3 CCR 708-1-10.12 - Investigations of Discrimination Charges Referred by the Colorado State Personnel Board

(A) General.

Whenever a certified state employee or an applicant for classified state employment files a consolidated appeal/dispute form alleging discriminatory employment practices with the Colorado State Personnel Board (hereinafter, the "Board"), the Board refers the employee or applicant to the Division for an investigation of the allegations of discrimination, unless the employee or applicant waives the investigation by the Division, pursuant to C.R.S. ยง 24-50-125.3. The procedures set forth in this Rule govern the practice and procedure for conducting such investigations.

(B) Time Limit for Filing Charges in Investigations Referred by the Board.

A Charging Party referred by the Board shall file a charge with the Division within the time limit specified by the Board. If the Charging Party fails to file a charge within said time limit, the Charging Party shall be deemed to have waived an investigation by the Division and the Division shall not conduct an investigation, unless the Charging Party shows good cause to the Board for failing to comply with the time limit.

(C) Advisory Opinion Only.

The Division shall conduct an investigation of allegations of discrimination referred by the Board within the time limits specified by the Law and these Rules. Upon conclusion of the investigation, the Director shall render an advisory opinion ("Letter of Opinion") to the parties and for information of the Board. The Division shall notify the parties that the Letter of Opinion is advisory only and that the final administrative disposition of the matter is within the discretion of the Board.

(D) Charge Limited to Allegations Contained in the Notice of Appeal.

The claims alleged in a charge of discrimination filed pursuant to an investigation referred to the Division by the Board shall be limited solely to those allegations of discriminatory employment practices contained in the consolidated appeal/dispute form filed with the Board. If the Board permits the Charging Party to consolidate multiple appeals alleging additional allegations of discriminatory or unfair practices, the Division shall permit the Charging Party to amend the charge accordingly.

(E) No Right to Sue Issuance.

Because the Division's processing of a charge referred by the Board does not exhaust administrative remedies, the Division may not grant a request for issuance of a right to sue notice to a Charging Party referred by the Board. At any time during the course of an investigation, however, the Charging Party may waive further investigation and request administrative closure by the Division, whereupon the Division shall return the matter to the Board for final disposition. Such request shall be in writing, signed by the Charging Party or the Charging Party's attorney.

(F) No Right of Appeal to the Commission.

A Charging Party referred by the Board for an investigation by the Division does not have a right of appeal to the Commission from a Letter of Opinion finding no probable cause. Upon issuance of the Letter of Opinion by the Director, the Division shall cease all processing of the charge and return a complete copy of the investigatory file and Letter of Opinion to the Board for final disposition.


3 CCR 708-1-10.12
37 CR 22, November 25, 2014, effective 12/15/2014 43 CR 12, June 25, 2020, effective 7/15/2020 45 CR 01, January 10, 2022, effective 1/30/2022 46 CR 04, February 25, 2023, effective 3/30/2023 46 CR 23, December 10, 2023, effective 12/30/2023

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