3 CCR 718-1-24 - Rules of board procedure

24.1 Declaratory orders.
24.1.1 Basis of declaratory orders. Any person may petition the board for a Declaratory Order to terminate controversies or to remove uncertainties as to the applicability to the petitioner of any statutory provision or of any rule or order of the board.
24.1.2 Board discretion in considering petitions. The board will determine, in its discretion and without notice to petitioner, whether to rule upon any such petition. If the board determines that it will not rule upon such a petition, the board shall promptly notify the petitioner of its action and state the reasons for such action.
24.1.3 Basis of board consideration of petitions. In determining whether to rule upon a petition filed pursuant to this Rule, the board will consider the following matters, among others.
(a) Whether a ruling on the petition will terminate a controversy or remove uncertainties as to the applicability to the petitioner of any statutory provision or rule or order of the board.
(b) Whether the petition involves any subject, question, or issue that is the subject of a formal or informal matter of investigation currently pending before the board or a court involving one or more of the petitioners.
(c) Whether the petition involves any subject, question, or issue that is the subject of a formal or informal matter or investigation currently pending before the board or a court but not involving any petitioner.
(d) Whether the petition seeks a ruling on a moot or hypothetical question or will result in an advisory ruling or opinion.
(e) Whether the petitioner has some other adequate legal remedy, other than an action for declaratory relief pursuant to Rule 57, Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure, that will terminate the controversy or remove any uncertainty as to the applicability to the petitioner of the statute, rule or order in question.
24.1.4 Requirements of petitioner. Any petition filed pursuant to this rule shall set forth all of the following.
(a) The name and address of the petitioner and whether the petitioner is licensed pursuant to section 12-120-201 et seq., C.R.S., or section 12-120-301 et seq., C.R.S.
(b) The statute, rule, or order to which the petition relates.
(c) A concise statement of all of the facts necessary to show the nature of the controversy or uncertainty and the manner in which the statute, rule, or order in question applies or potentially applies to the petitioner.
24.1.5 Applicable procedures. If the board determines that it will rule on the petition, the following procedures shall apply.
(a) The board may rule upon the petition based solely upon the facts presented in the petition. In such a case, the following applies.
(i) Any ruling of the board will apply only to the extent of the facts presented in the petition and any amendment to the petition.
(ii) The board may order the petitioner to file a written brief, memorandum, or statement of position.
(iii) The board may set the petition, upon due notice to the petitioner, for a non-evidentiary hearing.
(iv) The board may dispose of the petition on the sole basis of the matters set forth in the petition.
(v) The board may request the petitioner to submit additional facts, in writing. In such event, such additional facts will be considered as an amendment to the petition.
(vi) The board may take administrative notice of facts pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act (Section 24-4-105(8), C.R.S.) and may utilize its experience, technical competence, and specialized knowledge in the disposition of the petition.
(vii) If the board rules upon the petition without a hearing, it shall promptly notify the petitioner of its decision.
(b) The board may, in its discretion, set the petition for hearing, upon due notice to petitioner, for the purpose of obtaining additional facts or information or to determine the truth of any facts set forth in the petition or to hear oral argument on the petition. The notice to the petitioner setting such hearing shall set forth, to the extent necessary, that the petitioner shall have the burden of proving all of the facts stated in the petition, all of the facts necessary to show the nature of the controversy or uncertainty and the manner in which the statute, rule, or order in question applies or potentially applies to the petitioner, and any other facts the petitioner desires the board to consider.
24.1.6 Parties to the proceeding. The parties to any proceeding pursuant to this Rule shall be the board and the petitioner. Any other person may seek leave of the board to intervene in such a proceeding, and leave to intervene will be granted at the sole discretion of the board. A petition to intervene shall set forth the same matters as required by Rule 24.1.4. Any reference to a "petitioner" in this Rule also refers to any person who has been granted leave to intervene by the board.
24.1.7 Standing of declaratory orders. Any Declaratory Order or other order disposing of a petition pursuant to this Rule shall constitute an agency action subject to judicial review pursuant to section 24-4-106, C.R.S.

Annex F Combustion engine(s) and fuel handling

F.1.4 Machine rooms

Prior to April 15, 2019:

Machine rooms of existing installations shall come in to compliance prior to November 1, 2025.

F.3.1(c) Evacuation power unit.

Prior to December 2, 2002:

Existing installations shall come in to compliance prior to November 1, 2025.

F.3.1(d) Evacuation power unit.

Prior to July 15, 2023:

Existing installations shall be come in to compliance prior to November 1, 2025.

F.4.1 Structural members used as fuel tanks.

Prior to October 15, 2001:

Not required.

F.4.3 Provisions for internal corrosion.

Prior to October 15, 2001:

Not required.

F.4.7.12 Fill pipes and discharge lines.

Prior to October 15, 2001:

Not required.

Annex G Welded link chain

G.1.1 Chain Specifications.

Prior to May 15, 2006:

Not required.

G.1.2 Breaking strength.

Prior to May 15, 2006:

Not required.

G.1.3 Test procedures.

Prior to May 15, 2006:

Not required.

G.1.4 Chain test reports.

Prior to May 15, 2006:

Not required.

Annex H Reserved

Annex I Reserved

Annex J Reserved

Annex K Reserved

Annex L Reserved

Annex M Reserved

Annex N Reserved

Annex O Reserved

Annex P Reserved

Annex Q Reserved

Annex R Protection, Operation, and Supervision Circuits

Note: This Annex is only applicable for lifts installed or relocated prior to April 15, 2019. For lifts installed after April 15, 2019, refer to Sections 2-7 as appropriate for the installation.

R.2.2 Aerial Tramway Protection, Operation, and Supervision Circuits

Timeframes relate to the ropeway installation date or modification date whichever controls, unless otherwise noted.

R.2.2.2 Electrical system circuit design and classification

May 15, 2006 to Present:

The designer or aerial tramway manufacturer responsible for the design shall identify and classify any new electrical circuits not already classified as protection circuits, operation circuits, or supervision circuits.

