Subchapter 2 - Housing Discrimination Complaints

  1. § 10035 - Filing a Pre-Complaint Inquiry of Housing Discrimination with the Department
  2. § 10036 - Liberal Construction of Complaint
  3. § 10037 - Filing a Housing Discrimination Complaint with the Department Alleging a Violation of the Unruh Civil Rights Act (CIV. Code, Section 51 et seq.), Ralph Civil Rights Act (CIV. Code, Section 51.7), or Disabled Persons Act (CIV. Code, Section 54 et seq.)
  4. § 10038 - Intake
  5. § 10039 - Priority Intake
  6. § 10040 - Testing
  7. § 10041 - Drafting Housing Discrimination Complaints
  8. § 10042 - Written Statement or Correspondence as Complaint
  9. § 10043 - Reserved
  10. § 10044 - HUD-Generated Complaints
  11. § 10045 - Department-Generated Complaints
  12. § 10046 - Director's Complaints
  13. § 10047 - Class or Group Complaints
  14. § 10048 - Retaliation Complaints - Special Considerations
  15. § 10049 - Julie Waltz First Amendment Policy
  16. § 10050 - Medical Information - Special Considerations
  17. § 10051 - Effect of Prior Waiver Agreement/Release of All Claims
  18. § 10052 - Complaints Taken After Expiration of Statute of Limitations Due to Department Error
  19. § 10053 - Service of Complaints
  20. § 10054 - Amending Complaints
  21. § 10055 - Response to Complaint
  22. § 10056 - Conciliation
  23. § 10057 - DFEH Dispute Resolution Division Services
  24. § 10058 - Complaint Investigation
  25. § 10059 - Investigative Subpoenas
  26. § 10060 - Investigative Requests for Production and Inspection
  27. § 10061 - Priority Case Processing/Case Grading System
  28. § 10062 - Reserved
  29. § 10063 - Civil Actions
  30. § 10064 - Notice of Case Closure
  31. § 10065 - Departmental Appeal
  32. § 10066 - Substantial Equivalence

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.