the permit.
(3) When occurring on a Commission-permitted Game Bird Shooting Resort in compliance with Commission Code Section 15.00 governing the shooting of captive-reared mallards.

PENATLY: $250.00 to $1,000.00

In addition, non-compliance with terms of issued permit shall result in the revocation of permit privileges for one (1) year.

Section 10.00 Furbearing Animals
10.01(A) RESIDENT FUR-TAKER'S LICENSE REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for any resident 16 years of age or older to take, attempt to take, or possess any furbearers or any parts thereof without first obtaining a current Resident Wildlife Conservation License, Resident Combination Sportsman's License; Resident Sportsman's License; Resident 65 Plus Lifetime Sportsman's Hunting License (or Resident 65 Plus Lifetime Combination License); Resident Disabled Lifetime Sportsman's Hunting License (or Resident Disabled Lifetime Combination License); or a Lifetime Hunting License and Sportsman's Permit. Permits are valid for the year period July 1 to June 30.


(1) Persons obtaining carcasses of legally taken furbearers.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

10.01(B) NON-RESIDENT FUR-TAKER'S PERMIT REQUIREMENT. It shall be unlawful for non-resident persons of any age to take, attempt to take or possess any furbearing animals or any parts thereof without first obtaining a Non-Resident Fur-Taker's Permit in addition to a Non-Resident Hunting


(A) It shall be unlawful for holders of Non-Resident Fur Takers

Permits to fail to submit a report of furbearers taken in Arkansas during the furbearer hunting or trapping seasons, other than those sold to licensed Arkansas fur dealers, by May 1. EXCEPTION:

(1) Persons obtaining carcasses of legally taken furbearers. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
10.02 REGULAR FURBEARING SEASON TRAP RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to possess, in fields or woods, onto use any cable-restraining device (snare) or steel trap other than smooth-jawed traps during open furbearing animals seasons as provided herein:
(A) Bait Restrictions.

Animal matter, including meat, skin, bones, feathers and hair or any other solid substance that used to be part of an animal, may not be used as bait within twenty (20) feet of a trap set, unless it is adequately covered to prevent it being seen from above and it must be covered in such a way as to withstand wave action, wind action or other normal environmental conditions that could cause it to become visible.

(B) Land-Set Trap Restrictions.

Smooth-jawed traps with a jaw spread not in excess of 6 inches (those in excess of 5 inches, measured from the inside edge of the trap at the dog, must have offset jaws). Size 110, 120 and 160 Conibear, or comparable body-tripping traps, with a jaw spread not to exceed 6 inches.

(C) Water-Set Trap Requirements

Smooth-jawed traps with a jaw spread not in excess of 8 1/2 inches, Conibear or comparable body-gripping traps with a jaw spread not in excess of 10 inches.

(D) Snare (Cable Restraint Device) Restrictions.
(1) Snares are prohibited other than in water sets or on land within 20 feet of a body of water. Snares set in excess of 20 feet from a permanent body of water shall have a functional "deer lock" that will not allow the snare to close smaller than 2 1/2 inches.
(2) Land snares must be constructed of braided cable with a loop no more than 12 inches in diameter (side-to-side) and a lower loop no more than 10 inches off the ground. Leg snares are prohibited. Only snares with single-piece locks may be used on land.
(3) No snare should be set or be maintained in any public road right-of-way.
(4) When snares are fully extended, they may not touch any fence. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
10.06 TRAP CHECKING REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to use traps without checking daily and removing the catch. EXCEPTION:
(1) Kill (water) sets may be checked within 72 hours. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
10.07 TRAP IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to use any trap, snare or cable restraint device for taking furbearing animals without a legible name and address, vehicle operator's license number or current vehicle license number (registered to the trap-user) affixed thereto. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
10.08 BOX TRAP RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take wildlife by the use of box traps or to take game birds by the use of wood or wire traps.
(1) Rabbits taken during open rabbit season with box traps having interior dimensions not larger than 8 inches in width and 10 inches in height, and no more than 8 traps per individual.
(2) Nuisance wildlife taken in accordance with Codes 18.09 and 18.09A.
(3) Legally licensed furtakers during the furbearer season. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
10.09 AMMUNITION PROHIBITED FOR TAKING FUR-BEARERS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take fur-bearers with any rifled slug or shot size larger than T shot, or with any ammunition for rifle or pistol other than rimfire ammunition not in excess of .22 caliber. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) In compliance with Commission Code 18.09 (Depredation Permit).
(2) In compliance with Commission Code 20.02.
(3) During any open season (except deer, bear and turkey), bobcat and coyote may be taken during daylight hours only with archery tackle, firearms no larger than .30 caliber or shotguns with shot no larger than T shot.
(4) Bobcat and coyote may be taken during daylight hours of any open deer, bear or turkey season with method of take legal for that season and zone.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

10.10 UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF PELTS. It shall be unlawful to possess the untanned or green pelts of any animal of which there is no open season in Arkansas.
(1) Possession of pelts, legally taken in another state and accompanied by verification.
(2) By permit issued by the Commission or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
(3) Pelts or carcasses of furbearers legally taken in Arkansas may be possessed outside of the furbearer hunting and trapping seasons. Otters must be tagged in compliance with Commission Code 10.12.

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

10.11 REQUIREMENTS FOR SHIPPING PELTS. It shall be unlawful for shipments of green pelts originating in Arkansas to fail to display:
(A) Name, address and license number of shipper;
(B) Date of shipment;
(C) The words "Fur Pelts". PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

It shall be unlawful to fail to comply with the following provisions:

(A) It shall be unlawful to import bobcat or otter into Arkansas without having first had a CITES tag affixed to them in their state of origination or to export bobcat or river otter pelts from Arkansas without first having said pelts tagged by a Commission employee.
(B) It shall be unlawful to possess an untagged otter, other than mounted speciments, tanned pelts, or animals in the possession of a taxidermist, from April 1 to the beginning of the otter hunting and trapping season.


(1) Untagged otter may be possessed from April 1 to the beginning of the otter hunting and trapping season provided that they were taken with a depredation permit in compliance with Commission Code 18.09 (Depredation Permit Reguirements).

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

10.13 FUR DEALER LICENSE REQUIREMENT. It shall be unlawful to buy or resell pelts or furbearer carcasses without first obtaining the appropriate (resident or non-resident) fur dealer license for each individual buyer or separate place of business. The purchase of pelts or furbearer

carcasses from May 1 - June 30 is prohibited.


(1) Non-resident fur dealers buying pelts from or selling pelts to

Arkansas resident fur dealers. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

10.14 FUR DEALER REPORTS REQUIRED. It shall be unlawful for any fur dealer to fail to itemize and completely and legibly fill out the Commission Fur Dealer Report daily; to fail to provide said report for immediate inspection upon request of a Commission employee; for said report to be submitted to the Commission no later than May 5.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

In addition, dealer license may be suspended for a period of up to one year.

Section 11.00 General Offenses
11.01 REFUSING INSPECTION BY OFFICER PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to refuse or fail to immediately surrender to officers for inspection any weapon, license, permit, tag, stamp, check sheet, wildlife, including fish, fishing tackle or any device used in taking of wildlife, including fish, whether legal or illegal.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

11.02 INTERFERING WITH WILDLIFE OFFICER PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to interfere with any wildlife law enforcement officer engaged in the performance of duty.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

11.02-A FLEEING A WILDLIFE OFFICER. It shall be unlawful to flee, in any manner, from a duly qualified wildlife officer if a person knowingly has reason to believe that detention or arrest is imminent. Fleeing a wildlife officer is a separate offense and shall not be considered a lesser included offense. PENALTY: Fleeing $100.00 to $1,000.00.

Fleeing resulting in property damage $500.00 to $2,000.00.

Fleeing resulting in personal injury $1,000.00 to $5,000.00.

11.03 AIDING, ACCOMPANYING OR ABETTING OF VIOLATION PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to aid, accompany or abet another in the illegal taking, attempting to take, possessing, buying or selling of protected wildlife.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $2,000.00.

11.04 HUNTING OR FISHING AFTER REVOCATION OF LICENSE PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take any wildlife, including fish, by any means after suspension of hunting and/or fishing privileges by any court or the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission or its authorized representative for the period of such suspension. PENALTY: $500.00 to $2.000.00.

and in addition a jail sentence not to exceed 10 days may be imposed. Equipment used in such violations (including but not limited to killing devices and lights) may be confiscated by the court, forfeited to the State, and disposed of according to law.

11.05 REVOCATION OF PRIVILEGES. Courts of competent jurisdiction or the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission by its authorized representatives may suspend, revoke or deny a permit, license, tag or stamp for reasonable cause. Any suspension, revocation or denial of privileges by the Commission, or its authorized representative shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions in Code Regulation 01.00-K.

shall be unlawful for any person to take, attempt to take, possess, buy, sell, acquire or dispose, in any manner, wildlife for commercial purposes after commercial wildlife permit privileges have been suspended by any court, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, or its authorized representative. PENALTY: 1st Offense - $1.000.00 - $5.000.00. In addition, a jail

sentence not to exceed ten (10) days may be imposed.

Subsequent Offenses - $5.000.00 - $10.000.00. In addition.

a jail sentence not to exceed one (1) year may be imposed.

11.06 ACCESS ON COMMISSION-OWNED WMAs AND WDAs PROHIBITED AFTER REVOCATION OF HUNTING PRIVILEGES. It shall be unlawful for any person to access or go upon any Commission-owned WMA or WDA after revocation of the person's hunting privileges by a court of competent jurisdiction or the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission or its authorized representative for the period of such revocation.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $2.000.00.

11.07 ACCESS ON COMMISSION-OWNED LAKES PROHIBITED AFTER REVOCATION OF FISHING PRIVILEGES. It shall be unlawful for any person to access or go upon any Commission-owned lake after revocation of the person's fishing privileges by a court of competent jurisdiction or the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission or its authorized representative for the period of such revocation.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $2.000.00.



(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt, fish, trap wildlife or release hunting dogs or pursue wildlife with dogs, upon the private property of another without having first obtained permission from a landowner or lessee of the property.
(B) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (A), it shall be unlawful for any person to hunt, fish, trap wildlife or release hunting dogs or pursue wildlife with dogs upon the private property of another without carrying written permission from a landowner or lessee of the property if the property is lawfully posted or fenced in accordance with one of the methods provided in Arkansas Codes 18-11 -404 or 18-11-405. The written permission must include the name of the person permitted upon the property, the signature and telephone number of the landowner or lessee, and the beginning and ending dates of the permission period.


(1) Written permission shall not be required under subsection (B) if the person hunting, fishing or trapping wildlife is the spouse, mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, niece, nephew, grandson, granddaughter, grandmother or grandfather of the landowner or lessee of the private property and has actual permission of the landowner or lessee.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00

Section 12.00 Migratory Game Birds and Waterfowl Regulations
12.01 MOURNING AND EURASIAN COLLARED DOVE SEASON RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take Mourning and Eurasian Collared Doves other than from September 2-24, 2006, October 7-22, 2006 and December 16, 2006 - January 5, 2007.


(1) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations.

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

12.02 MOURNING AND EURASIAN COLLARED DOVE DAILY BAG AND POSSESSION RESTRICTIONS.ltshall be unlawful to take or attempt to take more than fifteen (15) Mourning Doves in any one day and to possess more than two (2) daily bag limits. Eurasian Collared Doves may be taken during dove seasons with no daily bag or possession limit. Eurasian Collared Doves must remain fully feathered in the field and while being transported from the field.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

12.03 TEAL SEASON RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take Teal other than from September 15-30, 2006. EXCEPTION:
(1) Teal may be taken in compliance with Code 12.15, Duck and Coot Season Restrictions and Code 12.17, Duck Daily Bag and Possession Restrictions.

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

12.04 TEAL DAILY BAG AND POSSESSION RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take more than four (4) Teal in any one day and to possess more than two (2) daily bag limits. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
12.05 RAIL (VIRGINIA & SORA) SEASON RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take Rail other than from September 1 -November 9, 2006.

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

12.06 RAIL (VIRGINIA & SORA) DAILY BAG AND POSSESSION RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take more than twenty-five (25) rail in any one day or to possess more than one (1) daily bag limit.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

12.07 WOODCOCK SEASON RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take woodcock other than from November 11 -

December 25, 2006.

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

12.08 WOODCOCK DAILY BAG AND POSSESSION RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take more than three (3) woodcock in any one day or to possess more than two (2) daily bag limits. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
12.09 COMMON SNIPE SEASON RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take common snipe other than from November 1, 2006 -February 15, 2007. PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take more than eight (8) common snipe in any one day or to possess more than two (2) daily bag limits. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

12.11 PURPLE GALLINULE SEASON RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take purple gallinule other than from September 1 - November 9, 2006.

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

12.12 PURPLE GALLINULE DAILY BAG AND POSSESSION RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take more than fifteen (15) purple gallinule in any one day or to possess more than two (2) daily bag limits.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

12.13 COMMON MOORHEN SEASON RESTRICTIONS: It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take common moorhen other than September 1 -November 9, 2006.

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

12.14 COMMON MOORHEN DAILY BAG AND POSSESSION RESTRICTIONS: It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take more than fifteen (15) common moorhen in any one day or to possess more than two (2) daily bag limits.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

12.15 DUCK, COOT AND MERGANSER SEASON RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take ducks, coots or mergansers other than from November 18 - December 18, 2006, December 26, 2006-Januarv 7, 2007 and January 13-28, 2007.


(1) Ducks, coots and mergansers may be taken during the Special

Youth Waterfowl Hunt statewide on December 23-24, 2006. (Ref.

Code 12.25 Special Youth Waterfowl Hunt Restrictions.) PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

12.16 COOT DAILY BAG AND POSSESSION RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take more than fifteen (15) coot in any one day or to possess more than two (2) daily bag limits.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

12.17 DUCK DAILY BAG AND POSSESSION RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take more ducks in any one day than as specified below or to possess more than two (2) daily bag limits:

Bag Limits:

Daily limit of six (6) ducks which may include no more than four (4) mallards (no more than one (1) of which may be females), one (1) pintail, three (3) mottled ducks, two (2) scaup, two (2) wood ducks, two (2) redheads, one (1) black duck and one (1) canvasback. Daily limit of five (5) mergansers, which may include no more than two (2) hooded mergansers.


Bayou Meto WMA Bag Limits:

Daily limit of four (4) ducks which may include no more than three (3) mallards (no more than one (1) of which may be females), one (1) Pintail, three (3) mottled ducks, two (2) scaup, two (2) wood ducks, two (2) redheads and one (1) black duck.

Daily limit of four (4) mergansers, which may include no more than two (2) hooded mergansers. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

12.18 WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE SEASON RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take White-fronted geese other than from November 18-December 18, 2006 and December 26, 2006-Februarv4, 2007 statewide.

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

12.19 WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE DAILY BAG AND POSSESSION RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take more than two (2) white-fronted geese or to possess more than twice the daily limit. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take Snow, Blue and Ross'

geese other than from November 9-December 21, 2006 and

December 26, 2006-Februarv4, 2007 statewide.


(1) In compliance with the Snow, Blue and Ross' Goose Conservation

Order starting from February 5-April 29, 2007 statewide. PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

12.21 SNOW, BLUE AND ROSS' GOOSE DAILY BAG AND POSSESSION RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take more than twenty (20) Snow, Blue or Ross' geese with no possession limit. EXCEPTION:
(1) In compliance with the Snow, Blue and Ross' Goose Conservation

Order starting from February 6 - April 30, 2006. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

12.22 CANADA GOOSE SEASON RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take Canada geese other than from September 30-October

9, 2006 in the Northwest Canada Goose Zone and from January 13-Februarv

4, 2007 statewide. Shooting hours are from one-half hour before sunrise to sunset statewide.


(1) Holla Bend National Wildlife Refuge is closed.

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.


It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take more than two (2) Canada geese in the East Arkansas Canada Goose Zone and more than two (2) Canada goose in the West Arkansas Canada Goose Zone in any one day or to possess more geese than twice the daily bag limit. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

12.24 SHOT SIZE RESTRICTION FOR MIGRATORY GAME BIRDS. It shall be unlawful to possess or use lead shot larger than No. BB (0.180 inches in diameter) or non-toxic shot larger than No. T (0.200 inches in diameter) for the purpose of taking or attempting to take migratory game birds. Ref: 13.07, Non-Toxic Shot Requirements for Waterfowl Hunting. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
12.25 FALCONRY SEASON RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take migratory birds with raptors other than during the regular migratory bird seasons except as follows: Ducks, Coots and Mergansers: December 20-22, 2006, January 8-12, 2007 and January 29-Februarv 18, 2007.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

12.26 FALCONRY DAILY BAG AND POSSESSION RESTRICTIONS: It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take, with raptors, more than three (3) migratory birds in any one day or to possess more than two (2) daily bag limits.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

12.27 SPECIAL YOUTH WATERFOWL HUNT RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful for anyone other than youths, 15 years of age or younger, to hunt ducks, in-season geese, mergansers and coots during the special youth waterfowl hunt on December 23-24, 2006 statewide. Youths who have completed a hunter education course must be accompanied by an adult mentor who is 18 years of age or older. Youths who have not completed a hunter education course must be under the direct supervision of an adult mentor who is 21 years of age or older. Mentors may not hunt ducks, geese, mergansers or coots, but may, if properly licensed, hunt other game in season. Shooting hours and bag limits are the same as the regular waterfowl season. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
12.28 CERTAIN WATERFOWL DECOYS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take waterfowl with the use of decoys simulating wing movements after July 1, 2006. (Ref. Code 01.00C Definition of Terms). EXCEPTION:
(1) During the Snow, Blue and Ross' Goose Conservation Order.
(2) Kite devices. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
Section 13.00 Federal Regulations
13.01 FEDERAL REGULATIONS COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take, or possess migratory game birds within the boundaries of Arkansas without complying with all federal regulations governing such taking or possessing (including but not limited to the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 50, Subparts B, Definitions: C, Taking, and D, Possession), or to fail to comply with any federal regulation on refuges, sanctuaries, and fish hatcheries. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
13.02 FEDERAL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take wildlife on federal hatcheries or national wildlife refuges where federal permits are required without first obtaining said permits. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
13.03 MIGRATORY GAME BIRD BAITING PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take migratory game birds by the aid of baiting if the person knows or reasonably should know that the area is a baited area. (Ref. 01.00C, Baiting Defined). PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
13.04 FEDERAL MIGRATORY BIRD (DUCK) HUNTING STAMP REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take migratory waterfowl without first obtaining and having on the person a current Federal Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp (commonly referred to as a 'duck stamp') that has been validated by signing in ink across the face thereof. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) Persons under 16 years of age.
(2) In compliance with the Snow, Blue and Ross' Goose Conservation Order.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

13.05 GUN PLUG REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take any migratory game bird with any firearm other than shotguns incapable of holding more than three shells in the magazine and chamber combined. Shotguns requiring plugs must be plugged with a one piece filler which will require disassembly of gun for removal.


(1) In compliance with the Snow, Blue and Ross' Goose

Conservation Order. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take any migratory game bird, including migratory waterfowl, other than one-half (1/2) hour before sunrise (local time) or later than sunset (local time). EXCEPTIONS:

(1) Shooting hours for teal during the teal season are sunrise to sunset (local time).
(2) Waterfowl hunting in the St. Francis River Floodway Waterfowl Zone ends at 12:00 noon.
(3) Shooting hours during the Snow, Blue and Ross' Goose Conservation Order are one-half (1/2) hour before sunrise (local time) until one-half (1/2) hour after sunset (local time).
(4) On certain Wildlife Management Areas (Ref. 25.01 Migratory Waterfowl Shooting Hour Restrictions Within Certain WMAs and WDAs).

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

13.07 NON-TOXIC SHOT REQUIREMENTS FOR WATERFOWL HUNTING. It shall be unlawful to possess while waterfowl hunting any shot other than steel, tungsten-iron, tungsten-iron (Hevi-Steel), tungsten-polymer, tungsten-matrix, bismuth-tin, tungsten-iron nickel-tin (TINT), tungsten-nickel iron (Hevi-Shot), tungsten-bronze-iron (TBI), tungsten-tin bismuth (TIB) or such shot approved as nontoxic by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service pursuant to Part 20, Subchapter B, Chapter 1 of Title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
13.08 HARVEST INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for any person to take or attempt to take migratory game birds in Arkansas without a Harvest Information Permit (HIP). Proof of Arkansas registration must be carried at all times when hunting migratory birds. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) Hunters under 16 years of age who are exempt from state licensing requirements. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
Section 14.00 Birds
14.01 TAKING OF BIRDS & EGGS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take wild birds or bird eggs. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) English Sparrows.
(2) Black birds, starlings and crows committing damage to agricultural crops or personal property.
(3) Crows as permitted under Commission Code 02.10 (Crow Hunting).
(4) In compliance with Commission Code 14.03 (Falconry).
(5) In compliance with federal regulation: 50 CFR 21.12(b). PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
14.02 BAITING OF CROWS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take crows by the aid of baiting if the person knows or reasonably should know that the area is a baited area.(Ref: Section 01.00- C "Baiting"). PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
14.03 FALCONRY PERMIT REQUIRED. It shall be unlawful to engage in falconry without first obtaining a permit from the Commission and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service or to fail to comply with the requirements of said permit. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
14.04 FALCONRY REPORT REQUIRED. It shall be unlawful for any person holding falconry permits from the Commission to fail to report to the Commission by July 31 of each year a listing of all raptors possessed on June 30 by species, marker number, sex, age, date, and source of acquisition.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

14.05 TAKING OR HARASSING IVORY-BILLED WOODPECKERS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take, injure, harass, disturb or collect, or attempt to take, injure, harass, disturb or collect any Ivory-billed Woodpecker. EXCEPTION:
(1) Employees of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and employees of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service while in the performance of their official duties, and duly authorized designees of the Commission.

PENALTY: $1,000.00 to $10,000.00. In addition, a jail sentence of up to one year may be imposed.

14.06 PROHIBITED METHODS FOR BIRD CALLING ON CERTAIN MANAGEMENT AREAS. It shall be unlawful to use audio devices, including mechanical or electronic callers, musical instruments, recordings or similar artificial devices for simulating the call of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker or any other birds on Bayou Meto WMA, Benson Creek WMA, Cache River NWR, Dagmar WMA, Henry Gray/Hurricane Lake WMA, Rex Hancock/Black Swamp WMA, Trusten Holder WMA. Wattensaw WMA and White River NWR.


(1) Employees of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and employees of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service while in the performance of their official duties, and duly authorized designees of the Commission.
(2) Game birds may be called in compliance with legal methods identified in Commission codes during open hunting seasons.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

Section 15.00 Captive Wildlife/Hunting Resorts

It shall be unlawful to hold captive, confine, enclose or otherwise possess alive in the State of Arkansas any wildlife, including fish, whether native or non-native, migratory or imported, unless authorized or excepted as specified herein. Any wildlife possessed in violation of this regulation or any other regulation in Section 15 may be declared to be contraband and subject to immediate seizure by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. Upon conviction of the offender (or earlier if the court having jurisdiction so orders), title to the wildlife shall be forfeited to the Commission and such wildlife released or disposed of in accordance with Commission policy. EXCEPTIONS:

(1) Any furbearer, game animal, game bird or game fish legally taken during an authorized season in compliance with all applicable hunting, trapping and fishing restrictions in this Code Book may be possessed.
(2) Commission employees may hold captive and possess wildlife as necessary to perform authorized duties.
(3) Wildlife (except for fish, bullfrogs, mussels, aquatic turtles and alligators) may be held captive and possessed in compliance with the following Commission Codes:
(A) Commission Codes 15.08 et seq. (Game Bird Shooting Resort Requirements);
(B) Commission Codes 15.04 et seq. ( Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resort Permit);
(C) Commission Code 15.12 et seq. (Wildlife Breeder/Dealer permit);
(D) Commission Codes 15.14 et seq. (Special Commercial Quail Permit Requirements);
(E) Commission Code 15.16 et seq. (Native Wildlife Pet Restrictions);
(F) Commission Codes 14.03 et. seq. (Falconry Permit);
(G) Commission Codes 15.02 et seq. (Captive Non-Native Wildlife). (H) Commission Code 15.19 (Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit).
(4) Fish, bullfrogs, mussels, aquatic turtles and alligators may be held captive and possessed in compliance with the following Commission codes:
(A) Commission Code Section 36.00 (Bull Frog Regulations);
(B) Commission Code Section 37.00 (Minnow Regulations);
(C) Commission Code Section 38.00 (Fresh Water Mussel Regulations);
(D) Commission Code Section 39.00 (AquaticTurtle Regulations);
(E) Commission Code Section 40.00 (Alligator Farming Regulations);
(F) Commission Code Section 41.00 (Commercial Fishing Regulations);
(G) Commission Code Section 42.00 (Fish Farmer Regulations).
(5) Organizations that are accredited members of the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZAA) and municipal zoos and aquariums may hold captive and possess wildlife.
(6) Individuals or organizations may be permitted to hold captive and possess on a temporary basis raccoon, fox, coyote, captive-reared mallards or pen-raised quail for the sole purpose of dog training or conducting field trials sanctioned by the American Kennel Club (AKC), National Field Retriever Assiciation (NFRA), North American Hunting Retriever Association (NAHRA), Hunting Retrievers Club (HRC), United Kennel Club (UKC) or American Coon Hunters Association (ACHA) upon requesting and receiving written approval from the Commission.
(7) Individuals or organizations that are determined to be involved in bona fide scientific research, education or conservation efforts of significant benefit to wildlife or wildlife habitat in the State of Arkansas may be permitted to hold captive and possess wildlife in compliance with the terms of a special-issued permit.
(8) Individuals or organizations with a U. S. Department of Agriculture Wildlife Exhibition permit may hold captive and possess wildlife, other than mountain lions, allowed by that permit. Exhibitors

engaged in rehabilitation of sick, injured, orphaned, or impaired native wildlife must be in compliance with Commission Code15.19.

(9) Individuals or organizations with a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service migratory bird permit may hold captive and possess migratory birds. PENALTY: $250.00 to $2,000.00.
(A) Captive non-native wildlife not excepted under Code 15.01 may be possessed as personal pets if the owner possesses documentation that is has been certified by an accredited veterinarian to be free of diseases/parasites that may pose adverse risk to native wildlife.
(B) Mountain lions (Puma concolor) may only be kept in captivity in compliance with Commission Code 15.12 (Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permit Requirements).


(1) Large carnivores, whether native or non-native may only be kept in compliance with Sections 501-511 of Title 20 Chapter 19 of the Arkansas Code or in compliance with Commission Code 15.12 (Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permit Requirements).

PENALTY: $500.00 to $2,000.00.

15.03 HUNTING OF CAPTIVE WILDLIFE. It shall be unlawful to introduce or release any wildlife (native or non-native) into any situation in which they are held captive, enclosed or confined for the purpose of hunting or attempting to hunt such wildlife, or to hunt or attempt to hunt any wildlife either held captive, enclosed or confined. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) Pen-raised game birds may be hunted in compliance with Commission Codes 15.05 et seq. (Game Bird Shooting Resort Requirements).
(2) Captive-reared mallards, possessed in compliance with Commission Code Section 15.00, may only be taken by the use of shotgun with live ammunition during sanctioned American Kennel Club (AKC), National Field Retriever Association (NFRA), North American Hunting Retriever Association (NAHRA) or Hunting Retrievers Club (HRC) retrieving dog field trials by first obtaining a Shoot-to-Kill Retrieving Dog Training Permit from the Commission and complying with the terms of the permit.
(3) Captive-reared mallards, possessed in compliance with Commission Code Section 15.00, may only be taken by the use of shotgun with live ammunition while training waterfowl retrievers by first obtaining a Shoot-to-Kill Retrieving Dog Training permit from the Commission and complying with the terms of the permit.
(4) Native game may be hunted within a high-fence enclosure in compliance with Commission Codes 15.04 etseq. (Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resort Permit). Furthermore, it shall be illegal to chase, herd or corral deer or elk, with dogs or otherwise, in a high-fence enclosure, while hunting or attempting to hunt.
(5) Facilities containing only red fox, gray fox and coyote (foxpens).
(6) Native game animals may be hunted in enclosures for non-commercial purposes without a Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resort Permit, provided that it is done in accordance with statewide hunting regulations, including bag limits and license requirements.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $2,000.00.

15.04 COMMERCIAL WILDLIFE HUNTING RESORT PERMIT. It shall be unlawful for a person to operate or maintain a commercial wildlife hunting resort for hunting purposes without first obtaining a Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resort Permit and complying with the following restrictions.
(A) Native game animals (except black bear) may be hunted in accordance with statewide hunting regulations and license requirements in enclosures equal to or greater than 500 contiguous acres of free range, having a fence of not less than eight (8) feet in height with no cross fencing that has the effect of reducing the size of the area to less than 500 contiguous acres, and having a minimum of sixty percent (60%) of forested cover that has been classified as timberland by the local county tax assessor.
(B) Enclosures operated for commercial purposes must obtain a Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resort Permit from the Commission sixty days prior to initiation of hunting and notify the Commission upon any change of ownership or enclosure size.
(C) Hunting of protected wildlife and non-native wildlife is prohibited.
(D) It shall be unlawful for owners or operators of commercial wildlife hunting resorts to fail to keep legible and complete records showing the name, current address, date and number of wildlife taken by each hunter. These records shall be filed with the Commission no later than May 1 of each year.
(E) The exterior boundaries of each wildlife hunting resort must be clearly defined and posted with signs erected around the perimeter at intervals of 300 feet or less and bearing the words, "Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resort." Such signs must be yellow with black letters at least 4 inches in height.
(F) Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resort Permits for new facilities for the hunting of any member of the cervidae family, including but not limited to white-tailed deer and elk, shall not be issued after June 30, 2006.
(G) Deer or elk in compliance with 19.06 (Importation of Cervid Carcasses, Parts and Products)


(1) Deer and elk may be hunted with any weapon legal for deer or elk hunting within Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resorts from October 1 through February (Ref. Commission Code 02.01). Bag limits do not apply. Elk permit not required.
(2) A Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resort Permit is not required for pens in which red fox, gray fox and coyote are pursued (foxpens) unless the facility is also a high-fence enclosure in which other native game species are hunted as part of a commercial operation.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $5,000.00.

(A) It shall be unlawful to release into the wild any native or non-native species of wildlife without prior approval of the Commission.
(B) The Commission or its designees are authorized to recapture or kill any wildlife, whether kept legally or illegally, that escapes from or is illegally released from captivity.


(1) In accordance with a valid Game Bird Shooting Resort Permit specially relating to captive raised quail, pheasant, chukar and mallards. (Ref. Code 15.06. Game Bird Shooting Resort Permit Reguirements.)
(2) AGFC personnel in the performance of their official duties.
(3) Native wildlife, other than mountain lions, in accordance with a valid Commission Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit or a United States Fish and Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit. (Ref. Code 15.19. Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit Reguirement.)
(4) Individuals or organizations may be permitted to hold captive and possess on a temporary basis raccoon, fox, coyote, captive-reared mallards or pen-raised quail for the sole purpose of dog training or conducting field trial sanctioned by the American Kennel Club (AKC), National Field Retriever Association (NFRA), North American Hunting Retriever Association (NAHRA), Hunting Retrievers Club (HRC), United Kennel Club (UKC) or American Coon Hunters Association (ACHA) upon requesting and receiving written approval from the Commission. (Ref. Code 09.07. Bird Dog Training Restrictions. 09.08. Waterfowl Retriever Training Restrictions and 15.01. Exception 6. Possession of Certain Wildlife in Captivity Prohibited.)
(5) Individuals may be permitted to hold captive and possess on a temporary basis, pen-raised pheasant for the sole purpose of dog training upon reguesting and receiving written approval from the Commission. (Ref. Codes 09.07. Bird Dog Training Restrictions. 09.08. Waterfowl Retriever Training Restrictions and 15.01. Exception 6. Possession of Certain Wildlife in Captivity Prohibited.)
(6) In accordance with a valid Falconry permit. Ref. Code 14.03 (Falconry Permit Required).

PENALTY: $500.00 to $5,000.00.


It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to engage in the business of harvesting captive-raised game birds by hunters for pay or other consideration without first obtaining a Commercial Game Bird Shooting Resort Permit from the Commission. PENALTY: $500.00 to $5,000.00.

15.07 GAME BIRD SHOOTING RESORT SEASON. It shall be unlawful for operators of commercial game bird shooting resorts to permit hunting from April 1 through September 30 of each year. PENALTY: $500.00 to $2,500.00.
15.08 GAME BIRD SHOOTING RESORT REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to operate any game bird shooting resort other than as specified herein:
(A) On any day, before hunting is allowed on a shooting resort, the resort operator must have released at least as many game birds as the number of birds intended to be harvested that day, less the number of the birds released the previous hunt that were not harvested;
(B) All acreage in the shooting resort will be contiguous and not exceed 1,500 acres;
(C) The exterior boundaries of each game bird shooting resort must be clearly defined and posted with signs erected around the perimeter at intervals of 300 feet or less and bearing the words, "Commercial Game Bird Shooting Resort."
(D) Operators of Game Bird Shooting Resorts may release captive-reared mallards for the sole purpose of flight training during daylight hours only from July 1 - September 1. After flight training has been completed, captive-reared mallards must be returned to their building or covered pen before sunset.


(1) On any day hunting is allowed, the resort operator must release only the number of captive-reared raised mallards as will be harvested that day and, after hunting is completed, must re-capture all non-harvested mallards released during the hunt and return them to their building or covered pen.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $5,000.00.


It shall be unlawful for owners or operators of game bird shooting resorts to fail to keep legible records on a form provided by the Commission showing the name, complete address, date, number and type of birds released each day and the number taken by each hunter. These records shall be submitted to the Commission not later that May 1 of each year. PENALTY: $500.00 to $5,000.00.

15.10 GAME BIRD SHOOTING RESORT KILL IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for birds to be taken from the premises of a commercial game bird shooting resort without being accompanied by written information indicating name, address, number and species of birds and date taken by possessor; and name and address of shooting resort where taken.

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.


The following general requirements shall apply with respect to all captive wildlife permits listed below:

(i) Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permit
(ii) Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resort Permit
(iii) Game Bird Shooting Resort License
(iv) Special Commercial Quail Permit
(v) Falconry Permit
(vi) Wildlife Importation Permit
(vii) Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit
(A) Eligibility and Application Requirements

No permit shall be issued to any person unless the applicant shall demonstrate satisfactory compliance with the following requirements:

(1) The applicant shall be at least 18 years of age and shall not have been convicted of, or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere for, violating any federal, state or municipal law governing captive wildlife, illegal appropriation or commercialization of wildlife, or cruelty to animals within five (5) years of the date of application.
(2) The applicant must first obtain certification from the county and any municipal planning commission or board stating that the applicant's operation shall be in compliance with all applicable local ordinances.
(3) An application for a permit must be submitted in writing on a form supplied by the Commission.
(4) A separate application shall be made for each facility.
(5) Using the information submitted by the applicant, the Commission shall determine whether the applicant has met the issuance criteria set forth in this Code section and in the section specifically governing the activity for which the permit is requested, including whether the proposed facility is adequate to comply with all legal requirements and would not result in harm to the wildlife resources of the State. If the Commission determines the applicant has met all requirements, the applicant will be notified of preliminary approval of the requested permit, and the applicant's facility shall be inspected and approved by the Commission prior to final issuance of the permit. The requested permit shall be denied if:
(a) The applicant fails to meet any of the issuance criteria set forth in this Code section or in the section specifically governing the activity for which the permit is requested;
(b) The applicant fails to disclose material information required, or has made false statements as to any material fact in connection with the application;
(c) The applicant fails to demonstrate a valid justification for the permit and a showing of responsibility; or
(d) The Director or Commission's issuing officer finds through further inquiry or investigation that the applicant is not qualified or the issuance of the permit may be potentially harmful to the wildlife resources of the State.
(B) Facility and Caging Requirements

All wildlife possessed in captivity shall be maintained in enclosures, pens, or cages that are sufficiently strong to prevent escape of the wildlife and protect them from injury. Birds must be kept in buildings or covered pens that prevent them from leaving the facility and that do not allow entry of wild birds. Cages, fencing, and guardrails shall be kept in good repair at all times and gates shall be securely fastened with latches or locks. Enclosures, pens, or cages considered unsafe by Commission personnel must be repaired or reconstructed within sixty (60) days or less, as specified by the Commission.

(1) Facilities containing large carnivore and mountain lions shall meet the following requirements:
(a) A written plan of action shall be prepared and a copy submitted with permit application for use in the following events: Severe damage to enclosures due to fire, wind, floods or other occurrences caused by natural forces. Plans should identify the location of temporary holding facilities and necessary mechanisms to safely transport large carnivores to these facilities. Animals attacking and/or injuring humans, including a list of safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, darting equipment, pepper spray, which will be available for use. Escape of an animal from its enclosure. Recapture plans should outline procedures for handling and recapturing escaped large carnivores. The Commission shall immediately be notified upon the escape of any Large Carnivores or mountain lions. In the event of sickness, the name, address, phone number, and signature of the veterinarian who has agreed to care for the animal must be provided.
(b) A perimeter fence sufficient to deter entry by the public, at least 8 feet in height shall completely surround cages where animals are housed or exercised outdoors. Perimeter fences constructed of materials that allow objects to be passed through them, such as chain link or welded wire, shall be at least 3 feet from cages or exercise areas.
(c) Doors or gates in perimeter fences shall be kept locked when not attended. Warning signs must be posted at the entrance to the property.
(d) All cages or enclosures shall be equipped with a safety entrance or device that allows a keeper to enter or exit a cage without providing an avenue of escape to an animal such as a double-gated entry door, interconnected cages that can be isolated from each other, a lock-down area, or other comparable device. Safety entrances shall be constructed of materials that are of equivalent strength as that prescribed for cage construction.
(e) Cages shall be equipped with a lockout area that allows the keeper to access and clean the cage while the animal is contained in a separate area.
(f) Cages should be well braced and securely anchored at ground level to prevent escape by digging or erosion. The fasteners and fittings used in construction shall be of equivalent strength to the material required for cage construction.
(g) In facilities containing Tigers, African Lions and Bears cage construction materials shall consist of not less than 9 gauge chain link or equivalent materials. In facilities containing Mountain Lions cage construction materials shall consist of not less than 11 gauge chain link or equivalent materials. Juvenile animals may be kept in incubation or rearing facilities that do not meet these standards until they weigh more than 25 pounds.
(h) Cages containing a single African Lion, Tiger or

Bear shall provide a cage floor size of no less than 300 square feet and shall be at least 8 feet tall. The cage size shall be increased by 150 square feet for each additional animal.