Prior to May 15, 2006:

Not required

R. Circuit priority

May 15, 2006 to Present:

Protection circuits shall have priority over all other circuits. Operation circuits shall have priority over supervision circuits. If any circuit's function is connected to circuits of a higher level of protection, it shall be classified at the higher level.

Prior to May 15, 2006:

Not required

R.2.2.3 Protection circuits

May 15, 2006 to Present:

Electrical circuits designed to stop the aerial tramway in the event of a malfunction or failure of the aerial tramway system shall be classified protection circuits. All aerial tramway systems shall contain two or more protection circuit(s) at least one of which shall be designated the emergency shutdown circuit (see R. Protection circuits shall be energized to permit system operation and when de-energized shall initiate a stop, or shall be of such design to provide the equivalent level of protection.

A protection circuit may include one or more non- complex elements (see 1.4 - non-complex elements) and/or complex electronic elements (see 1.4 - complex electronic elements). The designer shall make use through continuous diagnostic coverage (see 1.4 - continuous diagnostic coverage) that the failure of a complex electronic element will cause the aerial tramway to stop or prevent the next departure unless another element in the protection circuit is performing the same function (redundancy). If functional redundancy is implemented, the failure of the first element must be annunciated, at a minimum, at the beginning of operations on a daily basis.

The designer or manufacturer shall develop procedures and frequency for testing protection circuits. As a minimum, all protection circuits shall be calibrated and tested annually.

Protection circuits include, but are not limited to:

a) emergency shutdown (see R.;
b) carriage overtravel detection device (see R..;
c) tension system fault (see R.;
d) deropement circuit(s) (see R.;
e) brake system (see R.;
f) overspeed (see R..;
g) speed regulation check points (see R.;
h) cabin door fault (see;
i) track cable brake application detection (see

Prior to May 15, 2006:

The following automatic stop devices or systems shall be installed:

a) speed regulation check points (see R.;
b) carriage overtravel detection device (see R..;
c) tension system fault (see R.;
d) A device that will be actuated by the application of a track cable brake. These devices shall effect an emergency shutdown (see R.;
e) A device that will stop the aerial tramway in the event a cabin door is not closed (see;
f) overspeed (see R..;
g) brake system (see R.;
h) deropement circuit(s) (see R.;
R. Emergency shutdown circuit

All aerial tramway systems shall include at least one protection circuit labeled "emergency shutdown circuit" (see 1.4 - emergency shutdown). The shutdown shall have priority over all other control stops or commands. If, for any reason, the operator has lost control of the aerial tramway while using the operating control circuitry, the controls shall include an emergency shutdown circuit allowing the operator/attendant to stop the aerial tramway. Any one of the following conditions is considered a loss of control of an aerial tramway:

a) Aerial tramway will not SLOW DOWN when given the command to do so;
b) Aerial tramway will not STOP when given the command to do so;
c) Aerial tramway OVERSPEEDS beyond control settings and/or maximum design speed;
d) Aerial tramway ACCELERATES faster than normal design acceleration;
e) Aerial tramway SELF-STARTS or SELF- ACCELERATES without the command to do so;
f) Aerial tramway REVERSES direction unintentionally and without the command to do so.
R. Carriage overtravel

An overtravel sensing device shall be installed that will stop the system if a carriage travels beyond its normal stopping location.

R. Tension system

Active tension systems, (i.e. counterweight, hydraulic, etc.) shall have a protection device(s) that will stop the aerial tramway when the tension system exceeds its range of normal operation.

EXCEPTION - Track cable counterweight overtravel switches can be programmed to allow the trip to continue and lock out the next trip. Activation of the switch shall be continuously annunciated at the operator's position.

R. Deropement detection

Bicable systems shall have a system or device that will initiate a stop if the following is detected:

a) the haul rope comes in contact with the track cable(s), other ropes, communication lines, or grounded equipment;
b) the track cable leaves the saddle into the cable catcher.
R. Braking system

May 15, 2006 to Present:

Braking systems must meet the requirements of

Prior to May 15, 2006:

Braking systems must meet the requirements of An automated stop device shall be installed that will be actuated by the application of a track cable brake. These devices shall effect an emergency shutdown;

R. Overspeed

May 15, 2006 to Present:

If the rope speed at the drive terminal exceeds the design speed by 10%, the service brake shall slow and stop the aerial tramway automatically.

A system or device shall be installed that will automatically apply the bullwheel brake when the speed of the haul rope exceeds the design value by 15% in either direction.

Prior to May 15, 2006:

The following automatic stop devices or systems shall be installed: A mechanical overspeed device mounted on the driving sheave shall affect an emergency shutdown in the event of a 15% overspeed.

R. Reserved
R. Speed regulation check points

May 15, 2006 to Present:

A redundant device or system shall initiate a stop in the event manual or automatic speed regulation fails to reduce aerial tramway speeds to the designed values in the station and tower approach zones.

Prior to May 15, 2006:

The following automatic stop devices or systems shall be installed: A device(s) that will be actuated in the event manual or automatic controls fail to reduce aerial tramway speeds to design values at critical control points along the line.

R.2.2.4 Operation circuits

An operation circuit is a circuit that provides power to or controls the aerial tramway machinery.

The designer or manufacturer shall identify the operation circuits that require periodic testing and develop procedures and frequency for testing. At a minimum, all operation circuits shall be tested and calibrated annually.

Operation circuits include, but are not limited to:

a) power circuits;
b) drive fault circuits;
c) normal stop (see 1.4 - normal stopand;
d) speed command circuits (i.e., fast, slow, etc.);
e) power unit interlock (see;
R.2.2.5 Supervision circuits

Supervision circuits include all communications systems. In addition, supervision circuits may be provided to monitor or supervise the performance of various aerial tramway systems or provide the aerial tramway operator with system information.

The designer or manufacturer shall identify supervision circuits that require periodic testing and develop procedures and frequency for testing supervision circuits. At a minimum, all supervision circuits shall be calibrated and tested annually.

