Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 8, § 6969 - (15-1). Care of the Injured

(a) Every mine shall be provided with an approved mine-type stretcher, a woolen blanket or equally warm covering, and a waterproof covering for injured employees unless ambulance service is readily available to all locations in the operation.
(b) If more than 25 men are working underground at the same time, an additional stretcher, blanket, and waterproof covering for each 25 men or fraction thereof shall be provided.

Each stretcher shall be provided with at least 20 feet of one-half-inch rope, or equivalent, for securing an injured man in the stretcher.

(c) When considered necessary by the Division, stretchers shall be provided with a rope or other safe means for hoisting or lowering.
(d) Adequate first-aid dressing shall be provided and placed at locations about the mine convenient for treatment of injured employees.

Note: It is recommended that the employer seek the advice of a medical doctor regarding the type and quantity of first-aid dressings to be placed about the mine.

(e) First-Aid materials shall be kept in dry, sanitary, and usable condition, and shall be readily available to employees.
(f) A recommended method of treatment shall be kept readily available at all times where dangerously poisonous substances are used. A method prescribed by a medical doctor is acceptable. Water or neutralizing agents shall be available where corrosive chemicals or other harmful substances are stored, handled, or used.
(g) (18-14) Arrangements shall be made in advance for obtaining emergency medical assistance and transportation for injured persons.
(h) (18-12) The name, address, and telephone numbers of the physician, hospital, and ambulance to be called in an emergency shall be posted on the safety bulletin board and at telephones and in the hoist room of underground mines.
(i) Some suitable means of transportation shall be readily available where the services of an ambulance cannot be secured in one hour.

Note: The intent of this Order is that there shall be no unnecessary delay in getting seriously injured employees to medical attention. Ambulance service should be utilized where possible, but it is recognized that mines exist in isolated places not possible to reach by ambulance. Therefore, "suitable means of transportation" means the type of transportation ordinarily used by employees when going to or coming from a mine not possible to reach by ambulance.


Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 8, § 6969

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.