10 CCR 2506-1-4.405 - Exempt Income

A. Irregular Income

Any income in the certification period that is received too infrequently or irregularly to be reasonably anticipated, but not in excess of thirty dollars ($30) in three (3) months.

B. Monies Intended for Non-Household Members

Monies received and used for the care and maintenance of a third-party beneficiary who is not a household member. If the intended beneficiaries of a single payment are both household and non-household members, any identifiable portion of the payment intended and used for the care and maintenance of the non-household member shall be excluded. If the non-household member's portion cannot be readily identified, the payment shall be evenly prorated among the intended beneficiaries and the exclusion applied to the non-household member's pro rata share or the amount actually used for the non-household member's care and maintenance, whichever is less.

C. Earnings of Children

The earned income of children who are under eighteen (18) years of age, who live with their natural parent, adoptive parent, stepparent, or are under the parental control of another household member other than a parent and are students at least half-time in elementary school, high school, or classes to obtain a General Equivalency Diploma (GED), will be considered exempt income.

The exclusion shall continue to apply during temporary interruptions in school attendance due to semester or vacation breaks, provided the child's enrollment will resume following the break. If the child's earnings or amount of work performed cannot be differentiated from that of other household members, the total earnings shall be prorated equally among the working members and the child's pro rata share excluded.

If the student becomes eighteen (18) years of age in the month of application, the income shall be excluded for the month of application and counted the following month. If the student turns eighteen (18) during the certification period, their income shall be excluded until the month following the month in which the student turns eighteen (18).

D. Recoupments

The following recoupments or repayments from any nonexempt income source shall be exempt as income as follows:

1. Monies withheld from an assistance payment, earned income, or monies received from any nonexempt income source that is voluntarily or involuntarily returned to repay a prior overpayment received from that income source. Only the net income received from these sources shall be considered countable income. However, monies withheld from a federal, state, or local means-tested program (such as Title IV-A, State Old Age Pension), for purposes of recouping an overpayment which resulted from the household's intentional failure to comply with that program's requirements, shall not be exempted as income, and the gross income received from these sources shall be considered countable income. See Section 4.705 for specific instructions.
2. Child support payments received by Title IV-A participants that the household must transfer to the agency administering Title IV-D of the Social Security Act, in order to maintain their Title IV-A eligibility.
E. Non-recurring Lump Sum Payments

Money received in the form of non-recurring lump sum payments, includes, but is not limited to, income tax refunds, rebates, or credits; retroactive lump-sum Social Security, SSI, public assistance, railroad retirement benefits or other payments; or retroactive lump-sum insurance settlements; or any money an inmate receives upon release from prison, including earnings from work performed while incarcerated and accumulated over the length of the incarceration.

State and county diversion payments under Colorado Works shall be excluded as a non-recurring lump sum payment if the payment does not cover more than ninety (90) days of expenses and is not expected to occur again in a twelve (12) month period.

Non-recurring lump sum payments shall be counted as resources in the month received, unless specifically excluded from consideration as a resource by other federal laws. Any funds remaining in subsequent months shall be considered a resource.

F. Loans
1. All loans from private individuals as well as commercial institutions shall not be considered as income, including educational loans.
2. Monies received from a Reverse Annuity Mortgage (RAM) loan program should be treated as a loan and excluded from income. These loans meet the accepted definition of a loan since there is a verifiable agreement to repay with interest.
G. In-Kind Benefits

An in-kind benefit is any gain or benefit received by the household that is not in the form of money such as meals, clothing, public housing, or produce from a garden.

