016.14.04 Ark. Code R. § 005 - Administrative Procedures Manual: Part VII - Supplies and Equipment Management; Chapters 703, 705, 706 & 707

Chapter 703 Title: Management Consolidated Cost (MCC) Fund Billing
I. PURPOSE: To established procedures to allocate the cost of providing administrative services to Department of Human Services (DHS) divisions based on utilization of the services.
A. Management Consolidated Cost Fund Services
1. Services covered under the MCC Fund are:
a. Forms - all forms ordered from DHS Central Supply
b. Copy Center - all copies made by the Copy Center
c. Print Shop - all printed material provided by the Print Shop
2. The service units send billing information to the MCC Fund Manager monthly. The cost of the services provided to the divisions each month is used to request a warrant for deposit to the MCC Fund.
B. Charge Procedures
1. Forms - Information on stock reservations is generated in AASIS monthly and a Fund Transfer is completed by the Department of Finance and Administration transferring the funds to MCC0100.
2. Copy Center/Print Shop - Information on charges is received from the Print Shop Manager, and a warrant is requested for deposit to MCC0100 charging appropriate cost centers or internal orders based on printing and copying for the previous month.
C. MCC Division Coordinator
1. Each division will appoint an MCC Division Coordinator to receive and review MCC charges.
2. If the MCC Division Coordinator changes, the division must notify the MCC Fund Manager at Slot 4011 in writing and provide the name and Slot number of the new MCC Division Coordinator.
D. Management Consolidated Cost Fund Information Copy

The MCC Division Coordinator for each division will receive an MCC Fund Information Invoice monthly. Included with the invoice will be documentation to substantiate the amounts billed for the various services:

1. Supply - A printout of stock reservations by cost center. A listing of forms ordered is available upon request.
2. Copy Center - The Print Shop Monthly Report containing a description of documents that the Copy Center copied for the division.
3. Print Shop - The Print Shop Monthly Report containing a description of documents that the Print Shop printed for the division.
E. MCC Fund Information Invoice

After receiving the MCC Information Invoice and the supporting documentation, the MCC Division Coordinator must review the invoice and the supporting documentation to confirm that amounts billed are accurate. If the amounts billed are not correct, the MCC Division Coordinator will notify the appropriate individual(s) of the discrepancy.

F. Credits
1. Credit to divisions for services provided may be issued for:
a. Overpayment - if a division was overcharged in a previous month, an invoice was paid twice, or the division prepaid a service.
b. Returned Items - generally applies if forms were returned to Central Supply.
2. Credits can be applied only to the service where the credit was earned. Credits due for a service cannot be applied to a different service.
3. The amount of credit issued monthly cannot exceed the amount billed for the service. If a credit due exceeds the amount billed for a month, the remaining credit is carried forward to the next month's billing.
G. Administrative Charge Back
1. Costs of maintaining the DHS Distribution Center are paid charging MCC0100. These costs include building lease, utilities, maintenance and upkeep of building and grounds, maintenance and upkeep of equipment, etc.
2. The costs are charged back monthly using a formula which is based on each division's utilization of DHS Distribution: printing/copying, ordering forms, record storage, furniture/equipment and forms/pamphlets stored at DHS Distribution. Formula is established using the percentage of each division's utilization of the DHS Distribution Center. That percentage is then utilized to calculate each division's portion of monthly invoices.
3. At the beginning of each month, charge backs for the previous month are totaled and used to request a warrant for deposit to the MCC Fund.


Chapter 705 Title: Office Supply System
I. PURPOSE: To establish uniform procedures by which all county offices of the Department of Human Services (DHS) may order forms from the DHS Central Supply Unit using AASIS.
A. Office Supply System
1. All county offices will order DHS forms through the automated AASIS supply system.
2. A catalog of forms available at DHS Central Supply Unit is on DHS Gold. Forms not stocked in DHS Central Supply may be available on DHS Gold.
3. Movement Code 261 will be used when creating the stock reservation. If any other movement code is used, the stock reservation will be cancelled and the originator will have to re-enter the stock reservation using the correct Movement Code.
4. If a Delivery Address is not selected for the stock reservation, the stock reservation will be cancelled and the originator will have to re-enter it adding the appropriate delivery address.
B. Delivery Address

Change of delivery address will be provided to Central Supply and AASIS needs to be notified using the AASIS Form F10020, which can be obtained using DHS Gold. The cost of redelivery, where the Central Supply Unit has not been notified of a change of address, will be charged to the ordering unit.