Supervision circuits may include, but are not limited to:

a) telephone and sound powered systems (see;
b) information display circuits;
c) audible warning devices (see 2.2.9);
d) overhead cable supervision (see;
e) wind speed and direction sensors and display units;
f) gearbox oil pressure, oil flow and temperature;
g) pneumatic and hydraulic tension system pressure (see R.;
h) unauthorized passenger on platform detection;
i) acceleration/deceleration error (see R.
R. Pneumatic and hydraulic tension systems

When pneumatic or hydraulic tension systems are used, pressure-sensing devices shall also be incorporated that will stop the aerial tramway system in case the operating pressure goes above or below the design pressure range. Such pressure-sensing devices shall be located close to the actual tensioning device. It shall not be possible to isolate the pressure sensor from the actual tensioning device.

R. Acceleration and speed monitoring

May 15, 2006 to Present:

The rate of acceleration and deceleration of the aerial tramway shall be monitored. In the event that the acceleration or deceleration exceeds the provisions of, the aerial tramway shall stop and annunciate the error.

Prior to May 15, 2006:

Not required

R.3.2 Detachable Grip Aerial Lift Protection, Operation, and Supervision Circuits

Timeframes relate to the ropeway installation date or modification date whichever controls, unless otherwise noted.

R.3.2.2 Electrical system circuit design and classification

May 15, 2006 to Present:

The designer or manufacturer responsible for the design shall identify and classify any new electrical circuits not already classified as protection circuits, operation circuits, or supervision circuits.

Prior to May 15, 2006:

Not required

R. Circuit priority

May 15, 2006 to Present:

Protection circuits shall have priority over all other circuits. Operation circuits shall have priority over supervision circuits. If any circuit's function is connected to circuits of a higher level of protection, it shall be classified at the higher level.

Prior to May 15, 2006:

Not required

R.3.2.3 Protection circuits

May 15, 2006 to Present:

Electrical circuits designed to stop the aerial lift in the event of a malfunction or failure of the aerial lift system shall be classified protection circuits. All aerial lift systems shall contain two or more protection circuit(s) at least one of which shall be designated the emergency shutdown circuit (see R. Protection circuits shall be energized to permit system operation and when de- energized shall initiate a stop, or shall be of such design to provide the equivalent level of protection.

A protection circuit may include one or more non- complex elements (see 1.4 - non-complex elements) and/or complex electronic elements (see 1.4 - complex

electronic elements). The designer shall make use through continuous diagnostic coverage (see 1.4 - continuous diagnostic coverage) that the failure of a complex electronic element will cause the aerial lift to stop unless another element in the protection circuit is performing the same function (redundancy). If functional redundancy is implemented, the failure of the first element must be annunciated, at a minimum, at the beginning of operations on a daily basis.

The designer or manufacturer shall develop procedures and frequency for testing protection circuits. As a minimum, all protection circuits shall be calibrated and tested annually.

Protection circuits include, but are not limited to:

a) emergency shutdown (see R.;
b) stop gate (see R.;
c) tension system fault (see R.;
d) deropement circuit(s) (see R.;
e) brake system (see R.;
f) overspeed (see R.;
g) rollback detection device (see R.;
h) anti-collision (see R.;
k) grip force fault (see R.;
l) improper grip attachment, detachment (see R.;
m) stop cord.

Prior to May 15, 2006:

The following automatic stop devices or systems shall be installed:

a) improper grip attachment (see R.;
b) improper grip detachment (see R.;
c) tension system fault (see R. and R.;
d) anti-collision (see R.;
e) Carrier spacing system (see R. and;
f) overspeed (see R.;
g) stop gate (see R.;
R. Emergency shutdown circuit

All aerial lift systems shall include at least one protection circuit labeled emergency shutdown circuit (see 1.4 - emergency shutdown). The shutdown shall have priority over all other control stops or commands. If, for any reason, the operator has lost control of the aerial lift while using the operating control circuitry, the controls shall include an emergency shutdown circuit allowing the operator/attendant to stop the aerial lift. Any one of the following conditions is considered a loss of control of an aerial lift:

a) Aerial lift will not SLOW DOWN when given the command to do so;
b) Aerial lift will not STOP when given the command to do so;
c) Aerial lift OVERSPEEDS beyond control settings and/or maximum design speed;
d) Aerial lift ACCELERATES faster than normal design acceleration;
e) Aerial lift SELF-STARTS or SELF- ACCELERATES without the command to do so;
f) Aerial lift REVERSES direction unintentionally and without the command to do so.
R. Stop gates

On aerial lifts using chairs, an automatic stopping device beyond each unloading area are required where passengers wearing skis are required to disembark. The device shall automatically stop the aerial lift in the event a passenger rides beyond the intended point of unloading. The operation of the automatic stop device may be delayed or overridden momentarily by the operator or attendant.

R. Tension system

Active tension systems, (i.e. counterweight, hydraulic, etc.) shall have a protection device(s) that will stop the aerial lift when the haul rope tension carriage exceeds its range of normal operations.

R. Deropement detection

On each sheave unit, suitable deropement detection devices shall be installed and maintained that will stop the lift in case of deropement (see,

Bicable systems shall also have a system or device that will initiate a stop if the following is detected:

a) The haul rope comes in contact with the track cable(s), other ropes, communication lines, or grounded equipment;
b) the track cable leaves the saddle into the cable catcher.
R. Braking system

All braking systems shall be designed and monitored to ensure that they meet the requirements of (a) through (d).

R. Overspeed

If the line speed exceeds the design speed by 10%, the service brake, if installed, shall slow and stop the aerial lift automatically.

A system or device shall be installed that will automatically apply the bullwheel brake when the speed of the haul rope exceeds the design value by 15% in either direction.

R. Rollback detection device

The rollback detection device shall activate the rollback device and bring the aerial lift to a stop if unintentional reverse rotation occurs. The rollback device shall be activated if the haul rope travels in excess of 36 inches (915 mm) in the reverse direction.