H. Vendor Payments

A payment made on behalf of a household shall be considered a vendor payment whenever a person or organization outside of the household uses its own funds to make a direct payment to either the household's creditors or a person or organization providing a service to the household. Vendor payments are excludable as follows:

1. Such payments include subsidies paid to the households and legally obligated to the landlord, rent or mortgage payments made directly to landlords or mortgagees by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), or payments by a government agency to a child-care institution to provide day care for a household member are also excluded as vendor payments.
2. Monies that are legally obligated and otherwise payable to the household, but which are diverted by the provider of the payment to a third party for household expense, shall be counted as income and not excluded as a vendor payment. The distinction is whether the person or organization making the payment on behalf of a household is using funds that otherwise would need to be paid to the household.
3. Any emergency Public Assistance (PA) or General Assistance (GA) payment that is provided to a third party on behalf of the migrant or seasonal farm worker household, while the household is in the job stream, shall be excluded as income and considered as a vendor payment. These payments would normally be considered as income since the payment is legally obligated to the household.
4. Wages earned by a household member that are garnished or diverted by an employer and paid to a third party for a household's expenses, such as rent, shall be considered as income. However, if the employer pays a household's rent directly to the landlord in addition to paying the household its regular wages, this rent payment shall be excluded as a vendor payment. In addition, if the employer provides housing to an employee, the value of the housing shall not be counted as income.
5. Assistance provided to a third party on behalf of a household by the state or local program shall be considered money payable directly to the household if the assistance is provided in lieu of:
a. A regular benefit payable to the household for living expenses under a program funded under Part A of the Social Security Act; or,
b. A benefit payable to the household for housing expenses under a state or local general assistance program or other assistance program comparable to general assistance.
6. Assistance payments made to a third party for medical, child-care, or emergency/special assistance would be excluded as a vendor payment. Assistance payments provided by a state or local housing authority would also be excluded as income.
7. Energy assistance payments, other than for the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) or a one-time payment under federal or state law for weatherization or to repair/replace an inoperative furnace or other heating or cooling device, that are made under a state or local program shall be counted as income. The exclusion will still apply if a down payment is made and is followed by a final payment upon completion of work. If a state law prohibits the household from receiving a cash payment under state or local general assistance (or comparable program), the assistance would be excluded. This applies to either an energy assistance payment or other type of payment.

Energy assistance payments for an expense paid on behalf of the household under a state law shall be considered an out-of-pocket expense incurred and paid by the household. Energy assistance payments made under Part A of Title IV of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 601 through 42 u.S.C. 619) are included as income.

8. Vendor payments which would normally be excluded as income but are converted in whole or in part to a direct cash payment under the approval of a federally authorized demonstration project (including demonstration projects created by a waiver of the provisions of federal law) shall be excluded from income.
9. Monies from alimony or a court-ordered child support payment which are required by a court order (or other legally binding agreement) to be paid to a third party rather than to the household shall be excluded from income as a vendor payment, even if the household agrees to the arrangement.
10. Payments more than the amount specified in a court order (or other legally binding agreement) which are paid to a third party in addition to a court-ordered vendor payment shall also be treated as a vendor payment.
I. Reimbursements
1. Reimbursement for past or future expenses, to the extent they do not exceed actual expenses, and do not represent a gain or benefit to the household shall not be considered income.

To be excluded, the reimbursement must be provided specifically and used for an identified expense, other than normal living expenses, and used for the purpose intended. When a reimbursement, including a flat allowance, covers multiple expenses, each expense does not have to be separately identified as long as none of the reimbursement covers normal living expenses. Reimbursements for normal household living expenses such as rent or mortgage, personal clothing, or food eaten at home are a gain or benefit and, therefore, are not exempt.

2. No portion of benefits provided under Title IV-A of the Social Security Act, to the extent such benefit is attributed to an adjustment for work related or child care expenses, except for payment or reimbursement for such expenses made under an education, employment, or training program initiated under such Title after September 18, 1988, shall be considered exempt under this provision.
3. The amount by which a reimbursement exceeds the actual incurred expense shall be counted as income. However, reimbursements shall not be considered to exceed actual expenses unless the provider or the household indicates the amount is excessive.
4. Types of reimbursement for expenses include:
a. Reimbursement or flat allowances for job or training related expenses, such as travel, per diem, uniforms, and transportation to and from the job or training site including migrant travel.
b. Reimbursements for out of pocket expenses of volunteers incurred in the course of their work.
c. Medical or dependent care reimbursements.
d. Reimbursements received by households to pay for services provided by Title XX of the Social Security Act.
e. Reimbursements made to the household for expenses necessary for participation in an education component under the Employment First program.
J. Verification

Documentation of exempt income may explain a household's ability to maintain itself. Verification of exempt income is necessary only if the income is questionable. For example, when it is questionable that money received is a loan, a simple statement signed by both parties must be obtained which states that the money is a loan and that a repayment is being made or will be made.