(i) Cages containing a single Mountain Lion shall provide a cage floor size of no less than 200 square feet and shall be at least 8 feet tall. Cage size shall be increased by 100 square feet for each additional animal.
(j) Large carnivores and mountain lions may temporarily be housed in cages or enclosures smaller than specified in this section while being transported, while in veterinary care or quarantine provided that temporary caging is large enough for the animal to stand up, lie down, and turn around without touching the sides of the enclosure or another animal.
(k) Open-top outdoor exercise areas are allowed providing that they have vertical walls at least 12 feet in height, topped by either an inward angled overhang, inclined at an angle between 35 and 55 degrees which is at least two feet in length and of equal strength as the cage walls or two strands of electric fencing, one of which is located 1 foot below the top of the vertical wall, and the other at the top of the wall or the upper three feet of the interior of the fence consists of sheer, solid metal. Animals may not be left in exercise areas overnight.
(l) Until December 31, 2005 permits may be issued for existing large carnivore and mountain lion facilities that do not meet all requirements in Commission Code 15.11B provided that the Commission is satisfied that the facility adequately prevents escape and protects human safety.
(C) Disease Testing and Control

The Director of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, in consultation with the Director of the Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission (or their designees), shall determine mechanisms and procedures for control of diseases and parasites in captive wildlife within the state of Arkansas. Such mechanisms and procedures shall include but not be limited to examination, testing, quarantine and slaughter or destruction of individual animals and/or herds that are, or in the opinion of the Commission may be, infected with a disease or parasite that may have significant detrimental effect on native wildlife, other captive wildlife, livestock or the public health of the citizens of the state of Arkansas. Such examinations, testing, quarantine and slaughter of captive wildlife shall be conducted at the expense of the owner of such wildlife. As a condition of any permit issued under this Code chapter, the Commission may require the captive wildlife be quarantined for the period specified by the Commission.

(1) Gray foxes, red foxes and coyotes must be vaccinated against rabies with a 3-year duration of immunity killed virus vaccine approved by the USDA for use in dogs, vaccinated for canine distemper, treated with the antihelminthic Praziquantel, and treated with Ivermectin. All live foxes and coyotes that die in captivity of non-hunting related causes or during transport must be submitted for examination to the Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission laboratory or to a Commission Regional Office within 72 hours of the time of death.
(2) All Cervids that die in captivity must be tested for chronic wasting disease and the results of such testing submitted to the Commission within 7 days of receipt by the owner.
(3) Captive Cervids and camelids must demonstrate proof of compliance with applicable Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission requirements for entry, exhibition and change of ownership.
(D) Reporting & Recordkeeping

Records shall include evidence of legal possession of all wildlife kept under the permit, including licenses, bills of sale, bills of lading, receipts, invoices, or other satisfactory evidence of ownership. The date of acquisition, place of origin, and the name, address and telephone number of the person from which the wildlife was acquired must also be recorded. A record also must be kept of all wildlife acquisitions and dispositions, including births, deaths, sales, slaughter, and transport. All records must be either typed or written in plain and legible English, and must be retained throughout the time the wildlife is possessed by the permittee or for a period of five (5) years, whichever is longer. Permit holder shall submit reports to the Commission in accordance with the permit requirements.

(E) Inspection

Any person accepting and holding a permit under this Code chapter consents to and shall allow entry by employees or agents of the Commission upon premises where the permitted activity is conducted at any reasonable hour. Commission employees or agents may enter such premises to inspect the location; any books, records, or permits required to be kept; and any wildlife and facilities kept under authority of the permit. Each permittee shall pen the captive wildlife in suitable pens and restrain them for inspection at any reasonable time when requested to do so by an employee or agent of the Commission.

(F) Permit Renewal, Transfer, Suspension & Revocation Permits may be revoked by the Director for failure to comply with the terms of the permit or this chapter of the Commission Code. Persons in violation of the terms of the permit or the Commission Code shall be notified in writing and shall have ten (10) days to correct the violation. If at the end of that time the violation is not corrected, the Director may revoke any existing permit and may refuse to issue any future permit. Such revocation or refusal to issue a future permit shall be in addition to any criminal charges that may be filed. Upon revocation, permit holder must legally remove captive wildlife within the time designated in the revocation not to exceed sixty (60) days and failure to do so shall result in the Commission taking action at the permit holder's expense.
(G) Red Deer Facilities

Wildlife Commercial breeding facilities containing red deer may not exist or be constructed within the following counties: Newton, Searcy, Carroll, Boone, Madison, Johnson, Pope, Benton, Van Buren, Stone, Marion, and Baxter. PENALTY: $500.00 to $5,000.00


It shall be unlawful for a person to rear, breed, propagate, produce or distribute any fur-bearing animals, game animals, game birds, or other wildlife without a Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permit.

(A) Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permits for new facilities rearing, breeding, propagating, producing or distributing any member of the cervidae family, including, but not limited to white-tailed deer and elk shall not be issued after October 17, 2002.
(B) Closure of Commercial Trade in Box Turtles (genus Terrapene). Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permits shall not be issued after September 1, 2004 for any person or operation engaged in the importation, propagation, sale, transfer, barter, or distribution of box turtles (genus Terrapene). The importation, propagation, sale, transfer, barter, or distribution of any Terrapene will be prohibited after June 30, 2005.
(C) Wildlife persons legally possessing a large carnivore or mountain lion on or before December 31, 2005 may apply for and receive a Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permit up until June 30, 2006. After June 30, 2006, Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permits for new facilities shall not be issued for those species other than to individuals or organizations determined to be involved in bona fide scientific or conservation efforts, or to those possessing existing Wildlife Breeder/Dealer permits wishing to transfer their permit to a new location, provided that the new facility passes an inspection in accordance with Commission Code 15.11 (B).


(1) Fish, bullfrogs, mussels, aquatic turtles and alligators in compliance with the following Commission Codes:
(a) Commission Code Section 36.00 (Bull Frog Regulations);
(b) Commission Code Section 37.00 (Minnow Regulations);
(c) Commission Code Section 38.00 (Fresh Water Mussel Regulations);
(d) Commission Code Section 39.00 (Aquatic Turtle Regulations);
(e) Commission Code Section 40.00 (Alligator Farming Regulations);
(f) Commission Code Section 41.00 (Commercial Fishing Regulations);
(g) Commission Code Section 42.00 (Fish Farmer Regulations); (h) Game birds legally killed on a Game Bird Shooting Resort. Ref.

Code 15.08 (Game Bird Shooting Resort License). PENALTY: $500.00 to $5,000.00.


It shall be unlawful to fail to comply with the following provisions:

(A) The applicant must supply satisfactory evidence that stock has been/will be secured from a legal source other than the wild stock of the state.
(B) Stock may be slaughtered in accordance with established husbandry practices for slaughter of domestic livestock.
(C) Fencing of enclosures in which deer, elk or other big game animals are to be held must consist of a permanent deer-proof fence at least eight (8) feet in height and constructed in a manner so as to prohibit escape of captive wildlife and the possible ingress of native wildlife.
(D) It shall be unlawful for owners or operators of commercial wildlife breeder/dealer facilities to fail to submit legible and complete reports by the 5th of each month on a form provided by the Commission of their inventory on the last day of the month, the number of animals of each species that were born or died that month, the species and number of each species acquired or distributed each month, and the name, current address and phone number of each person from whom wildlife was acquired or to whom it was distributed.
(E) Permits for Wildlife Breeder/Dealer facilities that keep waterfowl will not be issued for properties where poultry is raised for sale, show or exhibition.
(F) Permitted Wildlife Breeder/Dealer facilities in which birds are kept are required to adhere to applicable Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission requirements regarding pullorum-typhoid disease tests and are encouraged to participate in the National Poultry Improvement Plant.
(G) Each Wildlife Breeder/Dealer facility in which waterfowl are kept are required to test 60 birds for duck virus enteritis using the PCR technique every May. Facilities containing less than 60 birds shall test all birds in stock. Samples shall be taken by a licensed veterinarian and submitted to the Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission at the owner's expense. Copies of test results shall be forwarded to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission within 7 days of receipt. Flocks that test positive for duck virus enteritis shall be quarantined or destroyed by the owner or operator within 14 days and the carcasses disposed of in accordance with Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission regulations. Waterfowl hatched in the facility shall be banded with a seamless metal band.
(H) Those with Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permits may only sell live cervids, including but not limited to white-tailed deer and elk, to buyers outside the state of Arkansas or to Arkansas residents that possess a current Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permit or Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resort Permit.
(I) Those with Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permits may only sell or distribute large carnivores or mountain lions to individuals outside the state of Arkansas or to Arkansas residents that possess a current Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permit for those species.


(1) Red fox, gray fox and coyote that have originated from the wild in

Arkansas and are in compliance with the disease control provisions of Commission Code 15.11C, may be reared, bred, propagated, produced or distributed by individuals with a current Wildlife Commercial Breeder/Dealer Permit.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $5,000.00.


It shall be unlawful to engage in the business of selling or offering for sale the dressed carcass of pen-raised quail without first obtaining a Special Commercial Quail Permit and stamp in addition to a Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permit. (Ref: Section 01.00-C "Pen-Raised Quail"). It is further provided that:

(1) Quail must be killed by means other than shot.
(2) Each dressed carcass must be stamped with special stamp with permit number prior to selling or offering for sale.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $5,000.00.

15.15 SCIENTIFIC COLLECTION PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for persons engaged in scientific studies to take any species of fish or wildlife without first applying for, on a form provided by the Commission, and obtaining a scientific collection permit from the Commission Director or his designee and said wildlife species must be taken as specified in permit.


(1) Commission employees tal
(2) In compliance with regulations as pertaining to the legal harvest of wildlife and aquatic resources.

PENALTY: $1,000.00 to $5,000.00.

15.16 NATIVE WILDLIFE PET RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to possess native wildlife as a personal pet except in accordance with the following restrictions:
(A) It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take from the wild by any method other than by hand and possess alive any native wildlife species other than six (6) each of the animals specified herein per household.
(1) Bobcat, coyote, deer, gray fox, red fox, opossum, quail, rabbit, raccoon and squirrel may be kept as wildlife pets.
(2) Any native nongame wildlife, excluding birds, bats, alligator snapping turtles, ornate box turtles, hellbenders, troglodytic (cave-dwelling) species, or those animals defined as endangered species, may be kept as wildlife pets.
(3) The removal from the state of such animals or the offspring thereof is prohibited except under the terms of a permit issued by the Chief of Wildlife Management Division to individuals moving from the State and who have permission to bring this wildlife into their new state of residence.
(4) The sale or transfer of ownership of such animals or the progeny offspring thereof is prohibited except as provided for in Commission Code 15.16(A)(6).
(5) Game animals kept as pets of different sexes must be kept in separate enclosures, or if kept together, the owner must have proof that males have been neutered.
(6) Native wildlife, except white-tailed deer, caught from the wild and kept as personal pets in compliance with Commission Code 15.16(A), may be transferred to a Wildlife Rehabilitator and released back into the wild in the county where they were captured in compliance with Commission Code 15.20 provided that such animals were not confined with commercially-obtained captive born wildlife of the same species.
(B) A maximum of six (6) commercially-obtained, captive-born individuals of a native wildlife species, except white-tailed deer or elk, may be possessed as personal pets per household provided that they were purchased in compliance with Commission Code 15.12 or imported into the state in compliance with Commission Codes 15.17 and 15.18 and must be kept in compliance with the following restrictions.
(1) Commercially-obtained, captive-born wildlife pets may not be confined with wild-born animals of the same species.
(2) Owners shall maintain records of proof of legal ownership of such animals including licenses, bills of sale, bills of lading, receipts, invoices, copies of Wildlife Importation Permits or other satisfactory evidence. The date of acquisition, place of origin, and the name, address, and telephone number of the person from which the wildlife was acquired must be recorded.
(3) Commercially-obtained wildlife pets or their offspring may only be sold in compliance with Commission Code 15.12.
(4) Owners of commercially-obtained, captive-born white-tailed deer or elk kept as personal pets that were acquired prior to June 30, 2005 may retain ownership of such animals provided they have registered with the Wildlife Management Division by December 30, 2005 and are in compliance with all provisions of this code.
(5) Should the number of commercially-obtained animals, excluding white-tailed deer and elk, or their offspring kept as personal pets in a household, exceed six (6), the owner must obtain a Wildlife Breeder/Dealer permit in accordance with Commission Code 15.12.


(1) Wildlife exchanged with other states by the Commission.
(2) Aquatic pets taken in compliance with Commission Code 37.07 (Aquatic Pet Restrictions).

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


Importation Permit, authorized by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, shall be required to import live wildlife into the state of Arkansas regardless of the final destination of the wildlife, whether in Arkansas or points beyond. This permit is not required to move legally possessed captive wildlife from one point to another within the state of Arkansas.

(A) Wildlife Importation Permit holders may import wildlife into or transport wildlife through the state under the following conditions provided that prior to transport the owner possesses the following documentation:
(1) Written proof of the origin and destination of each animal.
(2) Documentation for each animal to demonstrate that they have not been kept in, or originated from, a location from which importation has been restricted as per Code 15.18.
(3) A completed Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Veterinary Examination Record Form upon which an accredited veterinarian has certified each animal to be free of diseases/parasites in accordance with Code15.11 (C).
(4) All cervids imported into Arkansas must have a permanent tag or other marker that will allow identification of individual animals recorded in these documents.
(B) A copy of the owner's Wildlife Importation Permit and the documentation required in Section A of this code (15.17) must accompany each animal during transport.
(C) Within seven (7) days of entry of an animal into tine state, tine owner must submit to tine Commission's Wildlife Management Division all documentation required in Section A of this code (15.17).


(1) Fish and aquatic turtles listed on the Approved Aquaculture Species List, other than those prohibited by Commission Code 32.13 (Certain Exotic Fish Prohibited).
(2) Wildlife exchanged with other states by the Commission.
(3) In accordance with Commission Code 15.18, Exception 2, Wildlife Importation Restrictions.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $5,000.00.

15.18 WILDLIFE IMPORTATION RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful for holders of Wildlife Importation Permits, or anyone else, to import, ship, transport, or carry into the state by any means any of the following animals:
(A) Any live member of the cervidae family, including, but not limited to white-tailed deer and elk.
(B) Raccoons.
(C) Bats.
(D) Skunks.
(E) Coyotes that originate from or have lived in Alaska, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin, Wyoming and Canada.
(F) Gray and red foxes that originate or have lived in Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, Wisconsin, Wyoming and Canada.
(G) Rodents captured in the wild from Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Utah and Wyoming.
(H) All box turtles of the genus Terrapene (Effective June 30 2005).
(I) All live waterfowl.


(1) Wildlife exchanged with other states by the Commission.
(2) Cervids may be imported on a temporary basis for bona fide scientific, conservation or educational purposes under terms of a special permit issued by the Chief of Wildlife Management Division.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $5,000.00.

15.19 WILDLIFE REHABILITATION PERMIT REQUIREMENT. It shall be unlawful to possess sick, injured, orphaned, or impaired native wildlife for the purpose of rehabilitation, except migratory birds, without first obtaining a Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit from the Commission. A Commission Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit is not necessary to keep migratory birds for rehabilitation purposes, though a Migratory Bird Rehabilitation Permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is required. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00
15.20 WILDLIFE REHABILITATION PERMIT. The following general requirements shall apply to wildlife rehabilitation permits:
(A) Eligibility and Application Requirements.

An applicant shall make written application to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission in compliance with Commission Code 15.11 General Provisions Applicable to Captive Wildlife Permits.

(1) Applications will include the signature, address and phone number of a licensed veterinarian that will assist the applicant by providing consulting and referral services regarding animal rehabilitation and treatment.
(2) Individuals who are recognized as wildlife rehabilitators may be issued a Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit upon recommendation of a Commission employee familiar with their qualifications and experience until December 31, 2003.
(3) After December 31, 2003, Wildlife Rehabilitation Permits will be issued based upon documented applicant experience. Applicants shall have no less than 250 hours of experience in the care of sick, injured, orphaned or otherwise impaired wildlife. Applicants shall submit written documentation of such experience, including a description of the specific training or experience acquired, and the dates and location where acquired. In addition, the application shall submit reference from a permitted rehabilitator, who shall state, based upon personal knowledge, that the applicant possesses the stated experience. Additional documentation may consist of records of prior permits for rehabilitation issued by other states or the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, employment records of wildlife rehabilitative facilities, training course certificates, or other competent documentation of experience.
(4) Persons who lack the experience necessary to apply for a Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit may serve as a volunteer for a permitted rehabilitator in accordance with Section H of this Code until such time as they accumulate the required 250 hours of experience.
(B) All sites used for rehabilitation of wildlife are subject to inspection by Commission personnel as set forth in Commission Code 15.11 General Provisions Applicable to Captive Wildlife Permits.
(C) Rehabilitated native wildlife shall be released at an ecologically appropriate time of year and into a habitat suitable to sustain it near the point of capture. Wildlife shall not be released within the limits of any incorporated city or town and shall be released in accordance with any local regulations regarding release of wildlife.
(D) Wildlife undergoing rehabilitation or medical treatment shall not be hunted, bred or displayed to the public.
(E) When euthanasia of wildlife is necessary, euthanasia shall be by an acceptable method as set forth by the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council/National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association's current Minimum Standards for Wildlife Rehabilitation handbook.
(F) Wildlife with permanent physical impairments may be kept for educational use upon approval of the Chief of the Division of Wildlife Management and in accordance with U. S. Department of Agriculture regulations regarding display of wild animals. Permittees shall not transfer permanently impaired wildlife to unauthorized individuals.
(G) Animals that die from causes other than disease while in the custody of the permittee shall be disposed of in accordance with applicable local or state laws or be offered to a museum, university, or other educational facility. Animals that die of disease must be destroyed in a manner that does not allow the spread of the disease to other animals or humans and must be reported to the Commission within 48 hours.
(H) Wildlife shall be cared for at the location listed in the Wildlife

Rehabilitation Permit except for individuals kept by volunteers under the supervision of the permittee. Permittees may have up to ten volunteers to aid in off-premise rehabilitation of wildlife and shall be fully responsible for the volunteer's treatment and possession of wildlife. A current listing of the name and address of off-premise volunteers shall be kept by the permittee. Volunteers shall possess a copy of their supervisor's rehabilitation permit when possessing wildlife off-premise.

(I) Permittees receiving any species classified as endangered or threatened shall notify the Little Rock office of the Commission's Wildlife Management Division within forty-eight (48) hours of the receipt of the animal.
(J) Permittees or their volunteers shall not require a fee associated with wildlife rehabilitation services or for the pick-up, delivery or acceptance of sick, injured, orphaned or otherwise impaired wildlife. This limitation shall not apply to professional fees charged by a licensed veterinarian for treatment or other services requested by a permitted wildlife rehabilitator. This regulation does not in any way prohibit nor discourage the public from making voluntary donations to rehabilitators for animal care and facility maintenance.
(K) Permittees or their volunteers are not agents of the Commission and may not represent themselves as such.
(L) Health and safety of wildlife and humans.
(1) All wildlife shall be kept in pens/cages that meet or exceed the Basic Requirements for Housing Wild Animals and Minimum Housing Guidelines set forth by the current International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council/National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association's Minimum Standards for Wildlife Rehabilitation handbook unless otherwise authorized by the Commission.
(2) All rehabilitation facilities, as well as off-site helpers, shall abide by Standards Governing the Prevention of Disease Transmission Within the Rehabilitation Facility and Strategy for Prevention of Transmissible Diseases set forth by the current International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council/National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association's Minimum Standards for Wildlife Rehabilitation handbook.
(3) Permittees or volunteers under their supervision who care for foxes, skunks, bats, raccoons, or coyotes must take and maintain records of pre-exposure rabies vaccination treatment.
(M) All permittees shall keep an up to date log on each animal taken into custody by themselves or volunteers under their supervision. The log shall include a record of the animal's treatment, condition and disposition. Such records shall be subject to inspection by Commission personnel. Permittees shall submit a report of such records to the Commission on an annual basis on a form provided by the Commission.
(N) Wildlife Rehabilitation Permits do not require renewal, but may be revoked in accordance with Commission Code 15.11 for failure to comply with permit requirements.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00

Section 16.00 Bear
16.01 BEAR PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for any person to take or attempt to take a bear, or possess a bear carcass, without having on the person, the appropriate Commission-issued bear tag and, if required otherwise in this code, a bear permit.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

16.02 KILLING DEVICE RESTRICTIONS FOR BEAR HUNTING. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take bear with killing devices other than:
(A) In compliance with Commission Code 06.02, Guns and Ammunition Prohibited During Modern Gun Deer Season.
(B) In compliance with Commission Code 08.04, Archery Tackle Restrictions.
(C) In Compliance with Commission Code 08.06, Crossbow Restrictions.
(D) In compliance with Commission Code 07.02, Certain Muzzleloaders Prohibited.
(E) Shotguns 20 gauge or larger using only rifled slugs. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
16.03 BEAR SEASON HUNTER ORANGE/GREEN REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to hunt any wildlife, or to accompany or assist anyone in hunting wildlife, during a gun bear season in areas open to bear hunting without wearing an outer garment, above the waistline, of daylight florescent blaze orange (Hunter Orange) within the color range of 595 nm 605 nm or florescent chartreuse within the color range of 555 nm - 565 nm (Hunter Safety Green) totaling at least 400 square inches, and a florescent blaze orange or florescent chartreuse head garment must be visibly worn on the head.

PENALTY: $50.00 to $1,000.00.

16.04 BEAR BAITING PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful at any time to place, entice or deposit foodstuffs, scent lures, or other materials for the purpose of luring, attracting, or enticing bears for any reason. EXCEPTION:
(1) On private land in Bear Zones 1,2, 5 and 5A, 30 days prior to the opening day of the first bear season to the end of the last day of the last bear season in each respective Bear Zone and in compliance with Code 16.07, Hunting Bear Over Bait Prohibited.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

16.05 SHOOTING BEARS IN DENS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to shoot or disturb bears in dens at any time.


(1) Commission employees, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and their designees in performance of their official job duties.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $1,000.00. In addition, a jail sentence not to exceed 10 days may be imposed. The Commission may seek restitution as provided under Commission Code 01.00G.

16.06 CHASING BEAR WITH DOGS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to allow dogs to chase bear for pleasure or for training purposes, or to use dogs to take or attempt to take bear at any time.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

16.07 HUNTING BEAR OVER BAIT PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take bear by hunting on or over a baited area, if the person knows or reasonably should know that the area is a baited area.

Bait is considered any substance that may be an attractant.


(1) Bears may be hunted over bait on private lands in Bear Zones 1,2, 5 and 5A during a declared open bear season and in compliance with Code 02.14, Bear Hunting Season.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

16.08 SPECIAL YOUTH MODERN GUN BEAR HUNT RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful for anyone other than youths, 15 years of age or younger, to harvest bear in bear zones 1 and 2 during the special youth bear hunt. Youths who have completed a hunter education course must be accompanied by an adult mentor who is 18 years of age or older. Youths who have not completed a hunter education course must be under the direct supervision of an adult mentor who is 21 years of age or older.


(1) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations (Ref. Code 21.05, Bear Seasons and Bag Limit Restrictions on WMAs).
(2) Hunters using archery tackle during archery and crossbow season (Ref. Code 02.14, Bear Hunting Season).

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

Section 17.00 Elk
17.01 ELK PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take or possess an elk without having the appropriate Commission issued permit and/or tag on the person. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
17.02 WEAPON RESTRICTIONS FOR TAKING ELK. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take elk during the regular elk seasons with:
(A) Any muzzle-loading firearms smaller than .50 caliber;
(B) Any shotgun smaller than 20 gauge;
(C) Any shot for shotguns other than slugs;
(D) Any archery tackle that is not in compliance with Commission Code

08.04 (Archery Tackle Restriction);

(E) Any crossbow;
(F) Any handgun not in compliance with Commission Code 06.02 (Guns, Ammunition Prohibited during Regular Gun Season);
(G) Any modern firearm smaller than .24 caliber (6mm);
(H) Any modern firearm that is not centerfire;
(I) Any modern firearm ammunition that has a bullet weight less than 100 grains. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
17.03 LEGAL BULL ELK REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take, or possess a legal bull elk.


(1) If said elk in possession was taken by a permit holder and checked in a zone or areas declared open by the Commission.
(2) If said elk was legally taken in another state and accompanied by verification. (Ref. Code 19.06 Importation of Cervid Carcasses, Parts and Products)

PENALTY: $150.00 to $1,000.00, and hunting privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges.

17.04 TAKING OF ANTLERLESS ELK PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take or possess an antlerless elk. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) If said elk in possession was taken by a permit holder and checked in a zone or area open by the Commission to the taking of antlerless elk.
(2) If said elk was legally taken in another state and accompanied by verification.

PENALTY: $150.00 to $1,000.00, and hunting privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges.

17.05 ELK SEASON HUNTER ORANGE/GREEN REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to hunt any wildlife, or to accompany or assist anyone in hunting wildlife, during an elk season in areas open to elk hunting without wearing an outer garment, above the waistline, of daylight florescent blaze orange (Hunter Orange) within the color range of 595 nm - 605 nm or florescent chartreuse within the color range of 555 nm -565 nm (Hunter Safety Green) totaling at least 400 square inches, and a florescent blaze orange or florescent chartreuse head garment must be visibly worn on the head. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) While migratory bird hunting.
(2) While hunting in areas in which hunting of elk with guns is prohibited.

PENALTY: $50.00 to $1,000.00.

17.06 PROHIBITED METHODS FOR TAKING ELK. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take elk with the use of traps, snares, nets, explosives, dogs, live decoys, mechanical or electrical callers. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
17.07 CHASING ELK WITH DOGS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to allow dogs to chase elk for pleasure or for training purposes, or to use dogs to take or attempt to take elk at any time. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

It shall be unlawful to drive or herd elk during elk season.


(1) Law enforcement officers and Commission employees in performance of their official job duties. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
Section 18.00 General Hunting Regulations
18.01 HUNTING WILDLIFE IN CLOSED SEASON PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take, or possess any species of wildlife, or portions thereof, other than during a season opened by the Commission and by utilizing the appropriate method or methods for that season. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) In compliance with Commission Code 15.16 (Native Wildlife Pet Restrictions);
(2) In compliance with Commission Code 18.09 (Depredation Permit Requirement);
(3) In compliance with Commission Code Section 15.00 (Captive Wildlife/ Hunting Resorts);
(4) Carcasses of wildlife legally obtained or brought from outside the state and accompanied by verification (Ref. Code 19.06 Importation of Cervid Carcasses, Parts and Products);
(5) Nongame wildlife, excluding wildlife, migratory birds and endangered species, which pose reasonable threat or endangerment to persons or property.
(6) In compliance with Commission Code 39.01 (Permit/License Requirements for the Commercial Harvest and Sale of Aquatic Turtles).
(7) In compliance with Commission Code 42.01 (Fish Farmer Permit Requirements).
(8) Carcasses or pelts of furbearers legally taken in Arkansas may be possessed outside of the furbearer hunting and trapping seasons in compliance with Commission Code 10.10, Unlawful Possession of Pelts, and provided that otters are tagged in compliance with Commission Code 10.12, Bobcat and Otter Pelt Tagging Reguirement.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $2,000.00.

In addition, a jail sentence not to exceed 10 days may be imposed and hunting privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges. Equipment used in such violations (including but not limited to killing devices and lights) may be confiscated by the court, forfeited to the State, and disposed of according to law.

18.02 NIGHT HUNTING PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to hunt or kill any wildlife at night with or without the use of a light of any type. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) The taking of bobcat, raccoon and opossum when treed by dogs at night during an open season for that species (Ref. Commission Codes 02.07 and 24.07).
(2) The taking of frogs by legal methods during open bullfrog season.
(3) The checking of legally set traps or snares and possessing .22 caliber rimfire firearms only.
(4) In compliance with Commission Code 18.09A. PENALTY: $500.00 to $2,000.00.

In addition, a jail sentence of up to one year and/or suspension of hunting and fishing privileges may be imposed in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges. Night hunting resulting in any personal injury to another person will result in the maximum fine and jail sentence. Equipment used in such violations (including but not limited to killing devices and lights) may be confiscated by the court, forfeited to the State, and disposed of according to law.

18.02-A USE OF ARTIFICIAL LIGHTS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to shine any artificial light from any public road, street or highway or from within the boundaries of any wildlife management area.


(1) Use by a law enforcement officer. Game and Fish personnel, emergency service worker or utility company employee in the performance of their duties;
(2) Use by a person or his employee to examine real or personal property or livestock on that person's owned or rented property;
(3) Use by a person to assist in the repair or removal of a motor vehicle or farm equipment.
(4) The taking of bullfrogs and furbearers during the established respective bullfrog and furbearer seasons.

This act shall not apply within the boundaries of a city of the first class or a city of the second class. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

18.03 SELLING WILDLIFE RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to purchase, sell, offer for sale, barter or trade any species of wildlife or portions thereof. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) Furbearer pelts and carcasses taken during a furbearer season may be sold by persons with valid hunting or furdealer licenses. Purchase of furbearer pelts and carcasses must be in compliance with Commission Code 10.13, Fur Dealer License Requirement.
(2) In compliance with Section 15.00 (Captive Wildlife/Hunting Resorts).
(3) In compliance with Commission Code 36.04 (License Requirements for Sale of Bullfrogs by Fish Farmers).
(4) In compliance with Commission Code 41.07 (Requirements for Selling Commercial Fish).
(5) In compliance with Commission Code 42.01 (Fish Farmer Permit Requirements).
(6) In compliance with Commission Code 39.01 (Permit/License Requirements for the Commercial Harvest and Sale of Aquatic Turtles).
(7) In compliance with Commission Code 37.02 (Minnow Dealers License Requirements).
(8) In compliance with Commission Code 38.01 (Mussel Shell Taker Buyer, and Seller License Requirements).
(9) In compliance with 31.07-A (Sale of Bait Prohibited).
(10) Squirrel tails, deer antlers, deer hides and feathers from non-migratory game birds legally taken.
(11) Legally acquired commercially raised wildlife from outside the state and accompanied by documentation verifying origin and in compliance with Section 15.00.
(12) Live coyote taken in Arkansas in compliance with Commission Codes 10.02, 10.06, 10.07, 10.08, 10.13, 10.14, 18.09 and 18.09A may only be sold by or purchased from those with Commission Wildlife Breeder/Dealer permits.
(13) Nonprofit organizations with a valid tax identification number may pay for the processing of deer and charitably donate processed deer to needy, qualified individuals.

PENALTY: 1®' Offense $500.00 to $5,000.00. In addition, a jail sentence not to exceed one (1) year may be imposed. Subsequent Offenses $2,000.00 to $10,000.00. In addition, a jail sentence not to exceed one (1) year may be imposed.

18.04 HUNTING FROM ROAD PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to shoot across, or to hunt within one hundred (100) feet from the center of any city, county, state, or federal maintained road. It shall also be unlawful to hunt from or shoot across the main west levee of the Mississippi/ Arkansas Rivers from the Louisiana-Arkansas state line to the intersection of State Highway 11 north of Grady, Lincoln County, Arkansas. In addition to other evidence introduced in a prima facie case of road hunting, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that a person is "hunting" if the person points, aims, shoots, or attempts to shoot a firearm or other killing device in a direction in which game or other wildlife is present or likely to be present (including shooting at a game or wildlife decoy).
(1) Persons engaged in a lawful action to protect their livestock or property.
(2) Law enforcement officials while performing their official job duties.
(3) Commission employees taking wildlife in performance of their duties. PENALTY: $500.00 to $1,000.00.
18.05 TAKING WILDLIFE AT NIGHT FROM A BOAT PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take or locate any wildlife from a boat during the hours of darkness, or to transport any firearms in a boat at night without said firearms being unloaded and cased. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) Taking frogs, fish or turtles by legal methods during the open season.
(2) In compliance with Commission Code 18.09 (Depredation Permit). PENALTY: $500.00 to $2,000.00.
18.06 TAKING WILDLIFE FROM AIRCRAFT PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take, drive, herd, or harass wildlife by the aid of an aircraft. PENALTY: $500.00 to $2,000.00.
18.07 DEADFALLS, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, POISONS, EXPLOSIVES, BOOBY TRAPS PROHIBITED FOR TAKING WILDLIFE. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take wildlife by the use of deadfalls, drugs, poisons, chemicals, explosives, or any device designed to take wildlife by the activation of a trip wire, electronic actions of a switch or other means that do not require the attendance of an individual to activate said device. EXCEPTION:
(1) Rodenticides may be used to control mice and rats. PENALTY: $1,000.00 to $5,000.00.

It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take wildlife fleeing from fire or flood.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

18.09 DEPREDATION PERMIT REQUIREMENT. It shall be unlawful for any person, including a property owner or designee, to take or attempt to take any game or furbearing animal committing damage to crops or personal property without obtaining a Depredation Permit and complying with the terms of said permit. Non-game wildlife, excluding migratory birds and endangered species, which pose reasonable threat or endangerment to persons or property, may be taken during daylight hours with firearms, or trapped, without a Depredation Permit.


(1) Nuisance wildlife may be taken during any open season on the species committing damage and in accordance with applicable bag limits and legal methods.
(2) Property owners or their designees in incorporated towns or cities may use live traps for removal of nuisance wildlife provided such trapping is in compliance with ordinances or statutes established by those municipalities, and that captured nuisance wildlife be released alive and unharmed outside the municipalities' boundaries within a period of twenty-four hours after capture.
(3) Nuisance beaver, muskrat, nutria, coyote and skunk may be taken year round by landowners or their designees, in any number, on property where damage is being committed, using firearms during daylight hours, or by trapping in water sets, in compliance with Commission Code 10.02(B) and (C).
(4) In compliance with Commission Code 18.07, Exception 1.
(5) English sparrows, blackbirds, starlings and crows committing damage to agricultural crops or personal property may be taken in any number in compliance with Code 14.01, Exceptions 1, 2 and 3.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

18.09A DEPREDATION PERMIT GENERAL PROVISIONS. The following general requirements shall apply with respect to all Depredation Permits: (A) Landowners or their designees with Depredation Permits may be

approved to use any of the following methods for control of

nuisance wildlife:

(1) Any trapping method legal for use in the fur-trapping season. Conibear or comparable body-gripping traps with jaw spreads of up to 10 inches may be used inside buildings. Cage-style live traps may be used. Traps set in the outdoors must be marked in accordance with Code 10.07.
(2) Firearms may be used at day or night if specifically approved by the Commission employee issuing the permit.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

18.10 HUNTING PROHIBITED IN STATE AND NATIONAL PARKS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take wildlife in any state or national park in Arkansas or to possess any killing device in said parks. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) Buffalo National River.
(2) During specified hunting seasons and in designated hunting areas on Hobbs State Park-Conservation Area.
(3) Shooting ranges on Hobbs State Park-Conservation Area and Ozark Folk Center, in compliance with rules posted at each location.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

18.11 LOADED FIREARM IN RECREATION AREAS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to possess loaded firearms on any U.S. Corps of Engineers recreation or public use area where prohibiting signs are posted. (Ref: Section 01.00-C Firearms, Loaded). PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
18.12-A IMPORT OR EXPORT OF LIVE RACCOONS. It shall be unlawful to import from or export to any state or principality live raccoons without prior approval of the Commission. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
18.14 TAKING OF ALLIGATOR PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take,

attempt to take, buy, sell or possess an American alligator {Alligator mississippiensis) or other crocodilian species, or any part, nest or eggs thereof. EXCEPTIONS:

(1) In compliance with Commission Code Section 40.00, Alligator Farmer/Dealer Regulations;
(2) Any alligator or other crocodilian species seized or otherwise acquired by the Commission may be sold;
(3) Any lawfully acquired, cured and mounted trophies and articles manufactured from the skins or hides or other parts of any alligator or other crocodilian species.
(4) An alligator may be possessed for display and educational purposes pursuant to written permit issued by the Commission Chief of Wildlife Management.
(5) Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC) personnel, or other personnel authorized by the Commission, engaged in the removal of "nuisance" alligators in compliance with the current AGFC Nuisance Alligator Procedure.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $2,000.00, and suspension of hunting and fishing privileges may be imposed in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges. Equipment used in such violations (including but not limited to killing devices and lights) may be confiscated by the court, forfeited to the State, and disposed of according to law.

18.18 WATERFOWL HUNTING RESTRICTIONS ON LAKES CATHERINE, HAMILTON AND HARRIS BRAKE. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take any migratory waterfowl from any watercraft or other floating device on Lake Catherine in Garland/Hot Spring Counties, Lake Hamilton in Garland County, and Harris Brake Lake in Perry County or to take or attempt to take any migratory waterfowl within 1000 feet of any residence, dwelling or occupied structure on Lake Catherine or Lake Hamilton.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


It shall be unlawful to possess or use any killing device other than shotguns and archery tackle while hunting any type of wildlife on all islands in Beaver Reservoir in Benton, Carroll and Washington Counties. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

18.20 TAKING OF RAPTORS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take, or possess raptors or any parts thereof at any time. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) In compliance with Commission Code 14.03 (Falconry)
(2) In accordance with federal regulation: 50 CFR 21.12(b). PENALTY: $500.00 to $2,000.00. Suspension of hunting privileges in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges.

PRONE REGIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take deer within the Flood Prone Regions in compliance with Code 05.06. PENALTY: $500.00 to $1,000.00.

18.22 PROHIBITED METHODS FOR TAKING WILDLIFE. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take, locate or attempt to locate any wildlife with the use of radio tracking electronic equipment.


(1) Use of radio tracking electronic equipment permitted for Commission personnel or personnel working under contract with the Commission for research and survey work. PENALTY: $500.00 to $2.000.00.
18.25 ALLIGATOR BAITING AND FEEDING PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful at any time to place, entice or deposit foodstuffs, scent lures or other materials for the purpose of luring, attracting or enticing alligators for any reason.


(1) Those persons feeding alligators maintained in protected captivity for educational, scientific, commercial or recreational purposes.
(2) Arkansas Game and Fish Commission personnel, or otherwise authorized by the Commission, when relocating alligators by baiting or feeding.
(3) For the purpose of this code, the term "maintained in protected captivity" means held in captivity under a permit issued by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00

18.26 HUNTING NEAR A RESIDENCE PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to hunt or take wildlife with a killing device at any time within 150 yards of a residence or building devoted to human occupancy without first obtaining written permission from the owner or occupant.


