Article 3 - Assignment of Qualified Medical Evaluators, Evaluation Procedure

  1. § 29 - Specified Financial Interests that May Affect Assignment to QME Panels
  2. § 30 - QME Panel Requests
  3. § 30.1 - The Request for Qualified Medical Evaluator Form. [Repealed]
  4. § 30.2 - The Request for Qualified Medical Evaluator Instruction Form. [Repealed]
  5. § 30.5 - Specialist Designation
  6. § 31 - QME Panel Selection
  7. § 31.1 - QME Panel Selection Disputes in Represented Cases
  8. § 31.2 - QME Office Locations. [Repealed]
  9. § 31.3 - Scheduling Appointment with Panel QME
  10. § 31.5 - QME Replacement Requests
  11. § 31.7 - Obtaining Additional QME Panel in a Different Specialty
  12. § 32 - Acupuncture Referrals
  13. § 32.5 - Reserved
  14. § 32.6 - Additional QME Evaluations Ordered by the Appeals Board
  15. § 32.7 - Rebuttal QME Examinations. [Renumbered]
  16. § 33 - Unavailability of QME
  17. § 33.1 - The Notice of QME Unavailability Form. [Repealed]
  18. § 34 - Appointment Notification and Cancellation
  19. § 34.1 - The Appointment Notification Form. [Repealed]
  20. § 35 - Exchange of Information and Ex Parte Communications
  21. § 35.5 - Compliance by AMEs and QMEs with Administrative Director Evaluation and Reporting Guidelines
  22. § 36 - Service of Comprehensive Medical-Legal Evaluation Reports by Medical Evaluators Including Reports Under Labor Code Section 4061
  23. § 36.1 - The Qualified or Agreed Medical Evaluator's Findings Summary Form. [Repealed]
  24. § 36.5 - Service of Comprehensive Medical/Legal Report in Claims of Injury to the Psyche
  25. § 36.7 - Electronic Service of Medical-Legal Reports by Medical Evaluators
  26. § 37 - Request for Factual Correction of a Comprehensive Medical-Legal Report from a Panel QME
  27. § 38 - Medical Evaluation Time Frames; Extensions for QMEs and Ames
  28. § 38.1 - The QME and AME Time Frame Extension Request Form. [Repealed]
  29. § 38.2 - "The Time Extension Approval" Form. [Repealed]
  30. § 38.3 - The "Denial of Time Extension" Form. [Repealed]
  31. § 38.4 - The "Notice of Late QME Report" Form. [Repealed]
  32. § 39 - Destruction of Records by the Medical Director
  33. § 39.5 - Retention of Records by QMEs

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.