If the household receives payments on a regular basis from the same source but claims that payments are loans, it may be required that the provider of the loan sign an affidavit stating that repayments are being made or will be made in accordance with an established repayment schedule.

4.405.1 Loans and Reimbursements to Students

All education assistance including grants, scholarships, fellowships, work-study, veteran's educational benefits, and any other money received specifically for educational expenses are exempt from consideration as income.

4.405.2 Income Excluded by Other Federal Statutes

The following government payments are received for a specific purpose and are excluded as income.

A. General
1. P.L. No. 89-642, Section 11(b) of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966, as amended, excludes the value of assistance to children under this Act.
2. Reimbursement from the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policy Act of 1970, as amended, (P.L. No. 91-646, Section 216).
3. Any payment to volunteers under Title II (RSVP, Foster Grandparents and others) of the Domestic Volunteer Services Act of 1972, as amended, (P.L. No. 93-113).

Payments under Title I (AmeriCorps Volunteers in the Service of America/VISTA -including University Year for Action and Urban Crime Prevention Program) to volunteers shall be excluded for those individuals receiving SNAP or PA at the time they joined the Title I Program, except that households which are receiving an income exclusion for a VISTA or other Title I Subsistence Allowance at the time of conversion to the Food Assistance Act of 1977 shall continue to receive an income exclusion for VISTA for the length of their volunteer contract in effect at the time of conversion. Temporary interruptions in SNAP participation shall not alter the exclusion once an initial determination has been made. New applicants who are not receiving PA or SNAP at the time they joined VISTA shall have these volunteer payments included as earned income.

4. P.L. No. 101-610, Section 17(d), 11/16/90, National and Community Service Act (NCSA) of 1990, as amended, provides that Section 142(b) of the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) applies to projects conducted under Title I of the NCSA as if such projects were conducted under the JTPA. Title I includes three Acts:
a. Serve-America: the Community Service, Schools and Service-Learning Act of 1990, as amended.
b. American Conservation and Youth Service Corps Act of 1990, as amended.
c. NCSA, as amended.

There are approximately forty-seven (47) different NCSA programs and they vary by state. Most of the payments are made as a weekly stipend or for educational assistance. The Higher Education Service-Learning program and the AmeriCorps umbrella program come under this title. The National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) is a federally managed AmeriCorps program. The Summer for Safety program is an AmeriCorps program under which participants earn a stipend and a one thousand dollar ($1,000) post-service educational award. The National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993 (P.L. No. 103-82) amended the NCSA but did not change the exclusion.

5. P.L. No. 93-288, Section 312(d), the Disaster Relief Act of 1974, as amended by P.L. No. 100-707, Section 105(i), the Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Amendments of 1988. Payments precipitated by an emergency or major disaster as defined in this Act, as amended, are not counted as income for SNAP purposes. This exclusion applies to Federal assistance provided to persons directly affected and to comparable disaster assistance provided by states, local governments, and disaster assistance organizations.

A major disaster is any natural catastrophe such as a hurricane or drought, or, regardless of cause, any fire, flood, or explosion, which the President determines causes damage of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant major disaster assistance to supplement the efforts and available resources of states, local governments, and disaster relief organizations in alleviating the damage, loss, hardship, or suffering caused thereby.

An emergency is any occasion or instance for which the President determines that Federal assistance is needed to supplant state and local efforts and capabilities to save lives and to protect property and public health and safety, or to lessen or avert the threat of a catastrophe.

Payments made to homeless people with funds from Federal Emergency Management Assistance (FEMA) to pay for rent, mortgage, food, and utility assistance when there is no major disaster or emergency are not excluded under this provision.