C. Managerial Responsibility

A unit manager may assign the duties of ordering and maintaining office forms to a unit staff member, but it is the responsibility of the unit manager to monitor the supply system to insure that the unit has the forms it needs.

D. Cost of Forms

All DHS units will be charged for forms received through the supply system. Charges will be accumulated from filled stock reservations and charged through the Management Consolidated Cost Fund account to the appropriate fund utilizing a 'Fund Transfer' through the Department of Finance and Administration.

E. Adding New Items
1. It is the responsibility of the originating office to add new forms to Central Supply by submitting a request for material number to AASIS using the "Material Master Request Form". This form is available on DHS Gold.
2. When AASIS assigns a material number to the new form, a copy of the form shall be forwarded to Central Supply, Slot 4011.
F. Back Orders/Cancellations

The Central Supply Unit does not back-order most items offered through the supply system. The ordering unit should reorder items that are canceled or are temporarily out-of-stock on its next order.

G. Delivery of Forms

Warehouse staff or commercial vendors may make delivery of forms as determined by the Central Supply Unit. Problems with delivery of orders, such as damaged boxes, should be reported to the Central Supply Unit.

H. Returning forms to the Central Supply Unit
1. The DHS Central Supply Unit will credit divisions for returned items, if:
a. A receiving report is on file with the Central Supply Unit
b. The merchandise is unused and in the original unopened and undamaged packages, boxes, or containers
c. The Unit Manager submits a memo requesting credit (Section II.J. )
I. Request for Supply Credit

A request for credit for items returned to supply or for items not received in order and not replaced, must be received within two weeks from the receipt of the supply order. The request must contain the account number of the ordering unit, the stock reservation number, material number, description, and quantity of each item to be credited.

J. Damaged Items or Products

Unit managers should report damaged forms upon receipt of shipment. The Central Supply Unit will replace the items at no cost, if reported within five days from date of receipt.


Chapter 706 Title: Record Storage
I. PURPOSE: To establish uniform guidelines and information on the storage of inactive Department of Human Services (DHS) records.
A. Inactive Record Storage
1. When divisions and units determine that records are no longer being referred to on a regular basis, the records are considered to be "inactive" and can be placed in record storage provided by the Office of Finance and Administration (OFA).
2. Services provided as part of record storage are:
a. Pickup of inactive records in Pulaski County to be placed in storage (those units outside Pulaski County need to provide their own transportation)
b. Storage of inactive records for the time specified
c. Retrieval of inactive records
d. Destruction of records when the record retention time period has expired
e. No permanent storage of records is provided
3. Record Storage Prerequisites

The following are the prerequisites for records to be placed in record storage:

a. Records must be placed in approved record storage boxes.
b. Records must be filed in an organized manner so that they can be easily and quickly retrieved if needed.
c. If using record storage boxes which have been used previously, units must mark out all markings on the outside of the record storage boxes that do not pertain to the current contents of the record storage boxes so that they are no longer visible ("peel 'n stick" labels are available from the DHS Records Manager).
d. The outside of the record storage boxes must be legibly labeled with the following information:

Box number of each record storage box (e.g., 1 of 4, 2 of 4, etc.)

Division/Agency/Unit requesting storage

Destruction date of each record storage box (Destruction date should be based on the date of the most recent documents in the record storage box.)

Inclusive dates of all documents contained in each record storage box (e.g., 7/87 - 6/89, SFY '90, etc.)

