1-1-109 - Minutes of Meetings

(1) Minutes shall be written in the order of the meeting and shall be recorded promptly.
(2) Minutes shall include all matters considered and "action taken, if any, but need not be a verbatim transcript. The minutes shall reflect the number of yea and nay votes and by whom, if a division of the vote had been requested by a member of the Commission.
(3) Minutes shall state, by name, the Commissioners present, and indicate the total number of members of the public attending the meeting who signed the attendance sheet.
(4) Minutes shall be approved at the next meeting of the Commission. This action shall be reflected in that meeting's minutes.
(5) Minutes shall be signed by the Chairperson after approval by the full Commission.
(6) Minutes shall incorporate by reference, all documents acted upon, approved, adopted, etc. Such documents shall then be physically attached to the minutes.
(7) After minutes are approved by the Commission and signed, they shall be placed in a peg-type top hole binder. All documents attached to the minutes shall be included in the binder.
(8) At the end of each fiscal year, the minutes shall be permanently bound.
(9) The minutes shall be kept in a location easily accessible to members of the public and shall be open to public inspection.



State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.