6. Payments, allowances and earnings under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) are excluded as income. Earnings paid for on-the-job training are still counted for SNAP. On-the-job training payments for members under nineteen (19) years of age who are participating in WIOA Programs and are under the parental control of an adult member of the household shall be excluded as income. The exclusion shall apply regardless of school attendance and/or enrollment as outlined in Section 4.405, C. On-the-job training payments under the Summer Youth Employment and Training Program are excluded from income.
7. P.L. No. 99-425, Section(e), the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act, 1986. Payments or allowances made under any federal laws for the purpose of energy assistance. P.L. No. 104-193 states that any payment or allowances made for the purpose of providing energy assistance under a federal law other than Part A of Title IV of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 601 through 42 u.S.C. 619), or a one-time payment, or allowance made under federal or state law for the cost of weatherization, or emergency repair or replacement of an unsafe or inoperative furnace or other heating or cooling device is excluded from income.
8. Payments received from the Youth Incentive Entitlement Pilot Projects, the Youth Community Conservation and Improvement Projects, and under the Title IV of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act Amendments of 1978 (P.L. No. 95-524).
9. P.L. No. 100-175, Section 166, Older Americans Act. Funds received by persons fifty-five (55) years of age and older under the Senior Community Service Employment Program under Title V of the Older Americans Act are excluded from income. State agencies and eight organizations receive funding under Title V. The eight organizations are: Green Thumb, National Council on Aging, National Council of Senior Citizens, American Association of Retired Persons, U.S. Forest Service, National Association for Spanish Speaking Elderly, National Urban League, National Council on Black Aging.
10. Payments in cash donations, based upon need, from one or more private, nonprofit charitable organizations, but not exceeding three hundred dollars ($300) in the aggregate, per fiscal quarter (P.L. No. 100-232).
11. The portion of a military retirement payment, which goes to an ex-spouse under a divorce decree property settlement, is not counted as income to the retiree. (P.L. No. 97-252, Uniform Service Former Spouse Protection Act.) These payments are excluded as vendor payments.
12. Military combat payments received by a member of the United States Armed Forces deployed to a designated combat zone shall be excluded from the household income for the duration of the member's deployment as long as the additional payment was not received immediately prior to serving in a combat zone.
13. Mandatory deductions from military pay for education purposes while the individual is enlisted. (P.L. No. 99-576, Veterans' Benefits Improvement and Health-Care Authorization Act of 1986, Section 303(a) (1)). Section 216 of P.L. No. 99-576 authorizes stipends for participation in study of Vietnam-Era veterans' psychological problems which are not excluded from income.
14. Payments to U.S. citizens of Japanese ancestry and resident Japanese non-citizens of up to twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) each and payments to certain eligible Aleuts of up to twelve thousand dollars ($12,000) each (P.L. No. 100-383, Civil Liberties Act of 1988).
15. Emergency assistance payments made by a state or local agency for migrants or seasonal farm-workers in the job stream (P.L. No. 100-387).
16. Benefits received from the special supplemental food program for women, infants and children (WIC), including benefits that can be exchanged for food at farmers' markets or part of a WIC demonstration project (P.L. No. 92-443). This payment is excluded as an in-kind benefit (P.L. No. 100-435, Section 501, amended, Child Nutrition Act).
17. P.L. No. 100-485, Section 301, the Family Support Act, 10/31/88 which amended Section 402(g)(1)(E) of the Social Security Act. The value of any child-care payments made under Title IV-A of the Social Security Act, including transitional child-care payments, are excluded from income.
18. Payments made from the Agent Orange Settlement Fund (P.L. No. 101-201). All payments from the Agent Orange Settlement fund or any other fund established pursuant to the settlement in the Agent Orange product liability litigation are excluded from income retroactive to January 1, 1989.

The veteran with disabilities will receive yearly payments. Survivors of deceased veterans with disabilities will receive a lump-sum payment. These payments were disbursed by the AETNA insurance company.

P.L. No. 102-4, Agent Orange Act of 1991, 2/6/91, authorized veterans' benefits to some veterans with service-connected disabilities resulting from exposure to Agent Orange. These VA payments are not excluded by law.