(1) Hunting with archery tackle only - 50 yard restriction is applicable.
(2) Persons engaged in lawful action for personal safety or to protect their livestock or property.
(3) Law enforcement officers and Commission employees in performance of their official job duties.
(4) Hunting on any wildlife management area or wildlife demonstration area.
(5) Private landowners and their family on their own property. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00

It shall be unlawful to hunt or take, attempt to hunt or take, drive or harass any species of wildlife from a moving, motorized land vehicle. EXCEPTION:

(1) Law enforcement officers and Commission employees in

performance of their official job duties. PENALTY: $250.00 to $1,000.00

Section 19.00 General Hunting & Fishing Regulations
19.01 WASTING EDIBLE PORTION OF WILDLIFE PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to allow the edible portion of any game, fish, bird or frog normally consumed as food to go to waste. In addition, it shall be unlawful to kill wildlife and discard any portion which has a legal marketable or commercial value. EXCEPTION:
(1) Crows, bobcats, coyotes and skunks.
(2) Squirrel tails, deer antlers, deer hides and feathers from non-migratory game birds legally taken.
(3) Nuisance wildlife taken in accordance with Commission Codes 18.09 and 18.09A.
(4) All rough fish (gars, bowfin, common carp, grass carp, bighead carp, silver carp, suckers and drum) excluding buffalo.

PENALTY: $250.00 to $1,000.00.

19.02 REQUIREMENTS TO POSSESS ANOTHER'S WILDLIFE. It shall be unlawful to possess wildlife or portions thereof, taken by another person unless such wildlife is accompanied by written and signed information stating the name, address, number, species, date taken, and hunting or fishing license number of person from whom received. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) A driver's license number (indicating state of origin) may be substituted for the hunting license number.
(2) A hunter safety card number or date of birth may be substituted for the hunting license number if the hunter is under the age of 16 years.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

19.03 SHIPPING WILDLIFE REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to ship or mail any wildlife from Arkansas without displaying on the package or container the name and address of shipper, and the number of each species contained therein.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


It shall be unlawful for any deer camp, commercial butcher, commercial slaughterhouse, commercial meat processor, commercial cold storage facility, fur buyer or taxidermist to receive, process, store, or have in its custody any wildlife or parts thereof without maintaining legible records reflecting the name, address, number, species, date taken, check station number/online check number (as it applies to big game) and hunting license number of person from whom received (in compliance with Code 19.02, Requirements to Possess Another's Wildlife). Each record shall be maintained for one year from date taken and made available for inspection upon verbal request by a Commission enforcement officer. EXCEPTIONS:

(1) Deer camps complying with check sheet requirements in the Commission's Deer Camp Program.
(2) Migratory Bird Preservation Facilities meeting those standards as defined in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 50, Subpart B and Subpart I.
(3) Aquatic Wildlife. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
19.05 LITTERING STREAMS AND PUBLIC HUNTING LANDS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to drop, discard or otherwise dispose of litter upon any public property in this state, or upon any property leased or licensed by the Commission,or into any river, pond, lake, stream or other body of water within this state.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


It shall be unlawful to import, transport or possess in Arkansas a cervid carcass or carcass part from any area, as proclaimed by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, that has a known case of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) or considered taken from a captive facility or within an enclosure. EXCEPTIONS:

(1) Meat that has bones removed.
(2) Meat that has no portion of the spinal column or head attached.
(3) Antlers, antlers attached to cleaned skull plates or cleaned skulls (where no meat or tissues are attached to the skull).
(4) Cleaned teeth.
(5) Finished taxidermy and antler products.
(6) Hides and tanned products.
(7) Deer or elk harvested in commercial wildlife hunting resorts in Arkansas providing that a chronic wasting disease sample is collected in accordance with 15.11C (General Provisions Applicable to Captive Wildlife Permits).

The following U.S. states, portions of states and Canadian provinces are proclaimed to be CWD positive:

Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota*, Nebraska, New York, Wisconsin, Alberta*, West Virginia, Oklahoma*, South Dakota, Montana*, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, Saskatchewan and any other state or province where a positive case of CWD has been detected as confirmed by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) or Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).

*States and provinces where CWD has been found in captive cervids only. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00

19.07 ACTIVITIES PROHIBITED WHERE SIGNS ARE POSTED. It shall be unlawful to engage in any activity where signs are posted by the Commission or any regulatory agency prohibiting such activities. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
19.08 DAMAGE AND/OR DESTRUCTION TO GAME AND FISH COMMISSION PROPERTY PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to remove, dislodge or intentionally cause damage or destruction to any building, structure, sign equipment or other property owned or controlled by the Commission. PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00
19.09 MOTORIZED VEHICLE RESTRICTIONS ON WMAs AND COMMISSION LAKES. It shall be unlawful to operate any motorized vehicle on any road, trail, levee or dam owned by the Commission; where no maintained road exists; or in a direction of travel contrary to directional signs on a wildlife management area or Commission-owned lake.


(1) In designated camping areas.
(2) Persons having a valid Mobility Impaired Program Card are exempt, to the extent allowed by the Commission's Mobility Impaired Access Policy.
(3) Persons participating in the Choctaw Island WMA Special Mobility Impaired deer hunt.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00


It shall be unlawful to camp or allow any camper to remain on properties owned or controlled by the Commission for a period of more than 14 consecutive days, or for such a camp to remain unoccupied for a period of more than 48 hours, or to camp in areas other than designated camping areas on any WMA. It shall also be unlawful to create or be responsible for any disturbance after 10:00 p.m. It shall also be unlawful to operate any motorized vehicle or camp on any food plot, fire lane, or road which has been disked, seeded or developed for wildlife use on any WMA.

(1) Camping permit required for Poison Springs WIVIA (available from Arkansas Forestry Commission).
(2) No camping allowed on the U of A Pine Tree Experimental Station WDA.
(3) On U.S. Forest Service Cooperative WMAs, campers are restricted to 30 days in undeveloped campsites and 14 days in developed campsites.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

19.11 SIGNS PROHIBITED ON ARKANSAS GAME AND FISH PROPERTIES. It shall be unlawful to erect, build, construct or post any sign, notice or advertisement on any Arkansas Game and Fish Commission properties, including Wildlife Management Areas, lakes, access areas and office sites.


(1) Regulatory and informational signs posted by government agencies
(2) Signs posted by lessee as approved under lease agreement with the Commission.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

19.12 ENDANGERED SPECIES PROTECTED. It shall be illegal to import, transport, sell, purchase, take or possess any endangered species of wildlife or parts thereof.


(1) Legally acquired wildlife held under permit or held by a public zoo or museum, wildlife taken legally outside the state, or articles manufactured before January 1, 1973.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $2,000.00

19.13 FIRE RESTRICTIONS; DESTRUCTION OF TREES PROHIBITED ON WMAs AND WDAs. It shall be unlawful to cut or disfigure trees; to cause the burning of timber, brush or grass; to leave a fire without completely extinguishing it; to burn any material containing nails, screws or other metal objects, or to allow a fire to escape from control on any WMA, WDA or any commission property. The Commission shall have the right to prohibit any or all forms of hunting or trespassing on any unauthorized artificial openings created by the above means effective October 15, 1984. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) In performance of duties by Commission personnel.
(2) As specified in the "Policies on Land Use Around Arkansas Game and Fish Lakes".

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

19.14 COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES PROHIBITED ON COMMISSION-OWNED PROPERTIES. It shall be unlawful to engage in any commercial activity on Commission-owned properties without permission from Arkansas Game and Fish Commission.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00

19.15 NON-COMPLIANCE WITH TERMS OF PERMIT. It shall be unlawful to fail to comply with the terms of any Commission issued permit.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00

Section 20.00 Wildlife Management Area Regulations

Commission, upon proper and tliorougli investigation, sliall determine tliat intensified game management tlirougli tine increased production of food, more rigid enforcement, restocl


It shall be unlawful to hunt, trap or possess a killing device in any wildlife management area.

(1) During open seasons for wildlife on said areas.
(2) Conibear traps and/or snares for taking beaver, muskrat and nutria.
(3) Ozark National Forest WMA.
(4) Sanctioned Shoot-to-Kill Walking Trials. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
20.02 FIREARM RESTRICTIONS ON WMAs. It shall be unlawful to possess any rifle, revolver or pistol larger than .22 caliber rimfire; buckshot; or rifled slugs on any wildlife management area other than during the open modern gun deer, bear or elk seasons on the following WMAs. (Ref. 06.02, Guns and Ammunition Prohibited During Modern Gun Deer Seasons; and 16.02, Killing Device Restrictions for Bear Hunting and 17.02, Weapon Restrictions for Taking Elk.
(A) Big Lake, Brushy Creek, St. Francis Sunken Lands, U OF A Pine Tree Experimental Station, W. E. Brewer Scatter Creek and Wedington WMAs - only shotguns (.410 or larger), with slugs (no buckshot allowed), or muzzleloading rifles (in compliance with Commission Code 07.02) shooting a single projectile only during modern gun season.
(B) Beaver Lake WMA (islands only), Greers Ferry WMA and that part of Trusten Holder lying north of the Arkansas River from the Pendleton Bridge through the Arkansas Post Canal to Dam #1 at Wild Goose, including all lands surrounding Merrisach Lake, Post Lake, Moore Bayou and all associated Corps lands - no rifles (including muzzleloading rifles) for any season
(C) Big Lake WMA - it shall be unlawful to transport firearms in that portion of Ditch 28 within the Big Lake WMA without said firearms having been dismantled or encased.
(D) Harris Brake WMA - shotguns only.
(E) Lafayette County WMA - no buckshot of any size.
(F) Bell Slough WMA - shotguns or rimfire rifles only.
(G) The Farm Unit within Bald Knob NWR, Johnson County WRA within Dardanelle WIVIA and Wapanocca NWR- muzzleloaders shooting a single projectile only or shotguns with slugs.
(H) Trusten Holder WMA - within the delineated boundaries of the

Arkansas Post National Park buffer zone, discharge of any firearm is prohibited.


(1) Private landowners within boundaries of WMAs where they maintain a bona fide residence, within their homes or on their own land where normal agricultural activity is conducted.
(2) Law enforcement officers and Game and Fish Commission employees in performance of their official job duties.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

20.03 LOADED FIREARMS PROHIBITED IN CAMPING AREAS ON ALL WMAs AND WDAs. It shall be unlawful to possess a loaded firearm in any camping area on any wildlife management area, wildlife demonstration area or in any fishing or boating access area. (Ref: Section 01.00-C, Loaded Firearms).

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

(A) It shall be unlawful to remove any items or objects from any wildlife management area, including rocks, fruits, nuts, acorns, artifacts, plants, etc., without previously approved permission from the Commission or its designees.
(B) It shall be unlawful to remove endangered plants from Commission-owned lands without the issuance of a Scientific Collection Permit. A permit from the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission is also required to remove objects from Natural Areas managed in conjunction with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

20.05 LIVESTOCK RANGING PROHIBITED ON WMAS. It shall be unlawful to range or allow ranging by livestock on any property owned, controlled or leased by the Commission.


(1) Under permit issued by landowner on cooperative WMAs. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
20.06 CUTTING DEVICES PROHIBITED ON COMMISSION OWNED WMAs AND WDAs. It shall be unlawful to use and/or possess chainsaws, handsaws, hatchets, axes, weed trimmers, string trimmers or other such cutting devices or chemical defoliants on Commission owned WMAs or WDAs.


(1) Common hunting knives, pocketknives and pocket saws.
(2) Timber contractors.
(3) Campers in designated camping areas.
(4) Trappers using hatchets during trapping season. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

It shall be unlawful to trespass on any property owned or controlled by the Commission where signs prohibiting such are posted and during waterfowl season in specified areas that have been marked with red paint.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

20.10 STRUCTURES ON COMMISSION LEASED LAND, COMMISSION-OWNED AND COOPERATIVE WMAs AND WDAs. It shall be unlawful to construct, build, fabricate, install, place, attach or occupy any type of structure on any Commission-leased land. Commission-owned, cooperative WMA or WDA; including but not limited to hunting "stands", buildings, shelters, moored houseboats, etc.


(1) Portable hunting stands and associated equipment using no metal objects (such as screw-in steps) to be screwed or driven into trees, and having owner's name and address permanently affixed and which is moved a distance of at least 200 yards (600 feet) from current location after seven consecutive days thereon. Stands may not be placed more than 7 days before deer archery season and must be removed within 7 days after the close of deer archery season.
(2) On U. S. Forest Service Cooperative WMAs portable stands must comply with U.S. Forest Service regulations.
(3) Structures built by Commission personnel or built under the auspices of a Commission issued land use permit.
(4) In compliance with Commission Code 19.10 (Camping and Driving Restrictions on Certain WMAs) and Code 20.27 (Camping Restrictions on WMAs).
(5) In compliance with Commission Code 25.06, Permanent Duck Blinds Prohibited on WMAs.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

20.11 PERMIT REQUIREMENTS ON CERTAIN WMAs. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take any wildlife during an open season on certain WMAs without first obtaining the required permit (Ref. Code 20.25, Non-Compliance with Terms of Permit Hunts on WMAs, and Code 20.26, Season Restrictions During Permit Hunts on WMAs) as specified herein:
(A) A permit is required on Bald Knob NWR, Big Lake NWR, Cache River NWR, Choctaw Island, Crossett Experimental Forest WMA, Felsenthal NWR, Holla Bend NWR, Overflow NWR, Pond Creek NWR, U of A Pine Tree Experimental Station WDA and Wapanocca NWR.
(B) A lease land permit is required for persons 16 years and older to camp, hunt or trap any type of wildlife on Big Timber, Casey Jones, Cherokee, Gum Flats, Jim Kress, Lafayette County (except no permit is required to camp on Lafayette County) and Provo Leased Lands WMAs.
(C) A permit is required to camp, hunt, fish or for the operation of an ATV on White River NWR.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

20.12 SEASON RESTRICTIONS WITHIN CAMP ROBINSON DEMONSTRATION AREA. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take or possess, dove, furbearing animals, rabbit, squirrel, quail and waterfowl, within Camp Robinson Wildlife Demonstration Area.


(1) Dove hunting as permitted under Commission Code 24.05.
(2) Furbearer hunting in accordance with Commission Code 24.07, Furbearer Seasons and Bag Limits on WMAs.
(3) Squirrel hunting as permitted under Commission Code 24.04.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


It shall be unlawful to possess any killing or capture device or to allow dogs within the Blanchard Springs recreation area.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

20.14 BAITING OR HUNTING ON BAITED PORTIONS OF WMAs PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to place, deposit or scatter any grain or other feed so as to constitute a lure, attraction or enticement of wildlife; or to take or attempt to take wildlife on such bait on any wildlife management area if the person knows or reasonably should know that the area is a baited area. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) Sowing of wildlife food areas by Commission personnel.
(2) Baiting by Commission personnel for trapping and restocking purposes.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take deer for each WMA as specified herein:

(A) Big Lake WMA closes when the Seven Mile access gauge exceeds 236 MSL.
(B) Benson Creek Natural Area WMA closes when Flood Prone Region D closes.
(C) Brushy Creek WMA closes when Flood Prone Region A closes.
(D) Choctaw Island WMA closes when the gauge at Arkansas City on the Mississippi River exceeds 31 feet and will remain closed until the gauge falls to 29 feet or below.
(E) Dagmar WMA closes when Flood Prone Region D closes.
(F) Dave Donaldson/Black River WMA closes when the Black River Flood Prone Region closes.
(G) Earl Buss/Bayou DeView WMA closes when Flood Prone Region A closes.
(H) Henry Gray/Hurricane Lake WMA closes when the White River gauge at Augusta exceeds 26 feet and will remain closed until the gauge falls to 14 feet or below at Georgetown.
(I) Rex Hancock/Black Swamp WMA closes when the Cache River gauge at Patterson exceeds 10 feet and will remain closed until Cache

River falls below 8.5 feet on said gauge. (J) St. Francis Sunken Lands WMA closes when the St. Francis River

Flood Prone Region closes.

(K) Truster) Holder WMA closes when Flood Prone Region F closes. (L) Wattensaw WMA closes when Flood Prone Region D closes. (M) Whitehall WMA closes when Flood Prone Region A closes. (N) Shirey Bay/Rainey Brake WMA closes when the Shirey Bay/Rainey

Brake Flood Prone Region closes. (0) Steve N. Wilson Raft Creek Bottoms WMA closes when Flood Prone

Regi on B closes. Flood prone region closures can be obtained by calling AGFC toll free and by accessing the AGFC Wildlife Hotline toll free number and by accessing the AGFC website.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

20.22 BIRD DOG TRAINING RESTRICTIONS WITHIN CAMP ROBINSON WILDLIFE DEMONSTRATION AREA. It shall be unlawful to train bird dogs within the Camp Robinson Wildlife Demonstration Area without a current hunting license or to fail to register at the headquarters prior to participating in the training of bird dogs on the area, or to use live ammunition. EXCEPTION:
(A) Individuals participating in organized field trails need not have a current hunting license.
(B) Training dogs will not exceed three (3) days use per week and not more than two (2) consecutive days in a two week period.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

20.23 COMPLIANCE WITH CAMP ROBINSON WMA AND FT. CHAFFEE WMA POST REGULATIONS REQUIRED. It shall be unlawful to fail to comply with Post Regulations pertaining to the taking or attempting to take fish and wildlife within Camp Robinson WMA and Ft. Chaffee WMA PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
20.24 HUNTING FROM MOTORIZED LAND VEHICLES PROHIBITED ON WMAs AND WDAs. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take any species of wildlife from a motorized land vehicle on WMAs and WDAs. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) Persons having a valid Mobility Impaired Program Card are exempt, to the extent allowed by the Commission's Mobility Impaired Access Policy.
(2) Persons participating in the Choctaw Island WMA Special Mobility Impaired deer hunt.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

20.25 NON-COMPLIANCE WITH TERMS OF PERMIT HUNTS ON WMAs, WDAs AND NWRs (NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGES) PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to fail to comply with terms of permit hunts on any WMA, WDA or NWR having said hunts. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take any species of wildlife during any permit hunts on any WMA, without first obtaining said permit. All other seasons not named on permit are closed during permit hunts on Commission-controlled WMAs.


(1) Waterfowl during the open waterfowl seasons.
(2) On Howard County, Lake Greeson, Rick Evans/Grandview Prairie WMAs, all other hunting seasons remain open during permit hunts without said permit.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

20.27 CAMPING RESTRICTIONS ON WMAs. It shall be unlawful to camp on Commission owned or leased WMAs during a permit hunt, without first obtaining said permit.


(1) When camping with a permit holder.
(2) Waterfowl hunters during waterfowl seasons. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
20.28 MOTORIZED VEHICLE RESTRICTIONS ON COMMISSION OWNED, LEASED, LICENSED AND COOPERATIVE WMAs. It shall be unlawful to operate any motorized vehicle off any open access road and parking area, behind gated, cabled or earthen barriers, where no road exists, on trails, levees, dams, on any food plot/wildlife opening, firelane, or road which has been disked, seeded, developed for wildlife, or in a direction of travel contrary to posted signs. The use of two-wheeled, three-wheeled or four-wheeled ATV's (all terrain vehicles), dune buggies and amphibious vehicles is prohibited.


(1) For authorized uses only.
(2) Motorized vehicles or ATVs may be used on Commission owned lands only by persons having a valid Mobility Impaired Program Card, to the extent allowed by the Commission's Mobility Impaired Access Policy.
(3) Persons participating in the Choctaw Island WMA Special Mobility Impaired deer hunt.
(4) Motorized vehicles, except for ATVs on main access roads, may not be used on Big Timber Upland WDA.
(5) ATV's allowed on existing open access roads and trailways on Gum

Flats, Provo, Lake Greeson, Howard County, Lafayette County, Casey Jones and Big Timber lease land areas.

(6) Motorized vehicles and ATVs allowed on Muddy Creek, Caney Creek and Winona, except on a road, temporary trailway or other areas posted as closed by an earthen mound, gate, sign or other object. Note: Same as U.S. Forest Service forest-wide regulations -Ouachita National Forest.
(7) ATVs allowed on open, maintained roads within Cherokee and Jim

Kress WMAs by hunters in possession of a valid leased lands permit for the purposes of ingress and egress to hunting locations and/or camping sites only.

(8) Motorized vehicles and ATVs on Ozark National Forest, White Rock, Piney Creeks, Mt. Magazine, Sylamore and St. Francis WMAs allowed only on established access roads and trailways and prohibited on roads and trailways closed by an earthen mound, gate, sign or other object or where no road or trailway exists. Note: Same as U.S. Forest Service forest-wide regulations - Ozark-St. Francis National Forest.
(9) Motorized vehicles and ATVs prohibited within the Hope Upland WMA.
(10) Motorized vehicles and ATVs prohibited from entering the Henry Gray WMA from the north boundary, except persons are exempt to the extent allowed by the Commission's Mobility Impaired Access Policy.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


Organized events similar to trail rides and horse riding for pleasure are prohibited on Commission-owned, Cherokee and Jim Kress WMAs during the months of October - January, April and May. Permits are required for organized events of more than ten horses or mules per party during the remainder of the year, and a condition of the permit shall stipulate that riders are restricted to established trails or roads. Permits are available at the area headquarters and must be requested 14 days in advance of the event. Horses and mules are allowed only in camping areas that are designated for equestrian use. Horses in camping areas may only be tied to trailers or to a highline using tree saver straps. It shall be unlawful to allow horses or mules to damage trees or other woody vegetation. Soil disturbance must be restored, manure must be scattered and excess feed, hay and any trash must be removed. EXCEPTION:

(1) Legal hunting activities may use horses and mules during specified hunting seasons.
(2) At night during furbearing season.
(3) Horses and mules are prohibited on the Jardis Point (Desha County) portion of the Trusten Holder WMA.
(4) Horses and mules are prohibited on the Choctaw Island WMA during any open deer season.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00


possess firearms or dogs, or to camp or build fires of any sort on Electric Island Nongame Wildlife Management Area. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00

20.31 USE OR POSSESSION OF ALCOHOL OR ILLEGAL CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to use or possess alcoholic beverages or illegal controlled substances while hunting on Commission-owned, leased or controlled WMA.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00

20.32 HUNTING RESTRICTIONS ON CASEY JONES AND LAFAYETTE COUNTY WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREAS. It shall be unlawful to hunt by means of stands, blinds, vehicles, on foot, or any other method within 50 feet from centerline of any gravel road or railroad right-of-way within the Casey Jones and Lafayette County Wildlife Management Areas. It shall also be unlawful to place or leave any stand, blind, vehicle, or other hunting apparatus with the intent of hunting from any of these within 50 feet from centerline of any gravel road or railroad right-of-way within the Casey Jones and Lafayette County Wildlife Management Areas.

PENALTY: $100.00 TO $1,000.00.

20.33 SEASON RESTRICTIONS ON WYLIE COX FIELD TRAIL AREA. It shall be unlawful to hunt on the Wylie Cox Field Trial Area. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
20.34 FERAL HOG HUNTING AND TRAPPING RESTRICTIONS ON WMAs AND WDAs. It shall be unlawful to hunt or trap feral hogs on any Wildlife Management Area or Wildlife Demonstration Area other than during an open hunting season or special permit hunt, and subject to the methods allowed for that hunting season or special permit hunt.


(1) Law enforcement officers and employees of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, the National Park Service and their designees in performance of their official job duties.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00

20.35 RESTRICTIONS ON ALL NATURAL AREA WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREAS. It shall be unlawful to construct, build, fabricate, install, place, attach or occupy a permanent hunting stand or camp on any of the natural area wildlife management areas. It shall also be unlawful to have a motorized vehicle or horse on any of the natural areas wildlife management areas. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
20.36 GEOCACHING RESTRICTIONS ON COMMISSION-OWNED PROPERTY. It shall be unlawful to establish or maintain a geocache on any Commission-owned property without first obtaining a Commission issued Geocaching Permit and complying with the terms of permit or the following restrictions:
1. All persons applying for a Commission issued Geocaching Permit must be at least 16 years of age.
2. All Geocaching Permit applications must contain the following information provided by the applicant: name, valid address, telephone number, email address, driver's license number, the exact GPS location provided by the Commission and any non-Commission website address on which the cache will be posted.
3. All permitted caches must be placed at the location designated by the Commission and must be clearly and permanently marked with the required permit number issued by the Commission.
4. All Geocaching Permit holders failing to renew their permit must notify the Commission in writing if their permit will not be renewed, remove the physical cache from Commission property and remove the cache location from all non-Commission websites or other information source.
5. If a Geocaching Permit holder fails to comply with the terms and condition of the Commission issued Geocaching Permit; or if the permit holder fails to remove a physical cache upon expiration or non-renewal of a Geocaching Permit; or if the geocache has been determined by the Commission to have caused adverse environmental damage, poses a public safety hazard or has caused user group conflicts; then the Commission reserves the right to remove the cache without notice and cancel the Geocaching Permit.
6. Caches may not be buried nor may vegetation or stones be disturbed to place a cache without written approval of the Commission. The use of dead, downed debris to assist in concealing the cache is allowed. The cutting or destruction of living vegetation is prohibited.
7. Metal detectors may not be used in cache searches. EXCEPTION:
(1) Establishment and maintenance of official geocache

locations on Commission-owned property by Commission personnel is allowed without a permit.

PENALTY: $250.00 to $1,000.00

Section 21.00. Wildlife Management Area Regulations and Seasons

It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take or possess deer by any method within WMAs other than as specified herein:


Archery: October 1, 2006-Februarv 28, 2007.

Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006.

Modern Gun (Permit Hunt): November 11-12, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or no more than two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during muzzleloader deer season. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the permit modern gun deer season. (Ref.

Codes 20.11,21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2006-Februarv 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 29-31, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-December 17, 2006 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and no more than two doe may be taken during with firearms. Youth hunters may take one deer of either sex during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-Februarv 28, 2007 . Muzzleloader (Permit Hunt): October 7-11, 2006. Modern Gun (Permit Hunt): November 4-8, 2006. Seasonal bag limit of three(3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the permit muzzleloader hunt. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the permit modern gun hunt. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006; Modern Gun: November 11-19, November 23-December 3 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken during muzzleloader or modern gun hunt. Youth hunters may take one buck of choice during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only.

BERYL ANTHONY/LOWER OUACHITA WMA Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 29-31, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-December 17 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken during muzzleloader and modern gun hunts. Youth hunters may take one deer of either sex during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: -October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11- December 10 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and no more than one doe may be taken with firearms. Youth hunters may take one deer of either sex during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: November 1-December 31, 2006.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than one doe. No more than two legal bucks and no more than one doe may be taken with archery tackle only. (Ref. Codes 20.11 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006

Modern Gun: November 11-12, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks may be taken during the modern gun hunt. Youth hunters may take one deer of either sex during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code



Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-December 10 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun hunts. Youth hunters may take one deer of either sex during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 20.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 29-31, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-December 17 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun hunts. Youth hunters may take one deer of either sex during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-19, November 23-December 3 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun hunts. A Blue Mountain WMA doe quota permit is required to harvest a doe during the muzzleloader and modern gun deer hunts. Youth hunters may take one deer of either sex during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 21.02)


Archery/Firearms: Closed. BRUSHY CREEK WMA

Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006.

Modern Gun: November 11-12, 2006 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and one doe may be taken during the modern gun hunts. Youth hunters may take one deer of either sex during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt.

Ref. Code 06.11)

BUFFALO NATIONAL RIVER WMA Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006 Modern Gun: November 11-19, November 23-December 3 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun hunts. Youth hunters may take one deer of either sex during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: All Units. October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: All Units. October 14-18, 2006. Modern Gun: All Units. November 11-15, 2006. Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during muzzleloader deer season. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the permit quota modern gun deer season. (Ref. Codes 20.11, 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun: November 4-6, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the modern gun permit hunt. (Ref. Code 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: November 18, 2006. November 19, 2006. Modern Gun (Permit Hunt): November 23-24, 2006. November 25-26, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during the permit muzzleloader and modern gun hunts. (Ref. Code 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-19, November 23-December 3 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun hunts. A Caney Creek WMA doe quota permit is required to harvest a doe during the muzzleloader and modern gun hunts. Youth hunters may take one deer of either sex during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 29-31, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-December 17 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun hunts. Youth hunters may take one deer of either sex during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 20.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2006.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-19, November 23-December 3 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun hunts. Youth hunters may take one deer of either sex during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 20.11)

CHEROKEE PRAIRIE NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1-December 31, 2006.

Muzzleloader (Permit Hunt): October 21-23, 2006.

Modern Gun (Mobility Impaired Permit Hunt): November 4-6,


Modern Gun (Youth Permit Hunt): November 24-26, 2006.

Modern Gun (Permit Hunt): December 2-4, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks

(which may consist of one type A buck and one type B buck or two type B bucks). The combined doe bag limit per person for archery,

muzzleloader and modern gun is two. A doe must be harvested and checked before a legal type A buck may be harvested during any hunt, except during the modern gun youth permit hunt. Youths are allowed to harvest one type A buck without first harvesting and checking a doe. All harvested doe and type B bucks are "Bonus

Deer" and do not count against the statewide bag limit. (Ref. Codes

20. 11, 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle only.

CROSSETT EXPERIMENTAL FOREST WMA Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007 Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 29-31, 2006. Modern Gun: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader hunt. (Ref. Code 20.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Muzzleloader: October 7-11, 2006.

Modern Gun (Permit Hunt): November 4-8, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader or modern gun permit hunts. (Ref.

Codes 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Muzzleloader: October 7-9, 2006.

Modern Gun (Permit Hunt): November 4-6, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader permit or the modern gun permit hunts. (Ref. Code 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader (Permit Hunt): October 14-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Permit Hunt): November 4-8, 2006. Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader permit or the modern gun permit hunts. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Johnson County, Horsehead Creek and Bob Young WRAs: October

1-31, 2006 and February 1-15, 2007.

Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006.

Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006.

Modern Gun: November 11-19, November 23 and December 3

and December 26-28, 2006

Modern Gun (Mobility Impaired Permit Hunt) Johnson County WRA only: November 5-6, 2006 .

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun hunts. No more than two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to two doe may be taken during the Johnson County WRA Modern Gun Mobility Impaired Permit Hunt. Youth hunters may take one dee of either sex during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Codes 06.11, 21.02 and 21.03)

DAVE DONALDSON BLACK RIVER WMA Archery: October 1, 2006-January 31, 2007. Muzzleloader (Permit Hunt): October 14-16, 2006. Modern Gun: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader permit hunt. (Ref. Code 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 29-31, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-December 17 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and no more than two doe may be taken with firearms. Youth hunters may take one deer of either sex during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-19, November 23-December 3 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and no more than two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun hunts. Youth hunters may take one deer of either sex during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Red Slough WRA:

October 1-November 10, 2006.

Muzzleloader (Permit Hunt): October 7-11, 2006.

Modern Gun (Permit Hunt): November 4-8, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during each of the muzzleloader or modern gun permit hunts. (Ref. Code 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2006-January 31, 2007.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun (Permit Hunt): October 28-29, 2006. November 4-5,


Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one buck (no anter restrictions) and

one doe may be taken during the modern gun permit hunts. Doe harvested during the mdern gun permit hunts are bonus deer and do not count against the statewide seasonal bag limit. A doe must be harvested and checked before a buck may be harvested during both modern gun permit hunts. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery/Firearms: Closed. ETHEL WMA

Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only.

FALCON BOTTOMS NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2006-January 31, 2007.

Muzzleloader (Permit Hunt): October 13-14, 2006.

Modern Gun (Permit Hunt): November 3-4 and November 10-11,


Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during muzzleloader quota permit deer hunt. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during the modern gun quota permit deer hunt. (Ref. Codes 20.11, 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Muzzleloader (Permit Hunt): November 25, 2006. November 26,


Modern Gun (Permit Hunt): November 18, 2006.

Modern Gun (Permit Hunt): November 19, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during them muzzleloader permit hunts or the modern gun permit hunts. (Ref. Code 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal

bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun (Youth Permit Hunt): October 21-22, 2006. Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe may be taken during the modern gun youth permit hunt. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)

GARRETT HOLLOW NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-19 and December 26-28, 2006. Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun hunts. A Gene Rush WMA doe quota permit is required to harvest a doe during the firearms deer seasons. Youth hunters may take one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Muzzleloader (Mobility Impaired Permit Hunt): October 24-26,


Modern Gun: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe may be taken during the Muzzleloader Mobility Impaired Permit Hunt. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Muzzleloader (Permit Hunt): October 7-11, 2006. One either sex.

Modern Gun (Permit Hunt): November 4-8, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the firearm permit hunts. (Ref. Code 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006 Modern Gun: November 11-19, November 25 - December 10 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader or modern gun hunts. Youth hunters may take one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 20.11)

H. E. FLANAGAN PRAIRIE NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle only.

HAROLD E. ALEXANDER SPRING RIVER WMA Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader (Permit Hunt): October 7-11, 2006. Modern Gun: November 4-8, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during each of the muzzleloader permit and modern gun permit hunts. (Ref. Code 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader (Permit Hunt): October 14-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Permit Hunt): November 4-8, 2006. Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader permit or modern gun permit hunts. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)

HOBBS STATE PARK-CONSERVATION AREA Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader (Permit Hunt): October 7-11, 2006. Modern Gun (Youth Permit Hunt): October 21-22, 2006. Modern Gun (Permit Hunt): November 4-8, 2006. Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the firearm permit hunts. Youth hunters may take no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the modern gun youth permit hunt. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1-December 10, 2006. Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun (Youth Permit Hunt): December 16, 2006. Seasonal bag limit of three (3 ) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. Youth hunters may take no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the modern gun youth permit hunt. All deer taken during the modern gun youth permit hunt are bonus deer and do not count against the statewide bag limit. (Ref. Codes 20.11, 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Muzzleloader (Permit Hunt): October 28-November 1, 2006.

Modern Gun: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader permit hunts. (Ref. Code 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun (Youth Permit Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. Youth hunters may take no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe during the modern gun youth permit hunts. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader (Permit Hunt): October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006.

Modern Gun (Youth Permit Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun (Permit Hunt): November 11-19 and November 25-December 10, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during each of the firearm permit hunts. Youth hunters may take no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe during the modern gun youth permit hunt. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)

HOWARD HENSLEY SEARCY COUNTY WMA Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-19, November 23-December 3 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken during the firearm hunts. Youth hunters may take no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Firearms: Closed.

Combined seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun (Youth Permit Hunt): October 14-15, 2006.

Modern Gun (Permit Hunt): November 15-16, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the modern gun youth permit hunt. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the Modern Gun Permit

Hunt. (Ref. Code 21.02)

JAMESTOWN INDEPENDENCE COUNTY WMA Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-19, November 23-December 3 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken during the muzzleloader or modern gun hunts. Youth hunters may take no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-19, November 23-December 3 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken during the firearm hunts. Youth hunters may take no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 20.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle.


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 29-31, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-December 17 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken during the firearm hunts. Youth hunters may take no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Modern Gun Youth Hunt. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 20.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader (Permit Hunt): October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006.

Muzzleloader (Mobility Impaired Hunt): October 7-8, 2006. Modern Gun (Youth Permit Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun (Permit Hunt): November 11-19 and November 25-December 10, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader permit hunt, muzzloader mobility impaired hunt and the modern gun permit hunt. Youth hunters may take no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe during the Modern Gun Youth Permit Hunt. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-December 10 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks or two doe may be taken during the firearm hunts. Youth hunters may take no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Muzzleloader (Permit Hunt): October 7-11, 2006.

Modern Gun: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader permit hunt. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and



Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-December 17 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken during the firearm hunts. Youth hunters may take no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Modern Gun Youth Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-19, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken during the firearm hunts. Youth hunters may take no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Muzzleloader (Permit Hunt): October 7-11, 2006

Modern Gun (Permit Hunt): November 4-8, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the firearm permit hunts. (Ref. Code 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-19, November 23-December 3 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks may be taken during the firearm hunts. Youth hunters may take no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-19, November 23-December 3 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and one doe may be taken during the firearm hunts. A Muddy Creek WMA doe quota permit is required to harvest a doe during the firearm deer seasons. Youth hunters may take no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 21.02)

NACATOCH RAVINES NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-19, November 23-December 3 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal buck may be taken during the firearm hunts. Youth hunters may take no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: All Units. October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Muzzleloader: Chapin Point and Indian Head Units closed. Seward

Point, Bennett's Bayou and Fulton County Units October 14-22,


Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): Seward Point, Bennett's

Bayou and Fulton County Units: November 4-5, 2006. Chapin Point and Indian Head Units closed.

Modern Gun: Seward Point, Bennett's Bayou and Fulton County

Units: November 11-19, 2005. Chapin Point and Indian Head Units closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken during the firearm hunts. Youth hunters may take no more than one buck

(no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun

Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-January 31, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006. Modern Gun: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader deer hunt; refuge permit required. (Ref. Codes 20.11, 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 29-31, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-December 17 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks and up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken during the firearm hunts. Youth hunters may take no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-19, November 23-December 3 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks may be taken during the firearm hunts. Youth hunters may take no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-19, November 23-December 3 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken during the firearm hunts. Youth hunters may take one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-19, November 23-December 3 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks may be taken during the firearm hunts. Youth hunters may take no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-19, November 23-December 3 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken during the firearm hunts. Youth hunters may take no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 29-31, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006 Modern Gun: November 11-December 17 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks and up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken during the firearm hunts. Youth hunters may take no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-January 31, 2007 Muzzleloader: October 14-16, 2006. Modern Gun (Youth Permit Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun (Permit Hunt): November 17-19, 2006. Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during muzzleloader deer hunt; refuge permit required. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during modern gun youth permit hunt. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during modern gun quota permit deer hunt. (Ref. Codes 20.11, 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Firearms: Closed.

Combined seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer, no more than two legal bucks. Three deer, no more than two legal bucks or up to three does may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2006-January 31, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. November 11-19, November 25-December 10 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during the firearm hunts. Youth hunters may take no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11 and 20.11)

RAILROAD PRAIRIE NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three does may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-19, November 23-December 3 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks may be taken during the firearm hunts. Youth hunters may take no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Muzzleloader: October 14-18, 2006.

Modern Gun: November 11-15, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the permit firearm hunt. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)

RICK EVANS GRANDVIEW PRAIRIE WMA Archery: October 21-December 3, 2006. Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck and two doe may be taken with archery tackle only. Doe harvested on this area are bonus deer and do not count against the statewide seasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 21, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks and one doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006.

Modern Gun: November 11-19, November 23-December 3 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken during the firearm hunts. Youth hunters may take one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-January 31, 2007.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 28-November 1, 2006. Modern Gun (Youth Permit Hunt): November 18, 2006 Modern Gun (Permit Hunt): November 24-25, 2006. Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the permit firearm hunts. Youth hunters may take one legal buck or one doe during the modern gun youth permit hunt. (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2006-January 31, 2007. Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-12, 2006. December 26-28, 2006. Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks may be taken during the modern gun hunt. Youth hunters may take one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 29-31, 2006.

Modern Gun: November 4-5, 2006

Modern Gun: November 11-December 17 and December 26-28,


Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun hunts. Youth hunters may take one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and



Archery: October 1, 2006-January 31, 2007.

Muzzleloader (Permit Hunt): October 14-16, 2006.

