12 CCR 2510-1-10.120 - DEFINITIONS [Rev. eff. 12/1/10]

"Activities of Daily Living" (ADLs) means activities that are regularly necessary for personal care. These activities include: transfers in and out of a bed or chair, toileting, walking, dressing, bathing, hygiene, and eating.

"Administration" means the Administration on Aging (AoA) of the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

"Adult Day Care" means personal care for dependent older adults in a supervised, protective, and congregate setting during some portion of a day.

"Applicant agency" means an entity that is applying for a contract or other funding, or for designation or consideration as an Area Agency on Aging.

"Area Agency on Aging" (AAA) means a private nonprofit or public agency designated by the State Unit on Aging (SUA) to administer the Older Americans Act and related programs within a Planning and Service Area (PSA) in the State of Colorado.

"Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council" means a representative body of laypersons and service providers, designated by the AAA to represent the interests of older adults within the boundaries of a Planning and Service Area.

"Area Plan" means a document submitted by the AAA to the SUA every four years in a format specified by the State Department, which includes goals and measurable objectives; and identifies planning, coordination, administration, supportive, and nutrition services, as well as evaluation activities to be undertaken.

"Assessment" means the process of determining eligibility for a program, and may be used to measure the changes in a client due to participation in a program.

"Assisted Transportation" means assistance and transportation, including escort, for a person who has physical or cognitive difficulties using regular vehicular transportation.

"Carry-Over" means the estimated or actual portion of the funds made available to a contractee for a budget year which are not expended during that budget year, and which may be available for use (carried over) during a subsequent budget year, or reallocated as necessary.

"Case management" means assistance, either in the form of access or care coordination, in circumstances where the eligible individual and/or their caregivers are experiencing diminished functioning capacities, personal conditions, or other characteristics which require the provision of services by formal service providers. Activities of case management shall include: assessing needs, developing care plans, authorizing services, arranging services, coordinating the provision of services among providers, follow-up, and reassessment, as required.

"Cash and Counseling" means the range of services provided or paid for through allowance, vouchers, or cash that are provided to the consumer so that the consumer can obtain the supportive services that are needed.

"Cash Match" means local cash received from non-Federal and non-State sources, passing to the control of the contractee or sub-contractee or contract agencies, which is used for the payment of allowable costs charged to the contract, and for the satisfaction of requirements for non-Federal/non-State share of program expenses.

"Child" means an individual who is not more than eighteen (18) years of age.

"Chore services" means those services designed to increase the safety of older adults living at home such as assistance with heavy housework, yard work or sidewalk maintenance. Chore service activities are one-time, seasonal or occasional in nature, and shall be planned with input from the older adult based on an evaluation of the older adult's strengths and needs, and the degree of physical and/or cognitive impairment of the older adult.

"Colorado Commission on Aging" (CCOA) means an advisory board, appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the state Senate to advise the State Unit on Aging on matters concerning older adults and to monitor the implementation of the Older Americans Act. The Commission reviews existing programs for the aging and makes recommendations to the Governor, Colorado Department of Human Services, Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing, and the General Assembly for improvements in such programs.

"Colorado Long-Term Care Ombudsman" (CLTCO) means an entity with expertise and experience in the fields of long-term care and advocacy, serving on a full-time basis to carry out the functions identified in the Older Americans Act.

"Community focal point" means a facility established to encourage the maximum collaboration and coordination of services for older adults.

"Comprehensive and coordinated service delivery system" means a system for providing all necessary supportive services, including nutrition services, in a manner designed to:

A. Facilitate the accessibility and use of interrelated social, supportive, and nutrition services provided to meet the needs of older adults in a Planning and Service Area;
B. Develop and make the most effective use of supportive services and nutrition services in meeting the needs of older adults within the planning and service area;
C. Use resources efficiently and with a minimum of duplication; and,
D. Encourage and assist public and private entities that have unrealized potential for meeting the service needs of older adults to provide such assistance on a voluntary basis.

"Conflict of interest" means a direct official action on a matter in which the AAA, provider, council member, or other interested party has the opportunity for substantial financial, contractual, or employment gain.