19. P.L. No. 101-508, Section 5801, which amended Section 402(i) of the Social Security Act, 11/5/90. At-risk block grant child care payments made under section 5801 are excluded from being counted as income for SNAP purposes and no deduction may be allowed for any expense covered by such payments.
20. P.L. No. 101-508, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990, Title XI Revenue Provisions, Section 11111, Modifications of Earned Income Tax Credit, subsection (b) provides that any earned income tax credit shall not be treated as income. This provision is effective with taxable years beginning after December 31, 1990.
21. Any payment made to an Employment First participant for costs that are reasonably necessary and directly related to participation in the Employment First Program. These costs include, but are not limited to, dependent care costs, transportation, other expenses related to work, training or education, such as uniforms, personal safety items, or other necessary equipment, and books or training manuals. These costs shall not include the cost of meals away from home. Also, the value of any dependent care services provided for or arranged by the Employment First Unit is excluded.
22. Amounts necessary for the fulfillment of a Plan for Achieving Self-Support (PASS) under Title XVI of the Social Security Act (P.L. No. 102-237). This money may be spent in accordance with an approved PASS or deposited into a PASS savings account for future use.
23. Any money received from the Radiation Exposure Compensation Trust Fund pursuant to P.L. No. 101-426 as amended by P.L. No. 101-510.
24. P.L. No. 102-586, Section 8, amended the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act Amendments of 1992 by adding a new Section 658S to exclude the value of any child-care provided or arranged, or any amount received as payment for such care or reimbursement for costs incurred for such care from income for purposes of any other federal or federally assisted program that bases eligibility, or the amount of benefits, on need.
25. P.L. No. 101-625, Section 22(i), Cranston-Gonzales National Affordable Housing Act, (42 U.S.C.S. 1437t(i)), provides that no service provided to a public housing resident under this section (Family Investment Centers) may be treated as income for purposes of any other program or provision of state or federal law.

This exclusion applies to services such as child-care employment training and counseling, literacy training, computer skills training, assistance in the attainment of certificates of high school equivalency, and other services. The exclusion does not apply to wages or stipends.

P.L. No. 101-625, Section 522(i)(4), excludes most increases in the earned income of a family residing in certain housing while participating in HUD demonstration projects authorized by P.L. No. 101-625. Demonstration projects are authorized by P.L. No. 101-625 for Chicago, Illinois, and three other locations. The affected offices will be contacted individually regarding these projects.

26. P.L. No. 103-286, Section 1(a), Section 1(a), provides in part that payments made to individuals because of their status as victims of Nazi persecution shall be disregarded in determining eligibility for and the amount of benefits or services to be provided under any federal or federally assisted program which provides benefits or services based, in whole or in part, on need.
27. Amendments to Section 1403 of the Crime Act of 1984 (42 U.S.C. 10602) provides in part that, notwithstanding any other law, if the compensation paid by an eligible crime victim compensation program would cover costs that a federal program or a federally financed state or local program would otherwise pay:
a. Such crime victim compensation program shall not pay that compensation.
b. The other program shall make its payments without regard to the existence of the crime victim compensation program.

Based on this language, payments received under this Program must be excluded from income for SNAP purposes.

28. P.L. No. 104-204, requires that allowances paid under this law to children of Vietnam veterans who were born with spina bifida be excluded from income.
B. American Indian or Alaska Native

Usually a law will specify payments to members of a tribe or band, and the law will apply to the members enrolled in the tribe or band wherever they live. The individuals should have documentation showing where the payments originate.

1. P.L. No. 92-203, section 29, dated 1/2/76, the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, and Section 15 of P.L. No. 100-241, 2/3/88, the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act Amendments of 1987 - All compensation, including cash, stock, partnership interest, land, interest in land, and other benefits, received under this Act are excluded.
2. P.L. No. 93-134, the Judgment Award Authorization Act, as amended by P.L. No. No. 97-458, Section 1407, 11/12/83 and P.L. No. 98-64, 8/2/83, the Per Capita Distribution Act. P.L. No. 97-458 required the exclusion of per capita Payments under the Indian Judgment Fund Act (judgment awards) of two thousand dollars ($2,000) or less from income. The exclusion applies to each payment made to each individual. P.L. No. 98-64 extended the exclusion to cover per capita payments from funds which are held in trust by the Secretary of Interior (trust fund distributions).