Description of the contents of each record storage box.

e. A transfer list consisting of a detailed description of the contents of each record storage box must accompany each DHS-1989, 'Records Storage Request'. The contents description on the transfer list must match the contents description on the outside of the record storage boxes. The transfer list should be arranged as follows:


Box Number Contents

Destruction Date to include:

- inclusive dates

- detailed description of contents

4. Storage of Inactive Records
a. When all prerequisites for record storage have been complied with, the unit contact will submit a DHS-1989 and transfer list to the DHS Records Manager at Slot 4011. When the DHS-1989 is received, arrangements will be made to have the record storage boxes transferred to the record storage center.
b. At time of pick up, if the record storage boxes do not comply with the record storage prerequisites, the boxes will not be picked up. Pick up will be rescheduled when the record storage prerequisites have been complied with.
B. Retrieval of Records
1. Record Storage Boxes
a. The DHS Records Manager is responsible for the retrieval and return of record storage boxes at the request of the unit.
b. DHS personnel requiring the return of record storage boxes must notify the DHS Records Manager, either by written request, telephone call, or email and identify the specific DHS-1989 placing the record storage boxes in storage by date and number of boxes. Requestor must specify the record storage box(es) that need to be returned.
c. When the record storage boxes are returned, the signature of the individual receiving the boxes will be required.
d. While the record storage boxes are in the possession of the requesting unit, OFA is not responsible for the record storage boxes or contents.
2. Documents
a. DHS personnel requiring the return of documents in record storage, must notify the DHS Records Manager, via written request, telephone call or email, and identify the DHS-1989 placing the records in storage by date and number of boxes and the number of the record storage box(es) containing the documents which need to be returned.
b. If the Records Storage Center staff cannot locate requested documents, the requesting unit will be advised and unit personnel would need to retrieve the documents.
3. Return of Record Storage Boxes/Documents
a. When the unit has no further need for the record storage box or specific documents, it must notify the DHS Records Manager.
b. The DHS Records Manager will arrange to have the record storage boxes or documents picked up and returned to the DHS Records Storage Center.
c. When the record storage boxes are returned to the DHS Record Storage Center, responsibility for the record storage boxes and contents will revert back to OFA control.
C. Destruction
1. Notification

When the record retention time period is due to expire, the DHS Records Manager will send the unit that placed the record storage boxes in storage, a DHS-1991, 'Notice of Records Storage Expiration'. The unit will:



[GREATER THAN] return the DHS-1991 within seven (7) working days

2. Unit Options

The unit contact will advise the DHS Records Manager of the appropriate handling of the record storage boxes:

a. Destroy - The retention has expired and the records are no longer required.

On DHS-1991 put a checkmark beside "Okay to Destroy"

The only free method of destruction available to DHS is recycling. DHS does not have the facilities or equipment to shred records. If the unit requires that the records be shredded, it will have to process a purchase order to pay for the shredding of the records. The DHS Records Manager will coordinate the destruction of the documents with the company that does the shredding.

b. Delay Destruction - The retention has expired; however, the unit has a valid requirement to temporarily delay the destruction of the records.

On DHS-1991 put a checkmark beside "Letter attached requesting delay in destruction". A memorandum must be attached to the DHS-1991 stating:

+ the valid reason for the delay

+ a new destruction date

Provide AASIS cost center & internal order number in space provided

The DHS-1991 and the memorandum are returned to the DHS Records Manager

3. Record Storage Manager

If the DHS-1991's are not returned completed in a timely manner, the Record Storage Manager can arrange for the box(es) to be returned to the unit for review to determine the current status of the documents.


Chapter 707 Title: Vehicle/Fleet Services
I. PURPOSE: To establish uniform procedures to support Department of Human Services (DHS) Policy 1004, Vehicle/Fleet Services.
II. PROCEDURES: Vehicle Acquisition
A. The acquisition process for vehicles depends upon the size of the vehicle and the type of funds used to purchase the vehicle. Vans and trucks that are one ton and over are purchased differently from other vehicles. In all cases, DHS, Office of Finance and Administration (OFA), Materiel Management Unit will coordinate the purchase of vehicles for DHS and will work with the division to obtain any additional information required to complete the purchase.
B. Purchasing Vehicles One Ton and Over

The OFA Material Management Unit handles the purchase of vehicles one ton and over. In order to purchase such vehicles, the requesting division must submit the following to the Materiel Management Unit at Slot 4011:

