034.00.12 Ark. Code R. 001 - Amend Certain Text in the Rehabilitation Standards for Historic Properties
The Capitol Zoning District Master Plan (composed of the Capitol Zoning District Rule, Capitol Area Framework Master Plan, Mansion Area Framework Master Plan, Mansion Area Design Standards, Capitol Area Design Standards, Rehabilitation Standards, and General Standards) represents the legislation, intentions, design principles, and regulations of Act 267 of 1975, as amended. These regulations are the legally accountable component by which the regulatory aspects of the Act are implemented. These regulations shall be known and may be cited as the Capitol Zoning District Master Plan or the Capitol Zoning Rules.
The Capitol Zoning District Rules establish special zoning regulations and design guidelines governing the development and use of land improvements within the Capitol Zoning District in accordance with the provisions of Act 2 67 of 1975, as amended; provide for regulations and non-conforming uses and structures; and provide for the administration and enforcement of the provisions of the Master Plan.
If, for any reason, any one or more portions of this Rule is held invalid, such judgment shall not affect or invalidate the remaining provisions of this Rule, but shall be confined to that specific statement and in no instance shall affect or prejudice the validity of the remaining portions of this Rule.
The Capitol Zoning District shall be regulated by a Capitol Zoning District Commission as set forth in Act 2 67 of 1975, as amended. The Capitol Zoning District Commission shall meet monthly (although it may meet more or less often, as conditions dictate) to hear matters concerning project proposals for major developments, requests for conditional use permits, requests for variances, requests for demolition or major modification of structures, requests for non-conforming use approval or renewal, appeals, summary reports on other requests, administrative matters, citizen communication, and other business as may come before the Commission.
The Capitol Zoning District Commission shall establish three standing advisory committees: the Capitol Area Advisory Committee, the Mansion Area Advisory Committee, and the Design Review Committee.
The Advisory Committees shall meet at least once a year and shall report their findings to the Capitol Zoning District Commission at least once a year. Additional meetings will be held as often as necessary to monitor the impact of the Capitol Zoning District Master Plan on the development within the Capitol Zoning District. The Advisory Committee meetings shall be open to the public and shall be held locations that afford the maximum opportunity for community participation.
Under a memorandum of agreement between the City of Little Rock and the Capitol Zoning District Commission dated November 7, 1977 and City of Little Rock Resolution Number 5,849, the City of Little Rock shall not issue the following permits for properties within the Capitol Zoning District without prior Capitol Zoning District Commission approval:
All work performed within the Capitol Zoning District shall be in compliance with the Little Rock Code of Ordinances as it applies to construction, and may not be performed without a properly issued building permit. The Capitol Zoning District Commission shall have sole authority for acting on and issuing Conditional Use Permits and Variances.
Ordinary maintenance (such as lawn mowing, shrub trimming, re-painting, etc) shall not be considered modifications and will not require a CZDC permit. Nor shall work affecting only the interior of a structure (such as plumbing, insulation, flooring, etc) require a CZDC permit.
Under no circumstances shall the Commission grant a Variance to allow a use not identified as a permitted or conditional use within a given zone, nor to allow for building heights in the Capitol Area greater than the allowed maximums. A Variance may not be granted at the staff level.
profit or not-for-profit corporation, limited partnership, joint venture, or other; and.
The following procedures shall be followed in the consideration of any permit requiring a public hearing under this Rule. All changes in the Capitol Zoning District will be evaluated according to the General Standards and the applicable Area Framework Plan. Changes to historic structures or site features shall be evaluated according to the Rehabilitation Standards for Historic Properties. Structures and site features 40 years or older are assumed to be historic, unless they have been significantly altered, and reversing the alteration(s) would be impossible or wholly unreasonable. (In some cases, structures or site features less than 40 years old may also be considered historic if they are of exceptional architectural or cultural significance.) The Commission may waive the Rehabilitation Standards for cause, in which case a proposed change to a historic structure or site feature shall be evaluated according to the applicable Design Standards. Changes to all other structures and site features, as well as new construction, shall be evaluated according to the applicable Design Standards.
In preparation for the hearing, a report by the Staff shall be prepared and submitted to the Commission recommending approval or denial of the permit. The Commission shall consider the staff report along with other evidence presented at the hearing. The Commission shall not be bound by the recommendations of the report.
The Commission may issue the permit(s) if it finds the proposal to be substantially consistent with the Master Plan. In reviewing the application, the Commissioners shall consider the application and base their decision upon the report of the Staff, the recommendations of the Design Review Committee, advice from Advisory Committees, impact of the proposal on the property, neighboring properties, the District as a whole, and the goals of the Master Plan and the evidence or testimony presented by the Applicants and other interested parties at the public hearing.
Except in cases of Demolition by Neglect (see Section 2-107) any citizen of Arkansas may report to Staff, by written, verbal, or electronic communication, any potential violation of the Rules. Staff will investigate, in a timely fashion, every alleged violation reported. Staff will also regularly monitor the District for potential violations.
