4 CCR 737-1.12 - OCCUPATIONAL CREDENTIAL PORTABILITY PROGRAM (C.R.S. section section 12-245-207, 12-20-202(3))

A. General. To be considered for licensure by endorsement pursuant to the Occupational Credential Portability Program pursuant to sections 12-20-202(3) and 12-245-207, C.R.S., an applicant must submit a completed application form, all supporting documentation, and the appropriate fee.
B. Complaints/inquiries, investigations, disciplinary actions. The Board may decline to issue a license to an applicant for licensure by endorsement pursuant to the Occupational Credential Portability Program if the Board demonstrates by a preponderance of evidence, after notice and opportunity for a hearing, that the applicant:
1. Lacks the requisite substantially equivalent education, experience, or credentials to practice professional counseling; or
2. Has committed an act that would be grounds for disciplinary action under the law governing the practice of professional counseling.
C. Criteria. In accordance with section 12-20-202(3), C.R.S., an applicant who possesses a current and unrestricted license, in good standing, to practice professional counseling in another state or United States territory or through the federal government, or who holds a military occupational specialty, as defined in section 24-4-201, C.R.S., may apply to the Board for licensure by endorsement pursuant to the Occupational Credential Portability Program. To apply for endorsement, the applicant must satisfy the following criteria:
1. Applicant submits to the Board:
a. Satisfactory proof that:
(1) Applicant holds a master's or doctoral degree in professional counseling from an accredited program or holds a master's or doctoral degree from a program that was equivalent to an accredited program in professional counseling as provided under Rule 1.14 ;
(2) At the time of application for a Colorado license by endorsement, the applicant attests to having passed an examination, the content of which tested competence to practice professional counseling, including special knowledge and skills in psychotherapy; and
(3) Applicant attests that s/he had at least two years of post- master's or one year of post-doctoral practice in psychotherapy or professional counseling under supervision prior to licensure, certification, listing or registration in the jurisdiction through which the applicant seeks licensure in Colorado and that that post-degree experience hours obtained for licensure in another jurisdiction has substantially similar requirements to what is outlined in Board Rule 1.14 Licensure by Examination; or the applicant attests to the Board her/his active practice of professional counseling for two years (as defined below), OR
b. Satisfactory proof that the applicant has held for at least one year a current and unrestricted license, in good standing, to practice professional counseling in another jurisdiction with a scope of practice that is substantially similar to the scope of practice for licensed professional counselors pursuant to Part 6 of the Mental Health Practice Act.
2. Applicant must attest that they:
a. Have reported to the Board any injunction entered against her/him and any injunctive action pending against her/him on any license.
b. Have reported any malpractice judgment, settlement, or claim, and any pending action or claim.
c. Have reported any pending complaint, investigation, or disciplinary proceeding before the licensing, grievance, or disciplinary Board of any jurisdiction in which a license, registration or certification to practice professional counseling is held and where the complaint, investigation, or proceeding concerns the practice of professional counseling.
d. Have reported any applicable misdemeanor or felony conviction(s).
e. Have reported to the Board any prior disciplinary action by another jurisdiction.
3. Applicant submits verification of licensure from each jurisdiction(s) in which, and each federal agency or military branch through which, applicant has ever been licensed, registered, listed or certified to practice professional counseling. The verification can be retrieved by the applicant from the jurisdiction's or federal government agency's website as long as the following information is included and can be verified if necessary:
a. Date license was originally issued.
b. Date of license expiration.
c. Disciplinary history, if applicable. If the complete information is not available, then the Verification of License Form must be completed by each state and federal agency or military branch, as applicable.
4. Applicant submits proof that he/she is at least twenty-one years of age.
5. As used in this Rule, "Active practice of professional counseling" means the applicant has engaged in the practice of professional counseling at least twenty hours per week, averaged over the entire time s/he has been in practice, with no more than a six-month absence from the practice of professional counseling. If the applicant has taught professional counseling, the applicant may count the hours spent teaching professional counseling (including time spent in preparation, in meeting with students, and in related activities) as hours of active practice of professional counseling provided such teaching was in courses in the same or similar field of professional counseling as the competence area claimed by the applicant; teaching of professional counseling shall not count more than one-third of the number of active practice hours claimed by applicant.
D. Jurisprudence Examination. Each applicant shall pass a Board developed jurisprudence examination.


4 CCR 737-1.12
39 CR 04, February 25, 2016, effective 3/16/2016 43 CR 20, October 25, 2020, effective 11/14/2020 44 CR 07, April 10, 2021, effective 4/30/2021 44 CR 15, August 10, 2021, effective 8/30/2021 44 CR 19, October 10, 2021, effective 10/30/2021 45 CR 18, September 25,2022, effective 9/2/2022 45 CR 22, November 25, 2022, effective 12/15/2022

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