Modern Gun: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader permit hunt. (Ref. Code 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle.


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-December 10 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun hunts. Youth hunters may take one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)

STATELINE SANDPONDS NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle.

STEVE N. WILSON RAFT CREEK BOTTOMS WMA Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle.


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Henry Moore WRA: October 1-November 10, 2006.

Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-December 10 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun hunts. Youth hunters may take one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-19 and November 23-25, 2006. Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader or modern gun hunts. A Sylamore WMA doe quota permit is required to harvest a doe during the muzzleloader or modern gun hunts. Youth hunters may take one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 21.02)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader (Permit Hunt): October 7-11, 2006. Muzzleloader (Mobility Impaired Permit Hunt): Jardis Point area only: Noon, November 29-December 1, 2006. This hunt is administered by the Corps of Engineers. Modern Gun: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck and two doe may be taken during the muzzleloader permit hunt. No more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during the Mobility Impaired Muzzleloader Permit Hunt (Contact Corp of Engineers at 870 548-2291 for specific application criteria; application period July 5-September 5) (Ref. Codes 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle only.

U OF A PINE TREE EXPERIMENTAL STATION WDA Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader (Permit Hunt): October 28-November 1, 2006. Modern Gun (Permit Hunt): November 24-28, 2006. Modern Gun (Youth Permit Hunt): December 26-28, 2006. Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader permit hunt, modern gun permit hunt or the modern gun youth permit hunt. (Ref. Codes 20.11, 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006.

Modern Gun: November 11-12, 2006, November 18-19 and

December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks may be taken during and of the modern gun hunts. Youth hunters may take one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth

Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-January 31, 2007.

Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun: November 11-12, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or one doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the modern gun quota permit hunt. (Ref. Codes 20.11, 21.02

and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader (Permit Hunt): October 28-November 1, 2006. Modern Gun (Youth Permit Hunt): November 18, 2006. Modern Gun (Permit Hunt): November 24-28, 2006. Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader permit hunt, the modern gun permit hunt or the modern gun youth permit hunt. (Ref. Codes 20.11, 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006.

Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun (Permit Hunt): December 2-3, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe may be taken during the modern gun permit hunt. (Ref. Codes

20. 02, 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of four (4) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to four doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only.


Archery: October 1, 2006-January 31, 2007 (north unit). October 1-December 31, 2006 (south unit).

Muzzleloader (Permit Hunt): October 14-16, 2006 (north and south units); October 17-20, 2006 (north unit).

Modern Gun (Permit Hunt): November 11-13, 2005 (north and south units); November 14-17, 2006 (north unit). Cook's Lake Area (Youth Permit Hunt): December 2-3, 2006. Cook's Lake Area (Mobility Impaired Permit Hunt): December 8-10, 2006.

Season bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the muzzleloader hunts. No more than one legal buck or one doe may be taken during the modern gun hunts. Cooks Lake Area: no more than one legal buck and one doe may be taken during the modern gun permit youth hunt. Cooks Lake Area: no more than one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe may be taken during the modern gun permit mobility impaired hunt. Cooks Lake Area: deer harvested during the modern gun youth permit hunt and mobility impaired permit hunt are bonus deer and do not count in the hunter's statewide sseasonal bag limit. (Ref. Codes 20.11, 21.02 and 21.03)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-19, November 23-December 3 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of two (2) deer; no more than one legal buck. No more than one legal buck or up to two doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than one legal buck may be taken during the muzzleloader and modern gun hunts. Youth hunters may take one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt. (Ref. Code 06.11)


Archery: October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. Muzzleloader: October 14-22 and December 16-18, 2006. Modern Gun (Special Youth Hunt): November 4-5, 2006. Modern Gun: November 11-19, November 23-December 3 and December 26-28, 2006.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and one doe may be taken during and of the muzzleloader or modern gun hunts. A Winona WMA doe quota permit is required to harvest a doe during the muzzleloader or modern gun seasons. Youth hunters may take one buck (no antler restrictions) or one doe during the Special Modern Gun Youth Deer

Hunt. (Ref. Codes 06.11 and 21.02) WITTSBURG NATURAL AREA WMA

Archery: October 1, 2006-Februarv 28, 2007.

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal bag limit of three (3) deer; no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to three doe may be taken with archery tackle only.

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

21.02 DEER PERMIT REQUIREMENTS ON CERTAIN WMAs. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take deer during deer permit hunts on certain WMAs without first obtaining the required permit (Reference Code 20.25, Non-Compliance with Terms of Permit Hunts on WMAs Prohibited and Code 20.26, Season Restrictions During Permit Hunts on WMAs) as specified herein:
(A) Buck and/or Doe: Bayou Meto (firearms). Bald Knob NWR (modern gun). Dr. Lester Sitzes, lll/Bois D'arc (firearms). Cache River NWR (modern gun). Camp Robinson WDA (modern gun). Camp Robinson WMA (firearms), Choctaw Island (firearms), Cut-Off Creek (firearms). Cypress Bayou (firearms), Dagmar (firearms), Dave Donaldson/Black River (muzzleloader), Ed Gordon/Point Remove (modern gun), Felsenthal NWR (firearms). Ft. Chaffee (firearms). Gulf Mountain (firearms), Harold E. Alexander/Spring River (firearms), Henry Gray/Hurricane Lake (firearms), Hobbs SPCA (firearms). Holla Bend NWR (archery), Holland Bottoms (muzzleloader), Howard County (firearms), J. Perry Mikles/Blue Mountain WDA (modern gun). Lake Greeson (firearms). Little Bayou (muzzleloader), Madison County (firearms). Overflow NWR (muzzleloader). Pond Creek NWR (modern gun). Rex Hancock/Black Swamp (firearms). Rick Evans/Grand view Prairie (archery), St. Francis National Forest (firearms), Shirey Bay/Rainey Brake (muzzleloader), Trusten Holder (muzzleloader), U of A Pine Tree Experimental Station WDA (firearms), Wedington (firearms), Wapanocca NWR (modern gun), Wattensaw (firearms) and White River NWR (firearms).
(B) Doe: Blue Mountain (firearms), Caney Creek (firearms). Gene Rush (firearms). Muddy Creek (firearms), Sylamore (firearms) and Winona (firearms) WMAs.
(C) Mobility Impaired: Choctaw Island (modern gun), Johnson County WDA within Dardanelle (modern gun), Greers Ferry Lake (muzzleloader). Lake Greeson (muzzleloader) and Jardis Point within Trusten Holder (muzzleloader).
(D) Youth: Choctaw Island (modern gun), Galla Creek (modern gun), Hobbs SP-CA (modern gun), Hope Upland (modern gun). Holla Bend NWR (modern gun), Howard County WMA (modern gun), J. Perry Mikles/Blue Mountain WDA (modern gun). Lake Greeson WMA (modern gun). Pond Creek NWR (modern gun).

St. Francis National Forest (modem gun), U of A Pine Tree

Experimental Station WDA (modem gun) and Wattensaw

(modem gun). EXCEPTION: (1) Youths during the Special Modem Gun Youth Deer Hunt are exempted from WMA/Zone Doe Quota Permit requirements (Ref.

06.11) . PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


MANAGEMENT AREAS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take a deer other than a legal buck (Ref. Code 01.00C) except as specified herein:

(1) On Lafayette County, Rick Evans/Grandview Prairie and St. Francis National Forest WMAs, a buck deer must have both antlers under two inches (button buck included) or at least one antler with at least four points, including the main beam, a minimum of one inch long.
(2) On Choctaw Island WMA, a buck must have:
(A) Type A Buck - at least five or more points (one inch or longer) on one side or have an inside spread equal to or greater than 15 inches (measured at widest point at a right angle to the center line of the skull) or "button bucks" with no hardened antler; or
(B) Type B Buck - five total points or less, including the main beams.
(3) On Cut-off Creek, Bayou Meto, Dagmar, Henry Gray/Hurricane Lake, Little Bayou, Rex Hancock Black Swamp, Trusten Holder, Seven Devils, U of A Pine Tree and Wattensaw WMAs and all National Wildlife Refuges, a buck must have:
(A) at least one antler with at least four points, including the main beam, a minimum of one inch long; or
(B) have four total points or less, including the main beam (button buck included).
(C) Any buck may be harvested during the mobility impaired permit hunt on Cooks Lake Area within White River NWR.
(4) On Ed Gordon/Point Remove, Galla Creek, Johnson County WRA within Dardanelle WMA and Wedington WMAs, any buck deer may be legally harvested during a firearms permit hunt.
(5) On Greers Ferry Lake WMA, any buck deer may be legally harvested during the deer muzzleloader mobility impaired hunt.
(6) On Hobbs S-P CA, Holla Bend NWR, Hope Upland WMA, Howard County WMA, Howard Hensley Searcy County WMA, Lake Greeson WMA, Provo WMA and Cooks Lake Area (White River NWR), youth hunters may harvest any buck during the scheduled permit youth hunts on each area (Ref. Code 21.02).
(7) In compliance with Code 06.11, Special Modern Gun Youth Deer Hunt Restrictions.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00


It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take or possess bear by any method within WMAs other than as specified herein: BALD KNOB NWR

Archery/Firearms: Closed. BAYOU DES ARC WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. BAYOU METO WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. BEAVER LAKE WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 4-5, 2006 (youth hunt). Statewide bag limit. November 6-30, 2006. Statewide bag limit. BELL SLOUGH WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.



Archery/Firearms: Closed. BIG CREEK WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. BIG LAKE NWR

Archery/Firearms: Closed. BIG LAKE WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. BIG TIMBER WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006 (only on that part of the area that lies in zone 2). Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006 (only on that part of the area that lies in bear zone 2). Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 4-5, 2006 (youth hunt) (only on that part of the area that lies in bear zone 2). Statewide bag limit.

November 6-30, 2006 (only on that part of the area that lies in bear zone 2). Statewide bag limit. BLEVINS WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. BLUE MOUNTAIN WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 4-5, 2006 (youth hunt). Statewide bag limit. November 6-30, 2006. Statewide bag limit. BREWER LAKE CYPRESS CREEK WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. BRUSHY CREEK WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed.


Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit. Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006. Statewide bag limit. Modern Gun: November 4-5, 2006 (youth hunt). Statewide bag limit. November 6-30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. CAMP ROBINSON WDA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Firearms: Closed. CAMP ROBINSON WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Firearms: Closed. CANEY CREEK WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 4-5, 2006 (youth hunt). Statewide bag limit. November 6-30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. CATTAIL MARSH WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. CEDAR CREEK WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. CHEROKEE WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 4-5, 2006 (youth hunt). Statewide bag limit. November 6-30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. CHOCTAW ISLAND WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. COVE CREEK NATURAL AREA WMA


Archery/Firearms: Closed. CUT-OFF CREEK WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. CYPRESS BAYOU WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. DAGMAR WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. DARDANELLE WMA


Archery/Firearms: Closed.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. DEVIL'S KNOB NATURAL AREA WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 4-5, 2006 (youth hunt). Statewide bag limit. November 6-30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. EARL BUSS BAYOU DEVIEW WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. ED GORDON POINT REMOVE WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. ELECTRIC ISLAND WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. ETHEL WMA


Archery/Firearms: Closed. FELSENTHAL NWR

Archery/Firearms: Closed. FT. CHAFFEE WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. FROG BAYOU WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. GALLA CREEK WMA


Archery/Firearms: Closed. GENE RUSH WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 4-5, 2006 (youth hunt). Statewide bag limit. November 6-30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.


Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Firearms: Closed. GULF MOUNTAIN WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 7-11, 2006 (deer permit holders only).

Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 4-8, 2006 (deer permit holders only).

Statewide bag limit.



Archery/Firearms: Closed.


Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit. Muzzleloader: October 7-11, 2006 (deer permit holders only). Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 4-8, 2006 (deer permit holders only). Statewide bag limit.


Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.



Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 7-11, 2006 (deer permit holders only).

Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 4-8, 2006 (deer permit holders only).

Statewide bag limit.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. HOLLAND BOTTOMS WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. HOPE UPLAND WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. HOWARD COUNTY WMA


Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 4-5, 2006 (youth hunt). Statewide bag limit. November 11-19, 2006. Statewide bag limit.




Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 4-5, 2006 (youth hunt). Statewide bag limit. November 11-19, 2006. Statewide bag limit.


Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit. Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006. Statewide bag limit. Modern Gun: November 4-5, 2006 (youth hunt). Statewide bag limit. November 6-30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.


Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.


Archery/Firearms: Closed.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. LEE COUNTY WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. LITTLE BAYOU WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. LITTLE RIVER WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. LOAFER'S GLORY WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 4-5, 2006 (youth hunt). Statewide bag limit. November 11-19, 2006. Statewide bag limit.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. MADISON COUNTY WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 7-11, 2006 (deer permit holders only).

Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 4-8, 2006 (deer permit holders only).

Statewide bag limit.


Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit. Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006. Statewide bag limit. Modern Gun: November 4-5, 2006 (youth hunt). Statewide bag limit. November 6-30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.


Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit. Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006. Statewide bag limit. Modern Gun: November 4-5, 2006 (youth hunt). Statewide bag limit. November 6-30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. NIMROD LLOYD MILLWOOD WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 4-5, 2006 (youth hunt). Statewide bag limit. November 6-30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.


Archery: All Units October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: Chapin Point and Indian Head Units closed. Seward

Point, Bennett's Bayou and Fulton County Units October 14-22,

2006. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: Chapin Point and Indian Head Units closed. Seward

Point, Bennett's Bayou and Fulton County Units November 4-5,

2006 (youth hunt). Statewide bag limit.

November 11-19, 2005. Statewide bag limit.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. OZAN WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. OZARK LAKE WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 4-5, 2006 (youth hunt). Statewide bag limit. November 6-30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.


Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit. Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006. Statewide bag limit. Modern Gun: November 4-5, 2006 (youth hunt). Statewide bag limit. November 6-30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. PINE CITY NATURAL AREA WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. PINEY CREEKS WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 4-5, 2006 (youth hunt). Statewide bag limit. November 6-30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. POND CREEK NWR

Archery/Firearms: Closed. PRAIRIE BAYOU WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. PROVO WMA


Archery/Firearms: Closed. RAINEY WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 4-5, 2006 (youth hunt). Statewide bag limit. November 6-30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.



Archery/Firearms: Closed. RING SLOUGH WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. RIVER BEND WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 4-5, 2006 (youth hunt). Statewide bag limit. November 6-30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.




Archery/Firearms: Closed. ST. FRANCIS SUNKEN LANDS WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. SANDHILLS NATURAL AREA WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. SEVEN DEVILS WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. SHIREY BAY RAINEY BRAKE WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. SMOKE HOLE NATURAL AREA WMA


Archery/Firearms: Closed. SPRING BANK WMA



Archery/Firearms: Closed. SULPHUR RIVER WMA


Archery/Firearms: Closed. SYLAMORE WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 4-5, 2006 (youth hunt). Statewide bag limit. November 11-19, 2006 and November 23-25, 2006.

Statewide bag limit.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. TRUSTEN HOLDER WMA

Archery: December 9-17, 2006. Statewide bag limit.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. W.E. BREWER SCATTER CREEK WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. WAPANOCCA NWR


Archery/Firearms: Closed. WATTENSAW WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed.



Archery/Firearms: Closed. WHITEHALL WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. WHITE RIVER NWR

Archery/Firearms: All Units closed. WHITE ROCK WMA

Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

Modern Gun: November 4-5, 2006 (youth hunt). Statewide bag limit. November 6-30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.


Archery: October 1-November 30, 2006. Statewide bag limit. Muzzleloader: October 14-22, 2006. Statewide bag limit. Modern Gun: November 4-5, 2006 (youth hunt). Statewide bag limit. November 6-30, 2006. Statewide bag limit.

WITTSBURG NATURAL AREA WMA Archery/Firearms: Closed.

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00. In addition, a jail sentence not to exceed 10 days may be imposed and hunting privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges.

Section 22.00 Dog Regulations on Wildlife Management Areas
22.01 DOG RESTRICTIONS ON WMAs. It shall be unlawful to take,

attempt to take, or pursue wildlife or feral hogs by the use of dogs on any Wildlife Management Area.


(1) Permitted AKC, UKC and ACHA field trials when approved by the Commission.
(2) Quail and Rabbit Dog Training: September 1-April 1, except during firearms deer hunts where dogs are not allowed.
(3) Training dogs on Camp Robinson WDA, Wylie Cox Field Trial Area and J. Perry Mikles/Blue Mountain WDA requires a current Arkansas hunting license and these areas are closed to dog training during organized field trials.
(4) Dogs are required to hunt bobcat, opossum and raccoon at night in accordance with Commission Code 24.07, Furbearer Seasons and Bag Limits on WMAs.

Perry Mikles/Blue Mountain WDA is open for training raccoon dogs at night only and rabbit dogs year-round except during field trials. Quail Dog Training from Qctober 1-April 1 except during firearms deer hunts where dogs are not allowed.

(6) Waterfowl retrievers during open migratory bird seasons.
(7) Dogs allowed for fall squirrel and rabbit hunting where no modern gun or muzzleloader deer season is open or where dogs are allowed for modern gun deer hunting.
(8) Dogs allowed for spring squirrel hunting, except on White River NWR.
(9) Quail hunting with bird dog breeds only, during open season.
(10) Modern gun deer hunting November 25-December 10, 2006 on Gum Flats, Lake Greeson and Provo WMAs and November 23-December3, 2006 on Mt. Magazine WMA.
(11) Dogs allowed for coyote, fox and bobcat hunting on Casey Jones WMA during the declared furbearer season when a firearms deer season is closed. (Ref. Commission Codes 21.01 and 24.07.)
(12) Dogs allowed for modern gun deer season on Blue Mountain, Lloyd Millwood/Nimrod, Dardanelle and Qzark Lake WMAs, except no dogs on islands except waterfowl retrievers during waterfowl season and hunting furbearers at night.
(13) Dogs allowed for fall squirrel hunting on the Casey Jones, Big Timber, Qzark National Forest, Piney Creeks and White Rock WMAs.
(14) Dogs allowed for training and/or hunting under the conditions and during the seasons provided by the required annual refuge hunting permit on all NWRs. Field trials prohibited unless authorized by refuge Special Use Permit.
(15) Quail and Rabbit Dog Training on Camp Robinson WDA from September 15-April 1, except during firearms deer hunts where dogs are not allowed.
(16) Employees of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, the National Park Service or their designees engaged in official duties.

PENALTY: $100.00 to 1,000.00.

Section 23.00 Wild Turkey Regulations on Certain WMAs.

It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take wild turkeys by any method within WMAs other than as specified herein, and in compliance with Code 02.12 (Game Animal Daily Bag Limit and Possession Restrictions): BALD KNOB NWR

Fall (Archery) (Mingo Creek Unit): October 1, 2006-Februarv 28,

2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Archery) (Mingo Creek Unit): April 14-27, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey.

Spring (Firearms): Closed. BAYOU DES ARC WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-Februarv 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 14-27, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey. BAYOU METO WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-Februarv 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02.)

April 14-Mav4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake. BEAVER LAKE WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-Februarv 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 14-27, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey. BELL SLOUGH WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-Februarv 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): See Camp Robinson WMA. (Ref. Code 23.02.) BENSON CREEK NATURAL AREA WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-Februarv 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 14-27, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02.)

April 12-14, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02.)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. April 14-27, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall: Closed.

Spring: Closed. BIG LAKE WMA

Fall: Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02.)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake. (Ref. Code 23.02.)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey. Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall: Closed.

Spring: Closed. BRUSHY CREEK WMA

Fall: Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. In all Hunt

Units. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt) in Hunt Units 1 and

3. One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 14-May 4, 2007 in Hunt Unit 1. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake. April 14-27, 2007 in Hunt Unit 3.

One gobbler or bearded turkey. Hunt Unit 2 see Rex Hancock Black

Swamp WMA. (Ref. Code 23.02.)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed. Spring: Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms) (includes Bell Slough WMA): April 17-19, 2007, April 24-26, 2007 and May 2-3, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02.) All areas south of Declination Road and east of Cato Road, south of the pipeline and west of Cato Road, the impact area and the drop zone are closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey. Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey. Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake. (Ref. Code 23.02.)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. April 14-27, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey. Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey. Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake. (Ref. Code 23.02.)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed. Spring: Closed.


Spring: April 14-15, 2007; April 21-22, 2007 and April 28-29, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Archery): April 9-13, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey each hunt.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02.)

April 17-19, 2007, April 24-26, 2007 and May 1-3, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02.)

Hunting ends at 1:00 p.m. daily for permit hunts. CYPRESS BAYOU WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. April 14-27, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall: Closed.

Spring: Closed. DARDANELLE WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-January 31, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 14-27, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed. Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. April 14-27, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey. Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 14-16, 2007 and April 21-23, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02.)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-January 31, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

Wiley Cox FTA is closed to hunting. ELECTRIC ISLAND WMA

Fall: Closed.

Spring: Closed. ETHEL WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Spring (Archery): Other than during permit hunts, areas are restricted to archery hunting and are open April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

Spring (Firearms): March 31-April 1, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02.) April 12-14, 2006 and April 19-21, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02.)

Turkeys must be checked at designated check stations: Sport-about, Hermitage Bait Shop, Carroll's Grocery, Vestal's Ice or Teddy Bear Convenience Store. FT. CHAFFEE WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring: Closed. GALLA CREEK WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Archery): April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

Spring: Closed. GENE RUSH WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey. Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02.)

April 14-16, April 20-22 and April 27-29, 2007. One gobbler or

bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02) GUM FLATS WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 14-27, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code



Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed. Spring: Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey. Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 14-16, 2007, April 20-22, 2007, and April 27-29, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02.)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey. Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007, 2007 (youth hunts). One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 14-27, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1-December 10, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Archery): April 16-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02.) Turkeys must be checked at

Area Headquarters.

April 14-15, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey (Ref. Code 23.02) Turkeys must be checked at Area Headquarters. HOLLAND BOTTOMS WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 14-16 and April 21-23, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02.)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): See Rick Evans Grandview Prairie WMA. (Ref. Code 23.02.)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey. Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey. Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey. Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake. (Ref. Code 23.02.)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey. Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02.)

April 14-16, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02.)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02.)

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey. Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey. Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey. Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): All units October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): All units April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake. All units: April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall: Closed.

Spring (Archery): April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

Spring (Firearms): Closed. OZAN WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey. Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey. Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey. Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. April 14-27, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms: October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey. Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

POND CREEK NWR Fall: Closed.

Spring (Archery): Other than during permit hunt, areas are restricted to archery hunting and are open April 17-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake. Spring (Firearms): March 31-April 1, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02.)

April 14-16, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. April 14-27, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake. (Ref. Code 23.02.)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed. Spring: Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey. Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): (includes Cache River NWR Unit 2 lands within an area bounded by Hwy 64 on North, Hwy 17 on East, Hwy 38 on South, and Hwy 33 on West) April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02.) April 14-15, 2007 and April 21-22, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02.)


Spring (Firearms) (includes Hope Upland WMA): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02.)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. April 14-27, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey. Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-January 31, 2007. One either-sex.


Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed. Spring: Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-January 31, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 14-27, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. April 14-27, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-January 31, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 14-16, 2007, April 20-22, 2007 and April

27-29, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02.)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. April 14-27, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. April 14-27, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-January 31, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Spring: April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. April 14-27, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed. Spring: Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02.)

April 14-16, 2007 and April 20-22, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed. Spring: Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed. Spring: Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02.) April 14-May 4, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02.)


Fall: Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-January 31, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 14-27, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall: Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 14-27, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. April 14-27, 2007. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1-December 31, 2006 (south unit), October

1, 2006-January 31, 2007 (north unit). One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey. Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-January 31, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 14-May 4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkey, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-February 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 23-29, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 7-8, 2007 (youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 14-Mav4, 2007. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake. WITTSBURG NATURAL AREA WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2006-Februarv 28, 2007. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring: Closed. PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00. In addition, a jail sentence not to exceed 10 days may be imposed and hunting privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges.


It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take turkey during spring permit hunts on certain WMAs, WDAs and NWRs without first obtaining the required permit or fail to follow the instructions on said permits (Ref: Code 19.15 Non-Compliance with Terms Of Permit) as specified herein:

(A) Quota: Bell Slough, Beryl Anthony/Lower Ouachita, Bois D'arc, Cache River NWR (Unit 2), Camp Robinson WMA, Cut-Off Creek, Dr. Lester Sitzes, III/Bois D'Arc, Felsenthal NWR, Gulf Mountain, Harold E. Alexander/Spring River, Holla Bend NWR, Holland Bottoms, Lafayette County, Pond Creek NWR, Rex Hancock/Black Swamp, Shirey Bay/Rainey Brake and Sulphur River WMAs.
(B) Youth: Bayou Meto, Beryl Anthony/Lower Ouachita, Big Lake, Cache River NWR (Unit 2), Choctaw Island, Cut-Off Creek, Felsenthal NWR, Gulf Mountain, Harold E. Alexander/Spring River, Holla Bend NWR, Holland Bottoms, Hope Upland, Lafayette County, Madison County, Pond Creek NWR, Rex Hancock/Black Swamp, Rick Evans Grandview Prairie, Sulphur River, Trusten Holder, U of A Pine Tree Experimental Station WDA and W.E. Brewer/Scatter Creek WMAs.
(C) A Leased Land Permit is required for persons 16 years and older to camp, hunt or trap any type of wildlife on Big Timber, Casey Jones, Cherokee, Gum Flats, Jim Kress, Lafayette County and Provo WMAs. A Cherokee WMA Leased Land Permit is also required for the operation of motorcycles, bicycles, ATVs and horseback riding from October 1-February 28 and during spring turkey seasons in spring turkey zones 2, 6 and 7 on Cherokee and Jim Kress WMAs, except on state or county roads.

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00. In addition, a jail sentence not to exceed 10

days may be imposed and hunting privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges.

Section 24.00 Small Game Seasons, Bag Limits and Regulations

on Certain WMAs.

24.02 QUAIL SEASON RESTRICTED ON CERTAIN WMAs. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take, or possess quail within the following WMAs other than as specified herein:
(A) November 1, 2006-Februarv 11, 2007 within Holland Bottoms WMA -(Tuesdays and Saturdays only).
(B) November 1, 2006-Februarv 11, 2007 within Wattensaw WMA (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only, but closed on the Quail Habitat Restoration Area).
(C) November 1, 2006-Februarv 11, 2007 within Harold E. Alexander/Spring River WMA- Quail hunting ends at Noon.
(D) November 1, 2006-Februarv 11, 2007 within Norfork Lake WMA (Chapin Point and Indian Head Units) - quail hunting ends at Noon.
(E) November 1, 2006-Februarv 11, 2007 in Compartment A. No permit required. December 2, 6, 9, 13 and 16, 2006 in Compartments 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 within Gulf Mountain Quail Demonstration Area. Permit required. Limit: 5 per person.
(F) November 1, 2006-Februarv 11, 2007 within Hope Upland WMA (Tuesdays only). Limit: 4.
(G) November 1, 2006-Februarv 11, 2007 within Ed Gordon/Point Remove and Galla Creek WMAs (weekends only). Limit 4.
(H) November 1, 2006-Februarv 11, 2007 within Big Timber Upland WDA. Quail permit required; hunters must complete a Hunter Report Form after each hunt.
(I) December 1, 2006-Februarv 11, 2007 within Ft. Chaffee WMA.
(J) November 1, 2006-Januarv 31, 2007 within Felsenthal and Qverflow NWRs.
(K) November 1, 2006-Februarv 11, 2007 within Prairie Bayou. Limit 4.
(L) November 1, 2006-Februarv 11, 2007 within Bald Knob NWR, Bayou Des Arc, Bayou Meto, Beaver Lake, Bell Slough, Benson Creek Natural Area, Beryl Anthony/Lower Quachita, Big Lake, Blevins, Blue Mountain, Dr. Lester Sitzes, III/Bois D'Arc, Brewer Lake/Cypress Creek, Brushy Creek, Buffalo National Rive, Cache River NWR, Camp Robinson WMA, Caney Creek, Casey

Jones, Cattail Marsh, Cedar Creek, Cherokee, Cherokee Prairie Natural Area, Cove Creek Natural Area, Choctaw Island, Crossett Experimental Forest, Cut-Off Creek, Cypress Bayou, Dagmar, Dardanelle, Dave Donaldson/Black River, DePartee Creek, Devil's Knob Natural Area, Earl Buss/Bayou DeView, Ethel, Frog Bayou, Garrett Hollow Natural Area, Gene Rush, Falcon Bottoms Natural Area, Greers Ferry Lake, Gum Flats, H.E. Flanagan Prairie Natural Area, Harris Brake, Henry Gray/Hurricane Lake, Hobbs SP-CA, Howard County, Howard Hensley/Searcy County, Iron Mountain Natural Area, Jamestown/Independence County, Jim Kress, Jones Point, Lafayette County, Lake Greeson, Lee County, Little Bayou, Little River, Loafer's Glory, Madison County, Mount Magazine, Muddy Creek, Nacatoch Ravines Natural Area, Lloyd Millwood/Nimrod, Norfork Lake (Seward Point, Bennett's Bayou and Fulton County Units), Ozan, Ozark Lake, Ozark National Forest, Petit Jean River, Pine City Natural Area, Piney Creeks, Poison Springs, Provo, Railroad Prairie Natural Area, Rainey, Rex Hancock/Black Swamp, Ring Slough, River Bend, Roth Prairie Natural Area, St. Francis National Forest, St. Francis Sunken Lands, Sandhills Natural Area, Seven Devils, Shirey Bay/Rainey Brake, Slippery Hollow Natural Are WMA, Smoke Hole Natural Area, Spring Bank, Stateline Sandponds Natural Area, Steve N. Wilson/Raft Creek Bottoms, Sulphur River, Sweden Creek Natural Area, Sylamore, Terre Noire Natural Area, Trusten Holder, Two Bayou Creek, U of A Pine Tree Experimental Station WDA, Warren Prairie Natural Area, W.E. Brewer/Scatter Creek, WhiteCliffs Natural Area, Whitehall, White Rock, Winona and Wittsburg Natural Area WMAs.

(M) Closed within Big Lake NWR, Camp Robinson WDA, Electric Island, Holla Bend NWR, J. Perry Mikles/Blue Mountain WDA, Johnson County WRA, Horsehead Creek and Bob Young WRA within Dardanelle, Pond Creek NWR, Rick Evans/Grand view Prairie, Robert L. Hankins/Mud Creek, Wattensaw (closed only on the Quail Habitat Restoration Area), Wapanocca NWR, White River NWR, and Wedington WMAs.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

24.03 RABBIT SEASON RESTRICTED ON CERTAIN WMAs. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take, or possess rabbit within the following WMAs other than as specified herein:
(A) September 2, 2006-Februarv 28, 2007 within Hope Upland and Rick Evans/Grandview Prairie WMAs (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays only).
(B) September 9, 2006-Januarv31, 2007 within Felsenthal, Pond Creek and Overflow NWRs
(C) October 1-December 10, 2006 within Holla Bend NWR.
(D) September 9-November 30, 2006 within White River NWR (South Unit) and September 9, 2006-Januarv 31, 2007 within White River NWR (North Unit).
(E) September 9-October 31, 2006 within Big Lake and Wapanocca NWRs.
(F) September 2, 2006-February 28, 2007 within Prairie Bayou. Limit 4.
(G) September 9, 2006-February 28, 2007 within Bald Knob and Cache River NWRs.
(H) September 2, 2006-February 28, 2007 within Bayou Des Arc, Bayou Meto, Beaver Lake, Bell Slough, Benson Creek Natural Area, Beryl Anthony/Lower Ouachita, Big Creek, Big Lake, Big Timber, Blevins, Blue Mountain, Dr. Lester Sitzes, III/Bois D'Arc, Brewer Lake/Cypress Creek, Brushy Creek, Buffalo National River, Camp Robinson WMA, Caney Creek, Casey Jones, Cattail Marsh, Cedar Creek, Cherokee, Cherokee Prairie Natural Area, Choctaw Island, Cove Creek Natural Area, Crossett Experimental Forest, Cut-Off Creek, Cypress Bayou, Dagmar, Dardanelle, Dave Donaldson/Black River, DePartee Creek, Devil's Knob Natural Area, Earl Buss/Bayou DeView, Ed Gordon/Point Remove, Ethel, Falcon Bottoms Natural Area, Ft. Chaffee, Frog Bayou, Galla Creek, Garrett Hollow Natural Area,Gene Rush, Greers Ferry Lake, Gulf Mountain, Gum Flats, H.E. Flanagan Prairie Natural Area, Harold E. Alexander/Spring River, Harris Brake, Henry Gray/Hurricane Lake, Hobbs SP-CA, Holland Bottoms, Howard County, Howard Hensley/Searcy County, Iron Mountain Natural Area, Jamestown/Independence County, Jim Kress, Jones Point, Lafayette County, Lake Greeson, Lee County, Little Bayou, Little River, Loafer's Glory, Madison County, Mount Magazine, Muddy Creek, Nacatoch Ravines Natural Area, Lloyd Millwood/Nimrod, Norfork Lake, Ozan, Ozark Lake, Ozark National Forest, Pine City Natural Area, Petit Jean River, Piney Creeks, Poison Springs, Provo, Railroad Prairie Natural Area, Rainey, Rex Hancock/Black Swamp, Ring Slough, River Bend, Robert L. Hankins/Mud Creek WMA, Roth Prairie Natural Area, St. Francis National Forest, St. Francis Sunken Lands, Sandhill Natural Area, Seven Devils, Shirey Bay/Rainey Brake, Slippery Hollow Natural Area, Smoke Hole Natural Area, Spring Bank, Stateline Sandponds Natural Area, Steve N. Wilson/Raft Creek Bottoms, Sulphur River, Sweden Creek Natural Area, Sylamore, Terre Noire Natural Area, TrustenHolder, Two Bayou Creek, U of A Pine Tree Experimental Station WDA, W.E. Brewer/Scatter Creek, Warren Prairie Natural Area, Wattensaw (closed on the Quail Habitat Restoration Area), Wedington, White Cliffs Natural Area, Whitehall, White Rock, Winona and Wittsburg Natural Area WMAs.

(H) Closed within Camp Robinson WDA, Electric Island WMA, J.

Perry Mikles/Blue Mountain WDA, Wylie Cox Field Trial Area on Ed Gordon/Point Remove WMA, Wattensaw (closed only on the Quail Habitat Restoration Area) and Johnson County, Horsehead Creek and Bob Young WRAs within Dardanelle WMA.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

24.04 SQUIRREL SEASONS RESTRICTED ON CERTAIN WMAs. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take, or possess squirrel within the following WMAs, other than as specified herein:
(A) September 9, 2006-October 31, 2006 within Big Lake NWR, J.Perry Mikles/Blue Mountain WDA and Waponocca NWR.
(B) September 9-17, 2006 within Camp Robinson WDA.
(C) September 9, 2006-Februarv 28, 2007 within Hope Upland and Rick Evans/Grandview Prairie WMAs (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only).
(D) Septemer 9, 2006-Januarv 31, 2007 within Felsenthal, Pond Creek and Overflow NWRs.
(E) October 1-December 10, 2006 within Holla Bend NWR.
(F) September 9-November 30, 2006 within White River NWR (South Unit) and September 9, 2006-Januarv 31, 2007 within White River NWR (North Unit).
(G) September 9, 2006-Februarv 28, 2007 within Bald Knob NWR, Bavou Des Arc, Bayou Meto, Beaver Lake, Bell Slough, Benson Creek Natural Area, Beryl Anthony Lower Ouachita, Big Creek, Big Lake, Big Timber, Blevins, Blue Mountain, Brewer Lake/Cypress Creek, Brushy Creek, Buffalo National River, Cache River NWR, Camp Robinson WMA, Caney Creek, Casey Jones, Cattail Marsh, Cedar Creek, Cherokee, Cherokee Prairie Natural Area, Choctaw Island, Cove Creek Natural Area, Crossett Experimental Forest, Cypress Bayou, Cut-Off Creek, Dagmar, Dardanelle, Dave Donaldson/Black River, Departee Creek, Devils' Knob Natural Area, Dr. Lester Sitzes, III/Bois d'Arc, Earl Buss/Bayou Deview, Ed Gordon/Point Remove, Ethel, Falcon Bottoms Natural Area, Ft. Chaffee, Frog Bayou, Galla Creek, Garrett Hollow Natural Area, Gene Rush, Greers Ferry Lake, Gulf Mountain, Gum Flats, H.E. Flanagan Prairie Natural Area, Harold E. Alexander/Spring River, Harris Brake, Henry Gray/Hurricane Lake, Hobbs SP-CA, Holland Bottoms, Howard County, Howard Hensley/Searcy County, Iron Mountain Natural Area, Jamestown/Independence County, Jim Kress, Jones Point, Lafayette County, Lake Greeson, Lee County,Little Bayou, Little River, Loafer's Glory, Madison County, Mount Magazine, Muddy Creek, Nacatoch Ravines Natural Area, Lloyd Millwood/Nimrod WMA, Norfork Lake, Ozan, Ozark Lake, Ozark National Forest, Pine City Natural Area, Petit Jean River, Piney Creeks, Poison Springs, Prairie Bayou, Provo, Railroad Prairie Natural Area, Rainey, Rex Hancock/Black Swamp, Ring Slough, River Bend, Robert L. Hankins/Mud Creek, Roth Prairie Natural Area, St. Francis National Forest, St. Francis Sunken Lands, Shirey Bay/Rainey Brake, Sandhills Natural Area, Seven Devils, Slippery Hollow Natural Area, Smoke Hole Natural Area, Spring Bank, Stateline Sandponds Natural Area, Steve N. Wilson/Raft Creek Bottoms, Sulphur River, Sweden Creek Natural Area, Sylamore, Terre Noire Natural Area, Trusten Holder, Two Bayou Creek, U of A Pine Tree Experimental Station WDA, W.E. Brewer/Scatter Creek, Warren Prairie Natural Area, Wattensaw, Wedington, Whitehall, White Cliffs Natural Area, White Rock, Winona and Wittsburg Natural Area WMAs.
(H) May 12-June 10, 2007 within Bayou Des Arc, Bayou Meto, Beaver Lake, Bell Slough, Benson Creek Natural Area, Beryl Anthony/Lower Ouachita, Big Creek, Big Lake, Big Timber, Blevins, Blue Mountain, Dr. Lester Sitzes III/Bois D'arc, Brewer Lake/Cypress Creek , Brushy Creek, Buffalo National River, Camp Robinson WDA, Caney Creek, Casey Jones, Cattail Marsh, Cedar Creek, Cherokee, Cherokee Prairie Natural Area, Choctaw Island, Cove Creek Natural Area, Crossett Experimental Forest WMA, Cut-Off Creek, Cypress Bayou, Dagmar, Dardanelle, Dave Donaldson/Black River, Departee Creek, Devils' Knob Natural Area, Earl Buss/Bayou Deview, Ed Gordon/Point Remove, Ethel, Falcon Bottoms Natural Area, Ft. Chaffee, Frog Bayou, Galla Creek, Garrett Hollow Natural Area, Gene Rush, Greers Ferry Lake, Gulf Mountain, Gum Flats, H.E. Flanagan Prairie Natural Area, Harris Brake, Henry Gray/Hurricane Lake, Hobbs SP-CA, Holland Bottoms, Howard County, Howard Hensley/Searcy County, Iron Mountain Natural Area, J. Perry Mikles/Blue Mountain WDA, Jamestown/Independence County, Jim Kress, Jones Point, Lake Greeson, Lee County, Little Bayou, Little River, Loafer's Glory, Madison County, Mount Magazine, Muddy Creek, Nacatoch Ravines Natural Area, Lloyd Millwood/Nimrod, Norfork Lake, Ozan, Ozark Lake, Ozark National Forest, Petit Jean River, Pine City Natural Area, Piney Creeks, Poison Springs, Prairie Bayou, Provo, Railroad Prairie Natural Area, Rainey, Rex Hancock/Black Swamp, Ring Slough, River Bend, Robert L. Hankins/Mud Creek, Roth Prairie Natural Area, St. Francis National Forest, St. Francis Sunken Lands, Sandhills Natural Area, Seven Devils WMA, Shirey Bay/Rainey Brake WMA, Slippery Hollow Natural Area, Smoke Hole Natural Area, Spring Bank WMA, Stateline Sandponds Natural Area, Steve N. Wilson/Raft Creek Bottoms, Sulphur River, Sweden Creek Natural Area, Sylamore, Terre Noire Natural Area, Trusten Holder, Two Bayou Creek, U of A Pine Tree Experimental Station WDA, W.E. Brewer/Scatter Creek, Warren Prairie Natural Area, Wattensaw, Wedington, White Cliffs Natural Area, Whitehall, White River NWR (North Unit), White Rock, Winona and Wittsburg Natural Area WMAs.
(I) Fall Squirrel Closed within Electric Island WMA.
(J) Spring Squirrel Closed within Bald Knob NWR, Big Lake NWR, Cache River NWR, Camp Robinson WMA, Electric Island, Felsenthal NWR, Harold E. Alexander/Spring River, Holla Bend NWR, Hope Upland, Lafayette County, Overflow NWR, Pond Creek NWR, Rick Evans/ Grandview Prairie, White River NWR (South Unit) and Johnson County, Horsehead Creek and Bob Young WRAs on Dardanelle, Wapanocca NWR and Wylie Cox Field Trial Area On Ed Gordon/Point Remove WMAs.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

24.05 DOVE SEASON RESTRICTED ON CERTAIN WMAs. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take, or possess dove within the following WMAs, other than as specified herein:
(A) Camp Robinson Wildlife Demonstration Area - first week of statewide season.
(B) Hope Upland and Rick Evans/Grandview Prairie WMA - open Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays only during statewide dove seasons.
(C) Holland Bottoms - ends at noon each day.