R. Reserved
R. Anti-collision

A system shall be provided that will prevent carrier collision in the receiving and launching mechanisms. The system shall include devices that will automatically stop the aerial lift before any carriers can come together while they are in the decelerating or accelerating process (see

R. Grip force fault

If the gripping force of the grip falls below the minimum required, the design of the system shall include provisions to stop the aerial lift (see

R. Improper grip attachment, detachment
a) Device(s) that will stop the aerial lift in the event a carrier grip does not engage properly to the haul rope at every grip attachment point (see
b) Device(s) that will stop the aerial lift in the event a carrier does not disengage the haul rope properly at every grip disengaging point.
R.3.2.4 Operation circuits

An operation circuit is a circuit that provides power to or controls the aerial lift machinery.

The designer or manufacturer shall identify the operation circuits that require periodic testing and develop procedures and frequency for testing. At a minimum, all operation circuits shall be tested and calibrated annually.

Operation circuits include, but are not limited to:

a) power circuits;
b) drive fault circuits;
c) normal stop (see 1.4 - normal stopand;
d) speed command circuits (i.e., fast, slow, etc.);
e) carrier spacing system;
f) internal combustion engine speed control;
g) power unit interlock (see
R.3.2.5 Supervision circuits

Supervision circuits include all communications systems. In addition, supervision circuits may be provided to monitor or supervise the performance of various aerial lift systems or provide the aerial lift operator with system information.

The designer or manufacturer shall identify supervision circuits that require periodic testing and develop procedures and frequency for testing supervision circuits. At a minimum, all supervision circuits shall be calibrated and tested annually.

Supervision circuits may include, but are not limited to:

a) telephone and sound powered systems (see;
b) information display circuits;
c) audible warning devices (see 3.2.9);
d) overhead cable supervision ( see;
e) wind speed and direction sensors and display units;
f) gearbox oil pressure, oil flow and temperature;
g) pneumatic and hydraulic tension system pressure (see R.;
h) unauthorized passenger detection;
i) rope position detectors (see R.;
j) station carrier spacing system (see R.;
k) acceleration/deceleration error (see R.
R. Pneumatic and hydraulic tension systems

When pneumatic or hydraulic tension systems are used, pressure-sensing devices shall also be incorporated that will stop the aerial lift system in case the operating pressure goes above or below the design pressure range. Such pressure-sensing devices shall be located close to the actual tensioning device. It shall not be possible to isolate the pressure sensor from the actual tensioning device.

R. Rope position detection

May 15, 1994 to Present:

On aerial lifts where the carrier speed exceeds 600 feet per minute (3.0 meters per second), at least one device that senses the position of the rope shall be installed on each sheave unit. The device shall initiate a stop before the rope leaves the sheave in the horizontal direction or when the rope is displaced in the vertical direction by one rope diameter plus the distance that the rope is displaced vertically from the sheave by the grip (see

When the device that senses the position of the rope is the only deropement switch, it shall meet the requirements of a protection circuit as described in R.3.2.3. An aerial lift system may utilize a rope position detector as a supervision circuit as described in R.3.2.5 only if it has another deropement detection system that meets the requirements of a protection circuit.

Prior to May 15, 1994

Not required.

R. Carrier spacing system

Provisions shall be made to ensure that the station carrier spacing shall never be less that the distances specified by the designer (see

Devices shall be installed that will automatically initiate a stop in the event of abnormal carrier spacing in stations.

R. Acceleration/deceleration monitoring

May 15, 2006 to April 15, 2019:

The rate of acceleration and deceleration of the aerial lift shall be monitored. In the event that the acceleration or deceleration exceeds the provisions of, the aerial lift shall stop and annunciate the error.

EXCEPTION - Prime movers equipped with fluid couplings, centrifugal clutches, or wound rotor motors.

Prior to May 15, 2006

Not Required

R.4.2 Fixed Grip Aerial Lift Protection, Operation, and Supervision Circuits

Timeframes relate to the ropeway installation date or modification date whichever controls, unless otherwise noted.

R.4.2.2 Electrical system circuit design and classification

May 15, 2006 to Present:

The designer or lift manufacturer responsible for the design shall identify and classify any new electrical circuits not already classified as protection circuits, operations circuits, or supervision circuits.

Prior to May 15, 2006:

Not required

R. Circuit priority

May 15, 2006 to Present:

Protection circuits shall have priority over all other circuits. Operation circuits shall have priority over supervision circuits. If any circuit's function is connected to circuits of a higher level of protection, it shall be classified at the higher level.

Prior to May 15, 2006:

Not required

R.4.2.3 Protection circuits

May 15, 2006 to Present: Electrical circuits designed to stop the aerial lift in the event of a malfunction or failure of the aerial lift system shall be classified protection circuits. All aerial lift systems shall contain two or more protection circuit(s) at least one of which shall be designated the emergency shutdown circuit (see R. Protection circuits shall be energized to permit system operation and when de- energized shall initiate a stop, or shall be of such design to provide the equivalent level of protection.

A protection circuit may include one or more non- complex elements (see 1.4 - non-complex element) and/or complex electronic elements (see 1.4 - complex electronic element). The designer shall make use through continuous diagnostic coverage (see 1.4 - continuous diagnostic coverage) that the failure of a complex electronic element will cause the aerial lift to stop unless another element in the protection circuit is performing the same function (redundancy). If functional redundancy is implemented, the failure of the first element must be annunciated, at a minimum, at the beginning of operations on a daily basis.

The designer or manufacturer shall develop procedures and frequency for testing protection circuits. As a minimum, all protection circuits shall be calibrated and tested annually.

Protection circuits include, but are not limited to:

a) emergency shutdown (see R.;
b) stop gate (see R.;
c) tension system fault (see R.;
d) deropement circuit(s) (see R.;
e) brake system (see R.;
f) overspeed (see R. and 4.2.8(b));
g) rollback detection device (see R.;
h) stop cord (see R.4.2.9) as applicable.

