Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 5, § 10071 - Formal Training Agreements for Each Type of Work Experience Education

Work Experience Education shall consist of one or more of the following paid and unpaid types of on-the-job experiences which the secondary school district may offer through a formal training agreement with each employer. The written agreement shall identify the responsibilities of the student, employer, parent or guardian (with respect to minors only) and the secondary school district shall outline the objectives that the student is to accomplish at the training site:

(a) Career Technical Work Experience Education has as its purpose the reinforcement and extension of career learning opportunities for a student through a combination of related classroom instruction in Work Experience Education and supervised paid employment in the occupation for which the student's career technical course in school prepares him/her.
(b) General Work Experience Education is an instructional course which has as its purpose the application of basic reading, writing, and computation skills. A General Work Experience Education student will acquire general and specific occupational skills through a combination of a supervised paid employment in any occupational field and related classroom instruction in Work Experience Education.
(c) Exploratory Work Experience Education is nonpaid and has as its general purpose the career guidance of the student by affording him/her opportunities to observe and sample systematically a variety of conditions of work for the purpose of ascertaining his/her interest and suitability for the occupation he/she is exploring. Exploratory Work Experience Education includes a combination of job observations and related classroom instruction in Work Experience Education. The student may be required to perform, on a limited, periodic and sampling basis, nonpaid work activities while exploring the occupation. The employer or work station supervisor may, but shall not be required to, teach production or other job skills to the Exploratory Work Experience Education student.

The length of exploratory assignments may vary, depending on the aptitude of the student, the occupation being explored, the facilities of the work station, and the job classification. A student may not be a part of Exploratory Work Experience Education if pay is received for like work at the same work station or similar job during hours when not assigned as an Exploratory Work Experience Education student. The student shall not replace a paid employee. The district shall provide Worker's Compensation Insurance for the student. A student in Exploratory Work Experience Education may be less than 16 years of age. Permits to Employ and Work (CDE Form B1-4, revised 07-10) are not required for students enrolled in Exploratory Work Experience Education.


Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 5, § 10071
1. Amendment of subsections (a)-(c) and NOTE filed 3-21-2011; operative 4-20-2011 (Register 2011, No. 12).

Note: Authority cited: Section 51762, Education Code. Reference: Sections 51760, 51760.3, 51764 and 51769, Education Code.

1. Amendment of subsections (a)-(c) and Note filed 3-21-2011; operative 4-20-2011 (Register 2011, No. 12).

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