P.L. No. 93-134, the Indian Tribal Judgment Fund Use or Distribution Act, Section 8, 10/19/73, as amended by P.L. No. 103-66, Section 13736, 10/7/93, provides that interest of individual Indians in trust or restricted lands up to two thousand dollars ($2,000) per year received by individual Indians that is derived from such interests shall not be considered income in determining eligibility for assistance under the Social Security Act or any other federal or federally assisted program. The two thousand dollar ($2,000) limit is based on calendar years from January through December.

3. P.L. No. 93-531, section 22 - Relocation assistance payments to members of the Navajo and Hopi Tribes are excluded from income and resources.
4. P.L. No. 94-114, section 6, 10/17/75 - Income derived from certain sub-marginal land held in trust for certain Indian tribes is excluded from income. The tribes that shall benefit are:
a. Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa
b. Indians of Wisconsin
c. Blackfeet Tribe
d. Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma
e. Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
f. Crow Creek Sioux Tribe
g. Lower Brule Sioux Tribe
h. Devils Lake Sioux Tribe
i. Fort Belknap Indian Community
j. Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes
k. Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians
l. Keweenaw Bay Indian Community
m. Minnesota Chippewa Tribe
n. Navajo Tribe
o. Oglala Sioux Tribe
p. Rosebud Sioux Tribe
q. Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
r. Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
5. P.L. No. 94-189, Section 6, 12/31/75 - Funds distributed per capita to the Sac and Fox Indians or held in trust are excluded from income. The funds are divided between members of the Sac and Fox Tribe of Oklahoma and the Sac and Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa. The judgments were awarded in Indian Claims Commission dockets numbered 219, 153, 135, 158, 231, 83, and 95.
6. P.L. No. 94-540 - Payments from the disposition of funds to the Grand River Band of Ottawa Indians are excluded from income.
7. P.L. No. 95-433, section 2 - Indian Claims Commission payments made pursuant to this Public Law to the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakima Indian Nation and the Apache Tribe of the Mescalero Reservation are excluded from income.
8. P.L. No. 96-420, section 9(c), 10/10/80, Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1980 -Payments made to the Passamaquoddy Tribe, the Penobscot Nation, and the Houlton Band of Maliseet are excluded from income.
9. P.L. No. 97-403 - Payments to the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewas, Arizona, are excluded from income.
10. P.L. No. 97-408 - Payments to the Blackfeet, Grosventre, and Assiniboine tribes, Montana, and the Papago, Arizona, are excluded from income.
11. P.L. No. 98-123, Section 3, 10/13/83 - Funds distributed to members of the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians are excluded from income. Funds were awarded in docket number 15-72 of the United States Court of Claims.
12. P.L. No. 98-124, Section 5 - Per capita and interest payments made to members of the Assiniboine Tribe of the Fort Belknap Indian Community, Montana, and the Assiniboine Tribe of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Montana, under this Act are excluded from income. Funds were awarded in docket 10-81L.
13. P.L. No. 98-500, Section 8, Old Age Assistance Claims Settlement Act, provides that funds made to heirs of deceased Indians under this Act shall not be considered as income nor otherwise used to reduce or deny SNAP benefits except for per capita shares more than two thousand dollars ($2,000). The first two thousand dollars ($2,000) of each payment is excluded.
14. P.L. No. 99-146, Section 6(b), 11/11/85 - Funds distributed per capita or held in trust for members of the Chippewas of Lake Superior are excluded from income. Judgments were awarded in Dockets Numbered 18-S, 18-U, 18-C, and 18-T.
a. Dockets 18-S and 18-U are divided among the following reservations:
1) Wisconsin
2) Bad River Reservation
3) Lac du Flambeau Reservation
4) Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation
5) Sokaogon Chippewa Community
6) Red Cliff Reservation
7) St. Croix Reservation
8) Michigan
9) Keweenaw Bay Indian Community (L'Anse, Lac Vieux Desert, and Ontonagon Bands)
10) Minnesota
11) Fond du Lac Reservation
12) Grand Portage Reservation
13) Nett Lake Reservation (including Vermillion Lake and Deer Creek)
14) White Earth Reservation
b. Under dockets 18-C and 18-T funds are given to the Lac Courte Oreilles Band of the Lake Superior Bands of Chippewa Indians of the Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation of Wisconsin, the Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians of the Bad River Reservation, the Sokaogon Chippewa Community of the Mole Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, and the St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin.
15. P.L. No. 99-264, White Earth Reservation Land Settlement Act of 1985, 3/24/86, Section 16 excludes moneys paid from income. This exclusion involves members of the White Earth Band of Chippewa Indians in Minnesota.
16. P.L. No. 99-346, Section 6(b) (2) - Payments to the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan are excluded from income.
17. P.L. No. 99-377, Section 4(b), 8/8/86, - Funds distributed per capita to the Chippewas of the Mississippi or held in trust under this Act are excluded from income. The judgments were awarded in Docket Number 18-S. The funds are divided by reservation affiliation for the Mille Lac Reservation, Minnesota; White Earth Reservation, Minnesota; and Leech Lake Reservation, Minnesota.
18. P.L. No. 101-41, 6/21/89, the Puyallup Tribe of Indians Settlement Act of 1989, Section 10 (b) provides that nothing in this Act shall affect the eligibility of the Tribe or any of its members for any Federal program. Section 10(c) provides that none of the funds, assets, or income from the trust fund established in section 6(b) shall at any time be used as a basis for denying or reducing funds to the tribe or its members under any Federal, State, or local program. (The Puyallup Tribe is located in the State of Washington.)
19. P.L. No. 101-277, 4/30/90, funds appropriated in satisfaction of judgments awarded to the Seminole Indians in dockets 73, 151, and 73-A of the Indian Claims Commission are excluded from income except for per capita payments in excess of two thousand dollars ($2,000). Payments were allocated to the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma, the Seminole Tribe of Florida, the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida, and the independent Seminole Indians of Florida.
20. P.L. No. 101-503, Section 8(b), Seneca Nation Settlement Act of 1990, dated November 3, 1990, provides that none of the payments, funds, or distributions authorized, established, or directed by this Act, and none of the income derived therefrom shall affect the eligibility of the Seneca Nation or its members for, or be used as a basis for denying or reducing funds under, any federal program.
21. P.L. No. 103-436, 11/2/94, Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation Grand Coulee Dam Settlement Act, Section 7(b) provides that payments made pursuant to the Act are totally excluded from income.


