Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 16, § 331.11 - Scholastic Regulations

(a) Admission.
(1) Each school shall have a committee on admissions and credentials. The admission of students shall be in the hands of a responsible officer who is a member of the committee and his decision shall be subject to the approval of the committee.
(2) No applicant shall be admitted to any school until he has been personally interviewed for the purpose of determining his character, scholastic aptitude, mental and physical fitness to study and practice. When a great geographic distance precludes personal interview, the same information, supported by affidavits and photographs, may be substituted for the personal interview.
(3) Documentary evidence of preliminary education must be obtained and kept on file. All transcripts of other schools must be obtained directly from such schools.
(4) It is strongly recommended by the Board that an entrance examination compiled and administered by recognized testing agencies (e.g., A.C.T., S.A.T.) be required of all students prior to matriculation in order to prove their ability to do college level work.
(b) Date of Matriculation. No student shall be matriculated at a later date than one week immediately following the advertised date of the commencement of the school term.
(c) Qualifications of Students. No student shall be matriculated in an approved school unless he is of good moral character and is without major physical deficiencies, except as provided in Section 8.1 of the Act.
(d) Professional Education. Students shall not be matriculated in any school approved by the board unless they possess, and submit to the school upon their application for matriculation, either:
(1) A diploma from a standard high school or other institution of standard secondary school grade evidencing completion by the student of a four (4) year course, or
(2) A certificate from the board stating that the student has submitted proof, satisfactory to the board, of education equivalent in training power to a high school course. The certificate shall bear a date prior to the applicant's matriculation date in any school approved by the board.
(3) A student who seeks admission in any school approved by the Board after November 3, 1976, shall be subject to the following: The candidate must have completed, with a satisfactory scholastic record, at least 60 semester hours or an equivalent number of quarter hours in prechiropractic subjects at a college listed in the U.S. Office of Education "Education Directory--Higher Education." The specific prechiropractic subjects and hor requirements shall be in accordance with the standards adopted by the Council on Chiropractic Education.
(e) Advanced Standing.
(1) Applicants for admission to advanced standing shall be required to furnish evidence to the school:
(A) That they can meet the same entrance requirements as candidates for the first year class;
(B) That courses equivalent in content and quality to those given in the admitting school in the year or years preceding that to which admission is desired have been satisfactorily completed;
(C) That the work was done in a chiropractic college acceptable to the committee on admissions of the college; and
(D) That the candidate has a letter of recommendation from the dean of the school from which transfer is made.
(2) Credits for work done in colleges of liberal arts and sciences will be allowed based on the regulations of the Council on Chiropractic Education.
(3) Credits for basic science subjects on the professional level shall be in accordance with the provisions of the regulations of the Council on Chiropractic Education.
(4) A student desiring to re-enter the college after a lapse in attendance of one or more years shall fulfill the entrance requirements applying to the class which he seeks to enter. Students whose education was interrupted by service in the armed forces are exempt from this requirement.
(5) For all such students admitted to advance standing there will be, therefore, on file with the registrar the same documents as required for admission to the first-year class and in addition a certified transcript of work completed, together with a letter of honorary dismissal from the college from which transfer was made.
(6) No candidate for a degree shall be accepted for less than one full academic year of resident study.
(f) Attendance. In order to obtain credit for a course, a student shall have been present in class at least 90 percent of the time and shall have received a passing letter grade. When the absence exceeds 10 percent, the student shall be automatically dropped from the class. If the absences have been due to illness or other excusable reasons and if evidence of these reasons can be submitted, the student may apply for readmission through the dean's office and may be given credit for attendance upon the recommendation of his instructor and completion of course requirements.

Students shall be required to spend the last academic year of the course in residence in the college which confers the degree.

(g) Promotion.
(1) Promotion from one school term to another should be by recommendation of the instructors and consent of the committee on credentials or other similar committee. The decision should be based upon careful evaluation of the student's attendance, application, conduct and grades in quizzes and examinations. In other words, the final standing of the student in each subject shall be based upon the composite judgment of the responsible instructors in that department, and not solely upon the result of written examinations.
(2) A student failing in any subject in a school term should be required to repeat the subject.
(h) Requirements for Graduation. The requirements for admission to the school shall have been fulfilled and the candidate, in addition to scholastic qualitative requirements, shall have completed a minimum quantitative requirement of 4,400 hours of instruction in four academic years of nine months each. The last year shall have been spent in the school granting the degree. The candidate shall have complied with all the regulations of the school and be recommended for the degree by the faculty.
(i) Special (Graduate of An Approved Chiropractic School) or Unclassified Subject. Persons so registered may not be a candidate for a degree. If they desire to become candidates, they shall satisfy the usual requirements for admission as well as the degree requirement. No work done under this classification will be accepted for credit beyond 90 days from the date of matriculation. Holders of a valid chiropractic degree are exempt from this requirement.
(j) Degree. The degree conferred for completion of professional undergraduate work shall be Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.).


Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 16, § 331.11
1. New subsection (d)(3) filed 8-19-77; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 77, No. 34).
2. Amendment of subsection (e)(3) filed 6-20-78; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 78, No. 25).
3. Amendment of subsection (e)(2) filed 12-12-78; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 78, No. 50).
4. Amendment of subsection (d) filed 9-6-79; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 79, No. 36).
5. Amendment of subsection (d)(3) filed 2-5-80; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 80, No. 5).

Note: Authority cited: Section 4(b), Chiropractic Initiative Act of California (Stats. 1923, p. 1xxxviii). Reference: Sections 4(b) and 5, Chiropractic Initiative Act of California (Stats. 1923, p. 1xxxviii).

1. New subsection (d)(3) filed 8-19-77; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 77, No. 34).
2. Amendment of subsection (e)(3) filed 6-20-78; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 78, No. 25).
3. Amendment of subsection (e)(2) filed 12-12-78; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 78, No. 50).
4. Amendment of subsection (d) filed 9-6-79; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 79, No. 36).
5. Amendment of subsection (d)(3) filed 2-5-80; effective thirtieth day thereafter (Register 80, No. 5).

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.