2.1 APPLICABILITY: Applies to all those requesting use of the display space.
.01 AGENCY means institution, department, board, commission, section or unit of state government, including institutions of higher education.
.02 COMMERCIAL means any for profit organization.
.03 COLORADO PRODUCTS AND BUSINESS means a Colorado company which produces, manufactures, grows, raises or substantially enhances a Colorado product or provides a service associated with Colorado products.
.04 DEPARTMENT means the Colorado Department of Administration.
.05 DISPLAY SPACE means the area located in Concourse A of the Colorado Convention Center for use by the state of Colorado.
.06 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR means the Director of the Department of Administration.
.07 PRIVATE NON-PROFIT means any organizations with a 501c3 status or registered as a non-profit in the State of Colorado.
.08 PRODUCT means a product manufactured in Colorado.
.09 TIME-SHARE means the method by which the display space will be used by organizations and regions to promote Colorado tourism, education, business, agriculture and products.


1 CCR 103-4-2.0

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.