If the Staff finds a property is being demolished by neglect, and the Commission concurs with Staff's finding, Staff will initiate the enforcement proceedings found in Section 2-106.
The purpose of this section is to establish regulations and limitations on the existence of uses and structures which were established prior to the effective date of this Rule and which do not conform to the provisions of this Rule. Such non-conformities may continue, but the provisions of this section are designed to curtail enlargement or expansions of such non-conformities and to encourage their eventual elimination, in order to preserve the integrity of the Capitol Zoning District and the regulations established by this Rule.
Any lawfully existing non-conforming use of part or all of a structure, or any lawfully existing non-conforming use of land not involving a structure or involving a structure which is accessory to such use of land, may be continued, so long as it remains otherwise in conformance with the provisions of this section.
Normal maintenance and incidental repairs or replacement, and installation or relocation of walls, partitions, fixtures, wiring or plumbing, may be performed on any structure that is devoted in whole or in part to a non-conforming use; provided, however, that this shall not be deemed to authorize any violation of the other subsections of this article.
A non-conforming use of land shall not be extended, expanded, enlarged or increased. Such activity shall include, but shall not be limited to:
No structure that is devoted in whole or in part to a non-conforming use shall be relocated in whole or in part to any other location on the same or any other lot, unless the entire structure and the use thereof shall thereafter conform to all the regulations of the zone in which such structure and use are located after being so relocated. No non-conforming use of land shall be relocated in whole or in part to any other location on the same or any other lot, unless such use shall thereafter conform to all regulations of the zone in which such use of land is located after being so relocated.
Existing lawful use of land which does not conform to the provisions of this Rule at the date of adoption may continue. In no case shall a change from one non-conforming use group to another non-conforming use group, or change from one use to another within the same use group be allowed nor permitted by the Capitol Zoning District Commission.
When a non-conforming use of land or a non-conforming use of part or all of a structure is discontinued or abandoned for a period of 180 consecutive days (regardless of any reservation of an intent not to abandon and to resume such use), such use shall not thereafter be reestablished or resumed. Any subsequent use or occupancy of such land or structure shall comply with the regulations of the zone in which such land or structure is located.
Any non-conforming structure which is devoted to a use which is permitted in the zone in which such structure is located may be continued so long as it remains otherwise lawful, subject to the provisions of this section.
In the event that any structure that is devoted in whole or in part to a non-conforming use or which is not in conformance with the CZD Design Guidelines is destroyed by fire, explosion or other casualty, or the public enemy, to the extent of more than fifty percent (50%) of the current replacement value immediately prior to such damage, such structure and use thereof shall thereafter conform to all regulations of the zone in which such structure and use are located. When such damage or destruction is fifty percent (50%) or less of the reasonable replacement value of the structure immediately prior to such damage, such structure may be repaired and reconstructed and used for the same purposes as it was before the damage or destruction; provided that such repair or reconstruction is commenced within six (6) months and completed within twelve (12) months of the date of such damage or destruction. In extenuating circumstances, the Capitol Zoning District Commission may grant an extension of that time period.
No non-conforming structure shall be relocated in whole or in part to any other location on the same or any other lot unless the entire structure shall thereafter conform to the regulations of the zone in which such structure is located after being relocated.
A non-conforming building shall be structurally added to, reconstructed or extended only under the following conditions:
Amendments to the Capitol Zoning District Master Plan and the Capitol Zoning District Rule shall require compliance with the Arkansas Administrative Procedures Act (Act 434 of 1967, as amended).
The provisions of this Rule and the Capitol Zoning District Master Plan supersede all provisions of the city of Little Rock Code of Ordinances. However, unless specifically dealt with as provisions of this Master Plan, all other regulations, requirements and codes of the city of Little Rock shall continue to be in force in the Capitol Zoning District and are adopted by reference as a part of this Master Plan.
The name of this organization shall be called the Capitol Zoning District Commission, being an agency of the State of Arkansas.
The purpose of these bylaws is to prescribe the organization of the Capitol Zoning District Commission and to establish orderly, equitable and expeditious procedures for the conduct of its affairs to the end that all may be informed and the public well served.
The effective date of these bylaws shall be upon adoption by the Capitol Zoning District Commission.
Authorization for the Capitol Zoning District Commission is Act 267 of 1975, as amended by the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas.
Membership of the Capitol Zoning District Commission shall be composed of nine (9) members who are resident electors of the State of Arkansas. One member shall be the designee of the Governor of Arkansas; one, the designee of the Secretary of State of Arkansas; and one, the designee of the Little Rock Department of Planning and Development. Six members shall be at- large members appointed by the Governor, of whom one must be black, one must be a resident or property owner of the Mansion area and one must be an owner of property within the Capitol area.
Designee members serve at the pleasure of their designating authorities. At-large members serve three (3) year terms.