Prior to May 15, 2006:

The following automatic stop devices or systems shall be installed:

a) stop gate (see R.;
b) deropement circuit(s) (see R.;
c) tension system fault (see R.;
d) overspeed (see R. and 4.2.8(b));
e) rollback detection device (see R.;
R. Emergency shutdown circuit

All aerial lift systems shall include at least one protection circuit labeled emergency shutdown circuit (see 1.4 - emergency shutdown). The shutdown shall have priority over all other control stops or commands. If, for any reason, the operator has lost control of the aerial lift while using the operating control circuitry, the controls shall include an emergency shutdown circuit allowing the operator/attendant to stop the aerial lift. Any one of the following conditions is considered a loss of control of an aerial lift:

a) Aerial lift will not SLOW DOWN when given the command to do so;
b) Aerial lift will not STOP when given the command to do so;
c) Aerial lift OVERSPEEDS beyond control settings and/or maximum design speed;
d) Aerial lift ACCELERATES faster than normal design acceleration;
e) Aerial lift SELF-STARTS or SELF- ACCELERATES without the command to do so;
f) Aerial lift REVERSES direction unintentionally and without the command to do so.
R. Stop gates

On lifts using chairs, an automatic stopping device beyond each unloading area shall be installed. The device shall automatically stop the aerial lift in the event a passenger rides beyond the intended point of unloading. The location of the stop device shall be in accordance with the following:

a) Intermediate stations: Required only when traffic is not permitted beyond the intermediate station. The device shall automatically stop the aerial lift in the event a passenger rides beyond the intended point of unloading;
b) Terminal unloading areas - Uphill and downhill: If danger to passengers or equipment would result in the event the passenger entered or passed around a terminal at full speed, the device shall be so located that the distance from the stopping device to the first obstruction or tangent of the bullwheel, whichever is less, is 150% of the distance required to stop with the aerial lift operating at maximum speed and the most unfavorable loading condition;

For actuating device(s) of the suspended type, the suspended portion shall be strong enough to cause release of the actuating devices in use under the most adverse conditions, and each side shall be detachable and shall interrupt the operating circuit when detached.

R. Tension system

Active tension systems, (i.e. counterweight, hydraulic, etc.) shall have a protection device(s) that will stop the aerial lift when the haul rope tension carriage exceeds its range of normal operations.

R. Deropement switches
R. Sheave unit

On each sheave unit, suitable deropement detection devices shall be installed and maintained that will stop the lift in case of deropement (see,

R. Bullwheel

Device(s) to stop the aerial lift if the haul rope departs the bullwheel from its normal running position.

R. Braking system

All braking systems shall be designed to ensure that they meet the requirements of through

R. Overspeed

If the line speed exceeds the design speed by 10% on an overhauling lift, the service brake, if installed, shall slow and stop the aerial lift automatically.

A system or device shall be installed that will automatically apply the bullwheel brake on an overhauling lift when the speed of the haul rope exceeds the design speed by 15% in either direction.

R. Rollback detection device

The rollback detection device shall activate the rollback device and bring the aerial lift to a stop if unintentional reverse rotation occurs. The rollback device shall automatically stop reverse rotation of the aerial lift before the haul rope travels in excess of 36 inches (915 mm) in the reverse direction (see

R.4.2.4 Operation circuits

An operation circuit is a circuit that provides power to or controls the aerial lift machinery.

The designer or manufacturer shall identify the operation circuits that require periodic testing and develop procedures and frequency for testing. As a minimum, all operation circuits shall be tested and calibrated annually.

Operation circuits include, but are not limited to:

a) power circuits;
b) drive fault circuits;
c) normal stop (see 1.4 - normal stop and;
d) speed command circuits (i.e., fast, slow, etc.);
e) internal combustion engine speed control;
f) power unit interlock (see;
R.4.2.5 Supervision circuits

Supervision circuits include all communications systems. In addition, supervision circuits may be provided to monitor or supervise the performance of various aerial lift systems or provide the aerial lift operator with system information.

The designer or manufacturer shall identify supervision circuits that require periodic testing and develop procedures and frequency for testing supervision circuits. As a minimum, all supervision circuits shall be calibrated and tested annually.

Supervision circuits may include, but are not limited to:

a) telephone and sound powered systems (see;
b) information display circuits;
c) audible warning devices (see 4.2.9);
d) overhead cable supervision (;
e) wind speed and direction sensors and display units;
f) gearbox oil pressure, oil flow and temperature;
g) pneumatic and hydraulic tension system pressure (see R.;
h) unauthorized passenger detection;
i) rope position detectors (see R.;
j) acceleration/deceleration error (see R.
R. Pneumatic and hydraulic tension systems

When pneumatic or hydraulic tension systems are used, pressure-sensing devices shall also be incorporated that will stop the aerial lift system in case the operating pressure goes above or below the design pressure range. Such pressure-sensing devices shall be located close to the actual tensioning device. It shall not be possible to isolate the pressure sensor from the actual tensioning device.

R. Rope Position Detection

On lifts where the carrier speed exceeds 600 feet per minute (3.0 meters per second), at least one device that senses the position of the rope shall be installed on each sheave unit. The device shall initiate a stop before the rope leaves the sheave in the horizontal direction or when the rope is displaced in the vertical direction by one rope diameter plus the distance that the rope is displaced vertically from the sheave by the grip (see

When the device that senses the position of the rope is the only deropement switch, it shall meet the requirements of a protection circuit as described in section R.4.2.3. A aerial lift system may utilize a rope position detector as a supervision circuit as described in section R.4.2.5 only if it has another deropement detection system that meets the requirements of a protection circuit.

R. Acceleration/deceleration monitoring.

May 15, 2006 to Present:

The rate of acceleration and deceleration of the aerial lift shall be monitored. In the event that the acceleration or deceleration exceeds the provisions of, the aerial lift shall stop and annunciate the error.

EXCEPTION: Prime movers equipped with fluid couplings, centrifugal clutches, or wound rotor motors.

Prior to May 15, 2006:

Not required.

R.5.2 Surface Lift Protection, Operation, and Supervision Circuits

Timeframes relate to the ropeway installation date or modification date whichever controls, unless otherwise noted.

R.5.2.2 Electrical system circuit design and classification

May 15, 2006 to Present:

The designer or lift manufacturer responsible for the design shall identify and classify any new electrical circuits not already classified as protection circuits, operation circuits, or supervision circuits.

Prior to May 15, 2006:

Not required.