10 CCR 2506-1-4.405
37 CR 15, August 10, 2014, effective 9/1/2014 37 CR 21, November 10,2014, effective 12/1/2014 38 CR 23, December 10, 2015, effective 1/1/2016 39 CR 01, January 10, 2016, effective 2/1/2016 39 CR 05, March 10, 2016, effective 4/1/2016 39 CR 07, April 10, 2016, effective 5/1/2016 39 CR 15, August 10, 2016, effective 9/1/2016 39 CR 17, September 10, 2016, effective 10/1/2016 39 CR 19, October 10, 2016, effective 11/1/2016 39 CR 23, December 10, 2016, effective 1/1/2017 40 CR 11, June 10, 2017, effective 7/1/2017 40 CR 17, September 10, 2017, effective 10/1/2017 41 CR 15, August 10, 2018, effective 9/1/2018 40 CR 23, December 10, 2017, effective 12/30/2018 42 CR 01, January 10, 2019, effective 2/1/2019 42 CR 03, February 10, 2019, effective 3/15/2019 42 CR 17, September 10, 2019, effective 10/1/2019 42 CR 18, October 10, 2019, effective 10/1/2019 42 CR 23, December 10, 2019, effective 12/30/2019 43 CR 01, January 10, 2020, effective 1/30/2020 43 CR 05, March 10, 2020, effective 2/7/2020 43 CR 07, April 10, 2020, effective 4/30/2020 43 CR 21, November 10, 2020, effective 11/30/2020 44 CR 21, November 10, 2021, effective 11/30/2021 45 CR 05, March 10, 2022, effective 3/30/2022 45 CR 19, October 10, 2022, effective 10/1/2022 45 CR 19, October 10, 2022, effective 11/1/2022 45 CR 21, November 10, 2022, effective 11/30/2022 46 CR 17, September 10, 2023, effective 9/30/2023

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.