Each member, including the chairman, shall have one vote. In the absence of a designee member, the designating authority may designate another person to attend with full voting rights and privileges. In such cases, the designees shall declare themselves to the chairman at the beginning of the meeting. At-large members shall not be authorized to assign a designee or proxy.
Termination of membership shall occur when:
The Capitol Zoning District Commission shall have a chairman, vice-chairman, and any other officers deemed necessary by the Commission. The Secretary shall be the Director of the Capitol Zoning District Commission, serving as an ex-officio member of the Commission.
The Governor's designee shall serve as Chairman. In the event of the vacancy or discontinuance of the position of Director of the Capitol Zoning District Commission, the Chairman shall appoint a Secretary. All other officers shall be elected at the annual meeting from nominations submitted by membership. A majority vote of the Commission membership shall constitute election. Voting on an officer in which there is a contest shall be by written, secret ballot. In the event of a vacancy, the Chairman shall appoint a member to fill the unexpired term.
The terms of office for officers other than chairman and secretary shall be one year. There is no limit on the number of terms an officer may serve.
The chairman shall preside at all meetings and hearings of the Commission; appoint members of committees established by the Commission; sign all approved minutes and, when authorized, other documents assigned by the Commission.
Vice Chairman
The Vice Chairman shall preside over any meeting or hearing of the Commission in the absence or disability of the chairman and fulfill other duties assigned by the Commission.
The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Commission, its committees and advisory committees.
providing advice on request and shall be responsible for:
Seeing that minutes are recorded for each meeting;
Carrying on routine correspondence;
Seeing that the files of the Commission are maintained;
Maintaining a record of the rules and policies of the Commission;
Maintaining a record of the organization of the Commission and its staff;
Preparing the agenda of items to be considered at each meeting;
Attesting documents of the Commission;
Maintaining a liaison between the City of Little Rock and the State of Arkansas;
Preparing financial reports for the Commission; and
Any other responsibility the Commission might assign.
Special committees may be created by the Commission and charged with such duties as the Commission deems necessary or desirable. Such committees shall include at least one Commission member. Special Committees shall include at least one Commission member. Special committees shall submit a report to the chairman and shall be dissolved on such date as their particular function or task has been completed. The completion date may be established by the chairman.
The Capitol Zoning District Commission shall have (3) advisory committees: the Mansion Area Advisory Committee, the Capitol Area Advisory Committee and the Design Review Committee. Each advisory committee shall have its own bylaws to establish its purpose, organizational structure and manner of operation, so long as the Commission names its members and approves its bylaws and amendments thereto.
The Commission shall, at the last regular meeting of each calendar year, adopt a schedule of regular meeting dates, including time and location, for the forthcoming year. The schedule shall normally consist of monthly meetings.
A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of the majority of the Commission members.
The mailing or emailing of a copy of the regular agenda to each Commission member one week prior the date set for the regular meeting shall constitute notice of meeting.
Parliamentary procedure shall be as prescribed in the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order.
Any matter business requiring action by the Commission may be presented by oral motion. Passage of any motion shall require an affirmative vote of the majority of the full Commission membership for passage. Failure of a motion to grant a permit shall constitute a denial of the permit. Action on permit applications shall be voted on by roll call vote and the minutes shall reflect the number of yeas, nays and abstentions, if any. Other matters may be voted on by voice vote and the minutes shall reflect the motion to be "passed" or "failed:
All regular and special meetings of the Capitol Zoning District Commission shall be open to the public and public notice shall be given as required by the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act.
All minutes of the Commission meetings and all certificates, permits, applications and other documents on which action has been taken by the Commission shall be open to the public according to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act.
Special meetings may be called by the Chairman or the Secretary or by a quorum of the Commission members. Notice of such meetings shall be given as Prescribed in Article VIII, Section B, unless such meeting is to be held within less than three (3) days, in which case notice by telephone will suffice.
The Commission may, either before, during or after any meeting, sit in executive session or private session. No official business shall be transacted except privileged matters relating to personnel, pursuant to the exemption found in the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act.
The Annual Meeting shall be held at the last meeting of each calendar year.
Public hearings for consideration of property permit applications shall be conducted in an orderly and rational manner. The order of hearing shall be as follows:
In the absence or disability of both the chairman and vice chairman at any Commission meeting or hearing, the member present with the longest continuous membership on the Commission shall act as chair during such meeting.
These bylaws may be amended or repealed by an affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the full membership of the Capitol Zoning District Commission.
