016.14.01 Ark. Code R. § 022 - DHS Policy 1069 - DHS Career Opportunities Program

1069.1.0 The Department of Human Services (DHS) Career Opportunities Policy and the procedures that implement it will be administered without regard to race, creed, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or political affiliation.
1069.1.1 Applicants with disabilities are invited to request any needed accommodations to participate in this program. Alternate formats (large print, audiotape, etc.) will be provided upon request.
1069.2.0 This policy and the supporting procedures apply to all positions within DHS and all applicants for employment with DHS, unless otherwise stated as exempt or ineligible.
1069.3.0 Implementation and Modification

The Office of Administrative Services (OAS), Human Resources/Support Services Section (HR/SS) shall have primary responsibility for the implementation of this policy and shall propose and coordinate any modifications to these procedures for approval by the DHS Executive Staff.

1069.4.0 Definitions
1069.4.1 Covered Positions - This policy applies to all regular, classified positions, full or part time and permanent Extra Help positions. See Section 1069.12 for procedures concerning unclassified employees. This program does not extend to Emergency Hire appointments, temporary Extra Help appointments, Interim Appointments or any other temporary appointments. An approval waiver currently exists to exempt the Life Skills Trainer I classification from these procedures.
1069.4.2 Eligible Applicants - All DHS employees and all non-DHS employees are eligible to apply for DHS positions except for the following:
A. DHS employees who are on a performance probation (Personnel Performance Evaluation System [PPES] rating of unsatisfactory).
B. DHS employees who have accumulated six or more disciplinary points within the twelve months preceding the closing date for the position being advertised.
C. Employees who have not completed six months in their present position or if their present position requires completion of a formal training period the employee must complete six months in the position after completing the training program. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis, with the approval of the division director or designee.
1069.4.3 Minimum Qualifications (MQs)- Applicants must meet the stated minimum qualifications for a position. MQs are the job related background and preparation, either education, experience or a combination of both from which one acquires the necessary knowledge, abilities and/or skills to satisfactorily perform the job at entry. MQs are established by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Department of Finance and Administration (DFA), and are listed on each state job specification. HR/SS or the appropriate Institutional Personnel Office (IPO) will screen the State of Arkansas Employment Application and determine if the applicant meets the minimum qualifications for each particular position.
1069.4.4 Veteran's Preference - The five or ten preference points added to an applicant's screening score in accordance with Act 414 of 1947, Act 527 of 1981 and Act 40 of 1995. The applicant submits the documentation.
1069.5.0 Advertisement of Vacant Positions

After release from court ordered and DHS Reduction In Force (RIF) placement consideration, generally all vacant covered positions will be advertised in the DHS Career Opportunities Bulletin (COB). The COB will be prepared each week and will contain two types of advertisements: Continuously Advertised Positions and Specially Advertised Positions. Positions that are unclassified, or that have been approved for an emergency hire by the DFA/OPM Administrator need not be advertised. All other positions must be advertised within DHS (internally) and with the Employment Security Department (externally).

1069.5.1 Continuously Advertised Positions
A. Continuously Advertised Positions are those classifications that are advertised at all times with no closing date. These classifications do not appear with a position number. When a vacancy occurs in one of these classifications, the current pool of applicants is used to compile the disposition listing. A Continuously Advertised Position may not be specially advertised if a current pool of six or more applicants exists. Exceptions will require written justification and approval by the division director.
B. Determination of Continuously Advertised Position classifications will be based on such factors as frequency of job vacancies, availability of qualified applicants, special recruitment and departmental needs. This list will be updated and revised annually or more frequently if necessary to help reflect the job availability and opportunities. Division directors may request that classifications be continuously advertised by forwarding written justification to the HR/SS Assistant Director.
1069.5.2 Specially Advertised Positions

All positions not continuously advertised will be advertised when a vacancy occurs. These positions will be listed in the COB on a weekly basis. In accordance with Governor's Policy Directive 8, managerial and professional positions will be advertised for a minimum of ten working days. All other positions will be advertised for a minimum of five working days. The managerial and professional designations as determined by OPM will be used in determining the minimum advertisement period. Hiring officials may request additional advertisement periods. Advertisement usually begins on Monday and closes on Friday. When a holiday occurs within the advertisement period, the closing date will be adjusted accordingly for a like number of days. Requests for advertising a position must be received in HR/SS by the close of business on TUESDAY each week. Any requests received by HR/SS after the deadline will be held until the following week. After advertising, if there are five or fewer qualified applicants, the hiring official may request re-advertisement. A new Job Vacancy Request Form, DHS-1138 should be submitted by the hiring official indicating a request to re-advertise.