Perry Mikles/Blue Mountain WDA - closed during authorized field trials.

(E) Wylie Cox Field Trial Area on Ed Gordon/Point Remove WMA is closed to dove hunting.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

24.06 NON-TOXIC SHOT REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL SMALL GAME HUNTING ON REX HANCOCK/BLACK SWAMP and BERYL ANTHONY/LOWER OUACHITA WMAs. It shall be unlawful to possess any shot other than Arkansas approved non-toxic shot while hunting small game with shotguns within the Rex Hancock/Black Swamp and Beryl Anthony/Lower Ouachita WMA.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

24.07 FURBEARER SEASONS AND BAG LIMITS ON WMAs. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take or possess furbearers on any WMA other than as specified herein:
(A) Gray Fox, Mink, Red Fox and Striped Skunk Hunting:

Sunrise, September 1, 2006-Sunset, February 28, 2007. Limit two per day per species.

(B) Opossum Hunting: Sunrise, September 1,2006-Sunset, February 28, 2007. Day or night hunting. Dogs are required for hunting at night. Limit two per day.
(C) Bobcat and Coyote Hunting: Sunrise, October 1, 2006-Sunset, February 28, 2007. Dogs are not allowed to hunt coyote; dogs are required to hunt bobcat at night. From the first day of Spring Turkey Season through the last day of Spring Squirrel Season, day hunting only; no dogs allowed. Limit two per day per species. (Closed on WMAs without Spring Turkey or Spring Squirrel Seasons.)
(1) During youth turkey hunts, only youths may take bobcat or coyote.
(2) Ed Gordon Point Remove WMA: Closed to bobcat and coyote hunting unless other hunting seasons are open.
(3) Hope Upland and Rick Evans Grandview Prairie WMA: Closed to bobcat and coyote hunting except open on Tuesday during daylight hours only.
(D) River Otter Hunting: Sunrise, November 18, 2006-Sunset, February 28, 2007. Limit two per day.
(E) Raccoon Hunting: Sunset, July 1-Sunrise, August 31, 2006 (night liunting only; dogs are required. Limit one). Sunrise, September 1, 2006-Sunset, February 28, 2007 (day or night hunting; dogs are required for hunting at night. Limit two per day). March 1-31, 2007 (day or night hunting; dogs are required for hunting at night. Limit one).
(F) Muskrat, Nutria and Beaver Hunting: Sunrise, September 1, 2006-Sunset, March 31, 2007. No limit.
(G) Badger, Spotted Skunk (Civet Cat) and Weasel Hunting: Closed.
(H) Furbearer Trapping (Other than Beaver, Coyote, Muskrat and Nutria): Sunrise, November 18, 2006-Sunset, February 18, 2007. No limit.
(I) Muskrat, Nutria and Beaver Trapping: Sunrise, November 18, 2006-Sunset, March 31, 2007. No limit.
(J) Coyote Trapping: August 1, 2005-March 31, 2006. No limit.


(1) Camp Robinson WDA is closed to all trapping.
(2) Cedar Creek and Electric Island WMAs are closed to all furbearer hunting and trapping.

Perry Mikles/Blue Mountain WDA is closed to all trapping and raccoon hunting. Chase for pleasure or training purposes only is permitted year-round. Closed during field trails.

(4) Furbearer hunting and trapping allowed under the conditions, seasons and bag limits provided by the required annual refuge hunting permit or refuge trapping permit on all NWRs.
(5) Buffalo National River WMA is closed to all trapping.
(6) Ditch 28 on Big Lake WMA is closed to all trapping.
(7) Bobcat, coyote and fox hunting with dogs allowed on Casey Jones WMA in accordance with Commission Code 22.01 (Dog Restrictions on WMAs).

PENALTY: $200.00 - $1,000.00

24.09 CROW SEASON ON WMAs. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take, or possess crows within the following WMAs other than as specified herein: All WMAs: September 2, 2006-Februarv 22, 2007. Thursdays-Mondays only. No limit.


(1) All NWRs, Camp Robinson WDA and Electric Island WMA: Closed.
(2) Hope Upland and Rick Evans/Grand view Prairie WMAs: Open Thursdays and Saturdays only during the statewide season.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

Section 25.00 Hunting and IVIigratory Waterfowl

Regulations Within WMAs

25.01 MIGRATORY WATERFOWL HUNTING ACCESS TIME RESTRICTIONS WITHIN WMAs. It shall be unlawful for waterfowl hunters on Wildlife Management Areas to take or attempt to take migratory waterfowl or remain within or on water-inundated areas or natural/man-made water courses on WMAS after 12:00 noon.
(A) Migratory waterfowl hunting permitted during the entire day (regular shooting hours) of the last three days of the last duck season. Ref: Commission code 12.15 (Duck and Coot Season Restrictions).
(B) In Compliance with 25.02, Hunting or Trespassing prohibited within Certain WMAs and Lakes.
(C) In accordance with those provisions as listed within Commission Code 12.27 (Special Youth Waterfowl Hunt Restrictions).
(D) All-day hunting allowed on Beaver Lake, Dardanelle (except at the McKinnen Bottoms and Hartman Waterfowl Units), Ft. Chaffee and Ozark Lake WMAs.
(E) Navigational boating access unrestricted on natural rivers within WMAs.
(F) In compliance with the Snow, Blue and Ross' Goose Conservation Order.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00

25.02 HUNTING OR TRESPASSING PROHIBITED WITHIN CERTAIN WMAs AND LAKES. It shall be unlawful to duck hunt or trespass on the following areas and lakes as specified herein:
(1) BIG LAKE: Mallard Lake is closed to hunting. Fishing and non-hunting activities are allowed.
(2) DR. LESTER SITZES, III/BOIS D'ARC: Boats are not allowed on the Green Tree Waterfowl area 14 days before waterfowl season opens, but are allowed during the regular duck season.
(3) BREWER LAKE: Closed to waterfowl hunting.
(4) CAMP ROBINSON WDA: Closed to waterfowl hunting.
(5) CEDAR CREEK: Closed to waterfowl hunting.
(6) CUT-OFF CREEK: Closed to all trespassing (except in designated campsites, parking areas and boat launch ramps) from 2:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. during duck season. Travel by boat is prohibited on Latin Drain, Firehunt Slough and Third Slough except during high water periods when boating access is possible to the Deep Slough Dam. In this case, boats may be used area-wide, however, boat motors may only be used on Cut-Off Creek and Deep Slough.
(7) DARDANELLE: Waterfowl hunting is not allowed on that part of Big Spadra and Little Spadra Creeks lying north of the Missouri Pacific Railroad, east of Crawford Street, south of I-40, and west of State Hwy 103. Dogs, hunting or trapping devices are prohibited on Johnson County, Horsehead Creek and Bob Young WRAs.
(8) DAVE DONALDSON/BLACK RIVER: No hunting is allowed on Hubble Lake during duck season. Lake Ashbaugh is closed to all hunting. The waterfowl rest area, Brookings Moist Soil Unit and Hubble Lake are open for early teal season. On Lake Ashbaugh and Hubble Lake, only fishing and non-hunting activities are allowed.
(9) FROG BAYOU: Waterfowl hunters may not access inundated areas until 4:00 a.m. and must exit inundated areas by 12:00 p.m.
(10) HARRIS BRAKE: Open to waterfowl hunting only Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. All day hunting is allowed the last two days of the last duck season. During duck season, other hunters must abide by same hours and days as duck hunters, except for those trapping and hunting furbearers at night. Only shotguns and archery equipment are allowed for hunting. Harris Brake Lake is closed to hunting.
(11) HENRY GRAY/HURRICANE LAKE: Waterfowl hunters may not access inundated area until 4:00 a.m. and must exit inundated areas by 12:00 p.m.
(12) LITTLE BAYOU: Closed to all trespassing (except in designated campsites, parking areas and boat launch ramps) rom 2:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. during duck season
(13) PETIT JEAN RIVER WMA: Waterfowl impoundments are closed to trespass from one hour after sunset until 4:00 a.m. during duck season.
(14) REX HANCOCK/BLACK SWAMP: Waterfowl hunters may not access inundated area until 4:00 a.m. and must exit inundated areas by 12:00 p.m.
(15) RICK EVANS/GRANDVIEW PRAIRIE: Waterfowl hunting closed on all lakes and ponds.
(16) SHIREY BAY/RAINEY BRAKE: The waterfowl rest areas and MSUs (Moist Soil Units) are open to the early teal season.
(17) STEVE N. WILSON/RAFT CREEK BOTTOMS: Waterfowl hunters may not access inundated area until 4:00 a.m. and must exit inundated areas by 12:00 p.m.
(18) ST. FRANCIS FOREST: Waterfowl hunting ends at noon.
(19) ST. FRANCIS SUNKEN LANDS: The Snowden Field (MSU) levee is open to foot traffic around the north end of the unit to allow access to pulic lands; the MSUs are open for the early teal season.
(20) U OF A PINE TREE EXPERIMENTAL STATION WDA: North of Hwy 306 closed to waterfowl hunting.
(21) LAKE CONWAY: Closed to waterfowl hunting, except on the Pierce Creek and Dixs Creek Bays, waterfowl hunting ends at noon.
(22) LAKE OVERCUP: Waterfowl hunting ends at noon.
(23) CANE CREEK LAKE (Lincoln County): Waterfowl hunting ends at noon.
(24) LAKE PICKTHORNE: Closed to waterfowl hunting.


(1) Employees or agents of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission in the performance of their duties.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

25.03 BOAT AND BOAT MOTOR RESTRICTIONS ON CERTAIN WMAs. It shall be unlawful to fail to comply with the following list of boat and boat motor restrictions for certain WMAs. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) Boats with motors of more than 25 horsepower may not be operated on Bayou Meto WMA, Dr. Lester Sitzes III/Bois d'Arc WMA (excluding Dr. Lester Sitzes III/Bois d'Arc Lake), Steve N. Wilson Raft Creek Bottoms WMA and the Shirey Bay Rainey Brake WMA green tree reservoir.
(2) No boats allowed on Dr. Lester Sitzes III/Bois d'Arc WMA green tree waterfowl area 14 days before the opening day of duck season until the opening of regular duck season.
(3) No boats allowed on Bayou Meto WMA, Bell Slough WMA, Camp Robinson WMA, Ed Gordon/Point Remove WMA, Harris Brake WMA, Dr. Lester Sitzes III/Bois d'Arc WMA and Shirey Bay/Rainey Brake WMA green tree reservoir from 12:00 p.m. until 4:00 a.m. during duck season, except during the last three days of the last duck season and during the Special youth Waterfowl Hunt when boats may be used from 4:00 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. daily.
(4) Commission personnel in performance of their duties.
(5) No boat motors allowed on Frog Bayou WMA.
(6) Boat motors over lOhp are prohibited on St. Francis Forest WMA.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


waterfowl rest areas are closed to access beginning November 1 of each year and will re-open to access the day after duck season ends. EXCEPTIONS:

(1) Red Slough WRA within Dr. Lester Sitzes, III/Bois d'Arc WMA and Henry Moore WRA within Sulphur River WMA are open to archery hunting from October 1-November 11.
(2) Pigeon Creek WRA within Cut-Off Creek WMA and Steve Frick WRA within Ed Gordon Point Remove WMA closes to access the day after the modern gun deer hunt and will reopen to access the day after duck season ends.
(3) Johnson County WRA within Dardanelle WMA closes to access the day after the modern gun mobility impaired permit hunt and will reopen to access the day after duck season ends.
(4) Dr. Lester Sitzes III/Bois d'Arc Lake WRA within Dr. Lester Sitzes III/Bois d'Arc WMA and the Nimrod/Lloyd Millwood WRA within Nimrod WMA are open for fishing and non-hunting access.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


ON WMAs, WDAs AND WRAs. It shall be unlawful to leave waterfowl decoys overnight on any wildlife management area, wildlife demonstration area or waterfowl rest area.


(1) Waterfowl decoys may be left overnight beginning the opening day of the first duck season and must be removed the last day of the last duck season on St. Francis Sunken Lands, Big Lake and Dave Donaldson/Black River WMAs.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

25.06 PERMANENT DUCK BLINDS PROHIBITED ON WMAs. It shall be unlawful to build, erect or hunt from permanent duck blinds (any structure being fabricated from metal, lumber, wire, nylon and other identifiable building materials) which are not removed or torn down each day at the end of the hunt or at the end of shooting hours on any wildlife management area. EXCEPTION:
(1) Only blinds on Big Lake WMA and St. Francis Sunken Lands WMA, which have been assigned an ID number on or before June 30, 2006, by the Commision and have been well-constructed in the judgment of the Regional Wildlife Supervisor, may be maintained in compliance with Commission guidelines. Construction of any blind after June 30, 2006 is prohibited. Blinds that have deteriorated beyond a safe, usable condition in the judgment of the Regional Wildlife Supervisor cannot be rebuilt and may be destroyed by Commission personnel. Existing blinds may not be moved.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00. Illegal structures may be removed by

Commission personnel and destroyed or otherwise disposed of in accordance with Commission policy.


It shall be unlawful to possess more than 15 shot shells per hunter onto possess shot shells containing shot larger than #2 while waterfowl hunting on Bayou Meto, Bell Slough, Camp Robinson, Cut-Off Creek,

Shi rev Bay Rainey Brake and Seven Devils WMAs.


(1) In camping, parking or boat launching areas.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

25.09 GUIDING PROHIBITED ON ALL COMMISSIONED-OWNED OR CONTROLLED WMAs, WDAs and WRAs. It shall be unlawful to guide waterfowl hunters on any Commission-owned or controlled wildlife management area, wildlife demonstration area or waterfowl rest area. It shall also be unlawful for waterfowl hunters to hunt while being guided on any Commission-owned or controlled wildlife management area, wildlife demonstration area or waterfowl rest area.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $1,000.00

25.10 NON-RESIDENT WATERFOWL HUNTING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS ON CERTAIN WMAs. It shall be unlawful for non-resident hunters to hunt waterfowl on Bayou Meto, Bell Slough/Camp Robinson WMA, Beryl Anthony/Lower Ouachita, Big Lake, Dr. Lester Sitzes III/Bois d'Arc, Cut-Off Creek, Dagmar, Dave Donaldson/Black River, Earl Buss/Bayou Deview, Ed Gordon/Point Remove, Frog Bayou, Galla Creek, Harris Brake, Henry Gray/ Hurricane Lake, Holland Bottoms, Nimrod/Lloyd Millwood, Petit Jean River, Rex Hancock/Black Swamp, Seven Devils, Shirey Bay/Rainey Brake, St. Francis Sunken Lands, Steve N. Wilson/Raft Creek Bottoms, Sulphur River, Trusten Holder WMAs and Pierce Creek and Dix Creek bays on Lake Conway (Camp Robinson WDA), without first obtaining a non-resident Wildlife Management Area Waterfowl Hunting Permit. This permit is in addition to hunting and/or guide license requirements as stated in Section 03.00 Licenses. This permit must be in possession while hunting on these Wildlife Management Areas.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00

25.11 STEVE N. WILSON/RAFT CREEK BOTTOMS WMA WATERFOWL HUNTING REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful, during the waterfowl season, to go upon any flooded or inundated area without first obtaining a free Steve N. Wilson/Raft Creek Bottoms Waterfowl Hunting Permit. This limited permit will be allocated through a daily draw system and is in addition to hunting license requirements as stated in Section 03.00 Licenses. The Steve N. Wilson/Raft Creek Bottoms WMA Hunting Permit must be signed and in possession while hunting on the Steve N. Wilson/Raft Creek Bottoms WMA. Conviction(s) for violation(s) of permit requirements may result in the loss of hunting privileges.


(1) Goose hunting is open following the closure of the regular duck season in conjunction with statewide seasons and regulations; no permit required.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


LANDS AND WATERS BORDERING THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI AND THE STATE OF ARKANSAS. The Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks and the Arkansas State Game and Fish Commission hereby enter into a reciprocal agreement to recognize the resident sport fishing, resident hunting licenses, and the resident commercial fishing licenses of the two states on flowing waters of the Mississippi River and all waters between the main levees of the Mississippi River of the two states, excluding the St. Francis, White, and Arkansas Rivers, this exclusion also includes all oxbow lakes whose entrance requires passage through the mouth of the St. Francis, White and Arkansas Rivers. The following provisions shall apply:

Resident hunting and resident sport fishing licenses of either state shall abide by all laws and/or regulations pertaining to seasons, daily bag and creel limits, possession limits size limits, tagging requirements and all other laws and/or regulations of the state in which the hunting or fishing takes place.

(A) RESIDENT SPORT FISHING (EXCLUDES TAKING FROGS). A sport fishing licensee shall abide by the creel limits, size limits, and shall use trotlines and other fishing equipment in accordance with the laws and regulations (excluding frogs) of the state in which the person is fishing.
(B) RESIDENT COMMERCIAL FISHING. A resident commercial fishing licensee shall abide by the creel and size limits, and shall use tackle and other fishing equipment in accordance with the laws and regulations of the state in which the gear is being fished.
(C) RESIDENT HUNTING (MIGRATORY WATERFOWL ONLY). Migratory waterfowl may be hunted upon the flowing waters of the Mississippi River, waters accessible by boat from the main channel of the Mississippi River, and state line lakes by a licensee of either state during the period when the season is open and coincidental in both states, and according to the laws, bag and possession limits, and all other rules and regulations promulgated by the state issuing the license.
(1) Current Mississippi resident liunting licenses sliall be valid only on Arkansas lands that lie east of the main channel of the Mississippi River and on Mississippi lands that lie on the west side of the main channel of the Mississippi River.
(2) Current Arkansas resident hunting licenses shall be valid only on Mississippi lands that lie west of the main channel of the Mississippi River and on Arkansas lands that lie east of the main channel of the river.
(E) Resident licensees of either state shall have unrestricted ingress and egress through the other state for the purpose of hunting and fishing in accordance with the provisions of the agreement.

For the purpose of this agreement, the state line will be that depicted on the Department of the Interior's Geological Survey quadrangle maps.

Nothing herein shall be construed to allow any person to hunt, fish or go upon the lands of another landowner or entity without their permission for recreational purposes. Floodwater which has overflowed the natural banks of a public waterway in Mississippi is not a part of the public waterway.

This agreement may be cancelled by the Game and Fish

Commission's Director of either state upon sixty (60) days' written notice.


MISSOURI--ST. FRANCIS RIVER. The Missouri Department of Conservation and the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission hereby enter into a cooperative agreement to recognize the sport fishing and resident commercial fishing and commercial musseling licenses of the two states on the flowing waters of the St. Francis River, forming a common boundary between the State of Missouri and the State of Arkansas, in accordance with the following provisions:

(A) A sport fishing licensee or resident of either state legally exempt from license requirements shall abide by the creel limits, size limits and shall use trotlines and other fishing equipment in accordance with the laws and regulations of the state in which the license is issued or exemption authorized.
(B) A resident commercial fishing licensee shall abide by the creel and size limits and shall use tackle and other fishing equipment in accordance with the laws and regulations of the state in which the license is issued.
(C) A resident commercial musseling licensee shall abide by the seasons and size limits and shall use only methods and equipment in accordance with the laws and regulations of the state in which the license is issued.
(D) Licensees of either state shall have unrestricted ingress and egress through the other state for the purpose of fishing in accordance with the provisions of the agreement.

Fishermen or musselers licensed in only one state cannot fish or take mussels in the tributaries, bayous or backwaters of the St. Francis River in the other state except as specifically provided herein. This agreement, to become effective January 1, 1993, may be canceled by the Director of the Missouri Department of Conservation or the Director of the Arkansas Game and Fish commission upon sixty (60) days written notice.



The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency and the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission hereby enter into a cooperative agreement to recognize the sport fishing and hunting licenses and the commercial fishing licenses of the two states on the flowing waters of the Mississippi River, adjacent sloughs, bayous, and old river runs which are accessible by boat from the river proper and the old river chutes forming a common boundary, excluding wildlife management areas established by either state and the Wolfe, Loosahatchie, Hatchie, Forked Deer and Obion Rivers, in accordance with the following provisions:


A sport fishing licensee shall abide by all laws, rules, regulations and proclamations of the state in which they are fishing. Exception to that being Tennessee/Arkansas sportfishers on Ikes Chute. Hopefield Chute (Dacus Lake). Mosguito Lake. Mound City Lake. Island 40 Chute and Lake Neark. who shall comply with Arkansas Game and Fish Commission regulations governing sportfish creel and size limits.


A resident commercial fishing licensee shall abide by all laws, rules, regulations and proclamations of the state in which they are fishing. Arkansas resident commercial fishers fishing commercial tackle in Tennessee waters under the terms of this agreement shall comply with Tennessee commercial tackle tagging reguirements. Tennessee resident commercial fisher's tackle tagging reguirements are legal in Arkansas under the terms of this agreement.

(C) HUNTING (MIGRATORY WATERFOWL ONLY). Migratory waterfowl may be hunted upon the waters described herein by a licensee of either state during the period when the season is open and coincidental in both states, and shall abide by the laws, rules, regulations and proclamations of the state in which they are hunting. For the purpose of waterfowl hunting, the state line will be that depicted on the Department of the Interior's Geological Survey quadrangles.
(D) A person holding a non-resident license/permit issued by either state shall be afforded the same privileges as a licensed/permitted resident of that state except for commercial fishing purposes. Persons holding non-resident Tennessee commercial fishers licenses are not allowed to commercial fish or to assist/help in commercial fishing in Arkansas under the terms of this agreement.
(E) Licensees of either state sliall liave unrestricted ingress and egress tlirougli tine otiier state for tine purpose of liunting and fisliing in accordance witli tine provisions of tliis agreement, except for areas and ramps closed by law to commercial fishing gear or activities-Hunters and fishermen licensed in only one state cannot hunt or fish in the tributaries, bayous or backwaters of the Mississippi River in the other state except as specifically provided herein. Hunters or fishers cannot hunt or fish from, nor attach any device or eguipment to private property, in either state, without the landowner's permission-Nothing herein shall be construed to allow any person to hunt, fish, or go upon the lands of another landowner or entity without their permission. Floodwater which has overflowed the natural banks of a public waterway is not part of the public waterway and permission of the landowner must be obtained.

It shall be incumbent on each individual hunter or fisherman to identify the state line.

Tliis agreement may be cancelled by the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency's Executive Director or the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission's Director upon sixty (60) days written notice.



The Missouri Department of Conservation and the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission hereby establish a White River Border Lakes License to fish the impounded waters of Bull Shoals, Norfork and Table Rock Lakes with the following provisions:

(A) Any person age 16 and older possessing a valid Missouri resident fishing permit or Arkansas resident fishing license, or who is legally exempted from those license requirements, and possessing the White River Border Lake License may fish in the Missouri and Arkansas impounded waters of Bull Shoals, Norfork and Table Rock Lakes.
(B) All anglers shall abide by the laws and regulations of the state in which they are fishing.
(C) The White River Border Lakes License is not valid for possession of trout.
(D) The White River Border Lakes License is valid for all impounded portions of these lakes except for the designated trout waters on Table Rock Lake upstream from the Highway 62 Bridge in Arkansas.
(E) The annual cost of the White River Border Lakes License will be $10 and may be changed at any time with the mutual agreement of both agencies. Revenue generated from the sale of this license will be disbursed annually to the states, such that, Missouri Department of Conservation would gain all revenue from the sale of this license to Arkansas residents and Arkansas Game and Fish Commission would gain all revenue for the sale of this license to Missouri residents.

This agreement will become effective March 1, 2001. It may be cancelled by the Missouri Conservation Commission or the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission or modified by mutual agreement.

31.01A GAME FISH DAILY LIMIT RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take and retain more than the daily or aggregate limit of game fish while fishing from shore, boat or while transporting fish by boat, and returning from a one-day fishing trip. (See 01.00-C Definition and Terms for Bag Limit)
31.01B GAME FISH POSSESSION LIMIT RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to possess more than two (2) daily limits of game fish or the aggregate thereof.

Daily Limit - Black Basses(including not more than four Smallmouth).


Daily Limit - Rock Bass............................


Daily Limit - Catfish(exc. Bullhead)..........


Daily Limit - Bream(over 4"in length).......


Daily Limit - Grapple................................


Daily Limit - Muskellunge........................


Daily Limit - Pickerel................................


Daily Limit - Northern Pike.......................


Daily Limit - Sauger..................................


Daily Limit - Saugeye...............................


Daily Limit - Striped Bass or Hybrid



Daily Limit -Walleye................................


Daily Limit -White Bass...........................

(Yellow Bass - No Limit)


Daily Limit - Paddlefish.............................


Daily Limit - Alligator Gar..........................


Daily Aggregate Limit................................


Daily Limit for all sportfish on Bois d'Arc in Hempstead County

Vi daily limit


(A) Ozark Zone (Baxter, Benton, Boone, Carroll, Cleburne, Fulton, Independence, Izard, Lawrence, Madison, Marion, Newton, Randolph, Searcy, Sharp, Stone, Van Buren, and Washington counties) - smallmouth bass minimum length limit 12 inches with a daily limit of 4, except Bull Shoals Lake, Beaver Lake, Lake Norfork, and Table Rock Lake (see exception 1(B) below). Ozark Zone Blue Ribbon Streams (Crooked Creek and Buffalo River) - smallmouth bass minimum length limit of 14 inches with a daily limit of 2. Smallmouth bass minimum length limit on Crooked Creek 18 inches with a daily limit of 1: from 101 bridge downstream to the confluence with the White River; between the Hwy 62-412 and Hwy 62 Spur bridges at Pyatt.

Ozark Zone Catch and Release Area - Crooked Creek, along boundary of Arkansas Game and Fish Foundation property near Kelly's Slab Access.

Ozark Zone Quality Streams (Kings, Spring, South Fork/Spring and Eleven Point rivers) - smallmouth bass minimum length limit of 14 inches with a daily limit of 2, except on Kings River from Trigger Gap to Hwy 62 bridge: minimum length limit 18 inches and daily limit of 1.

Ouachita/Boston Zone (all Arkansas counties not included in the Ozark Zone) - smallmouth bass minimum length limit of 10 inches with a daily limit of 4.

Ouachita/Boston Zone Quality Streams (Mulberry, Caddo above DeGray Lake, DeGray Lake, Ouachita River upstream from Lake Ouachita, Ouachita River downstream from Remmel Dam, Saline River, including its four headwater forks in Saline, Perry and Garland counties, South Fork/Ouachita, Little Missouri above Lake Greeson and Lake Greeson) - smallmouth bass minimum length limit of 12 inches with a daily limit of 2. Ouachita/Boston Zone Catch-and-Release Area - all smallmouth bass caught in Lake Ouachita including the Ouachita River upstream to the River Bluff access area must be immediately returned to the stream.

(B) Black Bass daily limit - six (6) on Beaver Lake, Bull Shoals, DeQueen Lake, Norfork Lake, Lake Ouachita and Table Rock Lake, five (5) on Lake Lou Emma - Crawford County, and four (4) on Lake Atkins; Largemouth bass daily limit - five (5) on Grandview Lake #2, eight (8) in Lower White Oak Lake and Lake Columbia, and one (1) on Mallard Lake and the Little Missouri River.
(C) Largemouth bass caught must be immediately returned to the water in Lake Greenlee in Monroe County, Lake Sylvia in Perry County, Bois d'Arc Lake and Lake Ashbaugh in Greene County.
(A) No limit on bream four (4) inches or less in length.
(A) No limit on catfish on Grand Lake - Chicot County, Lake Chicot (including that portion of Connerly Bayou downstream from Connerly Dam to the bayou's mouth and Ditch Bayou from the inlet on Lake Chicot to Ditch Bayou Dam) and between the main levees of the Mississippi River, from the confluence of the Mississippi/White Rivers upstream to the Benzal Railroad Bridge, and from the confluence of the Mississippi/Arkansas Rivers upstream to the Yancopin Railroad Bridge.
(B) Catfish daily limit five (5) on DeWitt City Park Lake - Arkansas County; Lake Atalanta and Lake Bentonville - Benton County; Hidden Lake - Carroll County; Big Timber Lake and Gurdon Lake - Clark County; Hubble Lake - Clay County; Lake Bailey -Conway County; Craighead Forest Lake - Craighead County; Lake Cambadelle and Lake Lou Emma - Crawford County; West Memphis City Parks Lake and Marion City Park Lake -Crittenden County; Village Creek State Park Lakes - Cross and St. Francis Counties; Lake Bennett - Faulkner County; Lake Clearfork - Garland County; Crowley Ridge State Park Lake and Reynolds Park Lake - Greene County; Newark City Lake - Independence County; Ward City Park Lake - Lonoke County; Hindsville Lake - Madison County; Blytheville City Park Lake - Mississippi County; Donald Branch Fishing Pond - Monroe County; Lake Sylvia - Perry County; Shady Lake - Polk County; Twin Lakes A & B, Camp Ferncliff, Paradise Lake, and all Little Rock and North Little Rock City Park lakes - Pulaski County; Old Davidsonville State Park Lake - Randolph County; Forrest City Park Lake - St. Francis County; Truman Baker Lake - Scott County; Cave City's Lakes - Sharp County; Gunner Pool and Hayden Bend Pond - Stone County; Devils Den State Park - Washington County; Spring Lake - Yell County; Kingfisher, Clubhouse Lakes in Petit Jean WMA, Yell County and posted U.S. Forest Service ponds and lakes.
(C) In addition to daily limit, ten (10) channel catfish under 16 inches may be taken on the Arkansas River.
(D) In addition to daily limit, ten channel catfish of any size may be taken in Lake Erling and Millwood Lake.
(A) Crappie daily limit - 15 in Beaver, Table Rock, Bull Shoals, Norfork reservoirs, Cane Creek Lake in Lincoln County and Gurdon Lake in Clark County.
(B) Crappie daily limit - 30 east of a line beginning at the Arkansas -Missouri State Line on U.S. Hwy 63 and described as follows: following U.S. Hwy 63 south to Hardy, continuing on U.S. Hwy 62 west to Ash Flat, continuing on U.S. Hwy 167 south to Little Rock, continuing on U.S. Hwy 67 south to Texarkana to Arkansas - Texas state line.
(C) Crappie daily limit - 50 between the main levees of the Mississippi River, from the confluence of the Mississippi/ White Rivers upstream to the Benzal Railroad Bridge, from the confluence of the Mississippi/Arkansas Rivers upstream to the Yancopin Railroad Bridge and on Horseshoe Lake in Crittenden County.
(D) Crappie daily limit - 20 in Lake Chicot and Lake Monticello.
(A) Walleye daily limit - 4 with an 18 inch minimum length limit in Beaver Lake, including all its tributaries. Bull Shoals Lake, Norfork Lake and Table Rock Lake, including all its tributaries to the Beaver Dam on the White River; Greers Ferry Lake including all its tributaries, daily limit - 6, only one of which may be 28 inches or over, with a protected slot limit from 20 to 28 inches.
(6) In compliance with Commission Code 31.02 (Game Fish Limits and Protective Slot Limits on Certain Lakes and Rivers.
(7) In compliance with Commission Code Section 35.00 (Spear Fishing).
(8) In compliance with Commission Code Section 42.00 (Fish Farmer).
(A) White Bass daily limit of 50 and possession limit of 100 while fishing between the main levees of the Mississippi River, from the confluence of the Mississippi/White Rivers upstream to the Benzal Railroad Bridge, and from the confluence of the Mississippi/Arkansas Rivers upstream to the Yancopin Railroad Bridge.
(B) Striped Bass or Hybrid Combination daily limit - 3 on Beaver Lake, Bull Shoals Lake, Lake Greeson, Lake Maumelle, Norfork Lake and Lake Ouachita; 10 when taken from the Arkansas River and connecting lakes.
(C) No limit on White Bass on Lake Ashbaugh and Beaver Lake and all tributaries including Lake Sequoyah.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.



(A) BASS: It shall be unlawful to possess black bass as follows:
(1) Less than 12 inches in length on largemouth bass in Lake Frierson.
(2) Less than 12 inches in length on spotted bass in Beaver Lake, Bull Shoals Lake, Norfork Lake and Table Rock Lake.
(3) Less than 15 inches in length on smallmouth bass in Beaver Lake, Bull Shoals Lake, Norfork Lake and Table Rock Lake.
(4) Less than 15 inches in length on largemouth bass only in Beaver Lake, Big Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Blue Mountain Lake, Bull Shoals Lake, Caddo Fishing Pond, Upper and Lower Lake Chicot (including that portion of Connerly Bayou downstream from Connerly Dam to the bayou's mouth and Ditch Bayou from the inlet on Lake Chicot to Ditch Bayou Dam) in Chicot County, Georgia Pacific Lake, Lake Greenlee,

Kingfisher Lake, Greers Ferry Lake, Mercer Bayou (Sulphur River WMA), Moss Creek Pond, Norfork Lake, Shady Lake, Table Rock Lake, Lake Wright (Sebastian County), and Arkansas River.

(5) It shall be unlawful to possess largemouth bass from 13" to 16" in length on Lake Barnett (White County), Lake Austell (Cross County), Bear Creek Lake, Bob Kidd Lake, Lake Brewer, Lake DeGray, Dierks Reservoir (Howard and Sevier counties), Lake Hogue, Lee Creek Lake, Sugar Loaf Lake and Lake Wilhelmina (Polk County).
(6) Less than 16 inches in length on largemouth bass only in Lake Millwood. Limit 3.
(7) It shall be unlawful to possess largemouth bass from 16" to 21" in length or to possess more than one (1) largemouth bass 21" or longer in Lake Atkins (Pope County) and Lake Monticello. Limit 4.
(8) It shall be unlawful to possess largemouth bass from 16" to 21" in length in Lake Pickthorne; limit 2, only one of which may be 21" or longer.
(9) It shall be unlawful to possess largemouth bass from16 inches to 21 inches in length in Lake #1 in Grandview WMA. Limit 2 largemouth bass (1 over 21" and 1 under 16", or 2 under 16"). Limit on other game fish is one half the statewide daily limit.
(10) Less than 13 inches in length on largemouth bass and spotted bass in Lake Ouachita.
(11) It shall be unlawful to possess largemouth bass from 16" to 18" in length or to possess more than three largemouth bass longer than 18" in Lower White Oak Lake and Lake Columbia.
(12) Less than 21 inches in length on largemouth bass in Mallard Lake. Daily limit one largemouth bass.
(13) Less than 18 inches in length on smallmouth bass in the lower Little Missouri River.
(14) It shall be ulawful to possess more than (1) largemouth bass 18 inches or longer in Lake SWEPCO.
(15) Black bass greater than 16 inches in Lake Winona.
(B) CRAPPIE: It shall be unlawful to possess crappie as follows:
(1) Less than 10 inches in length in Beaver, Table Rock, Bull Shoals and Norfork Reservoirs, Cane Creek Lake in Lincoln County, Lake Chicot (including that portion of Connerly Bayou downstream from Connerly Dam to the bayou's mouth and Ditch Bayou from the inlet on Lake Chicot to Ditch Bayou Dam), Lake Charles and Lake Monticello.
(2) Less than 9 inches in length in Blue Mountain Lake and Harris Brake Lake.


(1) During the months of December, January and February, the minimum length limit is waived on Lake Monticello and the harvest is regulated by a 20-fish daily bag limit. The first 20 crappie caught, regardless of size, must be retained: culling is not permitted. From March through November, harvest is controlled by a 10-inch minimum length, 20-fish daily bag limit.
(C) CATFISH (Channel, Blue and Flathead):
(1) It shall be unlawful to possess more than one catfish (channel, blue orflathead) greater than 34 inches in length from the Mississippi River along the common border with the state of Tennessee, including oxbow lakes between the main levees of the Mississippi River.
(2) It shall be unlawful to possess flathead catfish less than 20 inches in length on the Ouachita River from the confluence of the Little Missouri River to Remmel Dam.
(D) STRIPED BASS: It shall be unlawful to possess striped bass less than 20 inches in length on Lake Norfork.