Date ________________________________________________
Secretary ____________________________________________
Chairman ____________________________________________
Adopted by the Capitol Zoning District Commission on 12-22-77
Amended by the Capitol Zoning District Commission on 11-27-87
Amended by the Capitol Zoning District Commission on 10-25-90
Amended by the Capitol Zoning District Commission on 1-27-94
Amended by the Capitol Zoning District Commission on 2-26-98
Amended by the Capitol Zoning District Commission on 3-25-99
Amended by the Capitol Zoning District Commission on 11-13-2013
MATERIAL BELOW REPLACES PAGES 2 - 6 OF: General Standards for the Capitol Zoning District
Capitol Area Zones
Zones |
"A1 & "A2" |
"B" |
"C" |
"D" |
Capitol Ave & |
Northeast |
Union Station |
Capitol vicinity |
Neighborhood |
Mixed Use |
Industrial |
Front Yard SB |
0'-25' SB except |
25' Landscaped |
10' min. res. SB |
25' landscaped SB |
25' SB |
no parking |
Build-to-sidewalk |
no parking |
from streets adjacent |
for comm. |
to capitol complex |
25' SB from streets |
adjacent to Capitol complex |
Rear Yard SB |
0' SB except |
25' min. SB |
0' SB except |
25' SB |
25' res. SB |
25' res. SB |
Side Yard SB |
0' SB except 4' res. SB |
4' min. SB |
0' SB except 4' |
4' SB |
single family res. SB |
Min. Lot Area/D.U. |
1200 S. F./ D. U. |
1200 S. F./ D. U. |
1200 S. F./ D. U. |
2500 S. F./ D. U. |
Max. F. A. R.1 |
2.5:1.0 |
2.5:1.0 |
2.5:1.0 |
1.1:1.0 |
Height |
3 stories or 45' except |
3 stories or 45' |
3 stories or 45' except |
3 stories or 45' |
5 stories or 75' along |
5 stories or 75' |
Capitol w/ height |
w/ height review |
review |
Permitted Uses2 |
Multifamily residential |
Single and two family |
Single, two family & |
Single and two family |
residential |
multifamily residential;. |
Residential; Industrial |
Hotel, motel & |
Amusement; Consumer |
goods & services |
Conditional Uses |
Single and two family |
Multifamily residential; |
Auto-oriented |
Multifamily residential; |
residential; Hotel. |
Hotel, motel & |
Commercial |
Consumer goods & |
motel & amusement; |
amusement; Consumer |
Services; Auto-oriented |
Consumer goods & |
goods & services |
Commercial. |
services; Auto- |
oriented commercial |
Professional Office, General Office, and Quiet Business are permitted use groups throughout the Capitol Area. Community Facilities I, II, & III are conditional use groups throughout the Capitol Area.
1 See "Definitions" for F. A. R. definition
2 See CZDC General Standards, "Use groups" Section, for specific uses allowed within each use group category.
Mansion Area Zones
Zones |
"M" |
"N" |
"O" |
Residential |
Neighborhood Residential & Commercial |
General Business |
Front Yard SB |
25' min. |
25' min. |
Mandatory build- |
landscaped |
landscaped |
to-sidewalk |
no parking 4 |
no parking 4 |
Side Yard SB |
8' min. |
8' min. |
5', if any |
Rear Yard SB |
25' min. |
25' min. |
5', if any |
Min. Lot Area/D.U. |
2500 S. F./ |
2500 S. F./ |
1200 S. F./ |
D. U. |
D. U. |
D. U. |
Min. Lot Area/D.U. |
1200 S. F./ |
1200 S. F./ |
1200 S. F./ |
w/ review |
D. U. |
D. U. |
D. U. |
Max. F. A. R. 1 |
1.1 : 1.0 |
1.5 : 1.0 |
1.5 : 1.0 |
Maximum Height |
2.5 stories or 35' |
3 stories or 45' |
3 stories or 45' |
(whichever is less) |
(whichever is less) |
(whichever is less) |
Permitted Uses 2 |
Professional Office |
Professional Office |
Quiet business |
Conditional Uses 2 |
Quiet Business 3 |
Community Facilities III |
Community Facilities III |
Professional Office 3 |
General. office |
General Office |
General Office 3 |
Quiet business |
Hotel, motel, & amusement |
Consumer goods & services 3 |
Consumer goods & services |
Single Family and Two Family Residential are permitted use groups throughout the Mansion Area.
Multifamily Residential and Community Facilities I & II are conditional use groups throughout the Mansion Area.
1 See The General Standards for F.A.R. definition
2 See CZDC General Standards, "Use groups" Section, for specific uses allowed within each use group category.
3 When the preservation of a historic commercial or civic type building is involved.
4 The setback may be less than 25' up to a minimum of 15' where historic precedence exists on the block.
The following terms as used in this section have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise;
Accessory building, structure or use "Accessory building, structure, or use" means a building, structure or use located upon the same lot as the principal building, structure, or use to which it is related. Accessory structures and uses are allowed by right in conjunction with all allowed or permitted single family or two family residential uses provided that those structures and uses are clearly incidental to the permitted principal uses.