1069.6.0 Distribution of DHS Career Opportunities Bulletin (COB)
1069.6.1 The COB is available to all DHS divisions and offices and other recruiting sources via the Internet and is also posted in many offices where applicants have access. Within DHS, division directors are to ensure that the Bulletin is accessible to all employees.
1069.6.2 Employees are encouraged to use the COB in seeking positions between divisions/agencies that will result in career advancement or greater job satisfaction.
1069.7.0 Submission Procedures
1069.7.1 When a vacancy occurs, the hiring official completes and submits a Job Vacancy Request Form, DHS-1138; Hiring Freeze Request Form, DHS-1132, unless the position is freeze exempt; and a completed Functional Job Description, DHS-1158 to "Human Resources/Support Services Section, ATTN: Recruiting Section, Slot 3300."
1069.7.1.1 Supervisors may submit these documents upon receipt of a pending vacancy notice (notice may be a written resignation or verbal notice).
1069.7.2 If the vacancy request is for a Continuously Advertised Position, an interview list will be prepared from the current pool of applicants and forwarded to the hiring official with a copy of the application for each applicant. If there are five or fewer available applicants, the hiring official will be contacted and may either accept the list for interview or request that the position be advertised. A continuously advertised list will be available for the hiring official within five working days.
1069.7.3 All other vacancy requests will be advertised in the COB for the minimum advertisement period. The hiring official will be provided with an interview list within two weeks of the closing date.
1069.7.4 If an individual selected for a position resigns within sixty days, the hiring official may select the second highest qualified person without submitting a new Job Vacancy Request Form, DHS-1138. A new freeze submission/approval by OPM is required.
1069.8.0 Certification and Referral
1069.8.1 Minimum Qualifications
A. To be considered for a position, the state requires that the applicant meet the MQs that DFA/OPM has established. The IPO will certify that these requirements are met (on the basis of the information provided on the current application). Certain positions also require that established special requirements be met for the applicant to be minimally qualified. Examples of special requirements are licenses and certifications. The MQs and Special Requirements are to be published for both Continuously and Specially Advertised Positions listed in the COB.
B. Meeting MQs is determined by the education and experience listed on the application. Thus, it is very important that an applicant provide accurate information on the application form. Applicants may submit a resume with their application, although it is not required.
C. A notice advising that the applicant does or does not meet the MQs will be forwarded from the IPO to the address listed on the application. To request an appeal of a determination that an applicant does not meet MQs, a written notice must be forwarded to the IPO where the application was made. Final appeal is to the State Qualifications Review Committee (QRC). If an applicant desires to make an appeal to QRC, a completed State of Arkansas Application Form must be submitted with the written request. An interview list or hiring decision will not be delayed pending an appeal to QRC.
1069.8.2 Referral

All qualified applicants will be referred and the hiring official must attempt to contact all applicants for interview. Only those applicants contacted and desiring an interview must be scheduled for an interview. When a list is requested and contains more than ten applicants, the hiring official may screen the applications into "well qualified," "fully qualified," and "minimally qualified," using a formal screening technique developed from the position's knowledge, abilities, and skills (KAS) from the functional job description (benchmarking). These scores will be documented and submitted as part of the hiring packet. (See DHS Hiring Procedures for additional detail.) This procedure is applicable only when there are more than ten applicants and is an optional step. Five is the minimum number of applicants who must be contacted. If this method is not used, then all minimally qualified applicants must be interviewed.

