12 CCR 2510-1-10.418.2 - Colorado Legal Assistance Developer Responsibilities and Requirements [Rev. eff. 12/1/10]
The CLAD shall, personally or though representatives of the office, perform the following responsibilities and requirements in implementing a statewide Legal Assistance (LA) Program:
A. Establish and maintain a policy and
procedure manual in collaboration with the SUA and AAAs.
B. Oversee and coordinate statewide legal
assistance in planning, development, evaluation, and outcome measurement;
C. Provide technical
assistance, training, and support to the state, the AAAs, LA providers, and
Colorado Long-Term Care Ombudsman (CLTCO), as directed by the SUA.
D. Establish procedures to analyze, monitor,
and comment on:
1. The development and
implementation of federal, state, and local laws and regulations, and other
governmental policies and actions, pertaining to the health, safety, welfare,
and rights of adults, with respect to elder law; and,
2. Information and trends regarding the legal
concerns of older adults.
E. Promote and assist in coordinating the
provision of LA services;
Evaluate LA providers through formal on-site evaluations, self-assessments,
periodic reports, and other means of oversight;
G. Provide information and referral services
and/or legal advice to the public, as appropriate; and, H. Prepare an annual
report, as directed by the SUA.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.