"Congregate meal" means the provision of a meal that meets all requirements as specified at Section 10.411 of these rules to an eligible older adult at a nutrition site, senior center or some other congregate setting.

"Construction", with respect to multipurpose senior centers, means building a new facility, including the costs of land acquisition and architectural and engineering fees, or making modifications to or in connection with an existing facility which are in excess of double the square footage of the original facility and/or all physical improvements.

"Contract" means an agreement, allowable and enforceable by law, between two or more competent parties, for a legal consideration. More specifically, in regard to these rules, it is a legal written agreement between agencies or other entities to provide, supply, or perform on the one part, and remunerate on the other part, a particular service, goods, or materials, in (a) particular time frame(s) and location(s).

"Contractor" means an organization or person that provides goods, materials, and/or services for remuneration under the stipulations of a contract.

"Coordination" means a formal or informal arrangement through which the SUA, AAA, or another entity or coalition brings together the planning and service resources of two (2) or more public and private agencies in Colorado for the purpose of expanding or strengthening services for older adults. Coordination refers to cooperative efforts, in support of common objectives, directed toward joint planning and resource development, increased quality and quantity of services, and the improvement of services to achieve a more effective and efficient comprehensive system.

"Counseling" means the provision of advice or support to assist older adults in addressing issues and concerns, or in making decisions

"Desk evaluation" means the process of a review of the direction, compliance with regulations and policy and procedures, efficiency, and effectiveness of a program or part of a program through use of written documentation requested of an AAA by the SUA.

"Dietary supplement" means a product intended to supplement the diet that bears or contains one or more of the following ingredients:

A. A vitamin;
B. A mineral;
C. An herb or other botanical;
D. An amino acid;
E. A dietary substance for use by an older adult to supplement the diet by increasing the total dietary intake; or,
F. A concentrate, metabolic, constituent, extract, or any combination of the above ingredients.

"Dietetic Technician, Registered" means an individual who:

A. Has:
1. Completed a minimum of an Associate Degree granted by a U.S. accredited college/university;
2. Completed a Dietetic Technician Program as accredited/approved by the Commission on Accreditation/Approval for Dietetics Education of the American Dietetic Association;
3. Successfully completed the Registration Examination for Dietetic Technicians; and,
4. Accrued fifty (50) hours of approved continuing professional education every five years;
B. Or has:
1. Completed the minimum of a Bachelor's degree granted by a U.S. regionally accredited college or university, or foreign equivalent;
2. Met current minimum academic requirements (Didactic Program in Dietetics) as approved by the Commission on Accreditation/Approval for Dietetics Education of the American Dietetic Association;
3. Completed a supervised practice program under the auspices of a Dietetic Technician Program as accredited/approved by the Commission on Accreditation/Approval for Dietetics Education of the American Dietetic Association;
4. Fully completed the Registration Examination for Dietetic Technicians; and,
5. Accrued fifty (50) hours of approved continuing professional education within a specific five-year reporting period.

"Education" means a supportive service designed to assist older adults to better cope with their economic, health, and personal needs through services such as consumer education, continuing education, health education, falls prevention education, medication management education, preretirement education, financial planning, and other education and training services which advances the objectives of the Older Americans Act.

"Elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation" means abuse, neglect, or exploitation, of an older adult.

"Employability plan" means a document developed with the enrollee's input that takes into consideration the individual's work history, work preference, skills, aptitudes, and barriers to employment resulting in planned service actions to achieve an agreed upon occupational goal.

"Enrollee" means an older adult who is eligible for the Title V as defined at Section 10.120 "Definitions", Senior Community Services Employment Program, and receives services and paid wages as a result of participating in program activities and/or community service employment.

"Evaluation" means the process of a review of the direction, compliance with regulations and policy and procedures, efficiency and effectiveness of a program or part of a program through use of an evaluation tool developed by the SUA or AAA including completed written documentation of the findings.