R. Circuit priority

May 15, 2006 to Present:

Protection circuits shall have priority over all other circuits. Operation circuits shall have priority over supervision circuits. If any circuit's function is connected to circuits of a higher level of protection, it shall be classified at the higher level.

Prior to May 15, 2006:

Not required.

R.5.2.3 Protection circuits

May 15, 2006 to Present:

Electrical circuits designed to stop the surface lift in the event of a malfunction or failure of the surface lift system shall be classified protection circuits. All surface lift systems shall contain one or more protection circuit(s) at least one of which shall be designated the emergency shutdown circuit (see Protection circuits shall be energized to permit system operation and when de- energized shall initiate a stop, or shall be of such design to provide the equivalent level of protection.

A protection circuit may include one or more non- complex elements (see 1.4 - non-complex element) and/or complex electronic elements (see 1.4 - complex electronic element). The designer shall make use through continuous diagnostic coverage (see 1.4 - continuous diagnostic coverage) that the failure of a complex electronic element will cause the surface lift to stop unless another element in the protection circuit is performing the same function (redundancy). If functional redundancy is implemented, the failure of the first element must be annunciated, at a minimum, at the beginning of operations on a daily basis.

The designer or manufacturer shall develop procedures and frequency for testing protection circuits. As a minimum, all protection circuits shall be calibrated and tested annually.

Protection circuits include but are not limited to:

a) emergency shutdown (see R.;
b) stop gate (see R.;
c) tension system fault (see R.;
d) deropement circuit(s) (see R.;
e) brake system (if installed);
f) overspeed (if installed)
g) rollback detection device (if electrical).

Prior to May 15, 2006:

The following automatic stop devices or systems shall be installed:

a) stop gate (see R.;
b) tension system fault (see R.;
c) deropement circuit(s) (see R.;
R. Emergency shutdown circuit

All surface lift systems shall include at least one protection circuit labeled emergency shutdown circuit (see 1.4 - emergency shutdown). The shutdown shall have priority over all other control stops or commands. If, for any reason, the operator has lost control of the surface lift while using the operating control circuitry, the controls shall include an emergency shutdown circuit allowing the operator/attendant to stop the surface lift. Any one of the following conditions is considered a loss of control of a surface lift:

a) Surface lift will not SLOW DOWN when given the command to do so;
b) Surface lift will not STOP when given the command to do so;
c) Surface lift OVERSPEEDS beyond control settings and/or maximum design speed;
d) Surface lift ACCELERATES faster than normal design acceleration;
e) Surface lift SELF-STARTS or SELF- ACCELERATES without the command to do so;
f) Surface lift REVERSES direction unintentionally and without the command to do so.
R. Stop gates

Automatic stopping device(s) shall be installed beyond each unloading area to stop the surface lift if actuated by a person's passage.

For actuating device(s) of the suspended type, the suspended portion shall be strong enough to cause release of the actuating devices in use under the most adverse conditions, and each side shall be detachable and shall interrupt the operating circuit when detached. The location of the device(s) shall be in accordance with the following:

a) Intermediate unloading stations: Required only when passengers are not permitted beyond the intermediate unloading station. The device shall automatically stop the surface lift in the event a passenger or an unretracted towing device passes beyond the intended point of unloading;
b) Terminal unloading areas: Always required. The device shall automatically stop the surface lift in the event a passenger or an unretracted towing device passes beyond the stop gate. The stop gate shall be so located that the distance from the stop gate to the first obstruction is 150% of the distance required to stop the empty surface lift operating at maximum speed.

In no case may the grip travel more than two-thirds (2/3) of the distance from its position at the time the stop gate is tripped to the point where it would begin to pull a passenger in the reverse direction.

A device shall be installed on the down side of surface lifts to stop the surface lift in the event a towing outfit fails to retract. This device shall be located as near to the upper terminal as practical, but in no event be further downhill than opposite to the unloading area.

R. Tension system

Active tension systems, (i.e. counterweight, hydraulic, etc.) shall have a protection device(s) that will stop the lift when the haul rope tension carriage exceeds its range of normal operations.

R. Deropement switches

On each sheave unit, suitable deropement detection devices shall be installed and maintained that will stop the surface lift in case of deropement (see

R.5.2.4 Operation circuits

An operation circuit is a circuit that provides power to or controls the surface lift machinery.

The designer or manufacturer shall identify operation circuits that require periodic testing and develop procedures and frequency for testing. As a minimum, all operation circuits shall be tested and calibrated annually.

Operation circuits include, but are not limited to:

a) power circuits;
b) drive fault circuits;
c) normal stop (see 1.4 - normal stopand;
d) speed command circuits (i.e., fast, slow, etc.);
e) internal combustion engine speed control.
R.5.2.5 Supervision circuits

Supervision circuits include all communications systems. In addition, supervision circuits may be provided to monitor or supervise the performance of various surface lift systems or provide the surface lift operator with system information.

The designer or manufacturer shall identify supervision circuits that require periodic testing and develop procedures and frequency for testing supervision circuits. As a minimum, all supervision circuits shall be calibrated and tested annually.

Supervision circuits may include, but are not limited to:

a) telephone and sound powered systems (see;
b) information display circuits;
c) audible warning devices (see 5.2.9);
d) overhead cable supervision (;
e) wind speed and direction sensors and display units;
f) gearbox oil pressure, oil flow, and temperature;
g) pneumatic and hydraulic tension system pressure (see R.
R. Pneumatic and hydraulic tension systems

When pneumatic or hydraulic tension systems are used, pressure-sensing devices shall also be incorporated that will stop the surface lift system in case the operating pressure goes above or below the design pressure range. Such pressure-sensing devices shall be located close to the actual tensioning device. It shall not be possible to isolate the pressure sensor from the actual tensioning device.

R.6.2 Surface Lift Protection, Operation, and Supervision Circuits

Timeframes relate to the ropeway installation date or modification date whichever controls, unless otherwise noted.

R.6.2.2 Electrical system circuit design and classification

May 15, 2006 to Present:

The designer or tow manufacturer responsible for the design shall identify and classify any new electrical circuits not already classified as protection circuits, operation circuits, or supervision circuits

Prior to May 15, 2006:

Not required.