1069.9.0 Application Procedures
1069.9.1 All applicants will use the state application form. Both DHS employees and other applicants are required to properly complete and sign the application form. Current DHS employees are required to complete (both sides) and sign the DHS Addendum Form DHS-1143, and submit it with all applications. Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant. All applications submitted via the Internet should be signed and dated at the time of the interview.
1069.9.2 To Apply for a Continuously Advertised Position
A. Eligible applicants must submit a properly completed and signed State of Arkansas Employment Application Form and DHS Addendum Form, DHS-1143 for each classification title for which they wish consideration. Only ONE classification title may be entered per application. Applicants must indicate in the Availability Section of the Addendum Form, DHS-1143 the specific counties and divisions within DHS in which they would accept employment. Failure to indicate such designations or failure to properly complete any portion of the application form will result in the application not being processed and being returned to the applicant.
B. Applications for Continuously Advertised Positions will be accepted at any time. An application must be active at the time a Continuously Advertised Position hiring eligibility list is requested. Applications for Continuously Advertised Positions will be active for sixty days. Applicants desiring further consideration must submit the letter provided prior to the end of the sixty-day period.
1069.9.3 To Apply for a Specially Advertised Position
A. Applications will be accepted only during the advertisement period, and a separate application must be submitted for each specific position number. Applications received after the closing date will be returned to the applicant.
B. If the classification is on the Continuously Advertised list, HR/SS will enter the application into the Continuously Advertised Pool.
1069.9.4 Submission of Applications - Completed applications must be submitted in one of two ways:
A. Applications may be submitted in person by the advertised closing date to a DHS county office, IPO, the reception desk for DHS or the DHS Recruitment Section.
B. Applications may be mailed directly to HR/SS. To save time, applications should be mailed directly to the personnel office that is advertising the vacancy. Applications postmarked by the advertised closing date will be accepted if received within three working days after the closing date.
C. Applications may be sent via the Internet.
D. If an application is submitted directly to a work unit, it will be date stamped and forwarded to the personnel office advertising the position. If the postmark or date stamp, if hand delivered, indicates it was received in compliance with items No. 1 and 2 above it will be processed. Regardless of the date stamp or postmark, if it is not received by the personnel office advertising the position prior to beginning the register printing process, it will not be accepted.
1069.9.5 Americans With Disabilities Act Accommodations - Alternate formats (large print, audiotape, etc.) will be provided on request. It is, however, an applicant's responsibility to advise the OHR/IPO of the need for special accommodations.
1069.10. Veterans Preference

Applicants desiring veterans preference in accordance with Ark. Code Ann. § 21-3-302, "The Veterans Preference Law." must submit the necessary documents with their application. Please note that only veterans who served on active duty during specified wars and conflicts are eligible for veterans preference.

1069.10.1 Applicants may have five points added to any score used to establish employment lists if they are:
A. Honorably discharged war veterans and submit Form DD214.
B. The widows or widowers of war veterans and submit documentation on their spouse's enlistment, induction or entry to active duty; marriage license or certificate of marriage; and death certificate or other acceptable proof showing date of spouse's death.
1069.10.2 Applicants may have ten points added to scores if they are:
A. Service-connected disabled war veterans and submit Form DD214 and a service-connected disability letter from the Veterans Administration dated within the last six months.
B. The spouses of service-connected disabled war veterans whose disability disqualifies them for appointment (selection) to the position for which application is being made by the spouse, and submit Form DD214, a service-connected disability letter from the Veterans Administration dated within the last six months, a marriage license or certificate of marriage, and an affidavit attesting the veteran is physically unable to hold the position for which the spouse has applied, if appointed.
C. Veterans over fifty-five years old who are disabled and entitled to compensation under existing laws and submit their DD214, birth certificate, and an affidavit showing proof of disability.
D. The spouses of veterans listed in Item No. C. above whose disability disqualifies them for appointment (selection) to the position for which application is being made by the spouse, and submit Form DD214, a service-connected disability letter from the Veterans Administration dated within the last six months, a marriage license or certificate of marriage, and an affidavit attesting the veteran is physically unable to hold the position for which the spouse has applied, if appointed, and a birth certificate or other acceptable proof of the veteran's age.
1069.11 Application Status
1069.11.1 Applications for Continuously Advertised Positions will be active for that classification title for sixty calendar days from the date of submission. At the end of that sixty-day period, the letter provided by HR/SS must be submitted to renew the application. Applications for Specially Advertised Positions will be active for the period of time required to process lists for that position.
1069.11.2 An application will be removed from further consideration for the position when the applicant:
A. Declines a job interview
B. Refuses a job offer
C. Fails to attend a scheduled interview
D. Cannot be contacted by the hiring official at the telephone numbers or address given