"Evidence-based disease prevention and health promotion program" means a program that meets the current definition of evidence-based disease prevention and health promotion as defined by the Administration on Aging and has:

A. Demonstrated through evaluation to be effective for improving the health and well-being or reducing disease, disability and/or injury among older adults; and,
B. Proven effective with older adult population, using experimental or quasi-experimental design; and,
C. Research results published in a peer-review journal; and,
D. Been fully translated in one or more community site(s); and,
E. Developed dissemination products that are available to the public.

"Family caregiver" means an adult family member, or another individual, who is an informal provider of in-home and community care to an older adult, or to an individual with Alzheimer's disease or a related disorder with neurological and organic brain dysfunction.

"Frail" means an older adult who is determined to be functionally impaired due to:

A. Inability to perform at least two (2) activities of daily living without substantial human assistance, including verbal reminding, physical cueing, or supervision; or,
B. A cognitive or other mental impairment, requiring substantial supervision because the individual behaves in a manner that poses a serious health or safety hazard to self or others.

"Funding letter" means a unilateral contracting document that allows a State agency to increase or decrease the amount of funding for a specific sub-contractee based upon the funding available to the state agency.

"Funding request" means the documentation submitted annually by each AAA to the SUA, in a format prescribed that includes updated budgetary information.

"Greatest economic need" means the need resulting from an income level at or below the federal poverty guidelines.

"Greatest social need" means the need caused by non-economic factors, which include: physical and mental disabilities; language barriers; and cultural, social, or geographical isolation, including isolation caused by racial or ethnic status, that restricts the ability of a person to perform normal daily tasks; or threatens the capacity of a person to live independently.

"Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point" (HACCP) means a proactive, comprehensive, science-based, food safety system, approved by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment that allows nutrition project operators to continuously monitor their establishments and reduce the risk of food borne illness.

"Health oversight agency" means an agency or authority of the United States, a state, a territory, a political subdivision of a state or territory, or an Indian tribe, or a person or entity acting under a grant of authority from or contract with such public agency, including the employees or agents of such public agency or its contractors or persons or entities to whom it has granted authority, that is government programs in which health information is necessary to determine eligibility or compliance, or to enforce civil rights laws for which health information is relevant.

"High nutrition risk" means a score of six (6) or more on the Determine Your Nutritional Risk checklist published by the Nutrition Screening Initiative. Requirements shall not include any later amendments to or editions of the incorporated material. Copies of these materials are available for public inspection by contacting:

Colorado Department of Human Services, Division of Aging and Adult Services, Manager, State Unit on Aging, 1575 Sherman Street, Denver, Colorado 80203; or any State Publication Depository Library.

"Homebound" means an older adult who is assessed as unable to leave his or her home without human assistance, due to a disabling physical or emotional condition or an environmental condition that may have a health related impact.

"Home delivered meal" means the provision of a meal that meets all requirements as described at Section 10.412, et seq., of these rules to an eligible individual at that person's home.

"Home health aide" means a Certified Nursing Aid (CNA) who does not hold a license or other mandatory professional requirements for practice, other than certification, who performs services under the supervision of a RN.

"Homemaker services" means providing assistance to persons who meet the eligibility requirements for in-home services and who are unable to perform two or more of the following instrumental activities of daily living: preparing meals, laundry, shopping for personal items, managing money, using the telephone, or doing light housework.

"Home modification" means specific adaptations, repairs, maintenance, renovation, modifications, or improvements in a consumer's existing home setting.

"Host agency" means a public or private nonprofit organization, other than a political party, exempt by law from taxation that provides a worksite and supervision for an enrollee under the Title V, as defined at Section 10.120 "Definitions", Senior Community Services Employment Program.

"Indian tribe," except for the purposes of Title VI of the Older Americans Act, as defined at Section 10.120 "Definitions", means any tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community of Indians, which is:

A. Recognized as eligible for special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians; or,
B. Located on, or in proximity to, a federal or state reservation or rancheria.

"Information and assistance" means a service that provides individuals with information on services available within the community and links individuals to the services and opportunities that are available within the community.

"In-kind match" means services, goods, or property donated by a contractee or third party, which are allowable costs of a contract, for which no cash reimbursement is required, and which are applied to a requirement for the non-federal/non-state share of program expenses.

"Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Skills" (IADLS) means activities necessary for independent living, including: meal preparation, shopping, medication management, housework, laundry, appointment management, money management, access resources, transportation, and telephone.

"Internal control" means processes designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the following categories:

A. Effectiveness and efficiency of operations;
B. Reliability of financial reporting; and,
C. Compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

"Legal assistance" means legal advice, counseling, and representation provided by an attorney or other person acting under the supervision of an attorney.

"Local ombudsman" means an individual trained and designated as qualified by the state Long-Term Care Ombudsman to act as a representative of the office of the state Long-Term Care Ombudsman pursuant to Section 26-11.5-103(2), C.R.S.

"Long-Term Care (LTC) facility" means:

A. A nursing facility as defined at Section 25.5-4-103(14), C.R.S.;
B. An assisted living residence as defined at Section 25-27-102 (1.3), C.R.S.; or,
C. An extended care facility with any swing bed.

"Long-Term Care Ombudsman complaint" means an alleged problem or issue, verbal or written, in which the Colorado or Local Long-Term Care (LTC) Ombudsman takes direct action or suggests action at the request of residents, family, or other interested persons. Such action is taken in order to identify issues, resolve problems, or alter the outcome of situations. Complaints may be specific to individual residents or may involve general issues affecting many residents.

"Long-Term Care Ombudsman education" means provision of information and/or training to residents and staff of LTC facilities and communities, regarding resident's rights, the ombudsman, and other related issues.

"Long-Term Care Ombudsman services" means actions taken to identify, investigate, or seek to resolve complaints made by or on behalf of an older adult who resides in a long-term care facility, relating to actions, inactions, or decisions of providers or public agencies that may adversely affect the health, safety, welfare, and rights of the residents.

"Low-income" means incomes below the federal poverty guidelines.

"Material aid" means aid in the form of goods or food such as direct distribution of commodities, surplus food, and distribution of clothing, smoke detectors, eyeglasses, hearing aids, oral health, or security devices.

"Means test" means the use of an older adult's income or resources to determine eligibility pursuant to these rules.

"Medical food" means a food formulated to be consumed or administered entirely under supervision of a physician, and intended for the specific dietary management of a disease or condition for which distinctive nutritional requirements, based on recognized scientific principles, are established by medical evaluation.

"Monitoring" means a review by the contractor agency of one or more contract activities, that may include on-site visits to the contractor agency; and/or data collection activities of contractors and subcontractors, for the purpose of assuring that the contract is being administered in accordance with the Older Americans Act programs, and that the purposes of the contract are being met.

"Multigenerational" means activities intended to promote interaction among generations, and may include opportunities for older adults to serve as mentors or advisors in childcare, youth day care, educational assistance, at-risk youth intervention, juvenile delinquency treatment, and family support programs.

"Multipurpose senior center" means a community facility for the organization and provision of a broad spectrum of services for older adults including: mental and physical health services; social, nutritional, and educational services; and the provision of facilities for recreational activities for older adults.

"Native American" means an American Indian or a Native Hawaiian.

"Native Hawaiian" means any individual whose ancestors were natives of the area that consists of the Hawaiian Islands prior to 1778.

"Needs assessment" means the process of evaluating an older adult's status and needs; identifying the service or combination of services required to maintain the older adult's ability to live independently.

"Nonprofit," as applied to any agency, institution, or organization, means an agency, institution, or organization owned and/or operated by one or more corporations or associations whose profits must be used exclusively for the charitable, educational or scientific purpose for which it was formed.

"Nutrition counseling" means the provision of individualized advice and guidance, by a registered dietitian in accordance with federal or state law and/or policy, to individuals or their caregivers, for those individuals at nutritional risk because of their health or nutritional history, dietary intake, medication use, or chronic illnesses. Nutrition counseling addresses the options and methods for improving nutrition status.

"Nutrition education" means a program to promote better health by providing accurate and culturally sensitive nutrition, information and instruction to older adults and caregivers in a group or individual setting overseen by a dietitian or individual of comparable expertise.