Adult Uses As defined herein, an Adult Bookstore, Adult Paraphernalia Store, Adult Motion Picture Theatre Establishment, or an Establishment Which Displays Live Nudity, or any other business or establishment characterized by an emphasis depicting, describing or related to sexual conduct or sexual excitement for prurient purposes. Uses which combine any or all of the uses described above and classed under "Adult Uses" in this section shall constitute an adult use if the floor area or inventory stock items cumulatively amount to more than ten percent (10%) of the establishment's total floor area or inventory stock.
Adult Bookstore: An establishment having as a substantial or significant portion of its stock in trade, books, magazines, and other material, which are distinguished or characterized by their emphasis depicting, describing or relating to sexual conduct or sexual excitement for prurient purposes. For purposes of this paragraph, "substantial or significant portion of stock" shall mean more than ten percent (10%) of the subject establishment's inventory stock, or more than ten percent (10%) of subject premise's gross floor area.
Adult Paraphernalia Store: An establishment having as a substantial or significant portion of its stock devices, objects, tools, or toys, excluding clothing, which are distinguished by their association with sexual activity for prurient purposes, including sexual conduct or sexual excitement. For purposes of this paragraph, "substantial or significant portion of stock" shall mean more than ten percent (10%) of the subject establishment's inventory stock, or more than ten percent (10%) of subject premise's gross floor area.
Adult Motion Picture Theatre: An enclosed building used for presenting material motion picture films, video cassettes, cable television, slides or any other such visual material distinguished by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing, or relating to sexual conduct or sexual excitement for prurient purposes, and to which minors under the age of 18 would not be admitted according to the system of ratings put forward by the Motion Picture Association of America.
Adult Video Stores: An establishment having a substantial or significant portion of its stock in trade for sale or rent, movies, videos, and similar audio/visual media, which are distinguished or characterized by their emphasis depicting, describing, or relating to sexual conduct or sexual excitement for prurient purposes, or which, if exhibited for theatrical release, to which minors under the age of 18 would not be admitted according to the system of ratings put forward by the Motion Picture Association of America. For purposes of this paragraph, "substantial or significant portion of stock" shall mean more than ten percent (10%) of the subject establishment's inventory stock, or more than ten percent (10%) of subject premise's gross floor area.
Establishment Which Displays Live Nudity: An establishment which provides live entertainment for its patrons, which includes the display of nudity, including full frontal or rear nudity, or both, or the display for the primary or secondary genitalia of either sex for prurient purposes.
Building Coverage "Building Coverage" means the ratio of the total building area on a lot to the total area of the lot.
Building Height (Permitted)
Building Height (Conditional)
Building Height (Appurtenances) Appurtenances mean architectural features not used for human occupancy, consisting of spires, belfries, cupolas or dormers; silos; parapet walls, and cornices without windows and necessary mechanical equipment usually carried above the roof level having no more than twenty-five percent roof coverage, including, without limitation, chimneys, ventilators, skylights, antennas, microwave dishes, and solar systems
Dwelling Unit (D.U.) For the purposes of these regulations, a D.U. consists of a habitable unit occupied by no more than three persons unrelated by blood, marriage, adoption, or other verifiable familial relationship.
Floor Area "Floor Area" means the total square footage of all levels included within the outside walls of a building or portion thereof.
(but excluding courts and uninhabitable areas below the first floor level).
Floor Area Ratio (FAR) "Floor Area Ratio (FAR)" means the ratio of the floor area of a building to the area of the lot on which the building is situated. This calculation excludes structured parking, balconies, and decks.
Front Yard The Front Yard is that portion of a building lot which directly abuts a public street and/or right-of way. In cases where a building lot is located on the corner of two intersecting streets, the narrowest portion of the lot contiguous to the public street will be defined as the front yard.
Mean Slope For the purposes of calculating the slope of a site for a height exception, the slope shall be the median slope as calculated along the long axis of a parcel.
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MATERIAL BELOW REPLACES PAGE 9 OF: General Standards for the Capitol Zoning District
The permitted uses of land within the Capitol Zoning District are listed herein by use groups, and these use groups are permitted only within the specific zones as indicated and within the limits of the zones as shown on the maps included in both the Capitol and Mansion Area Framework Master Plans. Specific uses and the use groups under which they are listed are identified below and are referenced throughout the Framework Master Plans.