Note: The hiring official is required to attempt to contact applicants by phone at least three times over a two-day period. A supervisor may contact applicants in writing; therefore, it is extremely important that applicants notify OHR or IPO in writing of any changes to address or phone numbers.

1069.11.3 The acceptance of a position cancels all of an applicant's active applications. A new application may not be submitted to receive further consideration until six months after accepting the position.
1069.11.4 The letter of acceptance for a position will contain the following conditions of employment:
A. The employee will not apply for other DHS positions until satisfactory completion of the DHS new-hire probationary period. However, within his or her division, a division director may make an exception to the six-month probationary period, on an individual basis. For changes involving more than one division, the DHS Director will make the final decision if there is a conflict between the potential losing and gaining division directors.
B. DHS new-hire employees will be required to pass a drug-screening test. The cost of the drug test will be paid for by the DHS hiring division.
C. DHS employees who are selected for positions identified as requiring a formal state and/or federal criminal record check will be advised of this requirement as a condition of employment. (See DHS Policy 1080 - Employee Criminal Record Check.)
D. The employee must submit a Disclosure Statement if he or she or an immediate family member (spouse, father, mother, sibling, or child) is a current or former (within two years) member of the Arkansas General Assembly, a Constitutional Officer, or a state employee.
1069.12 Guidelines For Unclassified Employees
1069.12.1 Applicability

These guidelines are applicable to all personnel selections through the first level below the Division Directors. All division and office directors will follow these guidelines in hiring.

1069.12.2 Notification Concerning Unclassified Employee Position Vacancy

Division and office directors will advise the DHS Director of any unclassified position vacancy prior to recruitment of applicants.

1069.12.3 Selection of Unclassified Personnel

Directors at their discretion may or may not utilize the normal DHS procedures for recruitment and selection of applicants for unclassified positions. Once a candidate has been selected, the Division or Office Directors will inform the DHS Director who must approve the hiring decision before any commitment to hire is made except in cases of board appointments. The DHS Director has the option of arranging an interview with the candidate. No appointment to the position shall be made prior to the DHS Director's concurrence, except in instances of board appointments. In such cases, the DHS Director shall be notified of any appointment immediately following selection.

1069.13 Drug and Alcohol Use
1069.13.1 It is the policy of DHS that all employees are prohibited from using or possessing controlled substances or alcohol while on duty or working with the presence of alcohol or illegal drugs in the employee's body, or abusing legal drugs. Employees who engage in drug and alcohol abuse face the risk of unemployment and the forfeiture of worker's compensation medical and indemnity benefits.
1069.13.2 Three levels of drug and alcohol testing are used to maintain a drug free work force:
A. All persons selected for new employment or a change of employment with the Department must submit to a drug screening as a precondition of employment. All hiring decisions in DHS are contingent on the selectee passing pre-employment drug screening. This applies to current DHS employees applying for different positions as well as external applicants.
B. All employees are subject to reasonable cause drug and alcohol screening.
C. Employees in safety sensitive positions or engaged in drug prevention activities are also subject to random drug testing as a condition of employment.
1069.13.3 Refer to DHS Policy 1087, DHS Employee Drug and Alcohol Prevention, for complete policy.
1069.14 Initiating Section/Department

Office of Administrative Services

Human Resources/Support Services Section

Donaghey Plaza South

Slot Number 3403

P.O. Box 1437

Little Rock, AR 72203-1437

Telephone: (501) 682-6249

Replacement Notation: This policy rescinds DHS Policy 1005, Key Personnel Selection,

and replaces DHS Policy 1069, previously named Career Opportunities Program and issued with an effective date of April 1, 1998.


016.14.01 Ark. Code R. § 022

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