Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 3, § 796 - Definitions

(a) "Animal" means any swine in captivity.
(b) "Herd" means any group of livestock maintained on common ground for any purpose, or two or more groups of livestock under common ownership or supervision, geographically separated, but which have an interchange or movement of animals. Swine used for 4-H, The National FFA Organization, or school projects kept isolated from the parent herd shall be considered a separate herd.
(c) "Isolated" means separation of swine by a physical barrier in such a manner that other swine do not have access to the isolated swine's body, excrement, or discharges; not allowing the isolated swine to share a building with a common ventilation system with other swine; and not allowing the isolated swine to be within 10 feet of other swine if not sharing a building with a common ventilation system.
(d) "Official brucellosis test" means any test for the diagnosis of brucellosis as defined by 9 CFR Part 78.1 (1/1/02 Edition).
(e) "Official identification" of swine means any method approved by the Department and USDA for the identification of swine in interstate commerce as defined by 9 CFR Part 71.19 (1/1/02 Edition).
(f) "Official pseudorabies test" means any test for the diagnosis of pseudorabies as defined by 9 CFR Part 85.1 (1/1/02 Edition).
(g) "Premises" means the farm of origin where swine were born and raised or where they have resided for a minimum of 90 continuous days immediately preceding shipment.
(h) "State or federal inspected slaughter facility" means a property where swine are slaughtered and inspected by authorized state or federal officials including all properties contiguous to the property containing the slaughter establishment if the contiguous properties are owned or controlled by the operator or those conducting business with the operator that involves live swine or products from swine.
(i) "Swine for immediate slaughter" means swine imported into California for slaughter at an establishment under state or federal inspection within 14 days after entry.
(j) "USDA" means United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Veterinary Services.


Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 3, § 796
1. New article 8.5 (sections 796-796.6) and section filed 3-1-2005; operative 3-31-2005 (Register 2005, No. 9). For prior history of article 9, section 796, see Register 2003, No. 23.

Note: Authority cited: Section 407 and 10781, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Sections 9561, 9562, 9570, 9574, 10721, 10722, 10723, 10724, 10725, 10726, 10751, 10752, 10753, 10781, 10782, 10783, 10784, 10785 and 10786, Food and Agricultural Code.

1. New article 8.5 (sections 796-796.6) and section filed 3-1-2005; operative 3-31-2005 (Register 2005, No. 9). For prior history of article 9, section 796, see Register 2003, No. 23.

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