* Swimming pool (public) |
* Airway beacon or marker |
* Tennis courts (public) |
* Bus passenger depot (not in public r.o.w.) |
* Theatrical group |
* Civil Defense and related activities facility |
* Zoological gardens (public) |
* Electric regulating substation |
* Meeting or reception facility |
* Electric utility mains and distribution facilities and apparatus (not in public r.o.w.) |
* Tour Home (private) |
* Fire protection and related activities facilities |
* Flood control works |
* Club or lodge (private non-profit) |
* Gas pipeline right of way |
* Convalescent, maternity or nursing home |
* Gas pressure control station |
Rehabilitation institution |
* Petroleum pipeline or pressure control station |
* Foster family care, institution or agencies |
* Pipeline right of way or pressure control station, not |
* Home for the elderly |
elsewhere classified |
* Hospital; general |
* Police protection and related activities facility |
* Hospital; restricted to mental, narcotics or alcoholic |
* Railroad passenger terminal |
patients, sanitarium |
* Railroad right of way (excluding switching and |
* Mental institution |
marshaling yards) |
* Orphanage |
* Rapid rail transit or street railway right of way |
* Home or Shelter for battered women and/or children |
* Rapid rail transit or street railway terminal (not in |
* Modeling school and studio |
public street r.o.w.) |
* Fraternity or sorority house |
* Sewage pressure control station |
* Boarding or rooming house |
* Taxicab stand or dispatching station |
* School (private), Barber, Beauty, Business. |
* Telephone exchange station, relay tower or r.o.w |
Commercial, Real Estate, Art, Correspondence. |
* Telegraph transmitting or receiving station or r.o.w. |
Stenographic, Trade or |
* Television or radio transmitting station or relay tower |
Vocational (excluding manual training, shopwork or |
* Water pipeline r.o.w., treatment plant, storage facility |
repair maintenance of machinery or mechanical |
or pressure control station |
equipment) |
* Residential care or assisted living facility |
* Church, Synagogue, or Temple, including Sunday |
School facilities |
D.U.) |
* College, junior college, professional school or |
* Single family detached dwelling |
university (public or equivalent private) |
* Home occupation (accessory use) - see Section U.14 of |
* Community center (public) |
this chapter for required conditions. |
* Eleemosynary institution, philanthropic institution |
* Library (private, non-profit and public) |
* Museum or Art Gallery |
* Two family dwelling |
* Nursery school, day nursery, kindergarten |
* Detached duplex |
* Parish house, parsonage, rectory or manse |
* Home occupation (accessory use) - see standards at end of this chapter |
* Park, playground, playfield or tot lot (public) |
* School, elementary (public or equivalent private) |
* School, secondary (public or equivalent private) |
* Studio: Ballet, Dance, Drama Fine Arts, Music |
Language |
MATERIAL BELOW REPLACES PAGE 15 - 19 OF: General Standards for the Capitol Zoning District
Parallel |
22 ft. |
9 ft. |
11 ft. |
Right Angle |
9 ft. |
20 ft. |
20 ft. |
60 Degree Angle |
9 ft. |
18 ft. |
20 ft. |
45 Degree Angle |
9 ft. |
18 ft. |
16 ft. |
Bus passenger depot (not in public r.o.w.) |
1 per 500 gross sq. ft. of floor area |
Electric regulating substation |
1 per employee |
Electric utility mains and distribution facilities and apparatus (not in public r.o.w. easements) |
as required |
Police protection and related activities facility |
1 per employee |
Fire protection and related activities facility |
1 per employee |
Railroad passenger terminal |
1 per 500 gross sq. ft. of floor area |
Rapid rail transit or street railway terminal (not in public street r.o.w.) |
1 per employee |
Taxicab stand or dispatching station |
as required |
Telephone exchange station, relay tower, or right of way |
1 per employee |
Telegraph transmitting or receiving station or right of way |
1 per employee |
Television or radio transmitting station or relay tower |
1 per employee |
Water pipeline right of way, treatment plant, storage facility or pressure control station |
1 per employee |
Church, synagogue, or temple, including Sunday School facilities |
1 for each 3 seats of main auditorium |
College, junior college, professional school or university (public or equivalent private |
1 per 3 seats for patron use |
Community center (public) |
1 per 200 gross sq. ft. of floor area |
Eleemosynary institutions, philanthropic institution |
1 per 400 gross sq. ft. of floor area |
Library, private and public |
1 per 400 gross sq. ft. of floor area |
Museum or art gallery |
1 per 200 gross sq. ft. floor area |
Nursery school, daycare, or kindergarten |
1 per employee |
Parish house, parsonage, rectory or manse |
2 per dwelling unit |
School, elementary (public or equivalent private) |
1 per employee |
School, secondary (public or equivalent private) |
1 per employee plus 1 per 500 gross sq. ft. of floor area |
Studio: ballet, dance, drama, fine arts, music, language and modeling |
1 per 100 gross sq. ft. of floor area or 1 per 25 sq. ft. of classroom or studio space or 1 per 2 students enrolled, whichever is greater. |
Swimming pool (public) |
1 per 400 gross sq. ft. of pool and deck area |
Theatrical group |
1 per 400 gross sq. ft. of floor area |
Tennis courts (public) |
1.5 per court |
Zoological gardens (public) |
1 per 400 gross sq. ft. of floor area |
Meeting facility or tour home |
1 per 300 gross sq. ft. of floor area |
Club or lodge, (private non-profit) |
