A. Section 24-60-3601 et seq., C.R.S., applies to licensees who have obtained expedited licensure through the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact.
B. Where Colorado is the licensee's state of principal license, as that term is identified in section 24-60-3602, C.R.S., any suspension proceeding shall follow the procedures identified within this Rule 280 for the statutory basis on which the suspension action issued.
C. In the event that another state is the licensee's state of principal license, and that principal state suspends the license of a Colorado licensee, then the licensee's Colorado license shall be automatically placed on suspended status, without further action necessary by an Inquiry Panel, pursuant to section 24-60-3602(10)(b), C.R.S.
1. In the event that the state of principal license terminates the suspension of the license or otherwise reinstates the license issued by the principal state, an Inquiry Panel will review the matter at its next regularly-scheduled panel meeting to determine whether to terminate the suspension of the license or to reinstate the license.
2. In the event that the Inquiry Panel does not terminate the suspension of the Colorado license following its review, the Inquiry Panel shall follow the procedures identified within this Rule 280 for the statutory basis on which the ongoing suspension action is based.
D. Where another member state, as that term is identified in section 24-60-3602, C.R.S., acts to suspend the license of a licensee, the licensee's Colorado license shall be automatically placed on suspended status, without further action necessary by an Inquiry Panel, pursuant to section 24-60-3602(10)(d), C.R.S.
1. The Inquiry Panel may maintain its suspension of the licensee's Colorado license for ninety days in order to investigate the basis for the action.
2. The Inquiry Panel shall follow the procedures identified within this Rule 280 for the statutory basis on which the suspension action issued.
3. The Inquiry Panel may terminate the suspension of the licensee's Colorado license prior to the conclusion of the ninety day period.


3 CCR 713-18.6
38 CR 24, December 25, 2015, effective 1/14/2016 40 CR 12, June 25, 2017, effective 7/15/2017 40 CR 23, December 10, 2017, effective 12/30/2017

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.