(1) Sportfish may be snagged (except in catch and release areas) in accordance with Code 31.05, Hogging, Noodling and Snagging Game Fish Prohibited, and within the restrictive size limits as specified in Code 31.02.

NOTE: Measure all fish from the front end of the lower jaw to the tip of the tail with fish laid flat on rule, mouth closed and tail lobes pressed together.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

31.04 GIGGING OF GAME FISH PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to gig game fish at any time.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

31.05 SNAGGING GAME FISH PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to snag game fish except as specified herein:
(1) If snagged from bank within 100 yards below a dam (prohibited below the Upper White Oak Lake Dam).
(2) If snagged from a boat located or anchored from 100 yards below all locks and dams on the Arkansas River to the downstream entrance point of the lock structure and from 100 yards below Dam number 2 to the boat launching ramps immediately below the dam.
(3) If snagged from the bank below Beaver Dam, from the Corps of Engineers "No Fishing beyond this Point" sign, downstream to the first Corps of Engineers boat ramp on the left descending bank from April 15 - June 15 only.
(4) Limit: With the exception of catfish and paddlefish, no more than one-half the daily game fish limit may be taken by snagging, or the lesser whole number nearest one-half the limit, when the limit is an odd number.
(5) Snagging must be discontinued once the daily creel limit of any species of game fish has been harvested.
(6) All game fish snagged from the bank or from a boat shall be retained for personal use only (not sold) and applied to the daily limit.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

31.06A BAITING WITH GAME FISH PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to use game fish, or parts thereof, for bait or lures. EXCEPTION:
(1) Bream (Ref: 01.00-C) PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
31.06B BAITING WITH COMMON CARP ON CERTAIN WATERS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to use common carp as bait in the following waters: Bob Kidd Lake, Devil's Den State Park Lake, Lake Elmdale, Lake Fayetteville, Wilson Lake (Washington County); Crystal Lake (Benton County): Lake Leatherwood (Carroll County): Lake Hindsville (Madison County): Lake Cargile, Lake Overcup (Conway County): Lake Barnett and Tom's Lake (White County): Lake Conway (Faulkner County): Harris Brake Lake (Perry County): Lake Atkins (Pope County): Sugarloaf Lake (Sebastian County): Truman Baker Lake, Lake Hinkle (Scott County): Lake Wilhelmina, Irons Fork Lake (Polk County): Gurdon Lake (Clark County): Cox Creek Lake (Grant County): Gillham Lake, Dierks Lake (Howard County): DeQueen Lake (Sevier County): Dr. Lester Sitzes III Bois d'Arc Lake, Rick Evans/Grandview Prairie WMA Lakes 1 and 2, Mike and Janet Huckabee Lake (Hempstead County): Lake Columbia (Columbia County): Upper and Lower White Oak Lakes (Ouachita County): Tri-County Lake (Calhoun County): Lake Monticello (Drew County): Cane Creek Lake (Lincoln County). PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
31.07 SALE OF GAME FISH PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to buy, sell, or possess for sale any game fish.


(1) In compliance with Commission Code 41.12 (Undersized Commercial Fish Prohibited) when taken by commercial fishermen.
(2) Game fish raised in licensed fish farming operations.
(3) Bream four (4) inches or less in length. PENALTY: $500.00 to $1,000.00.
31.08 SALE OF BAIT PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take from public waters of the state and sell, or offer for sale as fishing bait, any wildlife species or portions thereof other than insects, freshwater shrimp, worms and baitfish.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00

31.09 YO-YO FISHING RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful for a person to fish more than 30 yo-yos (or other mechanical fishing devices) or to leave such unattended (out of sight or hearing) during daylight hours, or to suspend more than one (1) yo-yo or mechanical device from any horizontal line, wire, limb or support. All yo-yo's must be clearly labeled with the name and address, or vehicle operator's license number, or current vehicle license number of the person using such equipment. These regulations shall apply to all yo-yos left in place whether "set" or "tripped" (disabled).

PENALTY: $50.00 to $1,000.00.

31.10 FREEFLOATING FISHING DEVICES RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful for a person to fish in excess of twenty (20) freefloating fishing devices Ougs) and to fail to attend said devices at all times. All freefloating fishing devices shall be plainly labeled, on durable material, with the name and address, or vehicle operator's license number, or current vehicle license number (registered to the FFD user) of the person using such equipment.


(1) Freefloating Fishing Devices are not required to be attended from sunset to sunrise. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
31.11 TROTLINE, SETLINE AND LIMBLINE FISHING REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to use any trotline, setline and limbline with drops or hooks less than twenty-four (24) inches apart statewide, or to use any trotline or snagline below any Lock and Dam on the Arkansas River from the Dam to the nearest arrival point navigation marker downstream, or to fail to run any line and remove catch daily. All trotlines, setlines and limblines must be clearly labeled with the name and address, or vehicle operator's license number, or current vehicle license number of the person using such equipment. Information must be attached on each line at the bank end. Unlabeled lines shall be removed and destroyed by Commission Officers. It shall also be unlawful for an angler to fish any more than 100 hooks at any time between the main levees of the Mississippi River. (Refer to Code 32.08, Waters Restricted to Certain Fishing Tackle.)

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


SLOT LIMIT WATERS. It shall be unlawful to possess filleted fish or fish with head or tail removed while fishing from shore, boat, or transporting fish by boat on length/slot limit waters as described in Code 31.01, Game Fish Daily and Possession Limit Restrictions and Code 31.02, Black Bass Length Limits and Protective Slot Limits.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

31.19 FAMILY FISHING PROGRAM RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to fish in the following waters except as specified herein:
(A) Coleman Creek Pond (Little Rock), Bob Courtway Pond

(Conway), Camp Robinson Firing Range on Camp Robinson WMA, Lake Village Community Fishing Pond, Pine Bluff Regional Park Youth Fishing Pond, Landers Lake (Little Rock) and Craighead Forest Park Youth Fishing Pond (Jonesboro):

(1) Fishing open only to persons under 16 years of age and 65 years of age and older. Properly licensed persons between the age of 16 and 64 may fish if accompanied by a person under age 16 who is actively fishing.
(2) Only hand held rod or pole allowed.
(3) Largemouth bass: catch and release only.
(4) Catfish daily limit: 3
(5) Bream daily limit: 25
(6) All other sportfish daily limit: same as statewide.
(7) Trout daily limit: 5
(8) Hybrid striped bass: 3
(9) Lakes open to electric trolling motors only.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to fish in the following waters except as specified herein:

(A) Clear Lake (Clark County), Searcy City Lake (White County), Carol Ann Cross Pond (Sebastian County), Amon's Lake (Baxter County), T. J. House Reservoir (City of Mulberry lake), Dardanelle City Park Ponds (Yell County), Yell County Wildlife Federation Pond (Yell County) and Wells Lake, Ft. Chaffee (Sebastian County), all lakes and ponds managed by the City of Little Rock Parks and Recreation Department within the city limits of Little Rock,

Springdale Community Fishing Pond in Murphy Park, Cabot Community Fishing Pond, Willow Beach Park Pond in Scott, Benton City (Sunset) Lake, North Little Rock City Park waters, Cherrywood Lake in Sherwood, Sherwood Municipal City Pond, Martin Luther King Jr. Park Pond in Pine Bluff:

(1) Only hand held rod or pole allowed.
(2) Largemouth bass: catch and release only.
(3) Catfish daily limit: 3
(4) Bream daily limit: 25
(5) Trout daily limit: 5
(6) Hybrid striped bass: 3
(B) Horseshoe Bend Pool (Strawberry River)
(1) Only two (2) hand held rods allowed.
(2) Black Bass: 12 inch minimum length limit.
(3) All other sportfish daily limit: One-half daily limit.

PENALTY: $100.00 TO $1,000.00

Section 32.00 General Fishing Regulations

EXPLOSIVES, TOXIC, STUPEFYING OR KILLING SUBSTANCES PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to use or possess electrical devices of any type for taking fish; to take fish with the use of firearms or any explosives; or to deposit any toxic, stupefying, or killing substances that will kill or injure fish into public waters or to take fish affected by such substances. EXCEPTIONS:

(1) Electrical devices or toxic, stupefying or killing substances, may be used in biological or restocking operations conducted by Commission employees;
(2) Under scientific permit issued by the Commission.
(3) Fish taken as a result of biological operations conducted by Commission employees.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $1,000.00.

Jail sentence not to exceed one (1) year may be imposed and fishing privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges and 01.00-D, Confiscation and Seizure.

32.02 TRAPPING FISH PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to possess or use wire baskets, wire traps, log nets, box traps or any other fish trapping devices not conforming to legal commercial fishing tackle. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) In compliance with Commission Codes 41.24 and 41.25 (Possession and Use of Fiddler Size Nets and Slat Type Fish Traps);
(2) In compliance with Commission Code 37.04 (Baitfish Tackle Restrictions);
(3) In compliance with Commission Code 42.01 (Fish Farmer Permit Requirement).

PENALTY: $100.00 to $500.00.

(Confiscation and Seizure Ref: 01.00-D).

32.03 DIP-NETTING FOR FISH PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take any species of fish from public waters by use of dip nets without first being caught on hook and line.


(1) Properly licensed persons taking fish during biological or management operations conducted by Commission employees;
(2) In compliance with Commission Code 32.07-3 (Fishing Below Dams Prohibited);
(3) In compliance with Commission Code 37.04-E (Baitfish Tackle Restrictions);
(4) In compliance with Commission Code 32.06 (Taking Fish with Bow and Arrow Restricted).
(5) Under scientific permit issued by the Commission. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
32.04 GAFFING FISH PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to gaff fish without said fish first being caught on hook and line.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

32.05 HOGGING AND NOODLING RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to hog or noodle fish.


(1) When taken for personal use, buffalo, catfish, carp and drum may be taken. The portion of the state north and west of U.S. Highway 67 will be open July 15 through October 31, and that portion of the state south and east of U.S. Highway 67 will be open June 1 through October 31. The Arkansas River will be open June 1 through October 31. The Mississippi River will be open from May 1 through July 15. While engaged in hogging in this area, it is unlawful to raise any part of a natural or artificial device out of the water thereby aiding in the capture of enclosed fish.
(2) One-half daily limit on catfish.
(3) It shall be unlawful to hog or noodle any species of fish at any time on the Ouachita River from the confluence of the Little Missouri River to Remmel Dam.

PENALTY: $100.00 To $1,000.00.


It shall be unlawful to take any fish other than rough fish with bow and arrow or gig.


(1) A daily limit of 2 alligator gar may be taken per day between 12:00 noon and the following 12:00 noon.
(2) Gigging is allowed only between 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 midnight and only from September 15 to February 15 statewide.
(3) A limit of 2 catfish may be taken per day between 12:00 noon and the following 12:00 noon with bow and arrow from July 15 to May 1.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

32.07 FISHING BELOW DAM RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to fish within 100 yards below any dam and within the outlet channels of Arkansas Valley Electric Cooperative Hydroelectric Plant at Barling and the Murray Hydroelectric Plant at North Little Rock. EXCEPTION:
(1) When only one (1) pole or rod held in hand is used;
(2) When taking rough fish with bow and arrow;
(3) When taking shad with hand held dip net for personal use only. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
32.08 WATERS RESTRICTED TO CERTAIN FISHING TACKLE. It shall be unlawful to fish with any device other than rod or pole in:
(A) DeWitt City Park Lake - Arkansas County; Lake Atalanta and Lake

Bentonville - Benton County; Big Timber Lake - Clark County; Hidden Lake - Carroll County; Gurdon Lake - Clark County; Lake Hubble -Clay County; Lake Bailey - Conway County; Lake Roosevelt in Petit Jean State Park- Conway County; Craighead Forest Lake -Craighead County; Lake Cambadelle - Crawford County; Lake Lou Emma - Crawford County; West Memphis City Parks Lake and Marion City Park Lake - Crittenden County; Lake Bennett - Faulkner County; Crowley Ridge State Park Lake and Reynolds Park Lake - Greene County; Lakes #1 and #2 in the Grandview WMA - Hempstead County; Lake Greenlee in Monroe County; Pickthorne Lake and Ward City Park Lake - Lonoke County; Hindsville Lake - Madison County; Lake Greenlee; Donald Branch Fishing Pond - Monroe County; Lake Sylvia - Perry County; Shady Lake - Polk County; Upper Lake Hogue -Poinsett County; Old Davidsonville State Park Lake - Randolph County; Forrest City Park Lake - St. Francis County; Truman Baker Lake - Scott County; Carol Cross Lake - Sebastian County; Gunner Pool and Hayden Bend Pond - Stone County; Lake Kingfisher - Yell County; All lakes in Village Creek State Park - Cross and St. Francis counties; Devil's Den State Park Lake - Washington County; and posted U.S. Forest Service ponds and lakes. Wattensaw WMA ponds and lakes, except oxbow lakes in Prairie County, and North Fork Lake in Montgomery County; Spring River and tributaries from 100 yards below Dam No. 1 to the mouth of Myatt Creek; Spring River Lake.

(B) Arkansas River from 100 yards below Dardanelle Dam to Hwy 7 bridge and 100 yards below Dam No. 2 to the mouth of Morgan Cut-Off (Ref: Commission Code 41.21, Arkansas River Below Dam No. 2 Commercial Fishing Restrictions);

Fourche Lefave River from 100 yards below Nimrod Dam to Hwy 7 bridge.

(C) Waters listed in Section 31.19 and 31.20. EXCEPTION:
(1) Gigging or bowfishing for rough fish is permitted in accordance with Code 32.06, Taking Fish with Bow and Arrow or Gig Restricted, in waters listed in Section B and in other unrestricted state waters.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


comply with sportfishing seasons as established within certain National Wildlife Refuges specified herein:

(A) Holla Bend and White River NWRs - March 1 through October 31.
(B) Wapanocca NWR - March 15 through September 30 during daylight hours only.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

32.10 BLOCKING STREAMS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to completely block or dam any stream so as to restrict a sufficient flow of water to maintain fish life downstream from such obstruction. PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.
32.11 REQUIREMENTS FOR PUMPING FROM PUBLIC WATERS. It shall be unlawful to withdraw by relift or pump, water from public waters without first securely screening intake pipes of such relifts or pumps so as to prevent entry of any fish therein or to lower any body of water so as to endanger fish life.

PENALTY: $250.00 to $1,000.00.

32.12 THE RELEASE OF NATIVE OR NON-NATIVE AQUATIC WILDLIFE PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to release any native or non-native aquatic wildlife, including their eggs, into the public waters of the State of Arkansas without the written permission of the Chief of Fisheries, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. Excess baitfish (including crayfish) shall not be released alive into public waters. Any request for importation of salmonids and salmonid eggs must be accompanied by an official disease free certification conducted under the guidelines set forth by the American Fisheries Society Fish Health Blue Book - Procedures for the Detection and Identification of Certain Fish Pathogens, Fourth Edition.


(1) Aquatic species may be released into the waters from which they were taken. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
32.13 CERTAIN EXOTIC SPECIES PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to import,

transport, or possess in this state any species commonly known as snakehead (Family Channidae), walking catfish, stickleback, Mexican banded tetra, piranha or rusty crayfish (Orconected rusticus). These species may be possessed for display and educational purposes by written permit approved by the Chief of Fisheries. PENALTY: $250.00 to $1,000.00.

32.15 THE USE OR SALE AS BAITFISH OF GRASS CARP, SILVER CARP, BLACK CARP, BIGHEAD CARP OR EUROPEAN RUDD PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to use or offer for sale as baitfish grass carp, silver carp, black carp, bighead carp or European rudd.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

32.16 TRANSPORTATION OF ZEBRA MUSSELS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to knowingly transport zebra mussels into or between the waters of the State of Arkansas.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

32.17 RESTRICTIONS FOR TAKING SUCKERS. It shall be unlawful to take or retain more than 20 suckers daily or to possess more than two (2) daily limits of sucker fish taken by gigging, hogging or snagging. Legal methods for taking suckers are as follows:
(1) Hogging/Grabbing, and in compliance with the hogging dates specified in Code 32.05 Hogging Restrictions.
(2) Gigging (In compliance with Code 32.06 Taking Fish with Bow and Arrow or Gig Restricted (2).
(3) Sport fishing tackle, including snagging (Except where prohibited in Section 32.00).
(4) Commercial tackle (In compliance with Section 41.00 Commercial Fishing Regulations).
(5) Gigging of suckers only allowed between 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 Midnight and only from September 15 to February 15 statewide.
(6) Snagging of suckers only allowed between sunrise and sunset and only from April 1 to February 15 statewide.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

32.18 PERMIT REQUIRED TO POSSESS SILVER CARP, BIGHEAD CARP, DIPLOID BLACK CARP OR EUROPEAN RUDD. It shall be unlawful to possess live silver carp, bighead carp, diploid black carp or European rudd without obtaining a current Restricted Species Possession Permit for said species.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

Section 33.00 Commission Owned Lakes and Access Area Regulations
33.01 FIREARIVIS RESTRICTED ON COMMISSION OWNED LAKES AND ACCESS AREAS. It shall be unlawful to possess any firearms on lakes owned or controlled by the Commission, or to possess firearms in any fishing or boating access area.


(1) While legally hunting waterfowl on lakes open to waterfowl hunting.
(2) Firearms unloaded and cased may be transported by boat on Game and Fish lakes and access areas during an open hunting season.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

33.02 OUTBOARD MOTOR SIZE AND HAZARDOUS WAKE RESTRICTIONS ON COMMISSION OWNED LAKES. It shall be unlawful to operate any boat in such a manner as to create a wake that is hazardous to persons or property, or to fail to comply with the outboard motor size restrictions as posted on Game and Fish Commission waterfowl areas as noted in the Wildlife Management Area regulation guide. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
33.03 SKIING ON COMMISSIONED OWNED LAKES PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to water ski or aquaplane or to use personal watercraft defined by the U. S. Coast Guard as "thrillcraft", such as jet skis, wave jammers, wet bikes and other similar craft not designed or reasonably adaptable for recreational fishing on lakes owned or controlled by the



(1) Lake Calion - Union County; Lake Enterprise - Ashley County;

Grand Lake -- Chicot County; Lake Chicot - Chicot County PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

33.04 PERMIT AND SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURES ON COMMISSION OWNED OR CONTROLLED LAKES. It shall be unlawful to construct, own, or possess platforms, floating duck blinds, piers, or boat houses on Commission-owned or controlledlakes without first obtaining a current permit from the Commission and permanently displaying said permit number or owners name and address with lettering not less than three (3) inches in height on said structure. Party barges may be used on Commission-owned lakes, but may not be permanently moored to shoreline or used as a dwelling. They may be temporarily moored by lake front property owners on the public easement directly in front of their property, or at commercial docks. Pesticide barrels are prohibited for flotation devices and other barrels so used must be filled with Styrofoam. It shall also be unlawful to fail to comply with the requirements of Policies on Land Use Around Game and Fisii LalRevised April 1992, or to build or maintain any structure or activity listed as "non-allowable" in said Policies. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
33.05 BOAT DOCK LEASE AND OPERATOR REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURES ON COMMISSION OWNED LAKES. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to own or operate a boat dock where boats are rented to the public or where boats are kept or stored for private owners on a rental basis on waters or property owned by the Commission without first entering into a lease agreement with the Commission. Boat dock operators on commission owned lakes must also obtain a permit and pay an annual fee to the Commission before they can charge for boat launching or vehicle parking. Commission employees in performance of duties shall be allowed free parking and boat launching privileges.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

33.06 OBSTRUCTION OF COMMISSION CONTROLLED ACCESS AREAS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to obstruct or to store vessels or equipment on any access area, parking area, boat launching ramp or access road owned or controlled by the Commission.

PENALTY: $25.00 to $250.00.

Section 34.00 Put-And-Take Pay Lake Regulations
34.01 PUT-AND-TAKE PAY LAKE LICENSE REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to operate a Put-and-Take Pay Lake without first obtaining a current Put-and-Take Pay Lake license and said license number, species, weight and number offish taken must be on an invoice issued to each person leaving the premises with fish taken in said lake. License shall be displayed at the Put-and-Take Pay Lake location where it is clearly visible to guests. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

It shall be unlawful for an operator of a put-and-take pay lake to fail to maintain a register indicating the date, names and addresses of persons fishing and to make said register available for inspection by a Commission Officer upon request. PENALTY: $100.00 to $500.00.

34.03 ISOLATION OF PUT-AND-TAKE PAY LAKES REQUIRED. It shall be unlawful to operate a put-and-take pay lake where the ingress or egress offish from public waters is not prevented or blocked. PENALTY: $100.00 to $250.00.
34.04 PUT-AND-TAKE PAY LAKE STOCKING RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to stock fish taken from public waters in put-and-take pay lakes.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $500.00.

Section 35.00 Spearing Regulations
35.01 SPEARING GAME FISH RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take game fish with spearguns other than as specified herein:
(A) During the period of June 15 to March 15 inclusive from sunrise to sunset in Beaver Lake, Blue Mountain Lake, Bull Shoals Lake, Lake Catherine, Lake Conway, DeGray Reservoir, Lake Eriing, Greers Ferry Lake, Lake Greeson, Lake Hamilton, Harris Brake Lake, Lake Millwood, Lake Nimrod, Norfork, Lake Ouachita, Table Rock Lake and all impoundments created by the locks and dams on the Arkansas River;
(B) The taking of black basses prohibited in Beaver Lake, Bull Shoals

Lake, Lake Millwood, Lake Norfork, and Table Rock Lake;

(C) The taking of flathead catfish is prohibited from March 15 to July 15.
(D) No more than one-half (1/2) of the daily game fish limit (Ref: Commission Code 31.01, Game Fish Daily and Possession Restrictions) may be taken by speargun, or the lesser whole number nearest one-half when the limit is an odd number;
(E) The possession of spearguns in public waters other than waters specified in this section prohibited.
(F) Catfish and rough fish may be taken during spearfishing season on Gillham, Dierks and DeQueen lakes. (Note closed season in (C) above for flathead catfish.)

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

35.02 DIVERS FLAG REQUIREMENT FOR SPEARFISHING. It shall be unlawful to engage in taking offish with a speargun without first displaying a standard divers flag (no less than 12 inches wide and 12 inches long, red and white diagonal stripe), from the boat or other flotation at least 12 inches above the surface of the water and to spearfish more than 300 feet from said flag.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

35.03 CLEANING SPEARED FISH BEFORE LEAVING WATER PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to clean or dress fish taken by spearfishermen before completing a daily fishing trip and leaving the body of water where the fish were taken.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

Section 36.00 Bullfrog Regulations
36.00-A DAY DEFINED FOR TAKING BULLFROGS. The daily limit of bullfrogs as specified shall mean bullfrogs taken in a twenty-four (24) hour period beginning at 12:00 o'clock noon until 12:00 noon the day following.
36.01 BULLFROG SEASON/LIMIT RESTRICTION. It shall be unlawful to take bullfrogs other than from 12:00 o'clock noon April 15 through December 31 and to take more than eighteen (18) bullfrogs in one (1) day, as defined in Section 36.00-A or to possess more than 36 bullfrogs. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) Holders of Fish Farmers Permits and persons in possession of written permission from the permittee.
(2) Fish Farmers holding a Bullfrog Permit and their regular employees having written permission (Ref: Commission Code 36.04 - License Requirements for Sale of Bullfrogs by Fish Farmers).

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

36.02 PROHIBITED METHODS FOR TAKING BULLFROGS. It shall be unlawful to take bullfrogs other than by hands, hand nets, hook and line,

gig, spear or long bow and arrow.


(1) In compliance with Commission Code 42.01 (Fish Farmers Permit Requirements) where any method may be used;
(2) In compliance with Commission Code 36.04 (License Requirements for Sale of Bullfrogs by Fish Farmer), where bullfrogs may be taken by any method without limit and sold.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

36.03 SALE OF BULLFROGS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to sell or offer for sale or purchase bullfrogs taken from the waters of the State. EXCEPTION:
(1) Outside the established bullfrog season, Fish Farmers holding a valid Bullfrog Permit (Ref: Commission Code 36.04, License Requirements for Sale of Bullfrogs by Fish Farmers), shall be limited to the taking of bullfrogs only on those specific ponds, impoundments, and drainages where valid fish farming operations are occurring.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


FISH FARMERS. It shall be unlawful for Fish Farmers or their employees to take bullfrogs for sale without said Fish Farmer obtaining a Bullfrog Permit and to fail to supply an invoice with each sale or shipment indicating the date. Bullfrog Permit number and number of bullfrogs sold or shipped. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

Section 37.00 Baitfish Regulations
37.01 COIVIIVIERCIAL BAITFISH TACKLE LICENSE REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take baitfish for sale from public waters without first obtaining the appropriate tackle license and attaching metal tag issued with said license to tackle so used. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
37.02 FISH DEALER LICENSE REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to offer for sale or sell live fish (including baitfish) in this state without first obtaining a current Arkansas Fish Dealers License (Resident or Non-Resident) or an Arkansas Fish Farmers Permit. License required for each separate business location. In compliance with Commission Code 31.07, game fish may not be taken from the wild and sold. Residents of states charging a higher non-resident fee shall be charged an equivalent amount.


(1) Licensed fishing guides are not required to purchase a Fish Dealer's

License when providing baitfish during the act of guiding. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

37.03 EXPORTING BAITFISH FROM PUBLIC WATERS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to export from the state any baitfish taken from public waters.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

37.04 BAITFISH TACKLE RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to use tackle for taking baitfish from public waters other than as specified herein.

Only baitfish may be retained for bait and all other species offish are immediately returned to the waters where taken.

(A) Seines not in excess of fifty (50) feet in length and four (4) feet in depth with square mesh of one-fourth (1/4) inch;
(B) Square traps or lifts not exceeding six (6) feet by six (6) feet by three (3) feet in depth with up to one-half (1/2) inch wire or mesh and throat size of 2 inches square mesh.
(C) Throw nets and casting nets with square mesh not larger than one (1)

inch, or shad trawl nets with square mesh not larger than one (1) inch.

(D) Plastic, glass or wire mesh minnow traps not in excess of one (1) gallon capacity with throat size of not more than 1.5 inches;
(E) Hand operated dip nets or lifts witli up to one (1) incli square bar mesli used to tal baitfish for personal use while in the act of sport fishing day or night, and all other species of fish are immediately returned to the waters where taken;
(F) The use of any seine, lift, throw net or shad trawl net at night other than as specified in Commission Code 37.04-E is prohibited.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

37.05 TAKING BAITFISH IMMEDIATELY BELOW DAMS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take baitfish within one hundred (100) yards below dams or similar constructions.


(1) Shad may be taken in compliance with Code 37.04(C).

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

37.06 TAKING BAITFISH FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES IN CERTAIN WATERS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take baitfish for commercial purposes in: The Caddo River and that portion of the Little Missouri River and its tributaries above Ozan Creek in Pike County; all waters north of Highway 70 in Howard County; and all waters in Benton, Carroll, Clark, Crawford, Franklin, Lawrence, Madison, Montgomery, Newton, Polk, Sebastian, Sevier, and Washington counties. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
37.07 AQUATIC PET RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take by any method other than those described in 37.04 Baitfish Tackle Restrictions, or by hand, and possess alive any aquatic wildlife species other than six (6) of each species per household. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) Game fish may only be taken in accordance with Section 31.00 Sport Fishing.
(2) Alligator snapping turtles, hellbenders, troglodytic (cave-dwelling) species or those animals defined as endangered species may NOT be taken.
(3) Legally obtained baitfish are exempt from the six (6) of each species per household provision.
(4) Commercial fish may only be taken in accordance with Section 41.00.
(5) Persons collecting in accordance with a valid Scientific Collection Permit or other special use permit issued by the agency director.
(6) Agency employees in the performance of their job duties.

The sale or purchase of such wildlife or the progeny thereof, or their release into waters other than those from which they were collected, is prohibited. EXCEPTIONS:

(1) Permitted Fish Farms in accordance with Section 42.00.
(2) Licensed commercial fishermen in accordance with Section 41.00. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00
Section 38.00 Fresh-Water Mussel Regulations

REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to take, buy, and sell freshwater mussels for commercial purposes without first obtaining a current Resident Shell Taker/Seller's License, a Resident Shell Buyer's License or a Non-Resident Shell Buyer's License. A person with a Shell Taker's Helper Permit may harvest or assist only in the immediate presence of a licensed shelltaker. Licensed resident or non-resident shell buyers only may purchase up to four Shell Buyer's Agent Permits which may be transferred between employees of the licensed shell buyer. Only residents can hold an Agent Permit, and agents can purchase only for their licensed buyer.

BUYERS: Shell buyers must submit quarterly, on or before the 1st of January, April, July, and October, reports of mussel buying transactions for the preceding quarter, on forms provided by the Commission.

SELLERS: On or before February 1, any person holding a Shell Taker/Seller's License shall furnish the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission the number of pounds of each species of mussels taken from Arkansas waters, and sold out of state, on forms provided by the Commission.

Failure to maintain accurate reports will result in license revocation and no renewal. These records shall be maintained monthly and made available for inspection by authorized Arkansas Game and Fish personnel at any reasonable time.

PENALTY: Residents:$100.00 to $1,000.00.

Non-Residents:$100.00 to $1,000.00.

38.02 MUSSEL SHELL SIZE RESTRICTION. It shall be unlawful to take,

sell, or offer for sale mussels or mussel shells of sizes less than minimum diameter or length.

(1) Mussel shells shall be measured by minimum diameter except for elongated shells.
(2) Minimum diameter shall be 4 inches for washboards, 2 3/4 inches for mapleleaf and threeridge, 2 1/4 inches for hickorynut, threehorn wartyback and monkeyface, and 2 1/2 inches for all other round shells. Minimum length shall be 4 inches for bleufers, yellow sandshell, muckets, pistolgrip, spike, Ouachita kidneyshell and bankclimber.
(3) Shellers shall have until July 31, 1991 to dispose of, by sale or otherwise, all legally obtained undersized shells.
(4) All undersized shells, western fanshell, black sandshell and rabbitsfootmust be immediately returned to the water.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

38.03 MUSSEL TAKER TACKLE RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take mussels with any method other than hand-picking and crowfoot bars or to possess any tackle or equipment on water for taking mussels except as specified herein. It shall be unlawful to operate more than one boat or one rig (boat equipped with not more than four (4) crowfoot bars, one boat equipped with power) for the taking of mussels for commercial purposes. Crowfoot bars exceeding twenty (20) feet in length are prohibited. EXCEPTION: (1) Only hand-picking is allowed for mussel harvest in the St. Francis

River and its tributaries and diversion ditches.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

38.04 NON-RESIDENT MUSSEL BUYER REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for any non-resident to purchase mussels without first obtaining a current Non-Resident Shell Buyer's Permit. (Ref: 41.13 Commercial Fishing by Non-Residents Prohibited.) PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

It shall be unlawful to take, catch, kill, or attempt to take, catch or kill mussels between the hours of sunset to sunrise (nighttime). PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

38.06 DIVERS FLAG REQUIREMENT. It shall be unlawful to engage in the taking of mussels by diving without first displaying a standard divers flag (no less that 12 inches wide and 12 inches long, red and white diagonal stripe), from the boat or other flotation at least 12 inches above the surface of the water and to mussel more than 300 feet from said flag. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1000.00.
38.07 RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT FOR MUSSEL TAKERS, BUYERS, AND SELLERS. Resident - Any person who has established a bona fide or actual residence of at least 12 months (one year) prior to applying for a license, and who declares intentions of becoming a citizen of Arkansas.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

(A) Waters in the following counties (including Arkansas waters between the main levees of the Mississippi River) are open year-round to commercial musseling: Arkansas, Ashley, Bradley, Calhoun, Chicot, Cleveland, Clay, Columbia, Craighead, Crittenden, Cross, Dallas, Desha, Drew, Grant, Greene, Hempstead, Jackson, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lawrence, Lee, Lincoln, Little River, Lonoke, Miller, Mississippi, Monroe, Nevada, Ouachita, Phillips, Poinsett, Prairie, Pulaski, Randolph, St. Francis, Union, White and Woodruff, unless closed in (C) below.
(B) The following counties are closed year-round to commercial musseling:

Baxter, Benton, Boone, Carroll, Clark, Cleburne, Conway, Crawford, Faulkner, Franklin, Fulton, Garland, Hot Spring, Howard, Independence, Izard, Logan, Johnson, Madison, Marion, Montgomery, Newton, Perry, Pike, Polk, Pope, Saline, Scott, Searcy, Sebastian, Sevier, Sharp, Stone, Van Buren, Washington and Yell;


(1) In the counties closed above, mussels may be taken year-round for commercial purposes in the following river/stream segments: ARKANSAS RIVER from the Pulaski County line upstream to the Oklahoma State line (including all waters of Dardanelle Lake, Ozark Lake and Pool 13); PETIT JEAN RIVER from its mouth upstream (including Blue Mountain Lake) to Highway 217; FOURCHE LA FAVE RIVER from its mouth (including Nimrod lake) upstream to Highway 27 bridge; CADRON CREEK from its mouth upstream to Highway 287 on its east fork in Faulkner County; NORTH CADRON CREEK from its mouth upstream to highway 285 in Faulkner County; POINT REMOVE CREEK from its mouth upstream to Kissire bridge in Conway County; WHITE RIVER from the Jackson/Independence County line upstream to one hundred (100) yards below Dam No. 1 at Batesville; STRAWBERRY RIVER from the Lawrence/Sharp County line upstream to Highway 58 bridge in Sharp County, and all lakes bays or other bodies of water, other than tributary streams, connected to waters as specified above, when accessible by boat from the main channel. When a river or stream forms the boundary between opened and closed counties, that boundary segment shall be open.
(C) The following additional waters are closed year-round to commercial musseling: Lake Eriing including all tributaries upstream from 100 yards below Lake Eriing Dam to State Highway #313 in Lafayette County; All lakes owned and/or operated by the Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism, the U. S. Forest Service, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (excluding Grand Lake and all natural channel scar lakes on Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Wildlife Management Areas located in designated open counties); Bayou Meto Bayou, in accordance with Code 44.01, Closure To All Commercial Harvest - Bayou Meto Bayou; Columbia County Lake in Columbia County, Horseshoe Lake in Crittenden County; Lake Wallace in Drew and Chicot County; Upper and Lower Lake Chicot (from Connerly Bayou Dam to the Ditch Bayou Dam, inclusive) in Chicot County; Lake Maumelle in Pulaski County, Black River in Randolph County closed from 100 yards above Old Davidsonville State Park downstream to 100 yards below the park lower boundary; and all lakes in the Hot Springs Village area of Saline County.
(D) National Wildlife Refuges may have further restrictions. Check with the Refuge Manager.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

38.09 MUSSEL SANCTUARY ZONE. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take, or possess mussels in the following areas: Black River in Clay County from % mile upstream to % mile downstream of the Hwy 412 (62) bridge; Ouachita River upstream from Hwy 79B bridge at Camden, Spring River upstream of Hwy 62 bridge at Imboden; St. Francis River in St. Francis County from 1-40 bridge downstream to the Hwy 50 bridge at Madison; St. Francis River from the mouth of the Tyronza River to the operational railroad bridge. White River in Monroe County closed from the mouth of Roc Roe Bayou 3 V2 miles downstream to the mouth of Big Creek. White River closed from Cooper Bend (river mile 232.3) in Jackson County for 2.3 miles downstream to Shaden Bend (river mile 230) in Woodruff County. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
Section 39.00 Aquatic Turtle Regulations
39.01 AQUATIC TURTLE HARVEST PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for any individual to:
(1) operate any tackle for the purpose of taking aquatic turtles for commercial purposes; or
(2) engage in the sale of aquatic turtles without first obtaining a Commercial Fisherman Permit and Sportfishing License and an Aquatic Turtle Harvest Permit; or
(3) fail to provide an invoice for each transaction sale of turtles. Required information on the invoice is as follows: name, permit number, purchaser's name and permit number, date of sale, body of water taken from, county taken from, species and number of turtles and the seller's and buyer's signatures. Non-residents are not permitted to harvest aquatic turtles. (Permittees must comply with reporting requirements see Code 39.05.)


(1) A person with an Aquatic Turtle Harvest Helper Permit in his immediate possession may assist in taking aquatic turtles and operate the properly tagged tackle of a licensed aquatic turtle harvest permittee.
(2) Individuals underage 16, possessing a Junior Aquatic Turtle Harvest Permit may harvest and sell aquatic turtles to possessors of an Aquatic Turtle Dealer Permit or Non-Resident Aquatic Turtle Dealer Permit
(3) Aquatic turtles taken in compliance with Code 37.07 Aquatic Pet Restrictions may be kept as pets but not sold, bartered or traded.
(4) Fish Farmer Permittees and their employees may remove aquatic turtles from those specific ponds, impoundments, and drainages where valid fish farming operations are occurring and release them back into the wild at another location. (See also Code 39.02 Exception 2)
(5) Fish Farmer Permittees must obtain an Aquatic Turtle Harvest Permit or Aquatic Turtle Farmer Permit if tliey intend to sell turtles taken from their property. (6) Private pond/lake owners when involved in taking and removing aquatic turtles for non-commercial purposes from their pond/lake and release them back into the wild at a different location. PENALTY: $500.00 to $5,000.00. Equipment used in such violations (including but not limited to nets, traps and boats) may be confiscated in accordance with Codes 1.00-D and 1.00-J.
39.01(A) AQUATIC TURTLE DEALER PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for any individual or enterprise to engage in the harvest, propagation, purchase and resale, or export aquatic turtles without first obtaining a Commercial Fisherman Permit and Sportfishing License (CFS) and an Aquatic Turtle Dealer Permit. Such permits may be granted in accordance with Commission requirements, including:
(A) A site plan, to include a legal (Section, Township, and Range) and physical (geographic) description of all facilities, to include the location and approximate size of holding ponds, to be used to hold aquatic turtles must be provided on the application form ]f aquatic turtles are to be held or propagated in ponds.
(B) All sites shall be inspected and approved by Commission personnel prior to issuance of a permit.
(C) Holding ponds/impoundments shall be fenced and maintained in such manner as to prevent the egress of captives and ingress of wild stock.
(D) Facilities shall be subject to inspection with prior notice by Commission personnel.
(E) Permit holders who harvest turtles must complete monthly reports as specified in Code 39.05.
(F) Fish farmers with an aquaculturist permit are exempt from having to obtain a Commercial Fisherman Permit and Sportfishing License.
(G) Fish markets selling only dressed turtles for human consumption within the state of Arkansas are exempt from having to obtain an Aquatic Turtle Dealer Permit.
(H) A bill of sale or true bill of lading must be immediately supplied to each purchaser of turtles indicating the species, number of turtles sold, name of purchaser, and name and permit number of aquatic turtle dealer permittee making the transaction, and it must accompany the shipment to the final destination.
(I) The name and address of the consignor and consignee and the permit number must be indicated on a true bill of lading or bill of sale for turtles shipped or transported in intrastate and interstate commerce. Aquatic turtle dealer permittees may have turtles transported by their authorized representatives if accompanied with a true bill of lading or bill of sale, indicating permit number.

species, number of turtles sold, name of purchaser, and name and permit number of aquatic turtle dealer permittee making the transaction. The true bill of lading must accompany a shipment to the final destination.