"Nutrition outreach" means an activity designed to seek out and identify the maximum number of older adults in greatest need of nutrition and supporting social services, such as those hard to reach, isolated, withdrawn, low-income, or a minority.

"Nutrition project area" means the geographic area for which a single nutrition project is designed.

"Nutrition screening" means the process of identifying older adults at nutritional risk or with malnutrition.

"Nutrition services" means services and activities intended to provide older adults with assistance in maintaining a well-balanced diet, including congregate and home delivered meals, nutrition counseling and nutrition education.

"Nutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP)" means a program carried out by the United States Department of Health and Human Services to allot cash, commodities, or a combination of cash and commodities to states and contractees providing nutrition program to older adults.

"Nutrition site" means a location where congregate meals are provided, and may include senior centers, community buildings, older adult housing complexes, and public schools.

"Nutritionist" is defined as an individual who has:

A. Completed the minimum of a Bachelor's degree granted by a United States accredited college or university in foods and nutrition or home economics; and,
B. Professional, verifiable experience of a minimum of six months in nutrition education, menu design, and menu analysis.

"Older adult" means a person who is sixty (60) years of age or older.

"Older Americans Act funds" means Federal funds authorized under the Older Americans Act.

"On-site evaluation" means the process of reviewing of the direction, compliance with regulations and policies and procedures, efficiency and effectiveness of a program or part of a program through both discussion, and review of documentation with relevant persons by the SUA or AAA.

"Outreach" means an interaction with individuals initiated by an agency or organization for the purpose of identifying potential clients (or their caregivers) and encouraging their use of existing services and benefits.

"Personal care" means providing personal assistance, stand-by assistance, supervision or cues for persons who meet the requirements for in-home services.

"Personal representative" means an individual who, under applicable law has authority to act on behalf of an individual who is an adult or an emancipated minor in making decisions related to health care.

"Place of residence" means a permanent declared dwelling place.

"Planning and Service Area" (PSA) means a geographic area of the state, designated by the State Unit on Aging for purposes of planning, development, delivery, and overall administration of services under an Area Plan.

"Poverty level" is based on the federal poverty guidelines.

"Program" means a particular set of services and activities authorized and funded.

"Program development" means activities directly related to either the establishment of a new service or the improvement, expansion, or integration of existing services.

"Program income" means any income generated by a contractor or subcontractor from activities, part or all of the cost of which is borne by the contractor or subcontractor.

"Public information" means a service that provides the public and individuals with information on resources and services available to consumers within their communities.

"Public transportation vehicle" means a bus, car, train, light-rail vehicle, or any other mode of transportation used by a public transportation entity to provide transportation services to the general public.

"Reassurance" means the process of contacting an older adult on a regular basis in order to provide comfort and/or help.

"Registered Dietician" means an individual who has:

A. Completed the minimum of a Bachelor's degree granted by a United States regionally accredited college or university;
B. Met current academic requirements (Didactic Program in Dietetics) as approved by the Commission on Accreditation/Approval for Dietetics Education of the American Dietetic Association;
C. Completed a minimum of nine hundred (900) supervised practice hours of pre- professional experience accredited/approved by the Commission on Accreditation/Approval for Dietetics Education of the American Dietetic Association. Requirements referenced in A, B, and C shall not include any later amendments to or editions of the incorporated material. Copies of these materials are available for public inspection by contacting:

Colorado Department of Human Services, Division of Aging and Adult Services, Manager, State Unit on Aging, 1575 Sherman Street, Denver, Colorado 80203; or any State Publication Depository Library.

D. Successfully completed the Registration Examination for Dietitians; and,
E. Accrued seventy-five (75) hours of approved continuing professional education every five years.

"Registered service" means a service that requires the collection of consumer demographic or other information as defined by the State Unit on Aging.

"Representative payee" means a person who is appointed by a governmental entity to receive, on behalf of an older adult who is unable to manage funds by reason of a physical or mental incapacity, any funds owed to the individual by the entity.