R. Circuit priority

May 15, 2006 to Present:

Protection circuits shall have priority over all other circuits. Operation circuits shall have priority over supervision circuits. If any circuit's function is connected to circuits of a higher level of protection, it shall be classified at the higher level.

Prior to May 15, 2006:

Not required.

R.6.2.3 Protection circuits

May 15, 2006 to Present:

Electrical circuits designed to stop the tow in the event of a malfunction or failure of the tow system shall be classified protection circuits. All tow systems shall contain one or more protection circuit(s) at least one of which shall be designated the emergency shutdown circuit (see Protection circuits shall be energized to permit system operation and when de- energized shall initiate a stop, or shall be of such design to provide the equivalent level of protection.

A protection circuit may include one or more non- complex elements (see 1.4 - non-complex element) and/or complex electronic elements (see 1.4 - complex element). The designer shall make use through continuous diagnostic coverage (see 1.4 - continuous diagnostic coverage) that the failure of a complex electronic element will cause the tow to stop unless another element in the protection circuit is performing the same function (redundancy). If functional redundancy is implemented, the failure of the first element must be annunciated, at a minimum, at the beginning of operations on a daily basis.

The designer or manufacturer shall develop procedures and frequency for testing protection circuits. As a minimum, all protection circuits shall be calibrated and tested annually.

Protection circuits include, but are not limited to:

a) emergency shutdown (see R.;
b) stop gate (R.;
c) tension system fault (if installed);
d) overspeed (see 6.2.7).

All automatic and manual stop and shutdown devices shall be of the manually reset type. An exception to this requirement is allowed for magnetic or optically operated automatic stop devices, if the operating circuit is such that it indicates that such devices initiated the stop and the circuit is of the manually reset type.

Manual stop switches (push button) shall be positively opened mechanically and their opening shall not be dependent upon springs.

Prior to May 15, 2006:

The following automatic stop devices shall be installed:

a) stop gate (R.;
R. Emergency shutdown circuit

May 15, 2006 to Present:

All tow systems shall include at least one protection circuit labeled emergency shutdown circuit (see 1.4 - emergency shutdown). The shutdown shall have priority over all other control stops or commands. If, for any reason, the operator has lost control of the tow while using the operating control circuitry, the controls shall include an emergency shutdown circuit allowing the operator/attendant to stop the tow. Any one of the following conditions is considered a loss of control of a tow:

a) Tow will not SLOW DOWN when given the command to do so;
b) Tow will not STOP when given the command to do so;
c) Tow OVERSPEEDS beyond control settings and/or maximum design speed;
d) Tow ACCELERATES faster than normal design acceleration;
e) Tow SELF-STARTS or SELF-ACCELERATES without the command to do so;
f) Tow REVERSES direction unintentionally and without the command to do so.

Prior to May 15, 2006:

Not required.

R. Stop gates

Automatic stop device(s) shall be installed at each terminal and beyond each unloading area to stop the tow if actuated by a person's passage.

For actuating device(s) of the suspended type, the suspended portion shall be strong enough to cause release of the actuating devices in use under the most adverse conditions, and each side shall be detachable and shall interrupt the operating circuit when detached.

The device shall be in accordance with the following as applicable:

a) Intermediate unloading areas: Required only when passengers are not permitted beyond the intermediate unloading area;
b) Terminal areas: Installed on the incoming side so that the distance from the stop gate to the first obstruction is more than 150% of the distance required to stop the empty tow operating at maximum speed. The stop device shall extend across the tow beneath the incoming rope and insofar as is practical the outgoing rope;
c) Fiber rope tows: Additionally, at unloading areas a device shall encircle the incoming fiber rope.
R.6.2.4 Operation circuits

May 15, 2006 to Present:

An operation circuit is a circuit that provides power to or controls the tow machinery.

The designer or manufacturer shall identify operation circuits that require periodic testing and develop procedures and frequency for testing. As a minimum, all operation circuits shall be tested and calibrated annually.

Operation circuits include, but are not limited to:

a) power circuits;
b) drive fault circuits;
c) normal stop (see 1.4 - normal stopand;
d) speed command circuits (i.e., fast, slow, etc.).

Prior to May 15, 2006:

Not required.

R.6.2.5 Supervision circuits

May 15, 2006 to Present:

Supervision circuits include all communications systems. In addition, supervision circuits may be provided to monitor or supervise the performance of various tow systems or provide the tow operator with system information.

The designer or manufacturer shall identify supervision circuits that require periodic testing and develop procedures and frequency for testing supervision circuits. As a minimum, all supervision circuits shall be calibrated and tested annually.

Supervision circuits may include, but are not limited to:

a) telephone and sound powered systems (see;
b) information display circuits;
c) Audible warning devices;
d) overhead cable supervision (

Prior to May 15, 2006:

Not required.

R.7.2 Conveyor Protection, Operation, and Supervision Circuits

Timeframes relate to the ropeway installation date or modification date whichever controls, unless otherwise noted.

R.7.2.2 Electrical system circuit design and classification

May 15, 2006 to Present:

The designer or manufacturer responsible for the design shall identify and classify any new electrical circuits not already classified as Protection Circuits, Operations Circuits, or Supervision Circuits

Prior to May 15, 2006:

Not required.

R. Circuit priority

May 15, 2006 to Present:

Protection circuits shall have priority over all other circuits. Operations circuits shall have priority over supervision circuits. If any circuit's function is connected to circuits of a higher level of protection, it shall be classified at the higher level.

Prior to May 15, 2006:

Not required.

R.7.2.3 Protection circuits

May 15, 2006 to Present:

Electrical circuits designed to stop the conveyor in the event of a malfunction or failure of the conveyor system shall be classified protection circuits. All conveyor systems shall contain one or more protection circuit(s) at least one of which shall be designated the emergency shutdown circuit (see Protection circuits shall be energized to permit system operation and when de- energized shall initiate a stop, or shall be of such design to provide the equivalent level of protection.