(J) The original aquatic turtle dealer permittee's permit numer must be indicated on each and every bill of sale, invoice or bill of lading covering each turtle transaction.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $5,000.00. Equipment used in sucli violations (including but not limited to nets, traps and boats) may be confiscated in accordance with Codes 1.00-D and 1.00-J.

39.01(B) NON-RESIDENT AQUATIC TURTLE DEALER PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for non-residents to engage in the purchase and sale of aquatic turtles within the state or export across state lines without first obtaining a Non-Resident Aquatic Turtle Dealer Permit. Such permits may be granted in accordance with Commission requirements, including:
(A) A bill of sale or true bill of lading must be immediately supplied to each purchaser of turtles indicating the species, number of turtles sold, name of purchaser and name and permit number of aquatic turtle harvest/dealer/farmer permittee making the transaction, and it must accompany the shipment to the final destination.
(B) The name and address of the consignor and consignee and the permit number must be indicated on a true bill of lading or bill of sale for turtles shipped or transported in intrastate and interstate commerce. Non-resident aquatic turtle dealer permittees may have turtles transported by their authorized representatives if accompanied with a true bill of lading or bill of sale, indicating permit number, species, number of turtles sold, name of purchaser, and name and permit number of aquatic turtle harvest/dealer/farmer permittee making the transaction. The true bill of lading must accompany a shipment to the final destination.
(C) The original aquatic turtle harvest/dealer/farmer permittee's permit number must be indicated on each and every bill of sale, invoice or bill of lading covering each turtle transaction.
(D) Non-residents may purchase aquatic turtles from holders of Aquatic Turtle Dealer/Farmer Permits without purchasing a Non-Resident Aquatic Turtle Dealer Permit.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $5,000.00. Equipment used in such violations (including but not limited to transport vehicles) may be confiscated in accordance with Code 1.00-D.

39.01(C) AQUATIC TURTLE FARMER PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for any individual or enterprise to engage in the propagation, sale, or export of propagated aquatic turtles (See E below) without first obtaining an Aquatic Turtle Farmer Permit. Such permits may be granted in accordance with Commission requirements and permittees must adhere to the conditions, as listed:
(A) A site plan, to include a legal (Section, Township and Range) and physical (geographic) description of all facilities, to include the location and approximate size of ponds/impoundments used to hold aquatic turtles, must be provided to the Chief of the Fisheries Division.
(B) All sites shall be inspected and approved by Commission personnel prior to issuance of a permit.
(C) Holding ponds/impoundments shall be fenced and maintained in such manner as, to prevent egress of captives and ingress of wild stock.
(D) Facilities shall be subject to inspection with prior notice by Commission personnel.
(E) Aquatic Turtle Farmer Permittees are allowed to propagate, purchase and sell only captive produced turtles. This permit does not allow for the purchase, barter, trade, exchange, or sale of wild caught turtles of any size.
(F) A bill of sale or true bill of lading must be immediately supplied to each purchaser of turtles indicating the species, number of turtles sold, name of purchaser, and name and permit number of aguatic turtle farmer permittee making the transaction, and

it must accompany the shipment to the final destination.

(G) The name and address of the consignor and consignee and the permit number must be indicated on a true bill of lading or bill of sale for turtles shipped or transported in intrastate and interstate commerce. Aguatic turtle farmer permittees may have turtles transported by their authorized representatives if accompanied with a true bill of lading or bill of sale, indicating permit number, species, number of turtles sold, name of purchaser, and name and permit number of aguatic turtle farmer permittee making the transaction. The true bill of lading must accompany a shipment to the final destination.
(H) The original aguatic turtle farmer permittee's permit number must be indicated on each and every bill of sale, invoice or bill of lading covering each turtle transaction.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $5,000.00.


It shall be unlawful to take aquatic turtles for commercial purposes by any means other than hoop net or box type turtle traps in the following counties and/or bodies of water:

Arkansas, Ashley, Bradley, Calhoun, Chicot, Cleveland, Clay, Columbia, Craighead, Crittenden, Cross, Dallas, Desha, Drew, Grant, Greene, Hempstead, Jackson, Jefferson, Lafayette, Lawrence (see Exception 4), Lee, Lincoln, Little River, Lonoke, Miller, Mississippi, Monroe, Nevada, Ouachita, Phillips, Poinsett, Prairie, Pulaski, Randolph (see Exception 4), St. Francis, Saline, Union, White, Woodruff, and the Arkansas River, from its mouth to the Arkansas/Oklahoma state line, including that part of the Arkansas River from the Ozark Dam to the Arkansas-Oklahoma state line, bounded on the north by the Union Pacific Railroad and on the south by Highway 22 (In compliance with Code 41.19). Arkansas waters between the main levees of the Mississippi River. All lakes, bays or other bodies of water, other than tributary streams, connected to waters as specified above, when accessible by boat, from the main channel except as limited by Section 30.00 (Reciprocal License Agreements). When a river or stream forms the boundary between opened and closed counties, that boundary segment shall be open to tackle legal in the open county.


(1) Only box type turtle traps may be used in counties or waters not specifically opened to hoop net turtle traps as listed above.
(2) Fish farmers operating under a valid Fish Farmer's (Aquaculturist's) Permit may take aquatic turtles on those specific ponds, impoundments and drainages where valid fish farming operations are occurring. (See Exception 3, Code 39.01)
(3) Bayou Meto Bayou, in accordance with Code 44.01,Closure to All Commercial Harvest - Bayou Meto Bayou, is closed to all commercial harvest.
(4) The following waters are closed to hoop net traps:

Eleven-Point River in Randolph County; Spring River in Lawrence and Randolph counties; Lake Eriing, including all tributaries upstream from 100 yards below Lake Eriing Dam to State Highway 313 in Lafayette County; all lakes owned by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (excluding all natural or channel scar lakes on WMAs located in counties listed above). Lake Columbia in Columbia County, Horseshoe Lake in Crittenden County, Lake Wallace in Drew and Chicot Counties, Upper and Lower Lake Chicot (Connerly Bayou to Ditch Bayou Dam inclusive) in Chicot County and Grand Lake in Chicot County.

(5) U.S. Forest Service lakes. State Park lakes and lakes owned by municipalities or property-owner associations are closed to commercial turtle trapping, unless specifically opened.
(6) Turtle eggs shall not be harvested from the wild. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00. Equipment used in such violations

(including but not limited to nets, traps and boats) may be confiscated in accordance with Codes 01.00-D and 01.00-J.

39.03 AQUATIC TURTLE TACKLE TAGGING. It shall be unlawful to fail to attach the proper tag to each turtle trap net or box type trap as specified herein:
(A) Turtle net tags must be attached to the first hoop at the opening of the net.
(B) Box type trap tags must be attached to the side of the trap and be visible above the waterline.
(1) Fish Farmers when removing aquatic turtles from their permitted facilities.
(2) Private pond owners when removing aquatic turtles from tlieir ponds for non-commercial purposes.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00. Equipment used in such violations (including but not limited to nets, traps and boats) may be confiscated in accordance with Code 01.00-D.

39.04 AQUATIC TURTLE TACKLE RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take aquatic turtles by the use of chemicals, explosives, or tackle other than as specified herein:
(A) Hoop nets with ramp netting attached to the first hoop and a slot opening secured against fish entry by parallel lines to the second hoop. Net to be set with slot horizontal. Maximum slot opening 1 inch by 3 feet. Minimum mesh size shall be 1 Vz inches square bar mesh. Wings or leads may not be used. Nets must be set so that a portion of the enclosure remains above water surface at all times.
(B) Box type traps with an open top that is above the water surface. All other trap surfaces must be fully closed and incapable of taking fish. Box type turtle traps may not exceed 4x4x4 feet in dimension.
(C) Turtle trappers must check and remove catch from all hoop nets at least once during each 24-hour period and from all box traps at least once every 72-hours (3 days).


(1) Legal mesh hoop nets when appropriately tagged and commercially fished in waters open to their use.
(2) Fish farmers when removing aquatic turtles from their permitted facilities.
(3) Private pond owners when removing aquatic turtles from their ponds for non-commercial purposes.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $5,000.00. Equipment used in such violations (including but not limited to nets, traps and boats) may be confiscated in accordance with Codes 01.00-D and 01.00-J.

39.05 AQUATIC TURTLE HARVEST PERMITTEE AND AQUATIC TURTLE DEALER PERMITTEE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for Aquatic Turtle Harvest Permittees and Aquatic Turtle Dealer Permittees to fail to mail or deliver to the Commission on or before the 10th of each month, a legible, itemized Aquatic Turtle Harvest Form (provided by the Commission) for all wild caught aquatic turtles harvested during the preceding month. A copy of this form shall be retained by the permittee for a period of twelve (12) months and made available for inspection by any agent of the Commission.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00. Second offense shall result in revocation of the Aquatic Turtle Harvest Permit or Aquatic Turtle Dealer Permit.


PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for permitted aquatic turtle harvesters to sportfish or possess game fish in the same waters where the permittee is engaged in turtle trapping. EXCEPTION:

(1) Rough fish caught in turtle traps may be retained for use as bait.
(2) If hoop nets or box type traps are baited with fish, only rough fish and bullheads may be used.
(3) Fish farmers on their permitted facilities.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00. Second offense shall result in revocation of the Aquatic Turtle Harvest Permit or Aquatic Turtle Dealer Permit.


PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take, possess, or kill alligator snapping turtles (Macrochelys temminckii), their eggs or any part thereof from the wild. EXCEPTIONS:

(1) A legally acquired alligator snapping turtle may be possessed for display and educational purposes by written authorization approved by the Chief of Fisheries. Such authorizations specifically do not allow for the propagation, sale, or exchange of these turtles in any form without written authorization from the Chief of Fisheries.
(2) In compliance with Commission Code 39.09 Alligator Snapping Turtle Breeder/Dealer Permit.
(3) Fish farmers for immediate relocation of Alligator Snapping Turtle's removed from their permitted facilities.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $5,000.00. Equipment used in such violations (including but not limited to nets, traps and boats) may be confiscated in accordance with Codes 01.00-D and 01.00-J.

39.07(B) TAKE OF CHICKEN TURTLES PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take, or kill chicken turtles {Deirochelys reticularia), their eggs, or any part thereof from the wild.


(1) Chicken Turtles in legal possession as of January 1, 2006 and their progeny thereafter in compliance with Code 39.01(A) Aquatic Turtle Dealer Permit Requirements and 39.01(C) Aquatic Turtle Farmer Permit Requirements. PENALTY: $500.00 to $5,000.00. Equipment used in such violations (including but not limited to nets, traps and boats) may be confiscated in accordance with Codes 1.00-D and 1.00-J.

CHICKEN TURTLES PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to import alligator snapping turtles and chicken turtles from outside the state of Arkansas.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $5,000.00. Equipment used in such violations (including but not limited to transport vehicles) may be confiscated in accordance with Codes 01.00-D and 01.00-J.


PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to possess, buy or sell alligator snapping turtles without first obtaining an Alligator Snapping Turtle Breeder/Dealer Permit. Such permits may be granted in accordance with Commission requirements, including:

(A) A site plan, to include physical and geographic description, of all facilities to be used to hold alligator snapping turtles must be provided to the Fisheries Division Chief.
(B) All sites shall be inspected and approved by Commission personnel prior to issuance of a permit.
(C) Holding ponds/impoundments shall be fenced and maintained in such manner as to prevent egress of captives and ingress of wild stock.
(D) Facilities shall be subject to random inspection by Commission personnel in the performance of their duties.
(E) Alligator Snapping Turtle Breeder/Dealer Permit holders are the only allowed source for the purchase of alligator snapping turtles and alligator snapping turtle eggs.
(F) Transport of alligator snapping turtles must be accompanied by a bill of sale or bill of lading and must contain the following information: name, address, and telephone number of buyer, name and permit number of breeder/dealer, and number of turtles.
(G) Permit holders must complete monthly reports as detailed in Code 39.10.
(H) Alligator snapping turtles in excess of five (5) inches curved carapace length may not be sold, bartered, traded, or transferred.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $1,000.00. Any offense may result in permanent permit revocation and stock confiscation in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges.

39.10 ALLIGATOR SNAPPING TURTLE BREEDER/DEALER REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for alligator snapping turtle breeder/dealers to fail to mail or deliver to the Commission by the 10th of each month a legible, itemized inventory of all alligator snapping turtles purchased, sold, or in possession during the prior month. This inventory shall include the names, addresses and phone numbers of the person(s) to or from whom alligator snapping turtles were sold, bartered, traded or transferred. This inventory shall be recorded on a form provided by the Commission.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00. Second offense shall result in permanent revocation of Alligator Snapping Turtle Breeder/Dealer Permit.

Section 40.00 Alligator Farmer Regulations
40.01 ALLIGATOR FARMER/DEALER PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for an alligator farmer or dealer, whether a resident or nonresident, to possess, buy or sell alligators (including an American alligator {Alligator mississippiensis) or other crocodilian species, or any part, nest or eggs thereof) without first obtaining an Alligator Farmer/Dealer Permit annually. An Alligator Farmer/Dealer Permit may be issued by the Commission upon the applicant demonstrating satisfactory compliance with the following requirements
(A) Submission of a completed application on a form provided by the Commission and a site plan of the facilities demonstrating compliance with the specifications and facility standards set forth in Commission Code 40.03;
(B) Satisfactory inspection of the proposed site by an officer of the Commission prior to issuance of the permit (holding areas must be enclosed providing no route of ingress or egress, and thus no mixing of wild and captive stocks);
(C) Compliance with all applicable U.S. Fish and Wildlife, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Arkansas State Health Department requirements for alligators; and
(D) Payment of the applicable permit fee ($200 annually).

Any person who has previously been convicted of any violation of the rules of the Commission relating to the legal taking of any crocodilian species shall not be eligible to receive an Alligator Farmer/Dealer Permit for a period of five (5) years after the date of the conviction. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

(A) Shipping tickets, invoices or bills of lading shall be maintained for all alligators purchased or sold to verify that they have been obtained from a legal source and not from the wild stock of the state, and complete written records of all changes in alligator stock shall be maintained for a minimum of five (5) years from the date of each transaction to verify sources of supply and disposition of alligator stock.
(B) Alligator Farm facilities and records shall be subject to random inspection by officers of the Commission;
(C) Upon request or inspection by the Commission, an alligator farmer/dealer shall disclose ownership of all alligators and provide documentation of inventory of initial and subsequent numbers of all alligator eggs and alligators, including breeding females and offspring. Documentation shall be sufficient to demonstrate the inventory is commensurate with production and survival levels for captive populations in accordance with biological standards adopted by the Commission or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
(D) Each alligator farmer/dealer shall report annually to the Wildlife Management Division by December 31 on a form supplied by the Commission all activities that have occurred during the year for the reporting period December 1 - November 30, including, but not limited to: the number of live alligators (separated by sizes); the number of eggs collected and hatched; the purchase and sale of alligators, hides and parts; and the numbers of alligators lost. Failure to accurately complete this form may result in the non-renewal or revocation of the alligator farmer/dealer's Alligator Farmer/Dealer Permit.
(E) The advertisement or representation of caimans or crocodiles as alligators is prohibited.
(F) No alligator farmer/dealer or his or her employees shall receive or transfer any alligator, eggs or hides except in accordance with Commission regulations.
(G) Permits to establish and operate alligator farms are not transferable. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00. In addition, non-compliance with terms of issued permit may result in non-renewal or revocation of permit privileges for one (1) to five (5) years.


(A) An alligator must contain enough suitable land and habitat to support a population of adult alligators in outside breeding ponds and adequate area for the construction of holding houses for young alligators up to three years of age. There must be a reliable source of fresh water and equipment for pumping and changing water. Breeding ponds shall be fenced around the perimeters with woven wire or board fences of sufficient height (minimum 4 feet) and tightness, constructed so as to prevent the escape or entrance of any size of alligator. Fences shall be buried or otherwise secured at the bottom so as to prevent entrance or escape. Breeding ponds must have at least one area of a minimum depth of 1.8 meters (approximately 6 feet at its deepest point) and suitable nesting sites.
(B) An alligator farmer shall furnish alligator housing of sufficient size and design such that all alligators shall be kept in a humane and sanitary manner. Pens or holding facilities shall be constructed in a manner to prevent the escape of any alligator contained therein and to prevent the entrance by any alligator from outside such pen or facility. The alligator farmer shall provide rearing tanks of concrete, fiberglass, plastic or metal construction for alligators less than four (4) feet in length. Alligators less than two (2) feet in length shall be housed separately from those two (2) to four (4) feet in length. On-site propagation facilities shall also provide ponds, nest sites and space for breeding adults and artificial incubators.
(C) Holding houses containing an adequate number of artificial tanks shall be provided for growing small alligators six feet or less in length. A sufficient number of tanks shall be provided to allow for segregation by age/size/classes, and each tank shall be permanently numbered to facilitate accurate record keeping. There shall be sufficient space in each tank for all alligators to completely submerge under water at one time and enough dry area in which to run around for basking purposes. A properly constructed tank will consist of 2/3 water for 1/3 dry area. The overall size of the tank shall depend upon the number of alligators held, but as a general standard each alligator should have enough space to submerge without having contact with another alligator. Holding tanks shall be designed to permit periodic cleaning of water and a complete change of water at regular intervals (at least every other day).
(D) An alligator farmer shall provide security for the facility premises sufficient to ensure that no alligators, eggs, or parts thereof can be moved in or out of the alligator farm without the farmer's knowledge.
(E) The premises of permitted alligator farms shall be subject to inspection by Commission personnel at any time.
(F) An alligator farmer shall make all alligator eggs produced on the farm available for inspection by August 1 of each nesting year. All alligator eggs shall be in containers having not more than one layer of eggs in at least one incubation facility on each alligator farm. Only viable alligator eggs will be credited to the egg inventory. Eggs laid after August 1 may be collected and added to the egg inventory only if egg development characteristics indicate a laying date after August 1 and nests are verified by Commission personnel prior to being collected.
(G) A controlled environmental chamber complete with an artificial nesting area (incubator) shall be provided for hatching of eggs. The chamber shall also contain a sufficient number of holding tanks to accommodate anticipated hatchlings and to provide a suitable environment for newborn alligators

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000. In addition, non-compliance with terms of issued permit may result in non-renewal or revocation of permit privileges for one (1) to five (5) years.

(A) Alligators at least twenty-three inches in length raised on a permitted alligator farm, or the skins or products of such captive-reared alligators, may be sold only upon written approval from the Commission and in accordance with the restrictions below. An alligator farmer may also utilize any product from a captive-reared alligator less than twenty-three inches in length that dies from natural causes, but only in accordance with the following restrictions:
(1) No alligator shall be skinned unless the alligator farmer/dealer first obtains written approval for the skinning from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. Records must be provided to verify that each alligator to be harvested was hatched and captive-reared on the farm or otherwise obtained from a legal source.
(2) Any alligator killed under authority of this section shall be tagged immediately with a tag furnished by the Commission. Such tag shall remain attached to the alligator hide until finally processed by the fabricator. It shall be unlawful for any alligator farmer, dealer or processor to possess untagged alligator hides.
(3) Property rights to identifying tags issued to farms shall be vested in the Commission, and tags shall remain the property of the Commission. Alligator tags will be issued to a permitted alligator farmer upon request at any time at least two weeks prior to scheduled harvesting, subject to verification of available stock by Commission personnel. Unused tags must be returned to the Commission within

15 days following the last day of the year that the issued tags are valid. Possession of any identifying alligator tags by persons other than permitted alligator farmers shall be unlawful. Tags are to be used only on skins and on live alligators (one tag per alligator) that are shipped directly to a licensed abbatoir.

(4) The meat of any alligator legally harvested may be consumed by the alligator farmer and his immediate family but shall not be sold or transferred except as provided for in these regulations.
(B) An alligator farmer/dealer may sell, barter, exchange, give or loan any live alligators of at least twenty-three inches in length provided written approval live is first obtained from the Commission for each transfer. If sold, bartered, or exchanged in interstate commerce or foreign trade, the legal requirements of the state or country involved in the transaction must also be satisfied.
(C) Any request for written approval to sell, barter, exchange give or loan any live alligators must (1) be made in writing at least two weeks prior to the proposed transaction date, (2) contain the name and address of the proposed buyer, (3) reference the dealer's permit number or other authority for possession, and (4) describe each alligator by length, belly size, and sex, if known.
(D) A live alligator under twenty-three inches in length may be sold, loaned or donated to an accredited zoological park or to an Arkansas state or federal agency for educational use provided written approval is first obtained from the Commission. The request for approval must (1) be made in writing by both the alligator farmer/dealer and the educator, (2) describe each alligator by length, belly size, and sex, if known, (3) detail where each alligator will be housed, and (4) list the party responsible for the care and housing of each alligator.
(E) The Commission shall not approve the transfer of live alligators or alligator eggs outside of their native range unless the alligator farmer/dealer obtains prior written approval from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
(F) Alligator meat that is lawfully acquired through production on a permitted alligator farm may be sold to wholesale food distributors, food and nonfood meat processors, restaurants and canneries, provided that:
(1) Any alligator meat sold to the above type business shall be packaged in cardboard cartons, and each carton shall be sealed with a label clearly stating that it contains alligator meat, the number of pounds of meat enclosed, the name of the seller and buyer, the tag number corresponding to the alligator hide from which the meat was taken, and the date of sale. No more than five pounds of meat shall be included per carton and cartons shall be used only one time. Failure to properly mark cartons of alligator meat or possession of alligator meat in cartons improperly marked shall be considered a violation.
(2) Alligator farmers/dealers shall maintain written detailed and specific records of all alligator meat sales. These records shall be open to inspection by Commission personnel and shall include for each carton of meat sold the data indicated on the carton label as specified in (F)(1) above.
(3) All alligator meat purchased by the type business listed herein above shall be retained in the original carton until the meat is prepared for consumption or processing. All cartons containing alligator meat labeled in accordance with these regulations shall be shipped only within the State of Arkansas or to those states allowing the sale of alligator meat.
(4) Alligator farmers/dealers handling alligator meat for human consumption shall comply with the sanitation requirements of federal, state and local authorities.
(G) Alligator hides and other products, except meat, may be sold only in accordance with the following:
(1) Alligator farmers/dealers may sell the hides, feet, viscera or skeletal parts of alligators when all such sales are documented to show the kind and quantity of items sold and the name and address of each buyer who purchases for resale. Any packaged alligator parts must be sealed with a label that clearly states the hide tag number(s) of the alligator(s) from which the parts came, the names and addresses of the buyer and seller, the date of the sale, and the number and kind of parts included.
(2) No person shall sell any hide or other product manufactured from a crocodilian species (other than an American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)) that has been declared to be endangered or threatened by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service unless he or she has obtained prior written approval from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00. In addition, non-compliance with terms of issued permit may result in non-renewal or revocation of permit privileges for one (1) to five (5) years.

Section 41.00 Commercial Fishing Regulations
41.01 COMMERCIAL TACKLE LICENSE REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to fail to obtain the appropriate commercial tackle license for each gill net, trammel net, fish seine, hoop net, slat trap, fiddler net, snag line, trotline, limb line, throw line, set hook, or turtle tackle (hoop nets and box type traps) used in the waters of this state.


(1) Trotlines, limb lines, throw lines and set hooks used for sportfishing and fish caught for personal use only; Commercial fishermen may not sportfish commercial line gear in waters open to commercial fishing.
(2) In compliance with Commission Code 42.01 (Fish Farmer Permit Requirements).

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

41.02 COMMERCIAL TACKLE TAG REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to fail to attach the metal tags issued with commercial tackle licenses to the tackle as specified herein:
(A) Gill net, trammel net and fish seine tags must be attached to one end of the float line.
(1) If over 100 yards in length, an additional tag is required for each additional 100 yards or fractional part thereof.
(B) Hoop net and fiddler net tags must be attached to first hoop at the opening of the net.
(C) Slat trap tags must be attached to the first rib nearest the front opening of each trap.
(D) Trotline, snagline, throw line, limb line and set hook tags (same tag used for each of these tackles) must be attached to each line at the bank end of the lines.
(1) If over 100 feet in length, an additional tag is required for each additional 100 feet or fractional part thereof.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

41.03 COMMERCIAL TACKLE RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to use nets, seines, leads, heart and leads or wings or trotlines other than as specified herein:
(A) Hoop nets, leads, heart and leads or wings minimum square bar mesh size - two and one-half (2 1/2) inches when wet and with thread not less than fifteen (15) gauge.
(B) Fiddler nets (where permitted by Code 41.24) minimum square bar mesh size one and one-half (1 1/2) inches when wet. Thread size not less than fifteen (15) gauge. Wings or leads prohibited.
(C) Commercial fish seines, minimum square bar mesh size - three and one-half (3 1/2) inches with thread not less than fifteen (15) gauge when wet.
(D) Commercial gill and trammel nets, minimum square bar mesh size -three and one half (3 1/2) inches.
(E) Trotlines must be run daily and catch removed. EXCEPTION:
(1) For purposes of taking paddlefish in the Arkansas River above

Dam 2 during the paddlefish season, Roe Buyer/Exporter and Roe Taker/Seller permit holders are reguired to use six (6) inch or larger sguare bar mesh nets.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

(A) The following waters are open year-round to legal commercial tackle as defined in Code 41.03 and 41.08:

RED RIVER in Hempstead, Lafayette, Little River and Miller counties; LITTLE RIVER from its mouth in Hempstead and Little River counties upstream to Corps of Engineers boat ramp on west bank of river below Millwood Lake Dam;

SULPHUR RIVER from its mouth to the Texas State line, OUACHITA RIVER from the Louisiana State Line to the confluence of the Caddo River (See Exceptions 2, 3 and 5 below). Saline River from its confluence with the Ouachita River upstream to the Stillion Railroad Bridge in Ashley and Bradley Counties, FOURCHE LaFAVE RIVER from its mouth to Highway 7 Bridge in Perry County; PETIT JEAN RIVER from its mouth to Highway 10 Bridge in Yell County; WHITE RIVER upstream from its mouth to one hundred (100) yards below Dam No. 1 at Batesville in Independence County; BLACK RIVER from its mouth to the Missouri state line; ST. FRANCIS RIVER upstream to the mouth of the left hand chute of Little River in Poinsett County; CACHE RIVER and lakes accessible by boat from the river. ARKANSAS RIVER from its mouth to the Arkansas/Oklahoma State line including that part of the Arkansas River from the Ozark Dam to the Arkansas - Oklahoma State line, bounded on the north by the Union Pacific Railroad and on the south by Highway 22 (In compliance with Commission Codes 41.09, 41.19, and 41.20) and ARKANSAS WATERS between the main levees of the Mississippi River. All lakes, bays or other bodies of water, other than tributary streams, connected to waters as specified above, when accessible by boat, from the main channel except as limited by Section 30.00 (Reciprocal License Agreements).


(1) Emergency Closures listed in Section 44.00.
(2) Flathead catfish, bowfin, drum, and gar may not be taken or possessed by commercial fishermen on the Ouachita River from Smackover Creek to the northern boundary of Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge.
(3) Blue catfish, flathead catfish, bowfin, drum and gar may not be taken or possessed by commercial fishermen on the Ouachita River from the northern boundary of Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge to the Louisiana State Line, all waters within Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge, and from the Saline River from its mouth within Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge upstream to the Stillion Railroad Bridge.
(4) Island 40 Chute in Crittenden County closed to commercial fishing except noon, November 1 to noon, March 30, or when accessible by boat from the Mississippi River.
(5) The section of the Ouachita River between the confluence of the Little Missouri River and the confluence of the Caddo River shall be closed to all commercial fishing from January 1 through March 31.
(B) The following waters are closed year-round to commercial fishing: Lake Erling, including all tributaries upstream from 100 yards below Lake Erling Dam to State Highway 313 in Lafayette County; All lakes owned and/or operated by the State Parks, Recreation and Travel Commission, the U.S. Forest Service, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (excluding all natural or channel scar lakes on Commission Wildlife Management Areas located within counties not designated as closed); Columbia County Lake in Columbia County, Dorcheat Bayou from its headwaters in Nevada County to the Arkansas/Louisiana state line, Horseshoe Lake in Crittenden County; Saline River above State Highway 278 in Bradley County, Lake Wallace in Drew and Chicot counties; Upper and Lower Lake Chicot (from Connerly Bayou Dam to the Ditch Bayou Dam, inclusive) in Chicot County; Hensley Lake in Jefferson County, Lake Maumelle in Pulaski County, White Oak Bay (Ozark Lake/Arkansas River), Morgan Point Bendway Lake in Desha County, Little Missouri River and all lakes in the Hot Springs Village Area of Saline County.


(1) Hoop nets shall not be used on Grand Lake (Chicot County).
(C) The following counties or parts thereof are open year-round to legal commercial fishing unless noted closed in Section B or other 41.00 codes. Legal gill and trammel nets may be fished in the following counties only from noon, September 30 to noon, May 1: Arkansas (See Emergency Closure Code 44.01), Ashley (See Emergency Closure Codes 44.04, 44.05 and 44.06), Bradley (See Emergency Closure Codes 44.03 and 44.06), Calhoun (See Emergency Closure Codes 44.03, 44.04 and 44.06), Chicot, Clay, Columbia (Dorcheat Bayou closed in (B) above; also see Emergency Closure Code 44.02), Craighead, Crittenden, Cross, Dallas, Desha, Drew (See Emergency Closure Codes 44.04 and 44.05), Greene, Hempstead, Independence, Jackson, Jefferson (See Emergency Closure Code 44.01), Lafayette, Lawrence, Lee, Lincoln, Little River, Lonoke (See Emergency Closure Code 44.01), Miller, Mississippi, Monroe, Nevada (Dorcheat Bayou closed in (B) above), Ouachita, Phillips, Poinsett, Prairie (See Emergency Closure Code 44.01), Pulaski (See Emergency Closure Code 44.01), Randolph, Saint Francis, White, Woodruff and Union (See Emergency Closure Code 44.06) counties.


(1) For waters in the above counties located within the White River National Wildlife Refuge below Highway 1, gill and trammel net season is from noon, September 30 through noon, November 30 and from noon, March 1 through noon, September 30 when accessible by boat from the White River and the White River is above 23.5 ft. on the St. Charles gauge.

All commercial fishermen must obtain a Special Use Permit from the

White River Refuge Manager prior to fishing refuge waters.

(2) Saline River and bacl
(3) Open waters in Independence County include White River, Black River and oxbow lakes that are north of Arkansas Hwy 14 and east of Arkansas Hwy 122 and Arkansas Hwy 25. Landowner permission will be required for oxbow lakes that are not accessible from the Black River.
(D) The following counties are closed year-round to commercial fishing unless noted open in Section A or other 41.00 codes:

Baxter, Benton, Boone, Carroll, Clark, Cleburne, Cleveland, Conway, Crawford, Faulkner, Franklin, Fulton, Garland, Grant, Hot Spring, Howard, Izard, Logan, Johnson, Madison, Marion, Montgomery, Newton, Perry, Pike, Polk, Pope, Saline, Scott, Searcy, Sebastian, Sevier, Sharp, Stone, Van Buren, Washington and Yell counties. When a river or stream forms the boundary between opened and closed counties, that boundary segment shall be open to tackle legal in the open county, unless closed in other 41.00 and 44.00 codes.


(1) That part of Saline River south of Hwy 371 (old Hwy 24) in Howard and Sevier counties open year around to hoop nets.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to purchase commercial tackle tags or to operate commercial tackle without first obtaining a current Commercial Fisherman's Permit and Sportfishing License. A bill of sale with permit number must accompany all sales to fish markets, processors, or retailers of fish or parts thereof in each transaction. Said bill of sale shall be retained by the purchaser for a period of twelve (12) months and made available for inspection by a Commission Wildlife Officer. EXCEPTIONS:

(1) Applies only to the first sale of commercial fish or parts thereof.
(2) Individuals under age 16, or age 65 or over, will be required to purchase a Junior/Senior Commercial Fishing Permit only if they plan to sell commercial species offish.
(3) A person with a Commercial Fisherman Helper's Permit in his immediate possession may operate the properly tagged tackle of a licensed commercial fisherman.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

41.05(A) RESIDENT ROE TAKER/SELLER PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to take, sell or possess paddlefish (also called spoonbill catfish) or sturgeon, or their parts, including eggs (roe), without first obtaining a current Resident Roe Taker/Seller Permit. A commercial fishing license is required to purchase a Resident Roe Taker/Seller Permit.


(1) A person with a Resident Roe Tal
(2) Sportfisliermen in compliance witli Code 31.01B, Game Fisli Possession Limit Restrictions.
(3) Permitted fisli farmers in compliance with Code 42.10, Paddlefish, Sturgeon and Bowfin Roe Regulations.
(4) Paddlefish and sturgeon flesh (meat) only may be sold in compliance with Code 41.06.
(5) Paddlefish/sturqeon flesh and/or roe can be transported by an authorized representative of a legally permitted Resident RoeTaker/Seller if accompanied by a true bill of lading or bill of sale indicating name and permit number of the authorizing Resident Taker/Seller and including the species, number of pounds of roe or flesh per species, and if being sold, the name of the purchaser. A true bill of lading or bill of sale must accompany the shipment to the final destination.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $1,000.00 and fishing privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges.


BUYER/EXPORTER PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to buy or export across the state line paddlefish or sturgeon, or their parts, including eggs (roe), without first obtaining a current Resident Roe Buyer/Exporter Permit or Non-Resident Buyer/Exporter Permit, as applicable. Licensed commercial fishermen who hold current Resident Roe Buyer/Exporter Permit may also take paddlefish and sturgeon in accordance with applicable season, size and tackle regulations.


(1) Sportsmen in compliance with Code 31.01B, Game Fish Possession Limit Restrictions.
(2) Permitted fish farmers in compliance with Code 42.10, Paddlefish, Sturgeon and Bowfin Roe Regulations.
(3) Paddlefish and sturgeon flesh (meat) only may be purchased from permitted Roe Taker/Sellers and Roe Buyer/Exporters in compliance with Code 41.06.
(4) Paddlefish/sturgeon flesh and/or roe can be transported by an authorized representative of a legally permitted Resident Buyer/Exporter if accompanied by a true bill of lading or bill of sale indicating name and permit number of the authorizing Resident Buyer/Exporter and including the species, number of pounds of roe or flesh per species, and if being sold, the name of the purchaser. A true bill of lading or bill of sale must accompany the shipment to the final destination.
(5) Paddlefish, sturgeon, or their flesh (excluding eggs or roe) may be purchased for personal use without purchasing either a Resident/Non-Resident Roe Buyer/Exporter permit in compliance with Code 41.06.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $1,000.00 and fishing privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges.


Resident Roe Buyers/Exporters or Non-Resident Roe Buyers/Exporters must submit montlily, on or before tine 16th of tine montli, reports of roe buying transactions for tine preceding montli, on forms provided by tine Commission. Resident Roe Buyer/Exporters must also report tlieir talPENALTY: $500.00 to $1,000.00 and privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges.

41.06 PURCHASE OF WILD-CAUGHT COMMERCIAL FISH RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful for fish markets, processors, or retailers to purchase commercial fish taken from the waters of the state without first obtaining a bill of sale from the seller for each transaction. Said bill of sale must indicate the permit number of the seller. EXCEPTION:
(1) Business establishments preparing fish (except paddlefish and sturgeon) for immediate consumption on the premises.
(2) Individuals purchasing paddlefish, sturgeon, or their flesh for personal use must have a bill of sale indicating name and permit number of the authorizing Resident Taker/Seller and including the species, number of pounds of flesh per species, and the name of the purchaser.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $500.00

41.07 REQUIREMENTS FOR SELLING COMMERCIAL FISH. It shall be unlawful for any person to own or operate commercial fishing tackle or sell fish taken with such tackle, to fail to obtain a Commercial Fisherman Permit as specified in Commission Code 41.05 (Commercial Fisherman's Permit and Reporting Requirements).

PENALTY: $100.00 to $500.00.

41.08 ILLEGAL COMMERCIAL TACKLE PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to use any tackle for commercial purposes other than as specified herein:

Properly licensed drag seines, hoop nets (with or without wings or leads), fiddler nets (without wings or leads) where permitted, slat traps (where permitted), trammel nets, gill nets, limb lines, set lines, trotlines and snaglines in waters open to commercial fishing. EXCEPTION:

(1) In compliance with Commission Code 42.01 (Fish Farmer Permit Requirements).
(2) In compliance with Commission Code 42.04 (Fish Farmer Tackle Requirements).

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

41.09 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL FISHING IN ARKANSAS RIVER NAVIGATION SYSTEM. It shall be unlawful to fish with gill nets, trammel nets, trotlines, snaglines and hoop nets in waters specified herein:
(A) From Dam No. 1 to the Arrival Point sign at approximate river mile 9.8;
(B) From Dam No. 2 to the mouth of Morgan Cut-Off;
(C) From Lock & Dam No. 3 to the Arrival Point sign at approximate river mile 49.6;
(D) From Lock & Dam No. 4 to the Arrival Point sign at approximate river mile 65.4;
(E) From Lock & Dam No. 5 to the Arrival Point sign at approximate river mile 85.8;
(F) From David D. Terry Lock & Dam to the Arrival Point sign at approximate river mile 107.5;
(G) From Murray Lock & Dam to the Arrival Point sign at approximate river mile 124.7;
(H) From Toad Suck Lock & Dam to the Arrival Point sign at approximate river mile 155.3;
(I) From Lock & Dam No. 9 to the Arrival Point sign at approximate river mile 176.3; (J) From Dardanelle Lock & Dam to the Highway 7 bridge; (K) From Ozark Lock & Dam to the Arrival Point sign at approximate river mile 256.2; (L) From Lock & Dam No. 13 to the Arrival Point sign at approximate river mile 292.2. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
41.10 COMBINING COMMERCIAL FISHING AND SPORTFISHING PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for a commercial fisherman to sport fish in the same waters where he is engaged in commercial fishing. EXCEPTION:
(1) When fishing slat traps only. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
41.11 POSSESSION OF GAME FISH BY COMMERCIAL FISHERMEN PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for commercial fishermen to possess game fish while engaged in commercial fishing or while possessing commercial tackle or commercial fish.


