Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 8, § 10682 - Physicians' Reports as Evidence

(a) The Workers' Compensation Appeals Board favors the production of medical evidence in the form of written reports. Direct examination of a medical witness will not be received at a trial except upon a showing of good cause. A continuance may be granted for rebuttal medical testimony subject to Labor Code section 5502.5.
(b) Medical reports should include where applicable:
(1) The date of the examination;
(2) The history of the injury;
(3) The patient's complaints;
(4) A listing of all information received in preparation of the report or relied upon for the formulation of the physician's opinion;
(5) The patient's medical history, including injuries and conditions, and residuals thereof, if any;
(6) Findings on examination;
(7) A diagnosis;
(8) Opinion as to the nature, extent and duration of disability and work limitations, if any;
(9) Cause of the disability;
(10) Treatment indicated, including past, continuing and future medical care;
(11) Opinion as to whether or not permanent disability has resulted from the injury and whether or not it is stationary. If stationary, a description of the disability with a complete evaluation;
(12) Apportionment of disability, if any;
(13) A determination of the percent of the total causation resulting from actual events of employment, if the injury is alleged to be a psychiatric injury;
(14) The reasons for the opinion; and
(15) The signature of the physician.

In death cases, the reports of non-examining physicians may be admitted into evidence in lieu of oral testimony.

(c) All medical-legal reports shall comply with the provisions of Labor Code section 4628. Except as otherwise provided by the Labor Code and the Rules of Practice and Procedure of the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board, failure to comply with the requirements of this rule will not make the report inadmissible but will be considered in weighing the evidence.


Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 8, § 10682
1. Renumbering of former section 10606 to section 10682, including amendment of section and NOTE, filed 12-17-2019; operative 1-1-2020. Submitted to OAL for printing only pursuant to Government Code section 11351 (Register 2019, No. 51).

Note: Authority cited: Sections 133 and 5307, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 4628, 5502.5, 5703 and 5708, Labor Code.

1. Renumbering of former section 10606 to section 10682, including amendment of section and Note, filed 12-17-2019; operative 1-1-2020. Submitted to OAL for printing only pursuant to Government Code section 11351 (Register 2019, No. 51).

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