"Resident" means any older adult who is sixty (60) years of age or older, who is a current, prospective, or former patient or consumer of any long-term care facility.

"Rural" means any area that is not defined as urban.

"Screening" means the process of administering a standard instrument or tool to determine an older adult's needs.

"Single Entry Point" (SEP) means the availability of a single access or entry point within a local area where a current or potential long-term care consumer may obtain long-term care information, screening, assessment of need, and referral to appropriate long-term care programs and case management services.

"Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program" (SNAP) formerly known as 'The Food Assistance Program' provides food benefits to low-income households. Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards are issued and are used like cash at most grocery stores to buy food, ensuring that recipients have access to a healthy diet.

"State Unit on Aging" (SUA) means the unit in the State agency designated by the Executive Director to administer the Colorado State Plan on Aging including Older American Act programs. In Colorado, this agency is the Colorado Department of Human Services, Division of Aging and Adult Services.

"Subcontract" shall be defined the same as "contract", except that subcontracts are awarded by Area Agencies on Aging (AAA). An agency to which a contract is made by the AAA to provide services pursuant to the Older Americans Act requirements is a subcontractee.

"Sub-project sponsor" means a public or private nonprofit organization awarded funds and positions by the SUA to administer the Senior Community Services Employment Program within an agreed upon geographic area. It is used interchangeably with the terms sub-project and sub-contractee.

"Supportive services" means those services as described in these rules and as included in the State Plan on Aging.

"Swing bed" means hospital beds that can be used as either Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) or hospital inpatient levels of care on an as needed basis. The facility must receive approval from Medicare to provide post-hospital SNF care.

"Therapeutic diet" means

"Therapeutic diet" means a diet intervention ordered by a health care practitioner as part of the treatment for a disease or clinical condition manifesting an altered nutritional status, to eliminate, decrease, or increase certain substances in the diet (e.g., sodium, potassium).

"Title III" shall mean Title III of the Older Americans Act of 1965, codified at 42 U.S.C. Sections 3021 to 3030s-2. No further amendments or editions are incorporated. Copies of this code are available for inspection during normal business hours or by contacting: Division of Aging and Adult Services, Manager, State Unit on Aging, Colorado Department of Human Services, 1575 Sherman Street, Denver, Colorado 80203; or a state publications depository library.

"Title V" shall mean Title V of the Older Americans Act of 1965, codified at 42 U.S.C. Sections 3021 to 3030s-2. No further amendments or editions are incorporated. Copies of this code are available for inspection during normal business hours or by contacting: Division of Aging and Adult Services, Manager, State Unit on Aging, Colorado Department of Human Services, 1575 Sherman Street, Denver, Colorado 80203; or a state publications depository library.

"Title VI" shall mean Title VI of the Older Americans Act of 1965, codified at 42 U.S.C. Sections 3021 to 3030s-2. No further amendments or editions are incorporated. Copies of this code are available for inspection during normal business hours or by contacting: Division of Aging and Adult Services, Manager, State Unit on Aging, Colorado Department of Human Services, 1575 Sherman Street, Denver, Colorado 80203; or a state publications depository library.

"Title VII" shall mean Title VII of the Older Americans Act of 1965, codified at 42 U.S.C. Sections 3021 to 3030s-2. No further amendments or editions are incorporated. Copies of this code are available for inspection during normal business hours or by contacting: Division of Aging and Adult Services, Manager, State Unit on Aging, Colorado Department of Human Services, 1575 Sherman Street, Denver, Colorado 80203; or a state publications depository library.

"Transportation" (one-way trip) means going from one location to another in a vehicle. It does not include any other activity.

"Tribal organization", except for purposes of Title VI of the Older Americans Act, as defined at Section 10.120 "Definitions", means the recognized governing body of any Indian tribe, or any legally established organization of Indians, which is controlled, sanctioned, or chartered, by such governing body.

"Urban area" means a territory identified according to criteria that encompasses at least 2,500 people, of which at least 1,500 reside outside institutional group quarters.


12 CCR 2510-1-10.120
39 CR 01, January 10, 2016, effective 2/1/2016

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.