1. A completed State of Arkansas Vehicle Request, Form MV-6
2. A letter of justification for purchase
3. A letter indicating cost center and internal order number
C. Purchasing Vehicles Under One Ton
1. Purchasing Vehicles Utilizing MMV Funds
a. Once a year the Department of Finance and Administration (DFA) purchases vehicles under one ton for all departments through the Motor Vehicle Acquisition Revolving Fund (MMV). In order to procure vehicles utilizing these funds the division must submit completed Act 493-Annual State Vehicle Request, Form MV-5, to the Materiel Management Unit by July 1.
b. The Materiel Management Unit will submit all requests for the department to DFA and will notify the divisions of approval or disapproval. If the request is approved by DFA but not funded by MMV, the vehicle may still be bought using agency funds.
2. Purchasing Vehicles Utilizing Agency Funds.
a. Purchases of all other vehicles not funded through MMV will be made by DFA, but agency funds will have to be transferred from DHS to the MMV fund. To purchase vehicles utilizing this method, the division must submit the following information to the Materiel Management Unit:

A completed State of Arkansas Vehicle Request, Form MV-6.

A letter of justification for purchase.

b. The Materiel Management Unit will submit all requests for the department to DFA and will notify the divisions of approval or disapproval.
c. Upon notification of approval from DFA to purchase, the Materiel Management Unit will notify OFA, Managerial Accounting Section, Reporting & Forecasting Unit by memorandum to transfer funds to DFA to purchase the vehicle. The memorandum shall identify the funding source (cost center, internal order number and asset number).
D. Delivery of Vehicles

Vendors will deliver all new vehicles to the Materiel Management Unit, which will:

1. Order insurance coverage added for the new vehicle. If the division desires less than full coverage, the division must notify Materiel Management by memorandum.
2. Notify the division's vehicle coordinator when the vehicle is ready for pickup.
3. Provide the certificate of origin and Bill of Sale to the division at time of pickup.
E. Vehicle License, Title and Sales Tax

In order to obtain a license plate and title for a vehicle, the division must provide the following to a local DFA Revenue Office:

1. Bill of Sales
2. Certificate of Origin
3. Proof of Insurance
4. A warrant for the sales tax, title and license plates. The sales tax and title fees are not paid with the purchase of the vehicle, but must be paid prior to vehicle being registered. DFA will mail a title to the address listed on the registration.

The division will renew the license each year, by warrant, when notified by DFA.

III. PROCEDURE: Turn-in of Used Vehicles
A. Vehicles that are being replaced must be turned in to the DHS Distribution Center within ten working days of receipt of the replacement vehicle. Vehicles that have been determined by the division as uneconomical to repair or maintain should also be turned in to the Distribution Center.
B. In order to turn a vehicle in to the Distribution Center, the division must:
1. Coordinate the turn-in with the Materiel Management Unit
2. Clean the vehicle prior to turn-in
3. Supply two sets of keys
4. Submit the following documents with the vehicle at time of turn-in:
a. Equipment Transfer Document, Form DHS-1006
b. Vehicle Maintenance Record, Form DHS-1984
c. Vehicle Title
IV. PROCEDURE: Insuring Vehicles & Reporting Accidents
A. All DHS vehicles are insured under the state group policy. As new vehicles are received at the DHS Distribution Center, the Materiel Management Unit will automatically add the vehicle to the policy for full coverage. The division may decrease coverage at any time, by notifying the Materiel Management Unit in writing as to the extent of coverage desired. The Materiel Management Unit will cancel on vehicles turned in to Marketing and Redistribution (M&R).
B. All accidents involving DHS vehicles must be reported as soon as possible to the division vehicle coordinator. In the event of an accident, the insurance packet (located in the vehicle glove compartment) must be completed and sent to the Materiel Management Unit, 1710 Frazier Pike, Slot 4011, Little Rock AR 72206. The report must be typed and signed. (The policyholder in section 1 is DHS.)
V. PROCEDURE: Record Keeping and Reporting
A. Each division should maintain a file on each driver approved to operate a vehicle on state business, to include driving record and reports of misuse of state vehicle, and a file on each vehicle assigned to the division that includes the title and registration. In addition to these records, the monthly mileage report must be keyed by the division contact to the "Vehicle Maintenance" database by the 10th of each month:

State Vehicle Mileage Reimbursement, Form MV-4 must be submitted quarterly. (The mileage must be reported, even if zero).

B. In addition, the division will submit trip logs reflecting any personal mileage, along with a reimbursement check to OFA, Managerial Accounting Section, Accounts Receivable Unit, Slot 3001, no later than the month following vehicle use.


016.14.04 Ark. Code R. § 005

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.