A protection circuit may include one or more non- complex elements (see 1.4 - non-complex element) and/or complex electronic elements (see 1.4 - complexelectronic element). The designer shall make use through continuous diagnostic coverage (see 1.4 - continuous diagnostic coverage) that the failure of a complex electronic element will cause the conveyor to stop unless another element in the protection circuit is performing the same function (redundancy). If functional redundancy is implemented, the failure of the first element must be annunciated, at a minimum, at the beginning of operations on a daily basis.

The designer or manufacturer shall develop procedures and frequency for testing protection circuits. As a minimum, all protection circuits shall be calibrated and tested annually.

Protection circuits include, but are not limited to:

a) emergency shutdown (see R.;
b) stop gate (if installed see R.;
c) tension system fault (if installed see;
d) belt transition stop device (see R.

Prior to May 15, 2006:

The following automatic stop devices shall be installed:

a) belt transition stop device (see R.
R. Emergency shutdown circuit

All conveyor systems shall include at least one protection circuit labeled emergency shutdown circuit (see 1.4 - emergency shutdown). The shutdown shall have priority over all other control stops or commands. If, for any reason, the operator has lost control of the conveyor while using the operating control circuitry, the controls shall include an emergency shutdown circuit allowing the operator/attendant to stop the conveyor. Any one of the following conditions is considered a loss of control of a conveyor:

Conveyor will not SLOW DOWN when given the command to do so;

a) Conveyor will not STOP when given the command to do so;
b) Conveyor OVERSPEEDS beyond control settings and/or maximum design speed;
c) Conveyor ACCELERATES faster than the normal design acceleration;
d) Conveyor SELF-STARTS or SELF- ACCELERATES without the command to do so;
e) Conveyor REVERSES direction unintentionally without the command to do so.
R. Stop gate

A stop gate, if installed, shall be located 5 feet (1.53 meters) plus 150% of the distance required to stop the empty conveyor operating at maximum speed from the leading edge of the belt transition stop device.

R. Belt transition stop device

May 15, 2006 to Present:

A belt transition stop device shall be provided. If an object continues to follow the belt past the belt transition stop device, the device shall move to relieve the pinch point and initiate the stop.

As a minimum, the belt transition stop device shall have the following features:

a) the leading edge of the device shall be marked with yellow and black warning stripes;
b) the device shall be designed to limit the maximum opening size between the leading edge of the device and the belt to 2.5 inches (64 mm);
c) a stop shall be initiated by a force on the transition device not to exceed 30 pounds (133 newtons). The activating force shall be applied tangentially to the belt surface at the leading edge of the belt transition stop device. See Figure 7-1;
d) the design of the device shall allow the operator to readily remove entangled objects. The conveyor shall be inoperable if the relief system is in use;
e) the distance between the belt surface and the belt transition device shall be minimized in the normal operating position;
f) the stop shall be initiated before the leading edge of the device moves 5/8 inch (15 mm) in the direction of its travel;
g) if the belt transition stop device is activated, the conveyor belt must stop within a belt travel distance of 12 inches (305 mm). At no time may the stopping distance be greater than 1/2 of the circumference of the drum;
h) there shall be no obstruction within 2.5 inches (64 mm) of the exposed top surface of the belt beyond the transition stop device for the distance equal to the lesser of 12 inches (305 mm) or 1/2 of the circumference of the drum.

Figure 7-1 Force Angle

Click to view image

Prior to May 15, 2006:

A belt transition stop device shall be provided. If an object continues to follow the belt past the belt transition stop device, the device shall move to relieve the pinch point and initiate the stop.

As a minimum, the belt transition stop device shall have the following features:

a) The leading edge of the device shall be marked with yellow and black warning stripes.

Exception: If the tramway utilizes rollers for the transition device, the yellow and black stripes are not required;

b) Reserved c) A stop shall be initiated by a force on the transition device not to exceed 30 pounds (133 newtons). The activating force shall be applied tangentially to the belt surface at the leading edge of the belt transition stop device. See Figure 7-1, above;
d) Reserved e) The distance between the belt surface and the belt transition device shall be minimized in the normal operating position;
f) The stop shall be initiated before the leading edge of the device moves 5/8 inch (15 mm) in the direction of its travel;
g) If the belt transition stop device is activated, the conveyor belt must stop within a belt travel distance of 12 inches (305 mm). At no time may the stopping distance be greater than 1/2 of the circumference of the drum;
h) If an object becomes entangled between the conveyor belt and the belt guard, the guard shall move to relieve the pinch point and initiate the stop. The guard shall be capable of moving the lesser of 5 inches (125 mm) or 150% of the distance required to stop the empty conveyor belt operating at full speed.
R.7.2.4 Operation circuits

An operation circuit is a circuit that provides power to or controls the conveyor machinery.

The designer or manufacturer shall identify operation circuits that require periodic testing and develop procedures and frequency for testing. As a minimum, all operation circuits shall be tested and calibrated annually.

Operation circuits include, but are not limited to:

a) power circuits;
b) drive fault circuits;
c) normal stop (see 1.4 - normal stopand;
d) speed command circuits (i.e., fast, slow, etc.).
R.7.2.5 Supervision circuits

Supervision circuits include all communications systems. In addition, supervision circuits may be provided to monitor or supervise the performance of various conveyor systems or provide the conveyor operator with system information.

The designer or manufacturer shall identify supervision circuits that require periodic testing and develop procedures and frequency for testing supervision circuits. As a minimum, all supervision circuits shall be calibrated and tested annually.

Supervision circuits may include, but are not limited to:

a) telephone and sound powered systems (see;
b) information display circuits;
c) audible warning devices.


3 CCR 718-1-24
37 CR 11, June 10, 2014, effective 7/1/2014 37 CR 18, September 25, 2014, effective 11/1/2014 38 CR 06, March 25, 2015, effective 5/1/2015 38 CR 18, September 25, 2015, effective 11/1/2015 40 CR 06, March 25, 2017, effective 5/15/2017 40 CR 11, June 10, 2017, effective 7/1/2017 42 CR 05, March 10, 2019, effective 4/15/2019 46 CR 12, June 25, 2023, effective 7/15/2023

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.