(1) Catfish sixteen (16) inches or more in length.
(2) Alligator gar.
(3) In compliance with Commission Code 41.10 (Combining Commercial Fishing and Sport Fishing Prohibited).
(4) Bream for bait.
(5) In compliance with Commission Code 41.12 (Undersized Commercial Fish Prohibited).
(6) In compliance with Commission Code 42.01 (Fish Farmer Permit Requirements).

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00 and fishing privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges.

41.12 UNDERSIZED COMMERCIAL FISH PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for commercial fishermen to possess catfish or buffalo fish less than 16

inches in length or paddlefish and sturgeon of any size taken from public waters.


(1) Twelve (12) inch or larger blue and channel catfish only may be taken in waters specified in Section 41.24.
(2) Holders of a current Resident Roe Taker/Seller Permit or Resident Roe Buyer/Exporter Permit in compliance with Code 41.05(A) or Code 41.05(B) may possess paddlefish in excess of 36 inches or larger in the open portion of the Arkansas River, 32 inches or larger in body length in the open portion of the White River and 34 inches or larger in body length for all other waters open to paddlefish harvest or sturgeon when in season. Paddlefish shall be measured from front of eye to fork of tail with the fish laid flat on a rule.
(3) See also 41.38 Harvest Restriction of Catfish and Sturgeon in the Mississippi River.
(4) It shall be unlawful for commercial fishermen to possess flathead catfish less than 20 inches in length on the Ouachita River from the confluence of the Little Missouri River to the confluence of the Caddo River.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00 and fishing privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges.


It shall be unlawful for nonresidents to assist or participate in any commercial harvest operation or to possess commercial fish, mussel, crayfish, aquatic turtles or commercial tackle associated with commercial harvest on Arkansas waters. Resident - Any person who has established a bona fide or actual residence of at least 12 months (one year) prior to applying for a license, and who declares intentions of becoming a citizen of Arkansas. EXCEPTION: (1) In compliance with Commission Code 30.01, 30.02, 30.03

(Reciprocal Agreements).

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

41.14 NET LEAD OR WING LENGTH REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to use any lead or wing of any type connection with hoop, barrel or pond nets in excess of 100 yards in length.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

41.15 NET LEAD OR WING PROXIMITY REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for any lead or wing of any type to be set within 100 yards of another lead or wing.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

41.16 BLOCKING STREAMS WITH NETS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to block horizontally from water's edge to water's edge more than fifty (50%) percent or one-half (1/2) of the width of any stream with nets, leads, wings or seines.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

41.17 SEINING AT NIGHT PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to use any fish seine at night in the public waters of the State. EXCEPTION:
(1) Between the main levees of the Mississippi River. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

It shall be unlawful to commercially fish trotlines, throw lines, limb lines or snaglines in Corning Lake or Long Lake in Clay County. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

41.19 DARDANELLE LAKE COMMERCIAL FISHING RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to use commercial tackle of any type from Noon, March 1 through noon, November 30 in the waters of Dardanelle Lake north of the Missouri Pacific Railroad in Pope, Johnson and Franklin counties, Dardanelle Bay in Yell County, and south of signs posted on Shoal Bay, Cane Creek Bay, Six Mile Creek at 0-Kane Island Access, and south of Highway 22 in Delaware Bay in Logan County. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
41.20 DARDANELLE LAKE COMMERCIAL TACKLE ANCHORING RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to fish gill and trammel nets in any part of Dardanelle Lake without said nets being anchored so they are within no less than three (3) feet of the water surface. EXCEPTION:
(1) December 1 to April 1. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
41.21 ARKANSAS RIVER BELOW DAM NO. 2 COMMERCIAL FISHING RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to fish commercially on the Arkansas River downstream from Dam No. 2 to the Morgan Cut-Off. EXCEPTION:
(1) Hoop nets only when fished from the launching ramp below the dam on the Arkansas County side to the mid-point of the river and downstream to the boat ramp on the Desha County side and henceforth the entire river downstream to Morgan Cut-Off.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

41.22 COMMERCIAL FISHING RESTRICTIONS STEEL BEND - OLD RIVER LAKE (PULASKI COUNTY). It shall be unlawful to commercial fish in Steel Bend - Old River Lake (Pulaski County) other than from noon, October 1 -Noon, March 1. Only legal-size commercial gill and trammel nets may be used. Participants must register with the District Fisheries Biologist and provide monthly landing records.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


It shall be unlawful to fish, in any manner, for commercial purposes on the

Big Lake National Wildlife Refuge.


(1) Three (3) inch or larger square bar mesh, gill and trammel nets used March 1 through October 31.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

41.24 POSSESSION AND USE OF FIDDLER SIZE HOOP NETS AND SLAT TYPE FISH TRAPS RESTRICTED TO CERTAIN PUBLIC WATERS. It shall be unlawful to use or possess fiddler size hoop nets or slat type fish traps in any public waters other than those specified herein:
(A) Arkansas River, including impoundments thereon, from the mouth at the Mississippi River to Arkansas-Oklahoma State Line.
(B) L'Anguille River from the mouth at the St. Francis River to the point of origin.
(C) Little River from its mouth at Corps of Engineers Boat Ramp on the west side of Little River below Millwood Dam.
(D) All Arkansas waters of the Mississippi River bounding Arkansas.
(E) Red River from the Louisiana State Line to the Oklahoma state line.
(F) St. Francis River from the mouth at the Mississippi River to the Missouri state line in Clay County.
(G) Old Town Lake, Phillips County.
(H) White River from Interstate 40 bridge to its mouth.
(l) All lakes, bays or other bodies of water, other than tributary streams,

connected to waters specified, when accessible by boat from the main channel. (J) Bay Ditch, (Cross, Poinsett and Craighead Counties) from its mouth upstream to U.S. Highway 63 in Craighead County. (K) St. Francis Floodway Diversion Ditch from its mouth upstream to

U.S. Highway 63 in Poinsett County. (L) Cypress Bayou (Whiskey Chute) in Phillips County (Slat traps only).


(1) Fiddler size hoop nets prohibited in Arkansas River from the State Highway 7 Bridge, Yell County, to the Arkansas-Oklahoma State Line; in the White River from Interstate 40 bridge to its mouth; and all lakes, bays or other bodies of water connected to White River as specified, whether or not accessible by boat from the main channel; and in Old Town Lake, Phillips County.
(2) Slat traps may be fished from Noon September 30 to Noon June 1 only in Millwood Lake and year-round in Little River above Millwood Lake to the Oklahoma state line.
(3) Sixteen inch size limit on blue catfish taken by commercial gear in the Arkansas River from the Hwy 7 bridge (Yell County) to the Oklahoma state line.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

41.25 SLAT TYPE FISH TRAP AND FIDDLER SIZE HOOP NET RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to use any slat type fish trap or fiddler size net in public waters listed in Commission Code 41.24 other than as specified herein:
(A) Maximum slat trap length - six (6) feet.
(B) Maximum round slat trap diameter - twenty-four (24) inches.
(C) Maximum square trap width and height- twenty-four (24) inches.
(D) Minimum of seven (7) 1 1/2 inch (width) by 3 1/2 inch (length) unobstructed slots evenly spaced around perimeter of the rear portion of catch area. Slat material of wood or plastic.
(E) Fiddler net mesh of any nonmetallic thread or filament material of nylon or cotton with minimum square bar mesh size 1 1/2 inches with thread size not less than 15 gauge and wings or leads are prohibited.
(F) Reference Commission Code 41.02 (Commercial Tackle Tag Requirements).

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

41.26 COMMERCIAL FISHING RESTRICTIONS IN LAKE MILLWOOD. It shall be unlawful to use gill or trammel nets in Lake Millwood other than from noon September 30 to noon May 1, and slat traps other than from Noon, September 30 to Noon June 1. Nets with square bar mesh less than three and one-half (3 1/2) inches prohibited. Lake Millwood is open year-round to other legal commercial fishing.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

41.27 COMMERCIAL FISHING RESTRICTIONS IN BLUE MOUNTAIN AND NIMROD LAKES. It shall be unlawful to commercial fish in Nimrod Lake other than Noon, October 1 to Noon, March 1 and Blue Mountain Lake other than from Noon, October 1 to Noon, March 1. All common carp caught must be removed from these lakes. Commercial fishermen must register prior to fishing with the local district fisheries biologist and must submit monthly catch records to the local district fisheries biologist by the 15th of the following month. Legal sized gill and trammel nets or larger only.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00 and revocation of commercial fishing privileges in Blue Mountain and Nimrod Lakes for noncompliance with requirements.

41.28 AP&L NUCLEAR POWER PLANT (LAKE DARDANELLE) COMMERCIAL FISHING RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to fish commercially in the AP&L Nuclear Power Plant discharge bay from November 1 through March 1.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

41.29 COMMERCIAL FISHING RESTRICTIONS IN POINT REMOVE AND CADRON CREEKS. It shall be unlawful to use gill or trammel nets with a square bar mesh less than three and one-half (3 1/2) inches nor hoop nets with a square bar mesh less than two and one-half (2 1/2) inches during the commercial fishing season beginning noon September 30 to noon May 1 on the following creeks:
(1) Cadron Creek - from its mouth to Highway 287 on its east fork in Faulkner County.
(2) North Cadron Creek - from its mouth to Highway 285 in Faulkner County.
(3) Point Remove Creek - from its mouth up the east fork to Highway 95 and the Kissire Bridge on the west fork in Conway County.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

41.30 PADDLEFISH AND STURGEON POSSESSION RESTRICTIONS ON WHITE RIVER, ARKANSAS RIVER AND BORDER WATERS. It shall be unlawful to commercially take or possess paddlefish (also called spoonbill catfish) or sturgeon, or their parts including eggs (roe), from
(A) That part of the White River, from Hwy 67 bridge at Newport, upstream to Dam 1 at Batesville.
(B) The following border waters with Louisiana: Red River in Hempstead, Lafayette, Little River, and Miller counties; Ouachita River from the Louisiana State Line to 100 yards below Felsenthal Lock and Dam; Bayou Bartholomew from the Louisiana state line to its source in Jefferson County; Bodcau Bayou from the Louisiana state line to the base of Lake Erling Dam; Boeuf River from the Louisiana state line to its source in Chicot County; and Bayou Macon from the Louisiana state line to its source in Desha County.
(C) The portion of the Arkansas River extending from Ozark Lock and Dam upstream to the Arkansas/Oklahoma State line year-round except for during permitted special seasons as determined by the Director of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission.


(1) Ozark Pool will be open to paddlefish and shovelnose

sturgeon harvest from November 15, 2006 through

March 31. 2007. PENALTY: $500.00 to $1,000.00 and fishing privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges.

41.31 COMMERCIAL FISHING RESTRICTIONS ON DAGMAR WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREA. It shall be unlawful to commercial fish on Dagmar Wildlife Management Area other than from Noon, January 1 until Noon of the last day of February.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

41.32 COMMERCIAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for any commercial fisherman to fail to report annually, on forms supplied by the Commission, harvest of alligator gar or of other such species for which harvest information may be required.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

41.33 CUTTING OR MUTILATION OF PADDLEFISH AND STURGEON PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to possess a cut or mutilated paddlefish or sturgeon while on the water unless the eggs have been removed (multilation includes tearing or disfiguring of paddlefish in any way near the vent area). A 12-gauge needle may be used to determine the presence of eggs. Eggs may not be removed from harvested fish while on the water unless a minimum 2-inch portion of each ovary remains attached in each fish. Eggs must be kept in separate containers, one fish only per container.


(1) Fish may be blocked out but the carcass must be at least the legal minimum length limit for the water body where the fish was taken. PENALTY: $500.00 to $1,000.00 and fishing privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges.
41.34 FIRST OLD RIVER LAKE (MILLER COUNTY) SPECIAL COMMERCIAL FISHING SEASON. It shall be unlawful to commercial fish First Old River Lake (Miller County) other than from Noon, November 1 through Noon, February 28, with 3 Vz inch gill and trammel nets. Commercial fishermen must obtain, and have in their possession while fishing, a commercial permit from the District Biologist at the Hope Regional Office and report their catch to the Hope Regional Office by March 15.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

41.36 GRAND LAKE COMMERCIAL FISHING SEASON. It shall be unlawful to commercial fish Grand Lake in Chicot County. EXCEPTION:
(1) Grand Lake may be commercially fished with slat traps from noon, November 1 to noon, March 1. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
41.37 COMMERCIAL FISHING DAILY LIMIT RESTRICTIONS. There are no daily or possession limits on the commercial creel in any waters where fish are taken legally.


(1) It shall be unlawful to take and retain more than 10 catfish (combination of channel, blue, flathead) per day from the Ouachita River between the confluence of the Little Missouri River and the confluence of the Caddo River while using commercial tackle. Nets must be run daily and catch removed. (Note: See 41.03E for precedence.)

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

41.38 HARVEST RESTRICTION OF CATFISH AND STURGEON IN THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. It shall be unlawful to commercially take or possess catfish greater than 34 inches in length from the Mississippi River along its common border with the state of Tennessee, or any sturgeon from the Mississippi River, including the Arkansas River to Dam #2, St. Francis River to the Huxtable Pumping Station and the White River to Montgomery Point Lock and Dam.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00 and fishing privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges.


It shall be unlawful to take from public waters or possess paddlefish (also called spoonbill catfish) or sturgeon, or their parts, including eggs (roe), during the period of Noon, April 15 to Noon, November 15. EXCEPTIONS:

(1) Permitted Resident Roe Buyers/Exporters and permitted Non-Resident Roe Buyers may possess processed roe only with proper reports of transactions described in Code 41.05(C).
(2) Sportfishermen in compliance with Code 31.01B, Game Fish Possession Limit Restrictions.
(3) Permitted fish farmers in compliance with Code 42.10, Paddlefish, Sturgeon and Bowfin Roe Regulations.
(4) Sturgeon may be taken until Noon, May 1.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $1,000.00, and fishing privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges.

Section 42.00 Fish Farmer Regulations
42.01 FISH FARMER (AQUACULTURIST) PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for fish farmers to possess, propagate or sell Aquaculture Species without first obtaining a Fish Farmers (Aquaculturist) Permit and renewing the permit annually. A Fish Dealer License is required to sell minnows retail unless sold on property where minnows are grown.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


It shall be unlawful for fish farmers (Aquaculturists) to fail to maintain legible records indicating sales and shipments and to reveal said records to a Commission Officer for inspection upon request. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


It shall be unlawful for fish farmers (Aquaculturists) to fail to furnish bill of lading or bill of sale as specified herein:

(A) A bill of sale or true bill of lading must be immediately supplied to each purchaser of fish indicating the species, number "or weight" of fish sold, name of purchaser and name and permit number of fish farmer making transaction and accompany shipment to final destination.
(B) The name and address of the consignor and consignee must be indicated on a true bill of lading for fish shipped or transported in intrastate and interstate commerce.
(C) The original fish farmer's permit number must be indicated on each and every bill of sale, invoice or bill of lading covering each fish transaction.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

42.04 FISH FARMER (AQUACULTURIST) TACKLE REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful for fish farmers (Aquaculturists) to use or transport illegal commercial tackle without first complying with Commission Code 42.01 (Fish Farmer (Aquaculturists) Permit Requirements)

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


It shall be unlawful for fish farmers to transport, sell or deliver White Crappie (Pomoxis annularis) in excess of 6 (six) inches in length. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

42.06 REARING OR PROPAGATING AQUATIC WILDLIFE IN CONFINEMENT RESTRICTED. It shall be unlawful to rear or propagate aquatic wildlife in confinement in public waters without first registering such operation with the Commission and complying with Commission Code 42.01 (Fish Farmer Permit Requirements).

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

42.07 FISHING IN CAGED FISH CONFINEMENTS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to fish or otherwise disturb aquaculture species contained in fish confinements for production or rearing of said aquaculture species. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

It shall be unlawful to operate a lake as a fish farm without having adequate control structures to prevent the inflow of water from adjacent streams, creeks, bayous, or rivers and without first removing all wild fish present in compliance with a plan submitted by the applicant and approved by the Chief of Fisheries. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

42.09 POSSESSION, REARING, PROPAGATION OR SALE BY FISH FARMERS (AQUACULTURISTS) OF RESTRICTED AND UNLISTED AQUACULTURE SPECIES PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for fish farmers (aquaculturists) to possess, rear, propagate or sell aquaculture species not listed on the Approved Aquaculture Species List (list available from Fisheries Division) without first apply for and obtaining a Restricted Species Possession Permit (Restricted Species List available from the Fisheries Division) or an Unlisted Aquaculture Species Permit from the Chief of Fisheries.


(1) The sale of native crayfish and turtle species that naturally colonize culture facilities is allowed if not otherwise prohibited.
(2) Marine and tropical aquatic wildlife commonly distributed in the aquarium trade may be sold without special permit, as long as they are held only in closed aquarium systems and not otherwise prohibited.
(3) The rearing and sale of turtles as allowed under Commission Code Section 39.00.

PENALTY: $350.00 to $1,000.00.


It shall be unlawful for a fish farmer to sell or buy paddlefish (also called spoonbill catfish), sturgeon, or their parts, including eggs (roe), without first obtaining a Resident Roe Taker/Seller Permit, Resident Roe Buyer/Exporter Permit, or a Non-Resident Roe Buyer Permit as applicable in accordance with Code 41.05. Fish farmers in possession of a Resident Roe Buyer/Exporter Permit, or a Non-Resident Roe Buyer Permit will be required to follow the reporting requirements as stated in Code 41.05. PENALTY: $500.00 to $1,000.00, and privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation or Privileges.

Section 43.00 Boating Regulations
43.01 VESSEL OPERATION AND EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR STATE WATERS. It shall be unlawful to operate any motorboat or vessel or manipulate any water skis, aquaplane, personal watercraft or similar device on waters of this state in violation of any provision of Arkansas Code Annotated Title 27, Chapter 101 "Watercraft" or Title 5, Chapter 76 "Operation of Motorboats While Intoxicated". PENALTY: As provided for in ACA Title 27, Chap. 101 and Title 5, Chap. 76.
43.02 VESSEL OPERATION AND EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR FEDERAL WATERS. It shall be unlawful to operate any motorboat or vessel or manipulate any water skis, aquaplane, personal watercraft or similar device on waters designated by federal law as federally controlled or under the jurisdiction of a department or agency of the United States Government in violation of any provision of Arkansas Code Annotated Title 27, Chapter 101 "Watercraft" or Title 5, Chapter 76 "Operation of Motorboats While Intoxicated".

PENALTY: As provided for in ACA Title 27, Chap. 101 and Title 5, Chap. 76.

43.03 BOATING RESTRICTIONS BELOW U.S. CORPS OF ENGINEER DAMS. It shall be unlawful for any vessel to enter within 300 feet downstream below any dam constructed by the U.S. Corps of Engineers on any stream or impoundment in the State.


(1) Commercial river traffic;
(2) Boats used by U.S. Corps of Engineers;
(3) Contractors working on construction or maintenance of dam;
(4) State and Federal Enforcement Officers. PENALTY: Not to exceed $50.00.

It shall be unlawful to operate a vessel in any manner contrary to signs, markers or buoys placed by the U.S. Corps of Engineers controlling speed, skiing or operation of vessels. PENALTY: Not to exceed $50.00.

43.05 BAY TOWN-INDIAN BAY AREA SKIING PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to water ski in the Bay Town-Indian Bay area of White River where prohibiting signs are posted.

PENALTY: Not to exceed $50.00.

43.06 MELLWOOD LAKE SKIING RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to water ski on Mellwood Lake north of the section line common to Sections 30

and 31, Township 5 south. Range 2 east of the 5th principal meridian, Phillips

County, Arkansas.

PENALTY: Not to exceed $50.00

43.07 SKIING PROHIBITED IN WHITE RIVER LAGRUE BAYOU CONFLUENCE AREA. It shall be unlawful to water ski within 1,500 feet in any direction of the confluence of LaGrue Bayou and White River. PENALTY: Not to exceed $50.00.
43.08 OUTBOARD MOTOR RESTRICTIONS ON BUFFALO NATIONAL RIVER. It shall be unlawful to use an outboard motor on the Buffalo River upstream from Erbie Ford, or use outboard motors larger than ten (10) horsepower from Erbie Ford to White River.

PENALTY: Not to exceed $50.00.

43.09 VESSEL RESTRICTIONS IN ARKANSAS AND WHITE RIVER NAVIGATIONAL CANAL. It shall be unlawful to operate any vessel in the Arkansas and White River Navigational Canal between Dam No.1 (Norrell Dam) and the lower guardwall of the dam.


(1) When the tailwater elevation exceeds 104 MSL and U.S.

Corps of Engineers signs are covered. PENALTY: Not to exceed $50.00.

43.10 POSSESSION OR USE OF GLASS CONTAINERS WITHIN THE BANKS OF NAVIGABLE WATERWAYS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to possess or use glass containers within the banks of navigable waterways of this State in violation of the provisions of Arkansas Code Annotated Title 8. Chapter 6. Subchapter 418.

PENALTY: As provided for in Ark. Code Ann. 8-6-418 (Fine not to exceed $500.00).

Section 44.00 Temporary and Emergency Orders
44.01 CLOSURE TO ALL COMMERCIAL HARVEST - BAYOU METO BAYOU. The Arkansas State Board of Health has quarantined Bayou Meto Bayou pursuant to law due to the contamination of the fish in the waters thereof. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has declared a closure to all commercial harvest in the waters described herein:

Big Bayou Meto and all tributaries thereof extending five (5) miles above their confluence with said bayou from State Highway 11 bridge at the Jefferson-Arkansas County line to the headwaters of Bayou Meto Bayou and all overflow lakes, sloughs and bayous including Little Bayou Meto Bayou north of Highway 88 and all water exchange ditches between Little Bayou Meto and Big Bayou Meto. Adopted on the 21st day of April, 1980, at a regular monthly meeting at Little Rock, Arkansas.


(1) Bayou Meto and all associated overflow lakes, sloughs, and tributaries are reopened to commercial harvest from the Highway 13 bridge in Lonoke County downstream to the bayou's confluence with the Arkansas River.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


IN COLUMBIA COUNTY. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has declared an emergency closure to all types of fishing in Big Creek tributary in Columbia County from the intersection of the tributary with Highway 82B and L&NW Railroad in Magnolia downstream to its confluence with Big Creek. The fishing ban will be for an indefinite period until the Arkansas Department of Health determines that the human health risk no longer exists. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


Arkansas Department of Health fish consumption advisory.

1) Champagnolle Creek from its mouth to Hwy 4, including all of Little Champagnolle Creek in Calhoun County
2) Moro Bay (Creekj from its mouth to Hwy 160.

The closure will be for an indefinite period, pending results of further sampling. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00

44.04 CLOSURE TO COMMERCIAL FISHING - CUT-OFF CREEK. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has closed all commercial fishing in the following waters: Cut-Off Creek from the Hwy 35 bridge in Drew County to the creek's confluence with Bayou Bartholomew in Ashley County. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
44.05 EMERGENCY CLOSURE TO COMMERCIAL FISHING - BAYOU BARTHOLOMEW. It shall be unlawful to commercial fish or use commercial tackle in Bayou Bartholomew between Highway 35 in Drew County and Highway 82 in Ashley County including all lakes, bays or other bodies of water, other than tributary streams.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00

44.06 COMMERCIAL FISHING FOR CERTAIN FISH PROHIBITED IN LOWER OUACHITA RIVER AND OUACHITA RIVER FLOOD PLAIN SOUTH OF SMACKOVER CREEK, SALINE RIVER AND SALINE RIVER FLOOD PLAIN SOUTH OF STATE HWY 278. The Arkansas Department of Health has revised fish consumption advisories for certain fish in the lower Ouachita River and Saline River as specified herein. These waters, including oxbows and overflow lakes when accessible by boat from the main channel, are open to legal commercial tackle as defined in Code 41.03, Commercial Tackle Mesh Size Restrictions and 41.04 Commercial Fishing Season and Restrictions. The oxbows and overflow lakes within Ouachita River flood plain when not accessible by boat from the main channel are open from Noon, September 30 through Noon, May 1 to legal gill and trammel nets.
(1) Flathead catfish, bowfin, drum, and gar may not be taken or possessed by commercial fishermen in the Ouachita River, oxbows and overflow lakes from Smackover Creek to the northern boundary of Felsenthal NWR.
(2) Flathead catfish, blue catfish, bowfin, drum, and gar may not be taken or possessed by commercial fishermen on the Ouachita River, oxbows and overflow lakes within Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge downstream to the Louisiana state line, any and all waters within Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge, and the Saline River from its mouth within the Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge to the Stillion Railroad Bridge in Ashley and Bradley Counties. Flathead catfish, blue catfish, bowfin, drum, gar, and redhorse suckers may not be taken or possessed by commercial fishermen on the Saline River from the Stillion Railroad Bridge upstream to the State Highway 278 Bridge in Bradley County..

PENALTY: $100.00 - $1,000.00.

45.01 TROUT PERMIT REQUIREMENT: It shall be unlawful for persons 16 or more years of age to retain trout from state waters, or to fish on Beaver Lake tailwater, from Beaver Dam to the boundary signs at Houseman Access; Little Red River, from Greers Ferry Dam to Hwy 305 bridge; North Fork of the White River downstream of Norfork Dam; Spavinaw Creek (Benton County) east of Hwy 59; and White River, from Bull Shoals Dam to Hwy 58 bridge at Guion, without first obtaining and validating by signature, a current trout permit.


(1) In compliance with Commission Code Section 34.00 Put-and-Take Pay Lake Requirements.
(2) Persons possessing a Lifetime Resident Hunting and Fishing Sportsman's Permit.
(3) Persons possessing a Resident 65 Plus Lifetime Trout Permit. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00
45.02 TROUT LIMIT, SIZE AND POSSESSION RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to possess more than two (2) daily limits of game fish or the aggregate thereof.

Daily Limit - Trout - (including not more than 2 each of brown,

cutthroat and brook trout)..... 5


(1) Brown Trout daily limit - 2 with a 16-inch minimum size limit in White River (Bull Shoals Lake Tailwater), North Fork White River (Norfork Tailwater), Spavinaw Creek (Benton County) west of Hwy 59, Spring River;
(2) Trout slot limit Little Red River (Greers Ferry Tailwater) from Greers Ferry Dam to Hwy 305 Bridge - daily limit of 5 trout, only one of which may exceed 24 inches long, with a protected slot limit from 16 to 24 inches in length. Trout from 16 to 24 inches in length must be released immediately, and may not be in possession in this area.
(3) Trout slot limit White River (Beaver Tailwater) from Beaver Dam to boundary signs at Houseman Access - Daily limit of 5 trout, only one of which may exceed 16 inches long, with a protected slot limit from 13 to 16 inches in length. Trout from 13 to 16 inches in length must be released immediately, and may not be in possession in this area.
(4) Cutthroat Trout daily limit - 2 with a 16-inch minimum size limit in White River (Bull Shoals Lake Tailwater), North Fork White River (Norfork Tailwater), Spavinaw Creek (Benton County) west of Hwy 59, Spring River.
(5) Brook Trout daily limit - 2 with a 14-inch minimum size limit in White River (Bull Shoals Lake Tailwater), North Fork White River (Norfork Tailwater), Spavinaw Creek (Benton County) west of Hwy 59, Spring River.
(6) On the Little Missouri River, from Narrows Dam to Hwy 27 Bridge, all brown trout must be released immediately.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

45.03 HERDING TROUT PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful on any trout stream in Arkansas to drive, pursue, harass or rally trout with the use of boats, wading, throwing objects, disturbing with noises, or by any other means for the intended purpose of concentrating or congregating trout. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.
45.04 TRANSFER OF TROUT BY GUIDES RESTRICTED. It shall be unlawful for licensed Commercial Guides to transfer to any other person his trout catch so that the recipient's legal daily or possession limit is exceeded. PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

SLOT LIMIT WATERS. It shall be unlawful to possess filleted fish or fish with head or tail removed while fishing from shore, boat, or transporting fish by boat on length/slot limit waters as described in Code 45.02, Trout Possession


PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

45.06 RAINBOW TROUT RETENTION RESTRICTION. It shall be unlawful to release a rainbow trout after it has been placed on a stringer, within a fish basket, live well, ice chest or retained by any other device. By such activities, it shall be presumed that the angler intended to retain the trout and count it in the daily fish limit. EXCEPTION:
(1) Rainbow trout exceeding 16 inches in length may be temporarily (not to exceed 30 minutes) retained in a live well only for purposes of measurement, weighing and photographing before release, on Bull Shoals and Norfork Tailwaters only.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00

45.07 SPECIFIC TROUT WATER REGULATIONS. It shall be unlawful to fail to comply with each of the listed restrictions pertaining to a specific body of water as described herein:
(A) Beaver Tailwater (White River from 100 yards below Beaver Dam to boundary signs at Houseman Access).
(1) No fishing, boating or wading within 100 yards of Beaver Dam.
(2) An angler shall use no more than one fishing rod or pole, and must attend it at all times. No other devices shall be used to catch fish other than as specified for the paddlefish-snagging season.
(3) Bait fishing allowed only with a single, barbless hooking point only (barbed shaft bait holder hooks allowed).
(4) From April 15 through June 15, snagging game fish is legal only from 100 yards below Beaver Dam from the Corps of Engineers "No Fishing Beyond This Point" sign downstream to the first Corps of Engineers boat ramp on the left deciding bank to the first boat-launching ramp. Snagging must cease after half the daily limit of any game fish has been snagged. Snagged fish of any species shall not be released.
(5) Special Regulation Area:

Artificial Lures Only Area / No Bait Zone from approximately 0.5 mile below Beaver Dam to approximately 100 yards upstream of Parker Bend Access as indicated by signs.

(a) Only artificial lures with a single, barbless hooking point shall be used. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(b) Chumming is prohibited.
(B) Bull Shoals Tailwater (White River from 100 yards below Bull Shoals Dam to Hwy 58 Bridge at Guion).
(1) No fishing, boating or wading within 100 yards of Bull Shoals Dam.
(2) An angler shall use no more than one fishing rod or pole, and must attend it at all times. No other devices shall be used to catch fish.
(3) Special Regulation Areas:
(a) Bull Shoals Dam Catch and Release Area - Open to fishing from February 1 - October 31 from 100 yards below Bull Shoals Dam to the upstream boundary of Bull Shoals/White River State Park.
(1) All trout caught must be immediately released.
(2) Only artificial lures with a single, barbless hooking point or a single, barbless treble hook, shall be used. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(3) Chumming is prohibited.
(b) Bull Shoals Dam Closed Area - the area 100 yards below Bull Shoals Dam to the wing dike at the Bull Shoals/White River State Park Trout Dock. This area is closed to fishing or wading from November 1 - January 31.
(c) Bull Shoals Dam Seasonal Brown Trout Catch and Release Area, from November 1 - January 31. From the wing dike at Bull Shoals/White River State Park Trout Dock to the downstream boundary of the Bull Shoals/White River State park.
(1) All brown trout must be immediately released.
(2) Only artificial lures with a single, barbless hooking point or a single, barbless treble hook shall be used. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(3) Chumming is prohibited.
(4) No fishing from 30 minutes after sunset until 30 minutes before sunrise.
(d) Rim Shoals Catch and Release Area (near Cotter),

from mouth of Jenkins Creek to the first electric power line downstream.

(1) All trout caught must be immediately released.
(2) Only artificial lures with a single, barbless hooking point shall be used. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(3) Chumming is prohibited.
(e) Monkey Island Catch and Release Area (between Reds Landing Access and Chesmond Ferry Access), from the upstream end of Monkey Island to mouth of Moccasin Creek.
(1) All trout caught must be immediately released.
(2) Only artificial lures with a single, barbless hooking point shall be used. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(3) Chumming is prohibited.
(f) Sylamore Catch and Release Area (immediately upstream of Jack's Resort) - upstream boundary is downstream of the Mt. Olive Access and the downstream boundary is immediately upstream of Jack's Resort, as indicated by signs.
(1) All trout caught must be immediately released.
(2) Only artificial lures with a single, barbless hooking point shall be used. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(3) Chumming is prohibited.
(C) Norfork Tailwater (North Fork of the White River from 100 yards below Norfork Dam to the confluence of the White River).
(1) No fishing, boating or wading within 100 yards below Norfork Dam.
(2) An angler shall use no more than one fishing rod or pole, and must attend it at all times. No other devices shall be used to catch fish.
(3) Chain dragging is prohibited. It shall be unlawful to drag chains or other objects from boats, capable of destroying aquatic vegetation.
(4) Special Regulation Areas:
(a) Norfork Catch and Release Area - from the mouth of Otter Creek to 100 yards above Bill Ackerman/River Ridge Access, as indicated by signs.
(1) All trout caught must be immediately released.
(2) Only artificial lures with a single, barbless hooking point shall be used. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(3) Chumming is prohibited.
(D) Greers Ferry Tailwater (Little Red River from 100 yards below Greers Ferry Dam to the Hwy 305 Bridge).
(1) No fishing, boating or wading within 100 yards of Greers Ferry Dam.
(2) An angler shall use no more than one fishing rod or pole, and must attend it at all times. No other devices shall be used to catch fish.
(3) Special Regulation Areas:
(a) JFK Special Regulations Area (at John F. Kennedy Park below Greers Ferry Dam) - from 100 yards downstream from Greers Ferry Dam to approximately 0.5 miles downstream to the last Greer's Ferry National Fish Hatchery effluent outfall in John F. Kennedy Park, as indicated by signs.
(1) Only artificial lures with barbless hooks shall be used.
(2) Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(3) Chumming is prohibited.
(b) Cow Shoals Seasonal Catch and Release Area, from October 1 - December 31. From the head of Cow Shoals to the mouth of Canoe Creek.
(1) All trout caught must be immediately released.
(2) Only artificial lures with a single, barbless hooking point shall be used. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(3) Chumming is prohibited.
(4) Closed to night fishing (one-half hour before sunset to one-half hour before sunrise).
(c) Mossy Shoals Special Regulations Area - from the head of Dunham Shoals downstream to the end of Mossy Shoals.
(1) Only artificial lures with barbless hooks shall be used.
(2) Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(3) Chumming is prohibited.
(E) Collins Creek (from its source in John F. Kennedy Park below Greers Ferry Dam to the confluence of the Little Red River).
(1) An angler shall use no more than one fishing rod or pole, and must attend it at all times. No other devices shall be used to catch fish.
(2) Catch and Release Stream. All trout caught must be immediately released.
(3) Only artificial lures with a single, barbless hooking point shall be used. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(4) Chumming is prohibited.
(5) Fishing is limited to youths under age 16 upstream of the wooden vehicle bridge in John F. Kennedy Park.
(6) Fishing is allowed from sunrise to sunset.
(7) Downstream of the wooden vehicle road bridge in John F. Kennedy Park, anglers with a valid fishing license and a valid trout permit may fish when accompanied by an actively fishing youth under age 16.
(F) Dry Run Creek (from it's source on the east side of Norfork National Fish Hatchery below Norfork Dam to the confluence with the North Fork of the White River).
(1) An angler shall use no more than one fishing rod or pole, and must attend it at all times. No other devices shall be used to catch fish.
(2) Catch and Release Stream. All trout caught must be immediately released.
(3) Only artificial lures with a single, barbless hooking point shall be used. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(4) Chumming is prohibited.
(5) Fishing is limited to youths under age 16.
(6) Fishing is allowed from sunrise to sunset.
(7) Fishing from the pier on Dry Run Creek is limited to mobility impaired anglers only.
(G) Blanchard Spring/Mirror Lake (in Ozark National Forest Blanchard Spring, from its source to the confluence with North Sylamore Creek, including Mirror Lake).
(1) An angler shall use no more than two fishing rods or poles, and must attend them at all times. No other devices shall be used to catch fish. (H) Spring River (Fulton County) from 100 yards below Dam No. 1 at Mammoth Spring State Park to the mouth of Myatt Creek.
(1) An angler shall use no more than two fishing rods or poles, and must attend them at all times. No other devices shall be used to catch fish.
(I) Spavinaw Creek (Benton County), from it's source downstream to the Hwy 59 bridge.
(1) An angler shall use no more than one fishing rod or pole, and must attend it at all times. No other devices shall be used to catch fish.
(2) Catch and Release Stream. All trout caught must be immediately released.
(3) Only artificial lures with a single, barbless hooking point shall be used. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(4) Chumming is prohibited.
(J) Narrows Tailwater - Little Missouri River from 100 yards below

Narrows Dam (Lake Greeson) downstream to the Low Water Bridge (Hwy 27 bridge).

(1) An angler shall use no more than two fishing rods or poles, and must attend them at all times. No other devices shall be used to catch fish.
(2) Special Regulation Areas:
(a) Narrows Catch and Release Area - from 100 yards below Narrows Dam downstream to the upstream boundary of Riverside Park Access.
(1) All trout caught must be immediately released.
(2) Only artificial lures with a single, barbless hooking point shall be used. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(3) Chumming is prohibited.
(b) Narrows Summer Catch and Release Area - from May 1 - October 15. Downstream from the upstream boundary of the Riverside Park Access to the gas line crossing above River Ridge Pool.
(1) All trout caught must be immediately released.
(2) Only artificial lures with a single, barbless hooking point shall be used. Natural or scented baits are not allowed.
(3) Chumming is not allowed.
(c) Narrows Winter Catch and Release Area (Delayed Harvest Area) - from October 16 - April 30. From approximately 300 yards downstream of Hinds Bluff Access to approximately 300 yards upstream of Old Factory Site (Weir #2), as indicated by signs.
(1) All trout caught must be immediately released.
(2) Only artificial lures with a single, barbless hooking point shall be used. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(3) Chumming is prohibited.
(K) Big Spring (at Cotter) from its source to the confluence with the White River.
(1) Fishing is limited to youths under age 16 and disabled anglers. Youth under age 16 must be accompanied by an adult when fishing. Adult disabled anglers must carry proof that they are 100% permanently and totally disabled (see Code 01.00 -C) and possess a valid AGFC sport fishing, lifetime fishing, or combination hunting & fishing license, plus a valid trout permit.
(2) An angler may use no more than one fishing rod or pole, and must attend it at all times. No other devices may be used to catch fish.
(3) Catch and Release Stream. All fish caught must be released.
(4) Only artificial lures with barbless hook(s) may be used. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(5) Chumming is prohibited.
(6) Fishing is allowed from sunrise to sunset.
(7) No fishing in the "swimming hole" at the upstream end of Big Spring, as indicated by signs.
(8) No motorized boats allowed in Big Spring.
(9) Fishing derbies must be requested, and permitted in writing by AGFC District 2 fisheries biologist, and can include fishing with natural or scented baits, and harvest of trout.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00


002.00.07 Ark. Code R. § 002

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.