1 per 200 gross sq. ft. of floor area |
Convalescent, maternity or nursing home and assisted living facilities. |
1 per 3 beds |
Rehabilitation institution |
1 per 400 gross sq. ft. of floor area |
Foster family care, institution or agencies |
1 per employee |
Hospital (general) and those restricted to mental, narcotics or alcoholic patients or sanatorium |
1 per 3 beds |
Mental institution |
1 per employee |
Orphanage |
1 per employee |
Home or shelter for battered women and/or children |
1 per 400 gross sq. ft. of floor area |
Fraternity or sorority house, boarding or rooming house |
1 per bedroom |
School (private): barber, beauty, business, commercial, real estate, art, correspondence, stenographic, trade, modeling or vocational |
1 per 100 gross sq. ft. of floor area or 1 per 25 sq. ft. of studio space or 1 per 2 students enrolled, whichever is greater. |
Residential care facility |
1 per 400 gross sq. ft. of floor area. |
Single family dwelling |
1 per dwelling unit |
Two family dwelling and multi-family dwelling |
1 per 1 bedroom unit. 1.5 per 2 bedroom unit or more |
Bed and breakfast house |
1 per guest room, plus 1 for residence |
For all uses in these use groups |
1 per 350 gross sq. ft. of floor area. |
Commercial arena or auditorium* |
1 per 3 seats |
Billiard or pool parlor* |
1 per 200 gross sq. ft. of floor area |
Bowling alley* |
3 per alley |
Dance hall* |
1 per 200 gross sq. ft. of floor area |
Eating places providing dancing or entertainment* |
1 per 200 gross sq. ft. of floor area |
Gym or fitness center* |
1 per 200 gross sq. ft. of floor area |
Hotel or Motel* |
1 per guest room |
Motion picture theatre* |
1 per 3 seats |
Swimming pool; commercial (exempted from enclosure) |
1 per 200 gross sq. ft. of pool |
Tavern, night club, or semi-private club* |
1 per 200 gross sq. ft of floor area |
Tennis court; commercial (exempted from enclosure) |
2 per court |
Arcade* |
1 per 200 gross sq. ft. of floor area |
*Enclosure of uses required . Every use in this group unless specifically exempted in the list of uses, shall be operated in its entirety within a completely enclosed structure.
MATERIAL BELOW REPLACES PAGES 23 - 28 OF: General Standards for the Capitol Zoning District
. Abandoned sign: a sign displayed for a period of 30 days or more which no longer correctly directs or exhorts any person or which no longer advertises a bona fide business, lessor, owner, project or activity conducted or product available on the premises. The property owner will be responsible for removal of said abandoned sign.
. Animated sign; any sign which includes action or motion. This term does not refer to flashing or changing, all of which are separately defined.
. Banners, Pennants, any animated, rotating, fluttering or non-stationary device made of flexible materials designed to attract attention.
. Background area; the entire area of a sign on which copy could be placed, but does not include a permanent building surface.
. Building face or wall; all window and wall area of a building in one (1) plane or elevation.
. Changing sign (automatic); a sign such as an electronically or electrically controlled (public service time, temperature and date sign, message center or reader board) where different copy changes are shown on the same lamp bank.
. Copy; the wording or graphics on a sign surface.
. Directional Sign; a. A sign, permanently erected or permitted in the public right-of-way or private property by the City of Little Rock, Pulaski County, State of Arkansas, or other governmental agency to denote the name of any thoroughfare, the route to any city, town, educational institution, public building, historic place, shrine, hospital, to direct and regulate traffic, to denote any railroad crossing, bridge or other transportation or transporting company for the direction and/or safety of the public. b. An on-premise temporary sign which contains information regarding the time and place of regular meetings of civic or religious groups.
. Directory Sign; a sign listing only the names and/or use, or location of more than one business, activity or professional office conducted within a building, group of buildings or commercial center.
. Existing Sign; any sign that was erected, mounted or displayed prior to the adoption of the Capitol Zoning District Ordinance.
. Facade; the entire building wall, including principle street wall face, and parapet, fascia, windows, doors, canopy and roof on any complete elevation.
. Face of sign; the entire area of a sign on which copy could be placed; the area of a sign which is e (1) direction as projected on a plane.
. Fixed Projecting Sign; a sign, other than a flat sign, which extends outward for more than six (6) inches from the facade of any building and is rigidly attached thereto.
. Flashing Sign; any sign which contains an intermittent or flashing light source, or which includes the illusion of intermittent or flashing light means of animation, or an externally mounted light source. Automatic changing signs such as public service time, temperature and date signs or electronically controlled message centers are classed as "flashing signs."
. Free standing sign; a sign supported by a sign structure secured in the ground and which is wholly independent of any building, fence, vehicle or other support.
. Frontage; the length of the property line of any one premise's parcel serving as a public right-of-way.
. Ground level; immediate surrounding grade.
. Height of sign; the vertical distance measured from the surrounding grade to the highest point of the sign.
. Off-premises sign; any sign located or proposed to be located at any location other than within the same platted parcel of land on which the specific business or activity being promoted or conducted. For purposes of this article, easements and other appurtenances shall be considered to be outside such platted parcel of land and any sign located or proposed to be located in an easement or other appurtenance shall be considered an offpremises sign. Signs identifying public service, religious or civic club organization not to exceed four (4) square feet as approved by the Capitol Zoning District Staff are exceptions to this definition.
. Owner; any person having a vested or contingent interest in the property in question.
. Non-conforming sign; any sign which has a valid permit, was erected or displayed prior to the effective date of the Capitol Zoning District Ordinance or any subsequent amendment hereto and does not conform with the provisions of this section.
. Premises; an area of land with its appurtenances and buildings which, because of its unity of use, may the smallest conveyable unit of real estate.
. Right-of-way; the right-of-way as indicated on the official city master street plan.
. Roof line; the lowest edge of the main roof.
. Setback; the minimum horizontal distance between either the face of the curb, the edge of the he right-of-way line and the sign structure as specified in a particular section of this chapter.
. Sign; any written identification or description, with or without illustration or other device, illuminated or non-illuminated, which is exposed to the view of potential clients or customers and/or the general public, is located on public or private property, outside of buildings, and which directs attention to a product, service, place, activity, person, institution, business or solicitation, including any such identification or description affixed or attached to a window and visible from a public right-of-way, or any emblem, painting, banner, pennant or placard designed to advertise, identify or convey information, except the following:
. Sign area; the square foot area enclosed in the smallest rectangle encompassing the sign face. With respect to signs which are composed of individual symbols, letters, figures, illustrations, message, forms or panels, sign area shall be considered to include all lettering, wording, and accompanying designs and symbols, together with the background on which they are displayed, and frame around the sign and "cutouts" or extensions, but shall not include any supporting structure or bracing. The area shall be computed as including the maximum number of faces viewable from any single ground position as follows:
. Sign structure; any structure which supports, has supported or is capable of supporting a sign, including decorative cover.
. Street; a public dedicated thoroughfare which affords the principal means of access to abutting property.
. Temporary sign; a sign which is not permanent and is permitted for a specific time period.
. Time and temperature sign; an electrical sign utilizing lights going on and off periodically to display the local current time and temperature.
. Traffic directional sign; any sign which aids the flow of traffic.
. Use; the purpose for which a building, lot, sign or other structure is arranged, intended, designed, occupied or maintained.
. Wall sign; a sign attached to or erected against the wall of a building with the face parallel to the plane of the building wall or attached to the structure as approved by the design review commission.
. Window Treatment Sign; any sign which is attached to or forms part of any blinds, shades or other window treatment.
. Zoning lot; a lot which is part of a sub-division or parcel of land, the map of which has been recorded in the office of The County Recorder.
Automobile Oriented Commercial; Hotel, Motel and Amusement; Quiet Business; Consumer Goods and Services; Industrial. One (1) building mounted wall sign shall be allowed to advertise products, services, sales, specials, etc., not to exceed ten (10) square feet in area.
Any sign, picture, publication, display of explicit graphics or language or other advertising which is distinguished or characterized by emphasis depicting or describing sexual conduct or sexual activity, displayed in windows, or upon any building, or visible from sidewalks, walkways, roads, highways, or a public area is prohibited in any location. This section is not to be construed to apply to signage which constitutes political speech.
All signs which became non-conforming as a result of the 1998 Capitol Zoning Master Plan shall be removed by the owner or lessee or made to conform. The Commission may, on a case by case basis, approve Certificates of Appropriateness for the installation of the following non-conforming signs:
Rehabilitation Standards for Historic Properties
The following document applies to the treatment of all historic properties within the jurisdiction of the Capitol Zoning District Commission. This includes properties within the Capitol Area and the Mansion Area. The standards address treatment of existing historic features, repair of deteriorated details and replacement of missing elements.
In addition, design standards for new construction and site improvements for the relevant zone may also apply to a specific project. Furthermore, underlying policies for these design standards are presented in the Master Plans for the Capitol and Mansion Areas.
An asterisk adjacent to a statement in the text indicates that it is a standard that will not be waived by the Capitol Zoning District Commission for historic structures or site features built during the District's period of significance, except as an Economic Hardship. For other historic structures or site features, [*] these standards may be waived if it is demonstrated to the Commission's satisfaction that such a waiver will not adversely affect the historic integrity of the property or the surrounding neighborhood. Other text, without an asterisk, will also be considered in the Commission's reviews, but may be waived if it is demonstrated to the Commission's satisfaction that such a waiver will not adversely affect the historic integrity of the surrounding neighborhood.
[TICK] A check mark with an illustration indicates that it is an example of an appropriate treatment.
[x] An "x" mark with an illustration indicates that it is an example of an inappropriate treatment.
The letter "R" precedes each of these standards, to indicate that it is a part of the Rehabilitation Standards document.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.